Horrific treatment by Vanier Centre for Women staff alleged in Milton Ontario courthouse
September 2022
This is very off-topic for my germ-FOIs newsletter. I witnessed the telling of some very disturbing allegations in the last couple of days and need to share the story. I’ll be back to the FOIs soon.
Written on Wednesday September 14, 2022 (posted on September 15th):
A woman who has been held in custody for over a month and a half alleged horrific treatment by people acting as staff at the Vanier Centre for Women, in the Milton Ontario Court of Justice today.
Numerous supporters who attended court over a period of 3 days this week observed as Mark J. Curtis acting as Justice of the Peace heard in-person allegations from a woman that staff have beaten and neglected her, prevented her from having any visitors, prevented her from making any phone calls, refused her access to the disclosure package provided by "the crown", falsely told "the court" on previous days that she had refused to attend court in person and would not leave her cell when in fact she had insisted on appearing in person and they refused to take her to court, refused her any women's sanitary products during 2 periods of menstruation, and sent her to court today in the same underwear in which she had already passed 2 menstrual periods.
Parmjit, who is often referred to as "Pam Deol", repeatedly described the treatment as "torture" and directed "Justice" Curtis to fulfill his duty to ensure her well-being. Curtis responded by indicating that he had spent 5 years at Maplehurst Correctional Complex, did not doubt the allegations, and that he "hoped" Parmjit would be fed upon return. He did not provide an answer to Parmjit's very basic question regarding the bail conditions that had been proposed by James Coppolino acting as crown attorney, and did not ask or require Coppolino to clarify his proposal.
Coppolino watched on in silence while Parmjit insisted that she could not be expected to make a decision on his proposal in the absence of basic details, and was later seen (by this reporter) at the back of the courtroom chuckling with a man acting as police officer only seconds after Parmjit had recounted further horrors that she alleges to have experienced in the last seven weeks.
Parmjit clearly stated on the record that she will consent to no further appearances, yet "Justice" Curtis stated on the record that she "clearly" wanted him schedule a hearing over the proposed bail conditions. Curtis scheduled a hearing at 9:30 am on September 15th, meaning that Parmjit would be taken back to Vanier for another day of the allegedly tortuous treatment.
Brendan Neil, a court-appointment lawyer acting as amicus (meaning that he does not represent Parmjit but acts to facilitate communication between her and "the court") pointed out to "Justice" Curtis that even if Parmjit were to be found guilty on the charges of criminal harassment against her, it is highly unlikely that she would be sentenced to more than the amount of time that she has already served in prison. He repeatedly indicated on the record concern for her well-being and the need to get her released from the Vanier Centre.
Parmjit's many supporters expressed great fear for her safety and concern that she will perish at the Vanier Centre.
Prior to the unproven criminal allegations against Parmjit, she had been publicly outspoken about what she describes as the kidnapping of her beloved young daughter by agents of the crown 2 years ago, being prevented from having any contact with her daughter, having police refuse to perform any wellness checks on her daughter, the torment of not knowing whether her daughter was still alive, and her conviction that her daughter is being sexually trafficked if she is still alive.
Parmjit has explained that she was originally "awarded" full custody of her daughter and had the support and assistance of numerous crown agents with respect to allegations that her daughter had been the victim of pedophilia by various men. According to Parmjit, at some point the crown agents suddenly changed their behaviour towards her and subsequently her daughter's father was awarded full custody.
Further allegations made by Parmjit are that she had been attacked by 8 staff members at the Vanier Centre on one occasion, then sent to St. Joseph's Hospital in Hamilton where she was forced into a psychiatric ward and made to undergo a mental fitness assessment (Parmjit was found to be mentally fit). She also alleged being left for 8 hours without any healthcare attention after sustaining a head injury at the Vanier Centre, and deprived of food and water.
Her supporters were visibly shaken but not surprised by the allegations.
— Christine Massey
Hey Christine is this the same person this Century 21 realtor Pam Deol ??! Christopher aka "Warrior calls dot com has her photo up with the story .
Update: You can look up court cases on this website (you have to create an account):
On the 16th I checked and they had yet another "appearance" scheduled for Pam on Monday the 19th (even though she had clearly stated on the record on the 14th that she would make no more "appearances" and that her position was already made clear in her written filings and verbally).
Now if you log in it says that her next appearance is on Wed. the 14th! As if all the scheduled "appearances" after last Wednesday never existed.
And the date of the most recent (dis)Information against her is wrong. She did not "appear" on Thursday the 15th (as she had already told them she would not), so the woman wearing the robe issued a warrant with discretion (while Pam was sitting in jail). But the website indicates that the last Information was sworn on the 14th.