Below is a link to new animal species discovered in 2024 alone. Unlike viruses and new viruses, there are actual isolated, live examples of these species that can be held, touched, and researched in real time. Their entire life cycles can be observed, and they can be dissected. Even if any of them were only found dead, their corpse stands alone as unique from any other known species on earth.

Virology has never isolated a virus. The illness that are attributed to them are akin to noticing a partially eaten leaf and inventing the creature that ate it based on only the size & shape of the marks on the leaf. They could write research papers about the species, draw up sketches, commission illustrations of the species in the wild eating a leaf. Now imagine that later on, other actual creatures are found eating the leaves real time, and leaving identical marks, the inventor (not discoverer) of the new species refuses to admit they were wrong, that they have not only have never seen their invented creature eating a leaf, they've never seen the creature, and thus cannot produce a living example of it. They would be exposed as and declared a fraud.

That's where we are with viruses. None can be isolated from a sick individual, let alone on surfaces or captured in ambient air around a sick individual or exiting their respiratory orifices. None exist in a test tube, petri dish, or blood sample. No government agency on earth has a record of an isolated virus. The electron microscope images purported to be viruses are of little oval things encased in resin that could be anything. That's it. That's all they have. Nothing.

And because scientific principles have not been adhered, virology is a pseudoscience.

One does not need a degree in medicine or science or anything else to identify a fraud, a long con, a scam.


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Great summary :)

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"None of these positions is helpful when they alienate from one another..." - grown adults can disagree and argue, it's hardly the end of the world. Sometimes it's necessary to get to the truth. If your top priority is not alienating anyone, you can just go along with the entire false narrative.

"... and from finding out what really made us sick and so finding what can help us get well again." Not sure if this is joke?? People who are convinced that a "virus" made them sick aren't trying to find out what really made them sick. The "virus" story serves as a cover story and distraction from what's really going on. You're literally arguing that's best not to address the official cause of the fake pandemic and figure out whether or not it was true, in the name of finding out what really makes people sick and how to get well. It makes zero sense.

Your next sections about treatments is a completely different issue, nothing to do with the cause of the illness. And most people I know would rather avoid getting sick in the first place ... which thanks to virus dogma they think is accomplished by avoiding sick people, killing "germs", getting quackcinated...).

Your next section should be recognized by anyone with an interest in health as blatantly inaccurate: "We call some set of symptoms a virus ". No, the alleged particle is the purported cause, not symptoms. And your "just words" comment is ignorant. Words have meaning to people, so the words matter. Robotically repeating "virus" (because you're too lazy to review the idiotic method of virology, despite the mountains of excellent educational material now available for lay people) perpetuates the fraud/delusion/confusion and the harm that goes with it.

I'm not reading further. Cite valid evidence of a "virus" if you can.

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OK, somehow you have managed to warp everything I have said. I am agnostic about viruses but I do not think a covid virus killed anyone. But you have illustrated my point. Your tone is aggressive, and there is so much projection, anger and abusiveness there. I certainly don't feel warm and fuzzy reading your response. That is my problem with the virus debate - that it is generating a lot of really nasty emotion, and very little care for those (including the unvaxxed) who got sick and are still getting sick and dying with something. The emotional weight is anything but calm rational debate.

So lets see if I can communicate to you what I am seeing without getting abused for my efforts. We are actually on the same team.

I wonder if there is so much emotion contained in this debate because the unvaxxed want to think they are impervious to the bio-weapon.

My core premise

I maintain that there is a pretty nasty bio-weapon, or set of bio-weapons that has been unleashed on humanity. If you do not believe there is a bio-weapon out there, there is no point in reading on, as everything I say from here on in is premised on there being one of more bio-weapons, newly released around 2019/2020.

If we accept there are bio-weapons, there are three aspects of them we have to understand, what they are, how they are delivered to the body, and how we get them back out of the body.

What is killing us?

One component of the bio-weapon at least is the "spike protein" that takes up residence in the body and hijacks enough functions to be potentially deadly. No-one is calling this a virus. Other components appear to be metallic or plastic. Again, no-one is calling them viruses.

How are the bio-weapons delivered to the body?

Very clearly, they have been delivered by injection but as these alien toxins are being found in the bodies of the unvaxxed as well as the vaxxed, there must be other and potentially multiple methods of delivery. By focusing entirely on the delivery by injection of the bio-weapon and denying all other possible methods of delivery, the unvaxxed may imagine they cannot be made sick by it. But the reality is that they can and they are. There must be at least two and potentially multiple sources of delivery of the spike protein and other toxic elements, not just the injections. It doesn't actually matter much if we eliminate the idea of a virus from the list of potential delivery methods. There are quite clearly others, maybe shedding, maybe chemtrails, and who knows what else?

How do we get it back out of the body?

Once we understand what is making us sick, we can potentially work out how to get rid of it from the body, and perhaps how to not be invaded by it again. It is not enough to insist that everyone of every age and every health status rely on natural immunity, as the human body was never designed to resist these man-made cross-domain bio-weapons.

I wonder if you could read this next article without ripping me to shreds? We can at least look after people who get sick without ever using the word "virus".


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I'm not putting any more time/energy into this conversation. There is a ton of information on my site to help you sort through this issue, which is not that complicated. All the best.


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lol. some people just don't catch it. I have friends who are like me, no shots, working with people who are sick, right in the thick of things. They haven't had the virus.

That said, they know and acknowledge the virus exists. One is a VA ICU nurse.

My daughter's boyfriend is the same.

Good genes re: covid

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Lots of people "acknowledge" that Santa exists.

Where is your valid evidence of "the virus"?

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There was and is a covid virus. The covid virus acted differently. Covid pneumonia looked differently on chest xray and CT scan. It acted differently. I was an ICU nurse for almost 30 years. I also caught the delta strain. I have no co morbidities. Hit hard and fast. Long story. 10 months on O2.

I have not taken one shot.

People who fall for, or who preach the no virus mantras are ignorant, money seeking fops.

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@Carrie. Currently no-one seems to want to listen to the UNVAXXED who got hospitalised with hypoxemia and double pneumonia, with a prior history of nothing like it. I am one of those and you are apparently another. I had not been to a doctor for 30 years prior to this hospitalisation so I cannot remotely be called "sickly". And it annoys me when my experience is dismissed as irrelevant.

Unlike you, I don't much care if such as thing as a virus exists. Something nearly killed me, and it is only important what that might have been when it comes to which treatments work. As a range of different anti-parasitics were found to work, then can we assume that we "caught" a parasite? Again, I don't much care, but I do care that it is acknowledged as something real and that it would be a good idea to work out what it was, ready for next time - because there WILL be a next time.

The hypoxia/hypoxemia and the pneumonia, in otherwise healthy people, and all their downstream effects, cannot be ignored.


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Carrie, are you claiming to have seen "the virus" on x-rays and CT scans? Surely you realize that "viruses" are alleged to be visible only with EM?

If not, what is your evidence? Because getting sick (effect) doesn't tell you the cause.

Have you ever read a "virus isolation" study?

Are you aware that every attempt to demonstrate disease transmission/contagion failed?

Are you aware that no one on the planet has a sample of this alleged virus to sequence, characterize or study its effects?

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What I said is that the chest xray and CT scan have a different presentation than typical pneumonia. I was an ICU nurse for almost 30 years, treating pneumonia is very sick patients. What I personally experienced isn't what I saw in the ICU.

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Carrie, you may need an introduction to science and logic. An effect (y) cannot be proof of cause (X). It's really that simple. You have to find the X first. I cannot say it rained today, therefore my flying/urinating donkeys hiding in clouds hypothesis is true.

What lead you to believe that people only present 'dis'-ease symptoms from flying particles with magical powers named "viruses"? Was it a shared belief reinforced by text book literature and training? Did you ever go back and verify the claims for yourself? I have no doubt you saw people become sick.

"I also caught the delta strain." No, what happened was your body presented certain symptoms from various possible causes based on your individual circumstances, but because of your belief in demon particles, you probably took a biologically meaningless and scientifically fraudulent 'test' (PCR or antibody I'm guessing)....this, possibly combined with a 'doctor's best guess' gave you another bullshit diagnosis. The only thing that was "caught" was you- by way of participation ritual into the demon particle cult. Ya can't have a "variant" if there is no original. And you cannot have a valid test for something never discovered in nature- but only reverse engineered as a laboratory artifact.

Just find us the damn virus. We know people get sick.

If "typical pneumonia" can be caused by various other cofounding factors (I.E. inhaling toxicants from heavily polluted outdoor or indoor environments), then why conclude "virus" immediately for that or some "new/atypical" version of that?

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typical. insults.

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No, he's just sharing logic with you.

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No he is not just sharing logic. And neither are you. You are attempting to shame and humiliate those who disagree with you, which does not do you any credit at all.

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What has a very different presentation?

You seem to be arguing in an illogical circle:

If a "new virus" caused unusual results you would see them on scans.

You've seen some unusual results on scans, therefore there is a "new virus" is causing them.

The issue is whether there is valid, logical scientific evidence of a "virus" (or contagion).

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For the past 4 years, I have been doing everything possible to get infected with the 'Covid 19 virus', but so far, just no luck. I have disobeyed all the rules: no mask-wearing, no social distancing, no isolation in my home, no hand sanitizers, no vaccines with boosters...so what am I doing so wrong? Any suggestions? LMAO. (FYI: I preach the 'no virus mantra' and I can assure you that I am not ignorant about 'viruses' nor am I a money-seeking fop. I don't know what money I can make just educating my friends, neighbors and family members about the fraud of Virology)

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More ignorant writers passing on more ignorance to their readers. Ever hear or read of EXOSOMES? Do some research there and see where it leads you. There are no viruses. PERIOD. I've done my homework, you're just regurgitating the BS that started back when they crap canned the terrain theory of disease.

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Subs has a problem? or links are suuuuuuper slow and some disabled. Appreciate you. Thank you, Christine.

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For a few weeks now.

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Yes, and, btw, I responded to her X post about this, noting that for someone who has been smeared by those with an agenda to discredit any countering narratives, she might consider speaking with more respect about those who have a different narrative than hers. I suggested she become educated rather than hostile.

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Good point, thank you for doing that.

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Thank you, Christine, for your tireless, outstanding work. The people who are comfortable and well adapted to this planetary, open air, lunatic asylum are the ones who are truly insane.

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She got dragged. Good.

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Yep there a a lot of Allopathically indoctrinated doctors. Thanks for exposing this one

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These people are truly incredible...their ability to understand all this stuff they can't even see, great intuition...maybe from God. I am proud to call these people experts and I support scientific tyranny 100%. I hope 2024 is the year of another exciting scientific breakthrough of stuff no one can see, maybe some genetically modified ghosts.

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Thank you Christine,

i am with you all the way, i have had so many so called vaccine because of my travel when young, i believed in the germ theory, but because of my travel it was not clear to me why,

people fully vaccinated as i was where getting sick and not me.

that made me think,and with Covid I was able to go beyond fear look back and realize that all i was told was a lie.

But the battle to change people view on viruses and contagion is a massive one, no one want to face it.

best wishes


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Nass & the rest of the cowards who won’t show up for an honest debate reveal their faithful ignorance every time they say or write anything on the subject.

Thanks Christine!!!!

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i read what you posted this women said i found her to be silly .. comical.. confused.. incohearant,,

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Excellent work again, Christine! It's a sad commentary on "professionals" at minimum, to see how easily they are either fooled, or bought off. I'm not so sure the main focus of their efforts is to make sure people believe in viruses as much as it is to keep the rest of the logical and wise of us spending our time responding. Either way, your efforts are valiant and commendable and much needed, still, it seems.

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