Seymour Hersh who I once thought of as a ace investigative journalist is pushing the lab leak theory and blames Trump for not doing enough to prevent something that didn't happen]


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Stripe steals money... again?

Kevin Barrett someone who is a tiny little bit critical of the ''official narrative'' with a substack page has had his earnings withheld by Stripe.


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Not sure if it was already mentioned above, but Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of England and the Bank of Canada, sits on the board of directors of this criminal enterprise.

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The CEO of stripe is very much a pro Israel supporter, the reference to Stripe was in the email which reminded me that there are more people being denied funds from Stripe but they never really explain why but we can safely assume that it has to be related to their writings

Kevin went into this a bit more with Substack and Stripe


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So, clearly you are uncovering the hoax which is virology. I'm sure when asked for evidence the bureaucrats that be will evince zero competence except in one area, making excuses. But I was curious, could they even describe the method they use for purification/isolation? Are they really simply scanning with an electron microscope?

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They don't purify, so there is no purification method to describe. What virologists do when they claim to "isolate" is absolutely bizarre and ludicrous. They add a clinical sample (boogers for example) to a cell line that they purchased, typically kidney cells from an African green monkey. Cow serum is also added as nutrition for the cells, plus antibiotics and antifungals, and a nutrient mix. They give the cells a fraction of what they need for healthy maintenance, and sometimes increase the level of anti-anti. When the cell line (that they have stressed in this wildly unnatural mixture that tells us absolutely nothing about living bodies) they declare that "the virus" is the cause and that they have "isolated" it. It's the height of pseudoscience and illogic. There are many free materials listed on this page of my website that discuss their fake "isolation" and other nonsensical types of evidence that they offer re their imagined viruses:


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Thank you for the reply Christine, so thanks for reminding me of the virology process, I've been thru Andy Kaufman and Tom Cowan's explanations of the process and it's ludicrous on it's face that any one would call it science. I ran it by my sister who's a pharmacist and she won't speak to me (she still writes once in a while). Ya, I was wondering if any of these entities you've queried had ever responded with like a different process than the one's outlined. Hard to believe that they're admitting that they got nothing. How can we wake up the sheep? This is so insane. How can the "Science" journals not address this?

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When you wake up a herd of sheep they run.

My sibling who now calls herself a epidemiologist couldn't provide a scintilla of evidence to support her illogical narrative, since I declined the jab I'm no longer welcome to visit.

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I understand the zero evidence point the pseudoscience is so deep we don’t know what the F is going on

But we need to work out the details of our alternative narrative

I see so much hand waving of the lack of evidence, but not much work being done on the alternative narrative

I know my own HIV narrative is bogus

But it doesn’t seem to cure my auto immune, which is had me for 35 years

I thought that stopping the dock visits and going all natural would cure me

Three years later, I was full-blown with two aids defining diseases

I survived AZT poisoning

So I’ll be here as long as God wants, but what a mystery

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Contact Patrick Jordan of vaccine fraud. He does private consults. Tell him I sent you.

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Hundreds of official legal confessions isn't exactly 'hand-waving'.

Refuting a false narrative does not require the offering of an alternative narrative. That is not what I'm here for so if that is what you need, my newsletter is not the place to look for it (although I share content from others that might help you and sometimes interesting info is shared in the comments. Personally, I don't believe in 'auto-immune'... I don't believe that our bodies turn on us. All the best.

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I thought most people died of the inflammation of the disease immune response

When it causes death, isn’t that an example of the body turning against itself?



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Immune response implies that there is a pathogen to be immune from, which has never been shown and there is much evidence against. Re inflammation, I believe that is initiated by things that irritate the body, not the body attacking itself. They always want to blame our bodies or something in nature, because this distracts from all the toxic influences created by industry (and rubber-stamped by 'government').

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OK, thanks


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I sincerely appreciate your dedication to this very important issue. Your diligence has enlightened more minds than one can quantify. You let cracks of light into souls so fellow humans can see the real theatre being played on the world stage. Bravo!

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Top Notch - the scam unravels one thread at a time

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Thanks Christine and Happy New Year to you and the very best for 2025.

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Many Thank’S Christine ! Aloha & Maholo !

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good work

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Here is How Deep State Handles Substack Subscribers

And what you can do about it

Len Ber, MD

Jan 07, 2025

After months of investigations of my Substack subscribers data, as well as Targeted Justice and Ana Toledo, we discovered how subscribers e-mails have been handled.

Someone is logging into the accounts, and deleting existing subscribers from the list, while replacing them with the “dummy” e-mail accounts.

Because of this, the total number of subscribers remains about the same, but real subscribers stop receiving notifications when new articles are published.

If you are a subscriber, please make sure that your account is active, and you are receiving updates. If you have been unsubscribed, please re-subscribe, and let both Substack and the Substack Newsletters know this has happened.


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I suspected nearly this, thanks for confirming

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Sub stack is severely compromised. It’s being run and managed by the Intel services. As is the entirety of DARPAnet.

There’s no DEEP STATE only THE STATE.

Since all CONSTITUTIONS are unlawful with no authority whatsoever (read Lysander Spooner’s No Treason) and every single govern-ment in every faux country is a privately owned, for-profit corporation masquerading as a public institution, there can be no agency or employee of “the state” that doesn’t wittingly or unwittingly serve criminality, fraud, racketeering and deception.

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Do you think that in the past, before the Revolutions of the late 1700s, it was the case that Governments were not for-profit organizations?

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They weren’t really revolutions. Rather, they were cleverly planned and orchestrated solutions, preventing and circumventing real uprisings or rebellions, by transitioning to governments and the voting psyop.

In 1666 the Cestui Que Vie Act was passed. Essentially creating Cestui Que Vie trusts in our names:



The real authority for this came from Rome who declared dominion over all souls, land, air and sea (SEE) in Unam Sanctum.


Before 1700 (if we’re to take history on its face) the epicenter of power was the Vatican, (still is, because the Holy See controls the Crown Temple Syndicate, the BIS, IMF and has a permanent office at the UN.

Historically, the monarchies, principalities, landgraves, margraves, provincial rulers etc., were all appointed by Rome and collected taxes on their behalf. They obviously kept a major portion. The rest went to Rome.

Since stealing money (or property, land, assets, peace, freedom or lives) from humanity is unlawful, any taxation is ultimately slavery (we aren’t free if we can only keep a percentage of the fruits of our labor, our inheritance or assets) and organized religions, whether seeking tithes or taxes have always been for-profit institutions using mass mind control.

The theft of money raises the armies that keep the tyrants in power. The armies keep the tyrants in power, enabling the theft of the money. It’s a vicious circle.

Maintaining power is only achieved through theft under threat of violence, destitution or death. Because there’s no man (or woman) on earth who has lawful authority over another.

Ergo, we cannot transfer or delegate rights we don’t already have to anyone else, including govern-ment, by voting.

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When i read important & articulate posts now on subsuck, I am never surprised they get almost no traction, if any!

A comment like this you make is better than the article usually , I see similar situation on Iaini Davisis pages with RAM & co in their comments.

It is always revealing to me how much, or little integrity a substock writer has when they avoid or engage with such pertinent comments & commentators.

It does seem that most people commenting are actually so clueless they should be busy learning more before yapping away, or they are so socially inept, or dehumanised they can not adequately interact without 'loosing their load' in some kind of anal apoplexy.

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I gather you don't like substack all that much.

And you are probably projecting your own complexes on other commenters because psychoanalysis is about as useful as geography when it comes to socialization and common courtesy.

Here's a pro tip: try empathy sometimes by imagining acts of compassion, like when a cat decides to bring a dead sparrow as a present to his human, because he is so useless that has to go to the supermarket instead of do his own hunting himself. Teaching humans is an act of compassion by cats. Or so I see it. What do you think? Can you imagine yourself practicing empathy on anonymous people on the internet?

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OK, so you agree that the Governments of the past weren’t any better.

Did you know that the historical-political term “revolution” is a metaphor for the astronomical term “revolution”? When a celestial body ends a cycle and starts another cycle, that’s a completed revolution, and the start of another revolution. Same with politics. The “liberal” revolutions of the 1700s ended, perhaps, when the covid revolution started. Another cycle of mass theft and mass murder.

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DO you, AGENT Rogered, know how sanctimonious you appear after being given insights you previously were obviously unfamiliar with, yet do not have the empathy or humanity to recognise them with a 'like' or 'thank you' ?

''The “liberal” revolutions of the 1700s ended, perhaps, when the covID revolution started'' is a startling admission of ignorant awareness. Here you have confused market strategy of capitalism with 'liberal ' sensibilities used to facilitate an immoral /'godless' manufacturing mindset. DO you now see, or are you going to play the stroppy conceit game with me?

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Okay, today is the 8th of January and you have already earned the title of Miss Narcissist of the Year. Congratulations!

It seems you like to rumble. I don't like to rumble.

Why don't we just share peace, love, harmony, Renaissance sonnets and cocktail recipes? I can make some deadly mojitos, you know... One of them is the Rosenberg mojito, which uses a special type of mint that only grows in Estonia.

In any case, I'm happy to see that my fellow anarchists keep agreeing on the essential and bickering to death on superficial and worthless difference. We never change! Take that, Heraclitus!

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You mean the CDC is all lies and propaganda? If you are sick with colds and flu and similar things, it is because your body needs detoxifying and re-balancing. Amazing how all these fake viruses display the same symptoms. Stay healthier and avoid ALL vaccines/mRNA poisons as well as ALL drugs that your body hates. You can always tell your body dislikes drugs from the negative feedback it gives you.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


Finally The Hunger Games is down to a showdown between two teams:

The UnVaccinated


Those I like to call:

Spent Pieces Of Used Pharma Trash


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They are not victims. They forfeited their lives.

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I read the insurance companies are denying claims if you die of the jab. They are calling it suicide because you were supposed to know the jab was experimental 'medicine' and side effects include death (the intended effect, not a side effect).

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That's kinda mean.

Why the trashing of victims, anyway? Even if they act like jerks, they're still VICTIMS.

It's the people trying to kill us all that I have a problem with... Let's aim our irritation at THEM.

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Ok so then WHAT IS IT? What is the pathology of disease? What is the cause of the symptoms? Once we understand the true cause we can apprehend proper treatment and prevention. Thank you and have a great day.

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There are many things that can cause illness.

The symptoms can vary, too. This is not always so easy to figure out, but generally it seems to come down to some sort of toxin, some sort of filth, or quite possibly, these days, EMF's. 5G is extremely strong, too strong, and it's causing a LOT of distress, for humans, for critters, even for plants. So... investigation needs to be well-educated people who have not already decided what's what before they actually investigate.

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I don't believe that there is no one "it", but that there are various factors - stress, fatigue, diet, many toxic exposures (in food, water, "medicine", pollution, EMFs, household and industrial products...). The "germ" and contagion (contagion is unproven and there is much evidence against it) explanations are distracting us from all of these other issues, and based on them we are being manipulated into doing things that are harmful to ourselves and into not doing things that are healthy. Governments and industries that stress and harm us, and sell us fake "medicines", and keep us in fear/alarm and compromised health and thus easier to control, benefit and profit from the distraction. So I don't think there is one easy fix, rather we need to pay attention to what we're exposed to and consuming, and stress levels, etc. And ideally put the perps in jail for life.

There are some books that go into much more detail (I haven't read them but they come highly recommended by many) i.e. What Really Makes you Ill (Dawn Lester and David Parker), Virus Mania (Torsten Engelbrecht et al.), Can You Catch A Cold? (Daniel Roytas). I hope this helps. Cheers.

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Ah, you said it better than I did. I saw your response after I wrote mine.

Hi, CM. Doing more of your good work, I see!! Thank you! ^_^

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Short answer: parasites, malnutrition, and/or toxins (& manmade EMFs/RFs ARE TOXIC).

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Primary factors of disease in addition to EMF's and toxins in the enviromment, are 1) chronic dehydration, 2) nutritionally deficient diet, and 3) sedentary lifestyle. Coffee and alcohol cause dehydration. Hydration requires salt plus water. Water follows salt. Seasalt and clean pure structured water. www.findaspring.com

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Communicable diseases are parasites?

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There's never been PROOF of any disease being "communicable."

Contagion is an assumption. It may SEEM real, but... looks like not.

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CAN be ... e.g., trich, syphillis, malaria

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On Sunday, I talked with a Canadian who chose bodily integrity over financial security and his job with the Canadian government. He had to sell his house, but he refused to be experimented on.

During the trucker convoy, he went to Ottawa to see for himself and was in shock for three months after finding out that the news was showing the exact opposite of reality. He is sick that he worked for such a government for 25 years and thought he was doing something good.

I told him about Christine. I hope he has looked her up and that he sees this post.

Thank you, Christine, for what you are doing.

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Your friend is probably one of thousands and thousands... and that number will likely grow as we go along...

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Thank you very much for your efforts to unearth this information.

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Huge thanks once again to Christine for doing what it takes to expose the fraud of the virus lie! It seems the boxing world has caught wind of her heroic efforts:

Scene: Ringside at Madison Square Garden. The roar of the crowd fills the air, as the ring announcer steps into the spotlight, microphone in hand. He raises it high, his voice cutting through the excitement with commanding charisma.

Ring announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event of the evening! Sponsored by Christine’s FOIAs, sanctioned by the Truth and Justice Commission, and brought to you by Break Free of the Germ Theory PsyOp.

Ring announcer: Introducing first, frauding out of the blue corner, wearing green trunks with black trim, weighing in at a whopping ZERO evidence for XYZ ’viruses,’dodging FOIAs like punches in a windstorm, with a long, distinguished record of avoiding the truth, it’s Mr. Roger “No-Evidence-Found” Andooooh…

Crowd explodes in a symphony of boos – deafening, relentless, unforgiving.

Ring announcer: And now, fighting out of the red corner, wearing white trunks with gold trim, weighing in with an unprecedented 3000-plus FOIA KOs from over 250 so-called ‘health’ institutes worldwide, the reigning, defending, and still UNDEFEATED FOIA World Heavyweight Champion… the one, the only… Christine “SNIPER” MASSEEEEYYYYY!!

The Garden erupts. It’s pandemonium! Fans are stomping, chanting, shaking the rafters with uncontainable energy

The ring announcer pauses dramatically, as the audience continues to buzz with excitement. Then, with electrifying energy, he booms:

“Ladies and gentlemen, IIIet’s get ready to rumbleeeeee!!”

Ringside Commentator: There’s the bell! Round one! Massey wastes no time! A stiff, precise pistol jab lands square on Andoh’s nose, demanding a study that describes the purification of particles allegedly known as rhin/parainfluenza virus directly from bodily fluid, tissue, or excrement of so-called "hosts.” Look at Andoh! He’s rocked early - no counterpunch, no answer! He’s on the bicycle, pedalling furiously, trying to evade her with the desperation of someone dodging hard truths!

Ringside Commentator: Massey’s having none of it! Look at that ringcraft – slicing off the ring with textbook lateral movement, stalking Andoh like a predator. A quick feint, and BAM!! A left jab splits his guard, slicing open a cut over his right eye. That jab had venom – insisting on a study proving the "genome" of the alleged fictional viruses was found intact in the bodily fluid, tissue, excrement of a "host" - not fabricated in silico. Andoh’s on spaghetti legs, folks, stumbling back into the ropes, barely holding it together!

Ringside Commentator: He’s clinching now, folks, holding on for dear life – but Massey’s relentless. She digs in with a devastating left hook to the kidney, demanding a study that scientifically demonstrates the contagious nature of the illness or symptoms caused by the phantom viruses! Down goes Andoh! He’s on the canvas, taking the count! The ref’s at six… seven … eight – and Andoh barely makes it to his feet, wobbling like a marionette on strings!

The ref calls in the doctor to check that cut. It’s bleeding like a busted faucet. The doc takes one look, gives a hesitant nod – he’s gonna let Andoh continue, but folks, this looks grim.

Ringside Commentator: Back at it! Massey’s gloves are a blur, working head and body with surgical precision. Left hook! Right cross! Uppercut! Andoh’s guard? Non-existent! And now, here comes the haymaker – a titanic blow that demands a study scientifically proving the existence of the alleged rhino/parainfluenza viruses. Andoh is airborne, folks - 3 full seconds before crashing face-first onto the canvas!

Andoh’s corner throws in the towel, but it’s too late – the medics rush in with a stretcher. The crowd on its feet, chanting Massey’s name in unison.

Ringside Commentator: IT’S OVER! What a performance by Christine Massey! Let’s go to the official decision!

The ring announcer enters the ring with the referee by his side, the crowd buzzing from the explosive finish. He raises the microphone high, commanding the arena’s full attention:

“Ladies and gentlemen, referee Roy Jones calls a stop to this contest at 1 minute 33 seconds of round one.”

The ring announcer pauses for dramatic effect, letting the tension build before delivering the knockout moment with unrivalled gusto:

“The winner by knockout… and stillll the undefeated FOIA World Heavyweight Champion of the World … CHRISTINE “SNIPEEEEERRR” MASSEYYYYY!”

The crowd erupts in deafening cheers, the sound reverberating through the arena as Massey lifts the belts high above her head, an icon of victory, justice, and truth.

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Dear Jon LIKED !

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Another well written story of heroic proportions.

I have to say you really know how to make a point with flare.

Well done !!!

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MASSIVE THANKS for the positive feedback!! 👍👍🤸🤸🎉

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