Greetings and Best Wishes,
No one has valid scientific evidence to show that "avian influenza virus" H5N1 (or any other alleged “virus”) even exists.
Here is a Notice of Conditional Acceptance for farmers (to be adapted for your own “country”), thanks to Calvin Perrins and Michael O'Bernicia:
NOCA Demanding Evidence That Bird Flu Has Been Proven To Exist:
Freedom of Information Responses
November 1, 2021:
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that they have no record describing purification of any “influenza virus” from a patient sample by any method, by anyone, anywhere on the planet:
May 5, 2022:
The geniuses at U.S. CDC and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry confirmed that a search of their records failed to find any that describe anyone on Earth finding any alleged “avian influenza virus” in the bodily fluids (which includes milk) or tissue of any diseased “host” (animal or human) and purifying “it”
… which would be necessary for valid sequencing, characterization and for scientifically studying the purported particle with valid controlled experiments in order to see if it fits the definition of a "virus":
May 10, 2023:
The “experts” at Canadian Food Inspection Agency confessed to having zero scientific proof of the existence of any alleged “virus” that they claim has ever affected livestock in Canada.
Response, pgs 15/16:
“We have been assured by responsible officials of the Agency that no documents exist concerning the requested information.”
Excel file of 655 unscientific “virus” studies:
May 20, 2022:
Public Health Agency of Canada confirmed that they have no record of any alleged “avian influenza virus” having been found in and purified from the bodily fluid (which includes milk) or tissue or excrement of any diseased “host” on the planet (in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with valid controlled experiments) by anyone, anywhere, ever.
Insanely, they insisted that:
1) “viruses” are in so-called “hosts” despite their utter inability to find them there,
2) it’s necessary to “grow viruses” in non-host cells (as if “they” would “grow” better there than they allegedly “grew” in the dis-eased host LOL), and
3) they pretended that mixing complex substances together = purification.
December 20, 2021:
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) confirmed that they have no record of any alleged “virus” having been purified from a sample taken from any diseased human on Earth, by anyone, ever, period.
PHAC then gave a red herring excuse, implying that my request had ruled out studies wherein any other medium was used to achieve purification, when it had only ruled out addition of genetic material.
PHAC then claimed that “isolation in cell culture” (an oxymoron) is the gold standard for determining the presence of “intact virus”, and applied circular reasoning by asserting that stressed cells breaking down are evidence of a “virus” since a “virus” would cause cells to break down – which is on par with asserting that finding presents under a Christmas tree is the gold standard evidence for the presence of Santa Claus.
Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases has no record of any “influenza virus” being found in and purified from anyone, ever:
The “experts” at Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) came up empty and admitted that they have no records when asked for confirmation of pathogenicity using purified “influenza virus” or “avian influenza virus” particles:
April 21, 2023:
UK Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) cannot show the existence of any "H5N1 virus" in birds
An anonymous man/woman with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), UK confessed to James Henderson that no one there has any record of anyone on Earth finding and purifying the alleged "H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus" from any dis-eased bird, ever, and thus they confessed to being unable to scientifically evidence "its" alleged existence since they know of no one obtaining a valid independent variable to even study.
According to the confession letter:
"APHA is an Executive Agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and also works on behalf of the Scottish Government, Welsh Government and Food Standards Agency to safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the environment and the economy."
April 4, 2023:
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control can’t prove the existence of “H5N1”
Vicky Lefevre, Head of Unit, Public Health Functions, ECDC, responding to my colleague, failed to provide or cite even 1 record of any alleged “H5N1 avian influenza virus” being found in and separated from the bodily fluid/tissue of any bird that supposedly died from “the virus” … in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with valid controlled experiments, aka “science”:
Below are links to further official confessions and failures from major institutions that have been added since I originally published this newsletter.
June 10, 2024:
"H5N1": Canadian Food Inspection Agency still can't find valid evidence that it exists
July 11, 2024:
'bird flu' hoax update: 🍁 FOI response from Canadian Food Inspection Agency shows that they have no scientific evidence of 'H5N1'.... not even a "genome"... and no scientific evidence of contagion:
July 29, 2024:
FDA confesses: zero scientific evidence of "avian influenza virus" or contagion... not even a "genome" found by anyone... anywhere
August 22, 2024, updated January 30, 2025:
US Department of Agriculture failed my official legal challenge to provide or cite scientific evidence of "avian influenza virus" existence and/or illness contagion, or even a “genome”… because it doesn't exist
September 11, 2024, updated January 18, 2025:
Nathaniel Erskine-Smith and a group of 'senators' have completely ignored my challenges posed to them in September 2024, re valid evidence showing the existence of any virus or contagion or even the 'genome' of an alleged virus, and as far as I'm concerned their tacit agreement has been established that none exists and virology is pseudoscience
January 27, 2025:
The “Scottish Government” confessed to having no scientific evidence of any bird flu virus: "we cannot provide information which we do not hold"
Below are more official ‘avian influenza virus’ confessions and failures from local/municipal institutions.
March 16, 2022:
Peterborough Public Health and Thomas Piggott, the man who acts as Medical Officer of Health, have no record describing anyone on Earth finding and purifying any alleged SARS, H5N1, “swine flu virus” aka H1N1, MERS, Ebola, or SARS-COV-2 “virus” from the bodily fluids of any diseased human, ever… or any study that in Thomas’ opinion proves the existence of any of those alleged viruses:
April 11, 2022:
Thomas Piggott, the man who acts as Medical Officer of Health at Peterborough Public Health (Ontario, Canada) has no scientific studies to show that the alleged “avian flu virus” even exists. The health unit was unable to cite even 1 record of “it” ever having been purified from any alleged host anywhere on Earth (which would be a necessary step in proving that an alleged virus does exist)… and doesn’t even have a copy of the testing protocol that was implemented to “confirm cases” in Peterborough.
The following local institutions in England also failed when challenged to provide or cite records of any “influenza virus” being found in and purified from anyone, ever:
Brighton and Hove City Council:
Nottingham City Council/Public Health:
Public Health at Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council:
Leicestershire County Council in the UK:
Derby City Council in the UK:
Hertfordshire County Council in the UK:
Rutland County Council in the UK:
London Borough of Bromley:
Derbyshire County Council in the UK:
Kirklees Council, UK:
Cheshire West and Chester Council, UK:
London Borough of Lambeth:
West Sussex, UK:
If you'd like to support my efforts, there is a paypal button at the bottom of my main FOI page, and I'm set up for email transfers (which work within Canada).
Recommended Reading/Viewing
***New book from Daniel Roytas (Humanley): Can You Catch a Cold***
Daniel discussed his book with Dr. Tom Cowan
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted — David Crowe and Torsten Engelbrecht
(translated) Interview with Stefan Lanka 27.10.2005 on "bird flu" and some related subjects
The Culling — Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
“The War on Birds is an extension of the War on Humanity.”
more “avian influenza virus” resources from Mike Stone at
Taking Away Your Chickens — Dr Sam Bailey
New Podcast: The Bird Flu Pandemic operation; what’s really going on? — Jon Rappoport
Dr Mark Bailey exposing the "Bird Flu" fraud in New Zealand on Reality Check Radio Breakfast show
Raw Milk at the Crossroads…. Again — Sally Fallon Morell
You’re Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza — Dr. Mike Yeadon (former VP of the respiratory division at Pfizer)
Theresa Tam’s Leaked Meeting Reveals H5N1 Launch — Dr. Sam Bailey
Bird Flu Predictive Programming - Peggy Hall
California's Bird Flu Emergency: Should You Be Worried? - Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Virology's Event Horizon — Dr Mark Bailey
“A commentary on why the virologists cannot perform valid control experiments with their cell culture techniques.”
Rethinking Antibodies: Challenging the Myth of Immunology - Amandha Vollmer
The Antibody™ - Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
The “Virus” Concept — Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
When You Wish Upon A "Bio-Weapon" — Dr Sam Bailey
Wuhan Lab Is A Limited Hangout -- Dr Mark Bailey Talks To Gareth Icke Tonight
The Infectious Myth Busted: Is Scarlet Fever Contagious? — Aldhissla recounts how even intentional injections of bodily fluid from diseased patients failed to transmit the dis-ease.
How the medical field lies with statistics! — Danni Møller
“They've been doing it since day 1”
Flashback: Measles trial, control experiments and the final exposure of corona"virus" farce — Kate Sugak talks with Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dean Braus
Flashback: Kate Sugak’s documentary The Final Refutation of Virology
Official Confessions/Evidence Confirm that Virology is Pseudoscience
(updated January 18, 2025)
My affidavit regarding the hundreds of freedom of information responses (FOIs) confirming the fraud and delusion of virology, with German and Greek translations:
Also at
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 225 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary “viruses” (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically "mock infected" cells (aka invalid controls) and computer-model "viral genomes":
3000+ pages of "virus" FOIs in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declarations re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don't exist and virology isn't a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,
I have finally blocked Tomas Hull because life is too short for his continual inane, disingenuous comments - which I have left visible.
"Public health" and food inspection actors in Canada will be gearing up their H5N1 hoax this week.
They have been fraudulently testing lactating cows for the imaginary "H5N1" (with a test that couldn't confirm the presence of a "virus" even if it had been shown to exist) and expect to start releasing the results and revving up the propaganda.
Video of a May 9th roundtable discussion featuring Theresa Tam, Bonnie Henry, Kieran Moore, etc:
Bizarrely, Theresa Tam invited me - presumably by accident - to the round table discussion with pseudoscientists and medical officers, etc from PHAC and Ontario, BC and Quebec. I got to sit in with no one questioning who I was or why I was there - lol.
Email invitations: