How about this study ?

Any pointers on what's wrong with this one?

Even though I get that they all use the same crappy protocols...


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"we examined the correlation between the threshold Cycle (Ct) value obtained from the rRT-PCR test and virus isolation in cultured cells, using 533 consecutive clinical specimens of COVID-19 patients."

Neither PCR or "virus isolation" techniques could possibly show the existence of a virus and hence any correlation is just a correlation between a fraudulent indirect test for a tiny targeted sequence (never shown to have any connection to any alleged virus, and possibly chosen b/c the perps knew they would detect it in some people) and cytopathic effects in cells that were stressed by the researchers.

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Hi Christine,

I saw a reply on Daniel Nagase's substack but can't reply on that one.  

So I came here, solely to post this comment if it will go through:

I suggest you contact Dr Sin Hang Lee at Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory.  His primary method is Sanger sequencing.

When his wife got a respiratory infection which was unusual, he PERSONALLY took mucosal swabs from her, and took them into his laboratory to try to work out what was making her sick.  He tested her mucosal swabs, and using Sanger sequencing, found a totally new variant of Cov-2 that was not in Genbank, and the FDA had not found.

I can't say for sure, but he might even be able to show you in his laboratory how he isolates viral gene sequences.

The reason I'm suggesting this is that in 2009, I  worked with Dr Lee relating to a girl who died after her Gardasil 4 vaccine, which is made with L2 protein from the envelope of specific viral types, and the protein sequences used by Merck have their own "fingerprint" so to speak, which tags them as "merck" patented..

Dr Lee was able to use blood samples sent to him to find and pin down the exact vaccine type, and L2 sequence, and a Canadian scientist was able to study brain samples and prove that THAT sequences was in her brain and caused the issue.  (He was also able to do this for a Canadian girl as well, though hers was a different L2 sequence.)

The girl (whose parents I had been helping)  didn't just

die suddenly, but died after a progressive deterioration in physical health and cognitive function, then died in the night.  The authorities maintained she had heart issue relating to Long QT syndrome, but conversely could find nothing at autopsy or after being tested for every possible gene problem relating to heart issues.  All those gene and other tests came up clean.  

Of course, the finding of the vaccine "fingerprint" was not "enough" to win the case for the girl, which was left open, solely because the parents didn't have the same gene testing done relating to heart issues, because they figured that if their daughter didn't have any of them, there was no point in them having them.  The court on the other hand, wanted to say that IF the parents both had those genes etc, then it didn't matter that the girl did not.

So solely for a procedural "failure" on the parents part, the cause of death was left open.  (Ironically the first judge who I believe would have found the vaccine did it, mysteriosly died during procedings and was replaced by another judge of a completely different mind set.)

So even when someone like Dr Lee can clearly identify the fingerprint of the L2 sequence which resulted in her physical and cognitive issues, and then death, the system won't accept that either.

The system will work the evidence to suit themselves.  If they think there is "no virus" proof they will say that.

However, Dr Lee does know what he's doing, and is one of the most specialised labs that does this work.  

And he is not some NHI minion, or FDA devotee.  He's a brilliant man, who escaped from China, and who is always a thorn in the side of everyone in the regulatory authorities' orbit.  They loathe him with a hatred that defies logic.

You might want to give him a call.

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No, Sin did not do that. This story is old "news", and thank God Mike Stone and Mark Bailey both took the time to write articles 2 years ago showing how false this claim is and so I don't have to:

The “Virus” of Sin - Mike Stone


Warning Signs You Have Been Tricked By Virologists… Again


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Given that I worked with him for several years and was party to what he did and was involved in getting the samples he needed, your comment exemplifies exactly what Daniel was talking about. The difference between you and me is simple. I was involved and you were not. But you think you know better.

Go and talk to Dr Lee. Not everyone else like you, who wasn't there and thinks they know best.

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Ha ha, nice appeal to authority with zero scientific evidence to back up your claims. Virology has always been pseudoscience. Prove me wrong if you can by citing a valid scientific study.

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Who was it above who said, " thank God Mike Stone and Mark Bailey both took the time to write articles 2 years ago showing how false this claim is and so I don't have to:"

I love that "I don't have to bit. Lazy as. YOU decided to appeal to and believe in the "authority" of Mike Stone and Sam Bailey who have never worked with Dr Lee, talked to him, or even seen what he does.... instead of going to Dr Lee yourself to ask the ultimate authority, Dr Lee?

Yes, having worked with Dr Lee, I do claim the authority to know that Dr Lee knows what he is doing. Have you worked with Dr Lee? No. Therefore your appeal to the authority of your accomplices means nothing.

I repeat. Go and talk to Dr Lee yourself.

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Thanks for your response.

(At least you don't need to be issued an FOI request to do so... lollll)

I already responded partially by showing that they are always trying to "isolate" things by making a big soup of different materials, which already makes no sense.

Plus I argued the fact that the FDA admits they didn't have a "specimen of the virus" in hands when they developed the test.

So to use the PCR RT test to "prove" the virus is identified or detected is plain ridiculous.


[Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed

and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with

characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of

known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and

viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.]

This quote comes from the FDA website on page 41.

(Performance characteristics)


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There are no viruses of any kind. Viruses are a fraud to bill the patient thousands of dollars for no diagnosis. There are no tests to detect the fraudulent viruses. But the patient will be billed for thousands of dollars.

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Excellent interview with top doctors about all things Pharma and medical tyranny.

https://rumble.com/v5f34v0-council-of-the-canceled-w-andrew-wakefield-mary-bowden-and-jack-kruse-nicol.html? Highly recommended.

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Excellent work. Learn about predictive programming on movies in my podcast here:


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Thanks Christine. Your work is astounding.

The Mpox scam is being pushed in South Africa too. Gov Health is advised by what was once a recognised scientific institution.

I posted this on the DearSA (Dear South Africa) telegram channel and referenced your post.

"I was at the CSIR yesterday when leaving the premises the Private Company security guard presented a document created by their employer the CSIR that they were not allowed to touch the car for security check and the Mpox was the issue behind it. Driver has to get out and open the car boot for inspection. Now this is supposedly a "scientific institution". One struggles to believe the indoctrination and lies emanating from it."


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Wow, this stupidity has to stop.

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You're one of my favorite new substacker.

Keep on the great work.

I share your stuff as much as I can, but of course, a lot of deniers throw everything and even the kitchen sink at me.

I can usually debunk all their idiotic links to fake studies showing alleged C19 isolations.

What about this one?


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The methods from that one have been highlighted on my FOI page since 2020 as a prime example of the stupidity of virology.

"Would a sane person mix a patient sample (containing various sources of genetic material and never proven to contain any alleged “virus”) with transfected monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs, then claim that the resulting concoction is “SARS-COV-2 isolate” and ship it off internationally for use in critical research (including “vaccine” and test development)? Because that’s the sort of fraudulent monkey business that’s being passed off as “virus isolation” by research teams around the world. Just 1 of many examples is shown below – this is from a study cited by the Australian Department of Health as a paper “which led to the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in culture“. (Can you spot the oxymoron in that quote?)"

It's the same old cell culture nonsense, and yes with the admission that they had to add trypsin (an enzyme that digests proteins) to get the "virions" to look spikey. Lol.

You can find more commentary on it here:


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Ah yes the good ole Monash study, absolutely absurd Antipodean analysis. Quote (from just above "box 3"); "Following several failures"....(SEVERAL!!)....to recover virions with the characteristic fringe of surface spike proteins, it was found that adding....(ADDING? to an isolate??)....trypsin to the cell culture medium immediately improved virion morphology." Morphology is "form & structure" or putting it simply, they added the digestive enzyme trypsin to the cell culture to get the "debris" from the death of cells (apoptosis) in the cell culture to "look like" the (ahem) Sars Cov-2 "virus"

Who would like to know a little more about Monash Hospital?

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Thanks for the reply Andy.

Here's a gift... ;)


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Excellent article. All pistons firing at the same time by publishing all stories/links in one go!!!! It's called hitting them with heavy ammunition commonly known as TRUTH. LET'S CONTINUE TO EXPOSE EXPOSE EXPOSE. I take time to READ All AND PRINT OUT AND STUDY ALL these documents. I ALO RECIRCILTE THE LITERALLY DOZENS OF TIMES, KEEP GOING THE HOUSE OF EVIL CDC, FDA, AND NIH CARDS IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN.

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Once again, good going, Christine. And you worded this one in a way that even the Grand Zuke cannot contend amounts to "false information." The FDA was unable to respond to your requests with *scientific evidence*, period!!

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There's something to be learned from the approach of the author in that we must learn to ask the right questions and subsequently publish the results and thus avoid it being labelled as misinformation which reveals that it's government that has deliberately put out misinformation.

Sarah's response is typical of public servants - the term public servant becomes misleading is that they do not serve the public at all but are catering to another hidden agenda.

We live in dark times where critics of 'authorities' have had their lives and careers ruined.

Freedom of expression is under attack all over the world - Social media [In Australala] are to be tasked with policing content posted on their platforms or risk a fine of 5% of global revenue - imo this constitutes Blackmail - See https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/free-speech-attacked-but-the-nsw

The proposed policing of the web was mentioned by civil liberties advocates prior to the last batch of free trade agreements.

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I yam NOT surprised, my Excellent Pal.

What a buncha LOSERS... And a good friend just reported to me that she and hubby just stopped off and got their Covid and Flu shots...



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Thanks, Gram. I'm afraid there are those who just can't "take it in" about the harm in store for them... They are still trusting these Evil doctors who surely must know what they're doing by now... It's all just so unbelievably ugly. But thanks, anyway!! xo

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Sep 15
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Your attitude mirrors those responsible for the madness...

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Shut UP. Your nastiness is not needed.

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Good job and next step is put it out on as many podcasts to create a class action against the FDA for it’s faulty advice to the poor buggers that got jabbed and mandated on their facetious and fallacious advice .

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And the countless clueless who are STILL GETTING JABBED...

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Darwin award recipients one and all .

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I really don't see the point of attacking stupid people for being VICTIMS of pathologically evil criminals. It's kind of pointless, isn't it?

I think it would be much better to EDUCATE THEM. I just haven't figured out HOW. But the general public DOES seem to be getting more willing to listen to the likes of us, if we are smart about what we say and how we say it...

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Good! You're hired. ;)

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People are not able to see what's going on, because Censorship.

Why is FEAR the #1 tool of the CIA and other malevolent entities? Because it WORKS.

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Sep 15
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Oh, nice, Keith. 😑

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You’re a truth warrior Christine. I commend you on your dedication and courage to demand the truth from so-called authorities. Bless you. 🙏

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Massive thanks again to the unstoppable Christine for shining a brilliant, unwavering light on the fraud of 'virology' and the useful idiots who 'blindly' perpetuate it. With each FOIA request, she strikes a devastating blow against this towering Fraud of the Ages, exposing the rot at its very core.

We salute you for tirelessly wielding your FOIA sword with the precision of a true warrior, slicing through the tangled web of Germ Theory's deceit. Your courage and relentless pursuit of truth slash through the lies with every swing, clearing the battlefield for all who seek genuine knowledge.

The Massey family motto: "Cutting through lies, lighting the truth"

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The instant I heard they wanted 75 years to release that report it doesn't take many dots ...court mandated release now...what were are they trying to hide. We know. Evil. They stand heada high. We acknowledge this world is fallen and call on His help head down humble. They are destroyers of the earth and His Creation. 13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’. btw right after that court mandated to release the info the war , another horse, was released in Ukraine

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Too bad these idiots are still murdering people with their BS.

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Scene: A dimly lit pub in Britain. Mr. Wise to… is seated next to Mr. ViroLiegist, who is nervously supping a pint of warm beer. Mr. Wise to…, grinning mischievously, leans over.

Mr. Wise to…: [Leaning in] “Ello, mate. You, er, work in ‘virology,’ do you?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [In a haughty, upper-class accent] Yes, that’s right.

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods eagerly, twiddling his thumbs] Ahhhh, virology, eh? Very important field, eh? [Winks] Isolate any ‘viruses’ recently? [Leans in closer] You know… isolate isolate, wink wink, nudge nudge?

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, we don’t really… isolate in the strictest sense.

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods knowingly] Oh, don’t you now, eh? Don’t really isolate, wink wink, say no more! So, uh, you get your little culture dish, and-what-throw in some monkey kidney cells, eh? Give it a little stir, nudge nudge?

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, yes, we introduce cell cultures -

Mr. Wise to…: Introduce, eh? [Winks dramatically] I’ll bet you do! Eh? [Leans in close, eyes wide] Cytopathic effects, eh? Lovely bit of destruction, wink wink, say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, yes, it’s just part of the process…

Mr. Wise to…: [Interrupts, grinning] Part of the process, eh? Process, eh? Mixing and matching, bit of this, bit of that – eh? All gets a bit complicated, don’t it? [Leans back, crossing his arms smugly] I bet there’s PCR involved, eh? Eh? Amplifying things that aren’t really, you know – wink wink, say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: We use PCR to -

Mr. Wise to…: [Leans forward, raising his eyebrows repeatedly] Ohhh, I bet you do! PCR – right between the old genes, eh? Amplify this, amplify that – nudge nudge, lovely bit of sequences, eh?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Awkwardly] Well, it’s to detect -

Mr. Wise to…: Detect, eh? [Grinning wider] Oh, I bet you detect all sorts of things! Bits of RNA floating about in the old soup, eh? No need for anything pure, eh? Just a bit of random genetic detritus, eh? You sly dog, you!

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, it’s not quite that simple -

Mr. Wise to…: Not that simple, eh? [Nudges him] Say no more! No need to complicate things, right? Just throw in some random sequences, patch em together, bit of guesswork, eh? Lovely bit of data stitching – wink wink! [Leans in] You ever, uh, publish any of that? Eh? Eh? Get a cheeky little grant for your trouble?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Hesitating] Well, I mean, we -

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods eagerly] Ohhhh, I bet you did, eh? Got your cheeky little funding, eh? [Elbows him harder] Lots of papers written, all about nothing in particular – eh? Just a bit of this, a bit of that – wink wink, nudge nudge! And all without really having seen the little blighter, eh?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Sputtering on his warm pint] Well, we have electron microscope images –

Mr. Wise to…: Oh, electron microscopes, eh? [Winks again, jabbing him with his elbow] Big ol’ blurry blobs, eh? Slap a few arrows on there, call it a virus, eh? Lovely bit of science, that! [Sits back, smug] Can’t argue with that, now, can you? Science at its finest, eh? Say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Confused] I -

Mr. Wise to…: [Leaning back in satisfaction] Ohhhh, you’re a sly one, mate. Absolutely love it! Nudge nudge, wink wink!

[Fade out, as Mr. Wise to… smirks knowingly and Mr. ViroLiegist squirms uncomfortably.]

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Ironic, the Python character said "say no more!", Christine's FOIAs show they can't!

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LOL 😀😀 and ... 🎯🎯🎯!!!!!!

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Absolute classic !

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Cheers, guv!! 🍻 MUCH APPRECIATED!! 👍💥

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He's right, you know.

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Oh my goodness, another gem :)

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👍💕🔔Huge thanks! Its surreal that after almost 200 hundred years of the broken germ theory paradigm, there's still no solid evidence to back it up. I couldn't help but wonder - how would the Monty Python crew handle this absurdity.

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"Virology is fine, it's just pining for the fjords."

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