FDA officially admits: we have zero scientific evidence of any virus of the Poxviridae family... or contagion... or even a genome
including any capripox virus... aka goatpox virus, sheeppox virus, lumpy skin disease virus
Greetings and Best Wishes,
A colleague requested that I file freedom of information (FOI) orders for valid scientific evidence showing the existence and pathogenicity of any/all supposed viruses in the "Poxviridae family".
The imaginary Poxviridae family has 2 imaginary subfamilies: Chordopoxvirinae and Entomopoxvirinae. The story goes that there are dozens of such viruses including variola (smallpox) virus, vaccinia virus, monkeypox virus, sheeppox virus, goatpox virus, raccoonpox virus, skunkpox virus…. The screenshot below shows a partial list.

And so, in order to expand upon our massive FOI evidence-base for never-shown-to-exist pox viruses and viruses in general, on November 19, 2024 I filed an order with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for all studies in the possession/custody/control of the institution, authored by anyone, anywhere, since January 1, 1900:
1. that scientifically prove/provide evidence of the existence of any alleged virus of the "Poxviridae family" (showing that the alleged particles with a specific "genome" and proteins exist and cause the illness/symptoms that they are alleged to cause),
2. or, that even describe purification of particles claimed to be any of said alleged viruses directly from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of so-called "hosts" with purification confirmed via EM images,
3. or, wherein the purported "genome" of any of these alleged viruses was found intact in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a so-called "host" (as opposed to fabricated/assembled in silico, aka a computer model),
4. or, that scientifically demonstrate contagion of any of the illnesses allegedly caused by any of these alleged viruses.
November 29, 2024:
Despite the fact that I had made things overly-easy for the “experts” by not requiring them to provide evidence that the purported particles hijack cells and replicate…
Sarah B. Kotler (“J.D.”) acting as Director, Division of Headquarters Freedom of Information, Office of Management and Enterprise Services, Office of the Commissioner, US Food & Drug Administration confessed in an email (“2024-10300”) and an attached letter (pgs 4-7) that the “experts” at FDA have no records whatsoever matching my order… authored by anyone, anywhere, since January 1, 1900:
Here are links to Sarah’s prior confessions regarding other criminal “virus” hoaxes in which she and others at the FDA are complicit:
monkeypox virus
avian influenza virus
Below is Sarah’s acknowledgement of my 3-month-old HPV FOI order - for which she has still not provided her final response:
(I do not know why Sarah’s “poxviridae” confession letter indicates that it was "digitally signed" by "Sarah B. Kotler -S" and have asked her about this, pg 8).
Note: this newsletter has also been sent to the “Reuters Fact Check Team” and ~200 people who work for “the state”, lamestream media, etc. at Canada, Isle of Man, England and the U.S., so they can’t claim later that they didn’t know.
Rest in Peace, Stefano Scoglio
On November 9, 2024 I was shocked and greatly saddened to learn of the passing of the truly remarkable and legendary Stefano Scoglio.
If you are not already familiar with Stefano’s incredible work on the covid hoax, “germs” more generally and “graphene”, I highly recommend having a look at some of his material. Links for some of his English content is collected here (and please let me know if you find any more).
I exchanged a few emails with Stefano earlier in the hoax - about which he was fiercely outspoken - but did not get to know him. Eric Coppolino did though, while preparing Stefano’s “graphene” article for publication. He has republished their interview on that topic, along with a tribute. Stefano will be greatly missed.
Stefano Scoglio, microbiologist, homeopath, Nobel nominee and scientific rebel Scoglio, a leading voice in the covid truth movement, also held a degree in law, and was a qualified astrologer. He was 67-years-old.
Recommended Reading/Viewing
What does the Bible say about GERMS? - Dr Sam Bailey
Divide and Conquer: Revisited & Expanded - Dawn Lester
The Wonder Twins - Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
"Super immunity powers activate!"
I was honoured to be invited for an interview with Professor Gloria Moss:
Problems and Solutions with guest Christine Massey 24TH November 2024
Dr. Mark Bailey also spoke with Professor Moss in August
The End of Virology (once again): Dr. Tom Cowan’s webinar, November 20th, 2024
Stories about “secret” “SV40 contamination” are making the rounds again, so here is a repost:
Shh! Don’t Mention SV40 - Dr Sam Bailey
Official Confessions/Evidence Confirm that Virology is Pseudoscience
My affidavit re the hundreds of freedom of information responses (FOIs) confirming the fraud and delusion of virology, with German and Greek translations:
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 225 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary “viruses” (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically "mock infected" cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated "virus genomes":
3000+ pages of "virus" FOIs in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declarations re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don't exist and virology isn't a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,
I've corrected the title... I'm so used to reporting on the CDC rather than FDA and was rushing... so embarrassed.
The CDC has never done anything to stop anything and is a gigantic waste of money. All it does is protect the corruption and lies of Pig Pharma. The CDC is the POX. Eradicate it.