I think researchers know less than Gramma, who knew you got a cold when you were weakened and than stood in the cold draft. Still going with that. Been to many houses with sick people and did not get sick, and then got flu a few times without being around sick people! Great article, immediately subscribed.
Well done Christine. I have serious doubts about dear Peter. IMO he is simply after the money. His funding exposed him. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”- Upton Sinclair
Christine - I met Dr. Tom Cowan about 8 years ago. I've been writing about the virus question for over 3 years. I'm currently working on an expanded post about it. I want to link your stack.
Could I get you to tell me how many entities you've sent foias to? Roughly how many were governments, how many were universities and how many were other institutions? How many came back saying no such documents exist and how many ignored your request?
Do you have a preferred post that you would like me to link?
Hi Kyle, we currently have responses from 220 institutions in 40 countries (with multiple responses from some of them) on my site specifically about "SARS-COV-2" purification/existence. (Plus we have responses re the lack of controls, and about other alleged viruses.)
They are all public institutions. I've not categorized them in terms of universities, ministries, etc. or whether they admitted no records (vs. providing/citing invalid records or websites that don't match the request). Most admitted "no records" but there are also plenty of examples where they tried to pass off a study or website as meeting the request.
There is an excel file here if you'd like to tally the types of institutions:
"yielded.....predicted circles" that alone says it all. Blurry phrasing all the time. Place your orders, scientific "researchers" deliver.
They don't even care about the influences that account for everything else in the living world. The terrain, the environment, the logic, the circumstances of their "creative" pieces of lunacy, the feasibility. Of course can computers create everything. Computers are not observing anything. That's genuinly our human superiority.
I feel bad for these people, MC and MC. But not for too long. I hardly have any patience left.
Thank you Christine for being a thorn in their side.
The Health Freedom Movement requires a dramatic purge of its useful idiots helping to usher in the next Scamdemic with their promotion of the fake “virus“ narrative. Tedros thanks them!!
You know, CM, you are one of the few scientists (yes, I use that term for you with all due RESPECT) that I trust. I've been having some "intuitive" feelings about James Corbett, but I am still disappointed to see him on your list-- he was wrong about 9-11, too, eh?
Well, McCullough has long made my skin crawl, no surprise there. Whitney Webb... uh. I guess that whole Epstein thing was a Yoog Distraction, non? haaa harf!
Keep Going, CM!! You're the sharpest knife in the drawer. So saith the Dog. ;)
I donut know about the military intelligence-- He's clearly very sharp.
And I trust him, also, to a point. He was very obnoxious about Dr. Judy Forgothername and the "Dustification" of 9-11... He does seem trusty, but I can never really get totally OUT THERE except for just a very, very few people. Christine is one of 'em.
“Obnoxious about Dr. Judy”… Dr Judy invited and spoke with Mc, at her church on stage. Dr. Judy is about the only one vocally calling for Mal one to be prosecuted 8-(10?) he dispersed billion with a B, in grant monies for “scientific research”. Dr Judy republished Mal lones resume’ with the figures in one of her earlier weekly news letters. Guessing RKJr, as well as Mal one are currently on his pay roll, fauci funds… Thanks Christine, husg love blessings, and protection!
Could we add Richard Gage to this conversation as well? When asked by 911 truther Abraham Rodriguez he was, as you put it, obnoxious. Maybe because it would cut heavily into sell 911 book he's selling.
James is a limited hangout and distraction, a giving good info on past ops propagandist. See my post, Isolated Terrain and the links within about him who for 4 years said "the virus isn't important"
The virus is not important for most people. The most important things to them are looking good, keeping the job, the house, the credit score at the bank, and getting a special discount from the health insurance company when they go to get radiation when they get cancer, because, as every well trained consumerist knows, they are 100% sure they will get cancer and radiotherapy is their birthright.
Please, forgive my sarcasm, it's not against you.
The virus is important, contra the intrepid reporter Corbett. The problem is that reporters and podcasters and thought leaders and presenters and authors love their business. They really love their game. They don't want it to stop. And telling your audience, your clients or your patrons (most of whom are total addicts to fear, btw) that Germ Theory is false is something that will destroy your business.
That's all that happens there, I think.
See Del Bigtree, for instance. He is a Crusader who does not want the Crusade to end. He enjoys the ride. It cannot be that easy. He and his group have designed this long-term political strategy to win and save lives and tell the truth in the end. So now it's not the moment to tell the truth. First, we defeat Saladin and teach him who is boss. Then we tell the truth.
Selfishness is the spirit of the opposition to the no-virus people, in my NEVER HUMBLE opinion.
Thank you Christine. Your email message is helpful but think McCullough is a lost cause and like everyone leading the “health freedom” movement they don’t want the light to reveal the fraud.
Obelisk is an occult symbol that should be enough about what this is about. Like Taylor Swift being in a witches ritual music video showing marriage to Nimrod. How stupid are the masses really?
Here is David Martin discussing how his great grandfather, a Mason, was involved in the construction of the Washington monument (and bizarrely denying the obvious Masonic influence on his company logo):
Ya well I happen to have been a child victim of their abuse ritually so I know a little about it. My point comes from the earned and grace given wisdom of not be seduced by these traps that build paranoia and projection of emotion based beliefs onto objects, shapes and symbols. This is food for low vibe forces, some call them demons. There is much more I can say having recovered psychologically and spiritually. All there is, is God and all anyone sees is themself thru their lower consciousness.
The quote from the “Science” article is pretty much self-explanatory:
“...Other scientists are delighted by obelisks’ debut. “It’s insane,” says Mark Peifer, a cell and developmental biologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “The more we look, the more crazy things we see.”…”
Here is a more thorough summary of the situation, from the same article:
“…In a new search for undiscovered RNA genomes, … developed sophisticated software to analyze existing catalogs of active genes from microbes that live in humans for RNA sequences predicted to form circles—the structure of the genetic material in both viruses and viroids. “I am really impressed by the approach,” says computational biologist …, who worked on a 2023 paper that hinted bacteria might contain viroids or similar entities. “The authors were really creative.”
In short, they are not observing a living body. They have not even gone to the lab. They wrote or commissioned some “creative” piece of software which returned “nearly 30,000 predicted RNA” patchworks. SOFTWARE. Not research, not science, not observation.
If you want to have a $$$-decent lifestyle, drop whatever you are doing, learn programming (1-day online course), and write “creative” “sophisticated software” which will produce anything a “scientist” needs right at this time.
A question to those who still can think: How come we are continuously discovering “new” things despite the absence of any new technological breakthroughs? PCR, pretty much unknown before 2020, has suddenly become the cornerstone of any future-oriented “scientist”, despite label warnings “not for testing, not for scientific purposes, only for research”. Nobody cares. EM - a brilliant technology killing any living cells many times over, non-reproducible - is now proof of things invisible. A “lunar” probe cannot make a decent selfie, but we still believe in space cartoons. Hundreds of _new_ species of dinosaurs are being mass produced despite the fact that we do not make deeper excavations - we only infer (= guess, imagine) their properties on the basis of a found single piece of something, quickly recognized by “scientists” as a tooth. Fossil fuels are no longer fossil in origin, because some sophisticated astronomers “found” organic traces in “stars” distant literally trillions miles away - even farther than their imagination.
Not a dull life. We don’t life for boring ventures. We apparently follow Einstein’s call to drop science because it is limited, while human imagination does not have any limitations…
Kevin McKernan is apparently adverse to studying the real world lol:
"Its important to realize they discovered this without lifting a single pipette. They simply had a hypothesis and went looking for it in the vast amount of public RNA-Seq data in the NCBI SRA."
always look for whatever it is that fits the hypothesis, easy-peasy. whatever happened to Popper's falsification principle, or are all swans still white? https://www.simplypsychology.org/karl-popper.html
Shouldn’t we call it something like “tik-tok science”? As opposed to the no longer popular scientific method… They will ban scientific observations soon… Too dangerous to theories…
Now they are killing metaphors even before they begin to use them in the literature. An obelisk is a sculpture in stone: a manufactured object, not-natural. It is long.
And the "obelisk" from the Kubrick film is a prism, a slab, a box. Also an unnatural shape. Man-made.
But these genomic obelisks are like a ring (they say circular, but if they are a 3d object, then they have to look like a ring) and from them protrude rods (?!?!?!?) and from them are hanging "frames" which are open, not closed like the wooden frame that frames my certificate in "Advanced Metaphorology" from the Department of Nonsense of the University Jabugo in Huelva, Southern Spain.
What are they smoking in Stanford? Or are they using skin patches? Have they been informed to not use the same place everyday when they put on a new patch?
Anyway. Even if these structures were real, why they use a word as dumb as obelisk, which refers to nothing in nature, to describe those natural structures? I mean, at some moment the effects of the bong wear off and the researches need to accept that artifacts are a thing. I don't say they have to agree 100% with Harold Hillman, but at least admit that their manipulations of the samples can distort everything they see. And whatever they "imagine" using their thoughts or a computer is not a picture taken from the real world.
It is an incredibly big mistake to say that such structures are natural. So maybe obelisk is an okay word? It's all genetic research a mind control operation, like Kubrick's entire filmography?
Washington, D.C.'s obelisk and its position near the pond/water resembles a yoni-lingga structure, ancient symbol of male-female fertility, sexuality and reproduction.
Also he has a huge Masonic tattoo of the eye of Horus….I do not trust this talking head at all. Being a doctor and a lawyer, he does nothing but talks? Telling only what he is allowed….
Thanks for all you do Ms. Massey. Last I heard 220 labs and universities around the world and still zero purification or isolation of any so called virus?
I think researchers know less than Gramma, who knew you got a cold when you were weakened and than stood in the cold draft. Still going with that. Been to many houses with sick people and did not get sick, and then got flu a few times without being around sick people! Great article, immediately subscribed.
Well done Christine. I have serious doubts about dear Peter. IMO he is simply after the money. His funding exposed him. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”- Upton Sinclair
Oops! Peter, spelled goblins wrong. It begins with a “g”. I wasn’t so aware of his creative writing skills before, but thanks for the examples.
It's so obvious, right? What a joke.
Christine - I met Dr. Tom Cowan about 8 years ago. I've been writing about the virus question for over 3 years. I'm currently working on an expanded post about it. I want to link your stack.
Could I get you to tell me how many entities you've sent foias to? Roughly how many were governments, how many were universities and how many were other institutions? How many came back saying no such documents exist and how many ignored your request?
Do you have a preferred post that you would like me to link?
I hope to put the post up this coming Saturday.
Thank you.
Hi Kyle, we currently have responses from 220 institutions in 40 countries (with multiple responses from some of them) on my site specifically about "SARS-COV-2" purification/existence. (Plus we have responses re the lack of controls, and about other alleged viruses.)
They are all public institutions. I've not categorized them in terms of universities, ministries, etc. or whether they admitted no records (vs. providing/citing invalid records or websites that don't match the request). Most admitted "no records" but there are also plenty of examples where they tried to pass off a study or website as meeting the request.
There is an excel file here if you'd like to tally the types of institutions:
This is the main FOI page with the responses from 220 institutions plus links to the other FOIs:
Thank you so much for covering this, Kyle :) Cheers.
Thank you Christine.
Can I just copy and paste this reply from you?
Sure Kyle, thanks.
Off Topic - For Your Review:
The New Virus Is Fungal / sudden onset of C. auris fungus in population.
Excellent use of sarcasm! Great job!
"yielded.....predicted circles" that alone says it all. Blurry phrasing all the time. Place your orders, scientific "researchers" deliver.
They don't even care about the influences that account for everything else in the living world. The terrain, the environment, the logic, the circumstances of their "creative" pieces of lunacy, the feasibility. Of course can computers create everything. Computers are not observing anything. That's genuinly our human superiority.
I feel bad for these people, MC and MC. But not for too long. I hardly have any patience left.
Thank you Christine for being a thorn in their side.
The Health Freedom Movement requires a dramatic purge of its useful idiots helping to usher in the next Scamdemic with their promotion of the fake “virus“ narrative. Tedros thanks them!!
It's likely that McCullough is not that intelligent.
Being a highly respected cardiologist just requires obedience and discipline, not real talent aka intelligence.
I went to school with tons of high achievers that had limited thinking ability.
He just seems like an actor to me, and not a very good one.
Yes - McCullough played Mayor Wilkins in Buffy
You know, CM, you are one of the few scientists (yes, I use that term for you with all due RESPECT) that I trust. I've been having some "intuitive" feelings about James Corbett, but I am still disappointed to see him on your list-- he was wrong about 9-11, too, eh?
Well, McCullough has long made my skin crawl, no surprise there. Whitney Webb... uh. I guess that whole Epstein thing was a Yoog Distraction, non? haaa harf!
Keep Going, CM!! You're the sharpest knife in the drawer. So saith the Dog. ;)
Here, a combined effort between myself and Christine's FB post on JC and Broze's "Isolated terrain" video. https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/isolated-terrain.
Broze then went on attack mode in the comment section outing himself as a FM.
Thank you so much WH :)
Yes James C has been a big disappointment on this issue, which is strange given that it's quite a simple one.
Maybe he's genuinely and simply Just Not There Yet... ??
Doesn't he read your page, FFS??? ;)
Thankfully, lots of us DO. xo xo
I donut know about the military intelligence-- He's clearly very sharp.
And I trust him, also, to a point. He was very obnoxious about Dr. Judy Forgothername and the "Dustification" of 9-11... He does seem trusty, but I can never really get totally OUT THERE except for just a very, very few people. Christine is one of 'em.
“Obnoxious about Dr. Judy”… Dr Judy invited and spoke with Mc, at her church on stage. Dr. Judy is about the only one vocally calling for Mal one to be prosecuted 8-(10?) he dispersed billion with a B, in grant monies for “scientific research”. Dr Judy republished Mal lones resume’ with the figures in one of her earlier weekly news letters. Guessing RKJr, as well as Mal one are currently on his pay roll, fauci funds… Thanks Christine, husg love blessings, and protection!
If you read far enough into it, you will see the role of Gage and his coterie was to lead the opposition away from the DEW attack on 9.11:
I am a bit distrustful of being given links by people I donut know... Why not just SAY IT?
Especially when my email flags you as a "phishing attempt."
DEW is too crazy. I think that's another op.
I mean, I know myself and if I had a dustification weapon I would've destroyed half of the world already, just to see what happens.
I have no reason to believe that the people in power have any less ill intentions than I do. So they would have destroyed everything years ago.
We are still here.
So, most likely, there are no D.E.W.s anywhere. Pure science fiction.
But prove me wrong.
Gage seems like a fine fellow to me.
Could we add Richard Gage to this conversation as well? When asked by 911 truther Abraham Rodriguez he was, as you put it, obnoxious. Maybe because it would cut heavily into sell 911 book he's selling.
James is a limited hangout and distraction, a giving good info on past ops propagandist. See my post, Isolated Terrain and the links within about him who for 4 years said "the virus isn't important"
The virus is not important for most people. The most important things to them are looking good, keeping the job, the house, the credit score at the bank, and getting a special discount from the health insurance company when they go to get radiation when they get cancer, because, as every well trained consumerist knows, they are 100% sure they will get cancer and radiotherapy is their birthright.
Please, forgive my sarcasm, it's not against you.
The virus is important, contra the intrepid reporter Corbett. The problem is that reporters and podcasters and thought leaders and presenters and authors love their business. They really love their game. They don't want it to stop. And telling your audience, your clients or your patrons (most of whom are total addicts to fear, btw) that Germ Theory is false is something that will destroy your business.
That's all that happens there, I think.
See Del Bigtree, for instance. He is a Crusader who does not want the Crusade to end. He enjoys the ride. It cannot be that easy. He and his group have designed this long-term political strategy to win and save lives and tell the truth in the end. So now it's not the moment to tell the truth. First, we defeat Saladin and teach him who is boss. Then we tell the truth.
Selfishness is the spirit of the opposition to the no-virus people, in my NEVER HUMBLE opinion.
Dr. Judy Wood 👍
Yes! Thank you! I thought she was pretty whippy. ^_^
No, not as of this moment, and I highly doubt he will respond. I tweeted a screenshot of the email to him on Saturday as well:
Thank you Christine. Your email message is helpful but think McCullough is a lost cause and like everyone leading the “health freedom” movement they don’t want the light to reveal the fraud.
Obelisk is an occult symbol that should be enough about what this is about. Like Taylor Swift being in a witches ritual music video showing marriage to Nimrod. How stupid are the masses really?
Haha! Oh wow. Apparently now a shape is satanic. Grow up.
Here is David Martin discussing how his great grandfather, a Mason, was involved in the construction of the Washington monument (and bizarrely denying the obvious Masonic influence on his company logo):
I have personally exorcised masons. They’re just a bunch of children spiritually and emotionally. They really ain’t shit but masters of projecting.
Ya well I happen to have been a child victim of their abuse ritually so I know a little about it. My point comes from the earned and grace given wisdom of not be seduced by these traps that build paranoia and projection of emotion based beliefs onto objects, shapes and symbols. This is food for low vibe forces, some call them demons. There is much more I can say having recovered psychologically and spiritually. All there is, is God and all anyone sees is themself thru their lower consciousness.
I wasn't seduced by anything, I simply pointed out Martin's own admission and and his bizarre denial.
It's not about a shape it's the object.
About growing up, I don't say personally nasty things in comments
I am sorry if you are offended but your comment was immature.
I sent you the link showing 25 ways from Sunday that an obelisk is well known as an occult symbol, you can believe that or not, free mature choice
PM pointed out that an obelisk is an occult symbol.
You put the "shape is Satanic" words in his mouth, told him to "grow up" and now you call him immature?
You don't come across as being as enlightened as you suggest. No offence.
I agree, and published this just because I don't want people getting sucked into this "obelisk" nonsense.
Just wait for the spiked version.
Don't hold your breath :)
The quote from the “Science” article is pretty much self-explanatory:
“...Other scientists are delighted by obelisks’ debut. “It’s insane,” says Mark Peifer, a cell and developmental biologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “The more we look, the more crazy things we see.”…”
Here is a more thorough summary of the situation, from the same article:
“…In a new search for undiscovered RNA genomes, … developed sophisticated software to analyze existing catalogs of active genes from microbes that live in humans for RNA sequences predicted to form circles—the structure of the genetic material in both viruses and viroids. “I am really impressed by the approach,” says computational biologist …, who worked on a 2023 paper that hinted bacteria might contain viroids or similar entities. “The authors were really creative.”
In short, they are not observing a living body. They have not even gone to the lab. They wrote or commissioned some “creative” piece of software which returned “nearly 30,000 predicted RNA” patchworks. SOFTWARE. Not research, not science, not observation.
If you want to have a $$$-decent lifestyle, drop whatever you are doing, learn programming (1-day online course), and write “creative” “sophisticated software” which will produce anything a “scientist” needs right at this time.
A question to those who still can think: How come we are continuously discovering “new” things despite the absence of any new technological breakthroughs? PCR, pretty much unknown before 2020, has suddenly become the cornerstone of any future-oriented “scientist”, despite label warnings “not for testing, not for scientific purposes, only for research”. Nobody cares. EM - a brilliant technology killing any living cells many times over, non-reproducible - is now proof of things invisible. A “lunar” probe cannot make a decent selfie, but we still believe in space cartoons. Hundreds of _new_ species of dinosaurs are being mass produced despite the fact that we do not make deeper excavations - we only infer (= guess, imagine) their properties on the basis of a found single piece of something, quickly recognized by “scientists” as a tooth. Fossil fuels are no longer fossil in origin, because some sophisticated astronomers “found” organic traces in “stars” distant literally trillions miles away - even farther than their imagination.
Not a dull life. We don’t life for boring ventures. We apparently follow Einstein’s call to drop science because it is limited, while human imagination does not have any limitations…
“The authors were really creative.” << you nailed it!
These are exact words from the quoted article. Kind of asymptomatic expansion of scientific meanings.
Great commentary :)
Kevin McKernan is apparently adverse to studying the real world lol:
"Its important to realize they discovered this without lifting a single pipette. They simply had a hypothesis and went looking for it in the vast amount of public RNA-Seq data in the NCBI SRA."
always look for whatever it is that fits the hypothesis, easy-peasy. whatever happened to Popper's falsification principle, or are all swans still white? https://www.simplypsychology.org/karl-popper.html
Shouldn’t we call it something like “tik-tok science”? As opposed to the no longer popular scientific method… They will ban scientific observations soon… Too dangerous to theories…
The Era of AS (Artificial Science) is upon us?
The Era of AS (Artificial Science) is upon us?
It’s a redundant term, or tautology. Science is artificial in itself. There is no other science, only artificial science.
For this reason, we have magazines like “Nature” and “Science”.
Same with medicine, a new $$-trend is evidence-based medicine. Really? What is the “other” medicine? Fantasy-based?
PS. There was a typo in their naming of "obelisks". The original name was to be "Obelix" (similar appearance: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/56/Obelix1.png). But their keyboard was stuck at X (interesting...)
They write "rod-like secondary structures"?
Now they are killing metaphors even before they begin to use them in the literature. An obelisk is a sculpture in stone: a manufactured object, not-natural. It is long.
And the "obelisk" from the Kubrick film is a prism, a slab, a box. Also an unnatural shape. Man-made.
But these genomic obelisks are like a ring (they say circular, but if they are a 3d object, then they have to look like a ring) and from them protrude rods (?!?!?!?) and from them are hanging "frames" which are open, not closed like the wooden frame that frames my certificate in "Advanced Metaphorology" from the Department of Nonsense of the University Jabugo in Huelva, Southern Spain.
What are they smoking in Stanford? Or are they using skin patches? Have they been informed to not use the same place everyday when they put on a new patch?
Anyway. Even if these structures were real, why they use a word as dumb as obelisk, which refers to nothing in nature, to describe those natural structures? I mean, at some moment the effects of the bong wear off and the researches need to accept that artifacts are a thing. I don't say they have to agree 100% with Harold Hillman, but at least admit that their manipulations of the samples can distort everything they see. And whatever they "imagine" using their thoughts or a computer is not a picture taken from the real world.
It is an incredibly big mistake to say that such structures are natural. So maybe obelisk is an okay word? It's all genetic research a mind control operation, like Kubrick's entire filmography?
Aren’t real obelisks Masonic structures? A possible connection? Who knows.
That's the first thing that went through my mind too, Alina.
David Martin admits to having a close and Masonic connection to the obelisk in Washington D.C.:
Washington, D.C.'s obelisk and its position near the pond/water resembles a yoni-lingga structure, ancient symbol of male-female fertility, sexuality and reproduction.
Hold on! Peel? You are in Peel, Ontario? I work for PDSB! Can’t believe.
Yes, I'm in Brampton! Lived here most of my life.
I worked at Earnscliffe Senior PS 5 years! Oh no! Small world.
I did grades 6-8 at Greenbriar! Then onto Chinguacousy. Wow, small world indeed :)
Also he has a huge Masonic tattoo of the eye of Horus….I do not trust this talking head at all. Being a doctor and a lawyer, he does nothing but talks? Telling only what he is allowed….
It seems to me a signal/clue not to take this "science" seriously :)
I'm tempted to make the joke that all man made structures are masonic by definition, but I'll remain silent.
lol, there, you said it ;-)
Good comment!
Thanks. Keep up the incredible work!
Thank you! “Doctors” not! Business men, yes!Same old, same old!
Thanks for all you do Ms. Massey. Last I heard 220 labs and universities around the world and still zero purification or isolation of any so called virus?
Correct! Plus Israel Ministry of Health but I don't have all those documents yet. Should have them soon.
Go get ‘em, Christine! I, for one, sincerely appreciate your dogged determination in your research and your generosity in sharing your results.
Thanks for responding. Just so you know, you're a hero to many!! Just sayin...