The United Nations’ (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted that “monkeypox” is actually a “side effect” of Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

The admission is buried on the WHO’s VigiAccess website[Access]

The website contains a database that lists all known side effects of all drugs and vaccines that have been approved for public use. …https://mole.substack.com/p/who-monkeypox-is-side-effect-of-covid/comments?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=564297&post_id=150139638&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=oh0ob&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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1. California Brings Back MASKS!

Because, you know, these suffocation devices "work" 😆


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I saw Peggy's headline, that's insane! Didn't get a chance to read/watch yet. I hope people put their foot down this time and say "hell no!"

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Keep up the good work Christine!

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Btw I also filed a "FOIA" in Germoney re contagion etc of Convid. I never got an answer... also I noted that my question was "depublished" from the website I used (called "Frag den Staat") plus also 2 other simmilar questions. The site admins said they do no allow "conspiracy theories about vaccines" (I put a link to Impfkritik)... and I still have an open FOIA there re the real incridents of the Biontech vax. Now not answered for 500 or so days :P

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Interesting. I don't trust the sites that offer to file FOIs on one's behalf!

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If ur curious, here the board of this foundation, I trust you are good enough to judge these people (esp interesting seems to be Hubbard in our context, Genome, health etc) https://okfn.org/en/who-we-are/board/

Mh this here seem creepy "an organisation brave and nimble enough to be truly experimental in their approach to changing the world and its own DNA along with it" As we know there are claims the vax changes DNA

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Ugh. Interesting that they don't provide actual photos of themselves... gee I wonder why.

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Correct u are young Jedi... :)) This German site is under the so called open society foundation into which I looked and found severall connections right back to the "gov" or better "nwo" EDIT or in this case "Open Knowledge Foundation " but seems more or less the same. A troyan horse pretending to be on the sheeps site (like myself mähhh)

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How could there be EVIDENCE for a LIE (or two, or twelve million?)???

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Just met you recently via the Baileys in NZ and glad to have done so. Though you are scarily intelligent I will persist to enable my learning via my God given consciousness….His mark placed in each of us.

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Thank you Kaylene. Honestly, I'm just a regular woman... perhaps more logical by nature than most but also quite forgetful and scatterbrained at times :)

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Thank you for all the incredible work you do, you are truly changing the world for the better!

After watching your most recent interview with the Baileys and hearing you talk a bit about bacteria I wanted to share Dr. Mari Arce’s work with you. I think you will get a lot out of it and will help with the requests on bacteria like Dr. Kaufman’s work helped you with viruses.

Thanks again!


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Just viewed your interview with the Baileys. It was great to get to know your life story, and how you got here.

Congratulations Christine, great work.

Thank you for helping us all.

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Thanks Luis :)

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How utterly surprising and shocking... Not.

Way to peg 'em out, CM! Hugs from the dog. ;)

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Orange Country was the setting of several demonstrations in late Spring/early Summer 2020 pushing against the Lockdowns. Thus, it is quite a striking feat to get the Orange County officials who repressed the protests and maintained their mandates to admit they were not operating on the basis of science. Thanks once again, Christine! You are inspiring.

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Speaking of pandemics, plagues and the like, the fraud involved is not new.

Here's a charming story that applies to today's scamedic related by Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, who also served as a surgeon general under Washington. Note particularly pont #3 and the last sentence!

"September 23. Waited upon Dr. Franklin with Mr. Bee of South Carolina.’ He said he believed the accounts of the plague in Turkey were often exaggerated. He once conversed with a Dr. McKensie,° who had resided 38 years in Constantinople, who told him there were 5 plagues in that city. 1. The plague of the druggerman [dragomen | or interpreters, who spread false stories of the prevalence of the plague in order to drive foreign ministers into the country, that they may enjoy leisure from their business of interpreting. 2. The plague of debtors, who when dunned look out of their windows, and tell their creditors not to come into their houses, for the plague was in them. 3. The plague of the doctors, for as they are never paid for their attendance upon such of their patients as die, unless it be with the plague, they make most of their fatal disease, the plague. The Doctor forgot the other two plagues, but added that Dr. McKensie, upon hearing that 660 persons who had died of the plague were carried out of one of the gates daily, had the curiosity to stand by that gate for one whole day, and counted but 66.

-Dr. Benjamin Rush, Autobiography, Page 173, (Comer, 1948)


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1000 Years of Scamdemics (1177-2019) - Flu-1918, Cholera-1818, Plague-1718... (NurembergTrials.net) https://www.bitchute.com/video/yunyRxn9SjDf 1000 Years of Scamdemics Part 2 - Gates Pandemic Firing Squad & Covid Smoke Detectors (4thReich.com) https://www.bitchute.com/video/jcHEhiLSdU8t 1000 Years of Plannedemics Part 3: History Shows, Vaccines Never Did Anything But Harm -- ICIC.Law https://www.bitchute.com/video/VwtNqC57u6Hy

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Wow, VERY interesting and I guess not surprising in light of what we now know. Thank you for sharing that, Goeff.

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I would appreciate some instructions on how to file a FOIA. I did file one with the CDC, but that was directly on their website. They received my request, stated it was put in the " complicated queue", and I never heard another word. I also called our county health dude at the onset of the great plague, to discuss masks. I asked him how many studies he'd read on mask effectiveness. He said, verbatim," Oh, I haven't read any, but I know they work". I would love to file a FOIA with my county. I challenged every 'authority' out there.

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Stephanie, there are many examples of FOIs (or, "public records requests") sent to the CDC and many other institutions on my website. I usually do it via email, and all of my FOIAs to the CDC were via email. Or you can go to the website of the institution in question and find their contact info for FOI requests and take it from there:


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Thank you! I appreciate the response.

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I suggest filing a FOIA or public records request (states usually don’t call it FOIA) in writing and send it certified return receipt. That way you have proof of receipt and mailing. For instance, I was a Fiscal Officer in Ohio and our records for the state and local governments are called “public record requests.” They have to be responded to in a reasonable period, but the covid scamdemic caused are state to try and ignore them pertaining to covid! Currently we have a case by a very brave and courageous woman who is now being heard 4 years later for them obstructing release of any records at the Ohio Supreme Court by the Ohio Department of Health! We were one of the first states lock down and they used the intentional deaths of the elderly in nursing homes to validate what they did to keep the state in lockdown. Our rhino governor needs prosecuted for crimes against humanity!

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Thank you, Joni. I'm in PA. Former Gov Wolf has some answering about nursing homes...

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Thank you, Christine.

OT - Monkeypox psyop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ_C7iMwHz4

A video about an alleged monkeypox outbreak in Georgia two years ago with a focus on a cashier, Camille Seaton, that just popped up on YT seems to indicate a psyop in various ways.

At 0:57 we see an image of Camille as her lesions are "starting to scab up" and then at 1:31 seemingly full-blown lesions, however:

--- the quality of the video especially of the image at 0:57 seems slightly blurry

--- although she says "as you can see my face is starting to scab up" the lesions don't look as if they're scabbing up

--- at 1:04 she says, "I seen like bumps pop up in this - I kid you not - in this same array like all over my face and I just thought it was just like a breakout." "I kid you not - in this same array" makes no sense. We'd expect the development of the lesions to come from the starting bumps and if she had bumps all over her face we'd expect lesions all over her face not just in the bottom half and the lesions look nothing like a breakout. Very typical of psyops are claims starting with, "I thought it was X" when whatever X is doesn't seem credible.

--- the positioning of the lesions indicate mirroring - they're on the opposite side of her face in each image. Why would they show her in mirror image? See images captured here: https://imgur.com/a/a4Slrbe

This whole story just seems fake and I see no reason for the lesions not to be fake - also lots of scary "microscope" images.

General observation about monkeypox: the images they show of molluscum contagiosum and monkeypox look identical to me: https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/is-the-alleged-monkey-pox-really

The only good thing: I think they overestimated the punters' gullibility on monkeypox. It's just not taking off.

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Turfseer’s Top 20 Hits. Listen to the “Scamdemic Collection” of songs and music videos chronicling the lunacy of the Covid years. Hits including “The Virus is my God,” “Pod People Barbecue,” “Sheeple University,” “Trust the Science Rag,” ”Sharp as a Tack,” and much more. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/turfseers-top-20-hits

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details.....also go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it IMAGINE MY SHOCK the same also applies to you tube and twitter..that said there are many other outlets that can be used and a good place to start will be substack

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dont you fret, our own governments are gaming for similar regs in their own countries. Canada is all but ready and waiting, with a pretty bow on top.....

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Yup. Summit of The Future.

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I love seeing these posts. I still feel trauma from the entire covid affair. I never had 'it' and thankfully never got the injection. Seeing these posts helps me feel some sanity in the entire situation. I still remember in March of 2020 wondering how governments just happen to know that a new virus was making people sick. It was like an orchestra leader making sure all the players were in sync and it felt just artificial. It was just weird.

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I was right there with you!!! Thank God he gave us discernment and we trusted it!!!

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