Sorry if I seem to be on the side of the authorities but I like you have to make sure that we are not being used by either side. What exactly are the allegations against Pam. I hope that you understand that misinformation is coming from the mainstream and the alternative media. We on the truth community should be more diligent than our opponents and not give them the opportunity to discredit us. I am on the side of truth and will not in any way condone or agree with anything that deviates from that path. Terry

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No one asked you to do anything.

You previously wrote "the allegations... seem very serious she should be tried", but now it turns out that you know nothing at all about the charges against her - even though they are stated in the article above. Hmm.

I know Pam personally, have been to her home many times, have seen the damage done to her front door and anyone can view the video of them busting into her home the previous time, I've been to court for her many times and even acted as surety. I'm letting people know of the horrors that are going on. Don't believe it if you don't want to. Maybe you're just here to cast doubt and/or waste my time.

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Why did you post on Substack if you didn't want to influence or inform your subscribers. Sometimes negative or questioning comments can be viewed as beneficial as you have done with the various FOI's you have made. At no stage was I saying that you were lying or Pam guilty. I just think if they have charges against her they should proceed to trial and let a jury of her peers decide her fate. If not they should let her go free and return her child to her and then she should take proceedings against them and show the World the sort of regime that is in power in Canada.

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I post the information for people who care to know what's going on, and who might feel like helping in some way. When did I say that I don't want to influence or inform my subscribers?

No, you didn't say that I'm lying or that Pam is guilty, you only hinted that this might be the case, and you indicated that you know something about this case when in fact you knew nothing. Pam doesn't need a trial for earlier charges given that she was already held longer than if she were found guilty. For the newer charges, of course they should give her a speedy trial or let her go and return her daughter.

Pam has been showing the world how sick the regime is, for years. Go to bitchute and search her name.

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As the allegations have been not been proven though they seem very serious she should be tried and either acquitted or imprisoned but the proceedings should not be protracted but should be dealt with haste. It seems like they are trying to detain her whilst they search for evidence of crime. This case is very odd!

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What do you know about the allegations against Pam?

Do you realize that no man or woman had come forward with a claim that Pam had trespassed against them in any way?

And do you realize that Pam has already been forcibly detained in the Vanier hell-hole longer than if she had been found guilty, as admitted "on the record"?

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Horrific!! I hope she gets outta there!!!

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Yes she was released a few weeks ago, thank God. But a bank is trying to steal her home (based on being prevented from doing any banking while in jail), and last I heard the "authorities" still have her car and purse.

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Ever read a book called "The First Sex"?

A friend of mine recommended it, it came out in the mid-70's. If you ever felt like you were being overly-sensitive about how women are treated by men, this book would shut all that down like a Covid lockdown and that would be it. It's horrifying to read about it, written by a woman, with all the vile things done to women for thousands of years, in such a well-documented and In-Your-Face manner! But it does explain a LOT. And while I'm taking some of it with a grain of salt, MOST of it is well-cited. Shiver me timbers, but I think all this is really amplified right now, and probably has a lot to do with that Jeff Green guy, and poor women in jails-- Geezuz... Having a lot of very patronizing and snarky guys in my virtual face sometimes! And also some really sweet fellows, too. What a wild time, eh? Thanks again for what you do-- I saw you talking to Tom Cowan some time back and your work really stuck in my brain, fortunately. Cheers! xo

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I've never heard of that book but it sounds interesting. Crazy times indeed, and thank you for your kind support :)

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My pleasure.

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This can help

A Common Law Jury, presented with the all of the facts, unanimously reached the verdict that Elizabeth was NEVER the lawful monarch. And neither is Charles.https://gibraltar-messenger.net/letters/divine-significance-of-the-stone-of-destiny/

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Thank you.

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Update: You can look up court cases on this website (you have to create an account):


On the 16th I checked and they had yet another "appearance" scheduled for Pam on Monday the 19th (even though she had clearly stated on the record on the 14th that she would make no more "appearances" and that her position was already made clear in her written filings and verbally).

Now if you log in it says that her next appearance is on Wed. the 14th! As if all the scheduled "appearances" after last Wednesday never existed.

And the date of the most recent (dis)Information against her is wrong. She did not "appear" on Thursday the 15th (as she had already told them she would not), so the woman wearing the robe issued a warrant with discretion (while Pam was sitting in jail). But the website indicates that the last Information was sworn on the 14th.

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I don't know if he's controlled op. I don't read him often. Most ppl who see/hear/write about discrepancies in any subject don't always connect the dots easily or right away. It may take a long time. Lots of factors go into whether a person connects the dots at any time, or remains brain-soiled. Controlled ops/gatekeepers will be exposed.

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There have been no cases of " covid" ( unless you count the number of people mentally infected with media spread fear meme in the 2020-2022 convid psyop ).

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I'm totally aware of that. Christine gets it.

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Great Cora. I was just commenting on the link you sent to peckernews article that alleges there is such a thing as covid19.

That controlled opposition media site pretends covid is real, it seeks in the article to control the dialog by arguing "transmission"... a basic distraction from the fact CDC have no documentation proving "covid" exists.

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In the UK we have lost track of a similar woman who was reporting paedophilia experiences during her time in a children's home. Her name is Melanie Shaw and she has been medicated so much that she was incoherent in court, witnesses said. I have no idea where she is..... it has been years with no news.

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That's horrific Frances :( I hope she is safe. xoxo

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yes that's her

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Why is Realtor Pam Deol on facebook commenting and yet nothing is mentioned about her incarceration and the kidnapping of her daughter?

Have they hijacked her facebook page? https://www.facebook.com/DeolDreamHome/

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I've met Pam in person in Toronto. I saw the same woman in court (in cuffs) on Tues. and Wed. this week. It's the same woman shown in the FB pic, but clearly it is not her that is controlling the FB account. Not surprising given that Pam is talking about pedophilia and exposing the fraud going on in courts worldwide.

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I guess... I've never seen the FB profile before. Pam is definitely in jail.

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I would love to have e-mails addresses of director at Vanier Center, judge's one, prosecutor one's, etc.

If many people would write them or CALL THEM letting them know they are accountable, that WE the people will NOT accept such a behavior.

On another subject, she could address "the man acting as judge" for justice, thusly removing the protection he supposedly has when he acts in the "capacity of" judge.

A man has NO right to trespass against another man/woman.

"They" get away with it, simply because people never address the men who are acting "in the capacity of x" (cop, judge, municipal inspector, etc.)

IN THE CRIMINAL CODE (Canada) in Sect 2 Definitions

Look at the definition of "municipality" to see that they presume we are corporations, or acting as legal representative.

Look at the definition of "whoever, person, etc." to see that the code is a book to tell all civil servants the limits of their jurisdiction and authority !

A judge IS A SERVANT (employee of the state) Would you take orders from a servant ?

Another question : "Where do you take authority/jurisdiction over me" ?

Look at Canada's Interpretation law for the definition of "person" --> that name appears on the act/Certificate of birth !

Hope that helps, and I hope if anyone can get in touch with Christine Massey to give her these infos.



P. S.: Read the book by Hartford Van DYKE "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"

An Introduction Programming Manual

Operations Research Technical Manual


to understand how and why they do everyting to control the people. (Available for free on the internet )

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Bingo, thank you, and Pam knows all this and is being held all this time because she refuses to play along with their legal scam.

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Christine, I sent u an email earlier today. can u plz respond. I have a question.thx.

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Sep 15, 2022
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Sadly yes, and hopefully it will come crashing down soon!

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