Orange County California confesses: no scientific evidence that SARS-COV-2 or contagion is real... or that anything about "covid" was legit
Thanks to Peggy Hall, the Healthy American
Greetings and Best Wishes,
The FOI described below was inspired by a special lady named .
Peggy lives in/at Orange County, California and has helped many people across her nation navigate the “hogwash” rolled out by “public serpents” under the guise of protecting everyone from “the cooties”.
Peggy never bought into the “suffocation devices”, realizes that poisons (quackcines) cannot be made “safer for everyone” and she doesn’t pretend that restoring confidence in the corrupt clown-shows called FDA, CDC or NIH would be a good thing. She’s a breath of fresh air with an optimistic outlook and plans on “marching this all the way to heaven”.
Because “the Orange County Board of Supervisors has refused to hold a public meeting -- as required by law” to review the fake-emergency conditions and then to terminate the fake-emergency at the earliest possible date, Peggy filed a "writ of Mandate" against the County in September 2021. She has many articles/videos discussing the corrupt/delusional people at the County:
So, inspired by Peggy, on April 29, 2024 I filed a freedom of information order with Frank Kim (since retired) acting as County Executive Officer, County Administration North, “Orange County” for all studies/reports held by the institution that scientifically:
prove/provide evidence of the existence of the alleged covid-19 virus aka "SARS-COV2" (showing that the alleged particles with the purported “genome” and proteins have been found in sick people and shown to cause the illness/symptoms that they are alleged to cause), and/or
demonstrate contagion of the illness / symptoms that are allegedly caused by said purported "virus".
I included a reminder that scientific proof/evidence requires use of the scientific method to test falsifiable hypotheses through valid, rigorous, repeatable controlled experiments and that this requires a valid independent variable (suspected "virus" particles that were found in sick "hosts" and purified).
And as usual I asked that if records matching my request were held by the County but were already publicly available, I be given citations so that I may identify and access each one. I also clarified that my request was not limited to records authored by someone at the County but included records authored by anyone, anywhere, ever.
May 3, 2024:
David Kim acting as Program Manager, County Executive Office | Government & Community Relations confessed (pg 9) that:
“….the Health Care Agency is unable to locate records responsive to your request”
…which was to be expected since virology has always been pseudoscience, no virus has ever been shown to exist, contagion is “public health” mythology and literally hundreds of previous FOI responses from 40 different countries also yielded zero valid scientific evidence of any purported “virus”.
Also, notice that I didn’t even ask for evidence of the purported virus invading and hijacking cells and replicating. I made the request easy and still they failed.
Because “covid” was a complete hoax.
(“Item 1” in David’s response refers to my additional order for records containing litigation/legal/court expenses/fees/costs/expenditures incurred by the County in defending against Peggy’s writ. I’m not convinced that David responded correctly regarding those records, so I wrote back politely disputing his position (pg 10). David never had the courtesy to respond aka he left the battlefield, but I didn’t pursue the matter any further.)
Note: this newsletter has also been sent to the “Reuters Fact Check Team” and ~200 people who work for “the state”, lamestream media, etc. at Canada, Isle of Man, England and the U.S., and to people calling themselves “Senator” on the land known as Canada, so they can’t claim later that they didn’t know.
Update from Peggy:
Recommended Reading/Viewing
RFK, Double-Speak, and Why "Safer Vaccines" Just Ain’t It - Peggy Hall
Dr. Tom Cowan’s Q&A Webinar 9/18/24
Rethinking Antibodies: Challenging the Myth of Immunology - Amandha Vollmer
The Antibody™ - Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
The Corruption is Real and Sickening - Dr Sam Bailey
A special video presentation of Paul Cudenec's essay
Another flip-flop: Sowing more seeds of confusion - Dawn Lester
The Contagion Persuasion - Daniel Roytas was a guest on Alfa Vedic
As I warned, “cows catching bird flu” is the Fascists’ plan - Jon Rappoport
A bill is working its way through the Canadian legislature…
How The Medical System Robs You - Dr. Andrew Kaufman
The mainstream outlet Canberra Daily has published 4 articles by Dr Sam Bailey and now one by me about the “virus” FOIs and the delusion of virology. Thank you so much to Sam and her husband Mark for their great edits/suggestions and making this happen:
It’s official: No records of the “COVID virus” - Christine Massey
Doctor: “Why I no longer give paracetamol to my kids” - Dr Sam Bailey in Canberra Daily
The Truth about Parvo - Nora Lenz
No Pandemic - Michael Allen Bryant interviewed by Lies are Unbekoming
Official Confessions/Evidence Showing that Virology is Pseudoscience
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 225 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary “viruses” (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically "mock infected" cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated "virus genomes":
3000+ pages of "virus" FOIs in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declarations re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don't exist and virology isn't a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,
Btw I also filed a "FOIA" in Germoney re contagion etc of Convid. I never got an answer... also I noted that my question was "depublished" from the website I used (called "Frag den Staat") plus also 2 other simmilar questions. The site admins said they do no allow "conspiracy theories about vaccines" (I put a link to Impfkritik)... and I still have an open FOIA there re the real incridents of the Biontech vax. Now not answered for 500 or so days :P
How could there be EVIDENCE for a LIE (or two, or twelve million?)???