Turfseer’s Top 20 Hits. Listen to the “Scamdemic Collection” of songs and music videos chronicling the lunacy of the Covid years. Hits including “The Virus is my God,” “Pod People Barbecue,” “Sheeple University,” “Trust the Science Rag,” ”Sharp as a Tack,” and much more. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/turfseers-top-20-hits

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details.....also go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it IMAGINE MY SHOCK the same also applies to you tube and twitter..that said there are many other outlets that can be used and a good place to start will be substack

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

dont you fret, our own governments are gaming for similar regs in their own countries. Canada is all but ready and waiting, with a pretty bow on top.....

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Yup. Summit of The Future.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Christine Massey FOIs

I love seeing these posts. I still feel trauma from the entire covid affair. I never had 'it' and thankfully never got the injection. Seeing these posts helps me feel some sanity in the entire situation. I still remember in March of 2020 wondering how governments just happen to know that a new virus was making people sick. It was like an orchestra leader making sure all the players were in sync and it felt just artificial. It was just weird.

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Stop the lies. The elites and globalists need to be exposed. The average person will suffer on inder the elitist Pandemic Preparedness, Agenda 2030, The Pact of the Future and the Global Digital Compact

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Wow-wee, thank YOU Christine, for this excellent summary and for exposing the continuing fraud and deception of these public serpents! The "emergency" was a cover for all of their heinous acts -- and we are beginning to see a glimmer of justice as the FBI has responded to my (and many Healthy Americans) complaint about the millions of "covid" dollars stupidvisor Andrew Do illegally funneled to his daughter's fake, phony sham of a "non-profit" and has raided their homes! I hope this is more than just theater and that justice will be served. With appreciation for YOUR excellent work exposing these frauds!

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Oh wow Peggy, I hadn't heard about this new development - that's fantastic!! I really hope people start getting held accountable!! Thank you for all you're doing and your great spirit and optimism :) XOXOXO

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If these agencies were radio stations- there would be a lot of a dead air,

as in-

"Up next another request from Christine Massey..."


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6 hrs agoLiked by Christine Massey FOIs

Ministry of Silly ‘Viruses’

[Scene: A small, drab office at the Ministry of Silly ‘Viruses.’ Mr. TestTube enters, walking with an exaggeratedly silly viral “drift” – a staggered, mutation-prone stride. He eventually reaches his desk and sits down. Mr. RNA is already seated across from him, nervously clutching a petri dish]

Mr. TestTube: Good morning.

Mr. RNA: Good morning, sir.

Mr. TestTube: What can I do for you?

Mr. RNA: Well, sir, I have a silly virus, and I’d like to obtain a government grant to help me develop it.

Mr. TestTube: [Leaning forward with interest] A silly virus, you say? Splendid! May I see it?

Mr. RNA: Yes, certainly, yes.

[Mr. RNA stands up, wobbling slightly with an exaggerated, stumbling gait reminiscent of a ‘virus’ struggling through mutation. The effort is mild and unimpressive, barely a blip on the ‘viral’ silliness radar.]

Mr. TestTube: That’s it, is it?

Mr. RNA: Well, yes, that’s it, yes.

Mr. TestTube: [Slightly disappointed] It’s not particularly silly, is it? I mean, the replication isn’t silly at all. Just a predictable sequence of A, C, G, T; no wild insertions, no unexpected deletions, and not even a furry cleavage site! [He punctuates his words with dramatic, energizing hand movements, mimicking the presentation of a ‘furry cleavage site.’]

Mr. RNA: Yes, but I think that with government backing, I could make it very silly indeed.

Mr. TestTube: [Considering] Hmm… possibly. But you see, we’ve already got a whole line up of silly ‘viruses’ – bird flu, monkeypox, and numerous other made-up ones that didn’t quite catch on. It’s a crowded field, you know. The funding is tight unless your ‘virus’ is really absurd.

Mr. RNA: Well, sir, I’m not asking for more than the grant given to bird flu last year, and I was really getting into my strain. [He demonstrates again, this time making another half-hearted attempt at mutation, followed by a lacklustre hop as if jumping species - one hand on his hip and the other arm raised like a kettle’s spout]

Mr. TestTube: [Leaning back, amused] Yes, but the problem is, it’s not particularly silly, is it? Now, I don’t mean to be rude, but it just lacks that… you know… pandemic potential.

Mr. RNA: I see.

Mr. TestTube: However, I think I can recommend a few steps to help develop your ‘virus.’

Mr. RNA: Oh, thank you, sir. What should I do?

Mr. TestTube: Well, start by ‘isolating’ in a nice thick soup of genetic material. Like this. [He gestures dramatically, mimicking a ‘virus’ stealthily swimming through a mix of cellular debris.] Then, endure the pain of being poisoned by antibiotics. [He winces, clutching his stomach. Then, shuffles with a crazed, zigzagging walk as if trying to escape an invisible enemy.] And finally, swim in bovine foetal serum! [He breaks the swimming motion, hiding his head in his hands, and groaning as if haunted by the ghosts of unborn calves.]

Mr. RNA: Ah, yes. I see what you mean, sir.

Mr. TestTube: And then, when the researchers start their so-called “isolation process,” you can cause all sorts of cytopathic effects in the cell cultures. Really make them think they’ve found something dangerous. Try it again.

[Mr. RNA attempts to act out the ‘virus’ causing cytopathic effects by wobbling his arms and making exaggerated frowns. He adds a few feeble, half-hearted jerks as if trying to ‘infect’ invisible cells, but the result resembles a twitching zombie more than a convincing ‘viral’ assault.]

Mr. RNA: It’s difficult.

Mr. TestTube: Well, it’s just a matter of practice. It’s not something you can just pick up overnight. But if you’re prepared to be poisoned by antibiotics, heavy metal stains, and pretend PCR results ‘prove’ your existence, I can give you a grant.

Mr. RNA: [Brightening up] Oh, thank you very much, sir. I will do my best to continue the fraud.

Mr. TestTube: Right, you can pick up the grant form at the desk outside. We’ve got plenty of funds for something this silly. In fact, the more nonsensical, the better!

Mr. RNA: [Grinning] Thank you very much, sir.

Mr. TestTube: Good luck! And remember, if all else fails, just get a friend in a lab coat to draw some arrows on an electron microscope image. That always does the trick.

[Mr. RNA exits, doing a silly ‘viral’ dance, as Mr. TestTube leans back, thoroughly pleased with the absurdity of his job.]

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Yes, it's brilliant!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Christine Massey FOIs

I envision John Cleese and friends . . . . .

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5 hrs agoLiked by Christine Massey FOIs

Me thinks Factsninator is a professional or aspiring screenwriter. Better get out there soon because AI is itching to take over the whole process. (Compliments of your all pervasive friend ChatGPT)

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Huge thanks for all the kind words and support so far! It's hugely appreciated!! I'm currently working on a project that I hope to release by the end of this year or early next. Let's just hope that AI hasn't cornered the market on creativity by then!

Cheers again for all your support!!

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So...how do we get this info out?

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You share it.

Either in a forum that would appreciate Truth or on a telegram channel or well, likely thats it or you run the risk of really letting people know your belief system is in tatters....

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6 hrs agoLiked by Christine Massey FOIs

Massive thanks to Peggy, and again to Christine for stopping the FOIA express at all stations peddling the garbage of the virus lie. This time her bullet train runs over the useful idiots at Orange County helping to perpetuate The Germ Theory Fraud of the Ages upon humanity.

I would recommend the lost 'virus' tribe in the health freedom movement purchase a ticket and get on board Christine's FOIA Express ASAP. Do you really want to be a part of the legacy that locked down humanity, mandated toxic jabs, and imprisoned people during the Con-vid scam? Do you truly wish to be that useful idiot who helps usher in the next Scamdemic?

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Two of my heroes. Christine and Peggy. God bless them both. 🙏🏼

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