Mar 23, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Hi and cheers, Christine Massey.

I think DelBigtree's argument is ridiculous, the fact viruses are not pathogenic sars cov2 never existed is much more important than the faked origin. Who cares about the origin {WHO would} if the world learns it was all based on fraud, a plan and not a pandemic would allow them to get away with it?

Now is the time, not later, anyone who's thinking now they will pull another one out of their hat.

Isn't it awful enough that they've conned billions into believing in long covid.

In fact the time was at least 3 yrs ago when the governmental, WHO UN. Rockefeller & co's lockstep began.

Imagine grown popular men with large followings & website like Del, RFK who were /are purportedly against the injuring and mandating of vaccines to children for their pleasure for being in institutions which are not even educating them. 12 yrs spent to be indoctrinated into becoming global citizens who follow the rules, don't question.

I can't fathom how these men or their fellows never once did any research to see if vaccines where ever required, if the germ theory had it right, being against the poisons which never saved anyone, is after all not a new phenomena.


In any case I'm glad to hear that you and your friend have good news on the false criminal "charges" against you both. Thank you for your diligence and all the additional information on this post.

Cheers, Mia

P.s Christine, I wonder have you, heard of the Report from Iron Mountain?

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Christine Massey, Have you seen this from Dr Sam Bailey? https://fluoridealert.dm.networkforgood.com/emails/2465983?

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Hi Christine, this is not related to this excellent article but I can’t think of any other way to contact you (are you still banned from Twitter?).

I just read a Substack article by Martin Neil, Where Are The Numbers and in the comments someone (Geoff Pain) said: “The first isolation and full characterization of the Wuhan Covid 19 was done in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in January 2020. It was isolated, examined by Transmission Electron Microscopy and confirmed to a Coronavirus by PCR, then full Sequencing, then successful Culture and Export.


Is this ‘the one that got away’ 🤭 Christine? I think it unlikely but I would love to hear what you think about this huge success!

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FYI Christine! Fluoride finding, just in case you missed it. Likely not. However, I don't want to assume.


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I notice that the like button on substack are still very bouncy! I've just liked the same comment THREE TIMES before it would stick. I might have to check back later to see if it has vanished AGAIN.

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The idea of prosecutions is a red herring. He’s got nuthin’. His followers are sheep and don’t question his stories.

His revenue stream is increasingly at risk. His Wall Street sponsors have him on a short leash.

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Even if Del can't admit there's no virus, I wish he'd hammer home the obvious point that there is no TEST for this virus. And it hasn't been proven that "the virus" causes "those symptoms". If he could just completely debunk the use of PCR as a diagnostic tool, that would be a huge step in the right direction. They're still talking (in the mainstream news) about using it to test wastewater for Covid particles. That would easily be a justification for locking us all down again.

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Del Bigtree is deceiving and manipulating his viewership. Disgusting. I can't watch much of the Saeed video. Baldwin was so rude from the beginning - what is with these people? - Well I do know the answer to that question.

Humanity is in a huge mess, it's a cult. We are seeing the mass consequence of living a lie and humans being far removed from natural laws.

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Christine! Your work is crucial to exposing their lies!

Covid does not exist and is simply a renaming of common detoxification symptoms into a new faux disease.

I have sent an email to my University condemning them for pursuing a chemical injection mandate on our precious students. This is a crime punishable by death. Taking orders is no excuse.

Any Professional pushing a virus narrative at this point is clearly in a state of cognitive dissonance and needs to be avoided.

Another huge fraud that is being exposed are vaccines! All a fraud and causing chronic illness and early death in Humans since 1721.

My library is extensive and I also have access to one of the largest private medical and Natural healing libraries in Ontario. I rely mostly on printed material for my research. Much of what I see and review on line may be altered. I use archive.org to go back and check the research documents.

Twenty years ago I felt confident in "The Lancet" "NEJM" "BMJ" "JAMA" "PubMed" to name a few. However, they all have been tainted, in my opinion, and the published papers are 50% propaganda for Big Pharma.

I appreciate what courage it takes to speak out the way you have Christine. You're a warrior and have helped thousands if not millions wake up to the corruption.

The Gatekeepers that have been active is suppressing the full truth are being exposed. All of their theories are being defeated. They were put in place to spread fear and capture power and to rob us of our health and steal from our bank accounts.

How to identify a Gatekeeper? Any person or organization that keeps pushing the false narrative about covid being something real, a virus story that invisible, never isolated particles, cause disease and that some vaccines may be necessary! All vaccines are a fraud, there are no exceptions.

Why has it taken so long for these lies to be exposed? Would it surprise to to learn that many Doctors, Professionals, Researchers have attempted but failed. Some have met with untimely deaths.

I keep gathering evidence and building my library to defend my position. I see nothing that would support a novel disease. A cover up for the environmental toxins that are released into our air, water and food.

Oh no.. Food! I could talk for days and days on all of the toxic ingredients going into our food. The food additives that cause chronic inflammation to keep us sick. Also, the glyphosate contamination keeps building.

What are the symptoms of acute glyphosate poisoning? Is that what covid is?

Everything we need to stay healthy comes from Nature!

Not medical advice. Do your own research and trust that fresh air, exercise, pure nutritious food and building a strong community will provide optimum health.

I will keep sharing your work Christine.

Thank you again for making this available of substack so we can pitch in our two cents worth.

Okay, maybe I've added a nickel's worth?

Best of Health and Truth!

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Christine - I am knocked out by the level of your commitment.. Thankyou!

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Interesting take. Could it also be that he was a "problem" for the government and they needed to "deal" with him?

I don't know what kind of doctor he was, but in the last few years, there have been dozens of naturopathic and homeopathic doctors that have had mysterious deaths. Far too many to be dismissed as coincidence.

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All that is true. But, introducing the idea of no virus to the football watching, video game playing, masses, will be very difficult to do. They have been taught one way for so long, that to accept such a radical truth, is just too much to bear. Even to their own detriment. This includes very educated people as well. It's just too fantastic. But, no one will bother to check the claim on their own, either. They'd rather stay comfortable, in the slowly heating pot.

Noah preached for a hundred and twenty years to the masses about a coming flood. NOT ONE accepted his preachings.

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To go back to the video with Dr. Saeed to come:

"The most widely used structural method for the determination of high-resolution structures of biological samples is X-ray crystallography." That actually says it all, because a sample is a mixture of everything possible and what comes out of it cannot be described as a so-called "viral protein" or a so-called fictitous "virus"!! - so Dr. Saeed right when he says that a sample must first be cleaned of everything!!


The technique of analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) was developed by Svedberg and Lysholm in 1927 (1). With AUC one is able to determine molecular weight, shape and stoichiometry of macromolecules and macromolecular complexes.


"The hydrodynamic behaviour of macromolecules under the influence of centrifugal forces is determined by their molecular size and molecular shape and the physical and chemical properties of the !!solvent!!." - "From the sedimentation velocity molecular properties like size and shape of a particle can be infered." >but NOT what it is, THIS is just an assumption/hypothesis!!! so Dr. Saeed is right again!!

Well, that too is just experimental, and NOT verified!! Have a nice day!! Bye

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Dear Christine, thank you very much for your great work!!

Let's see how a so-called "tobacco virus" is searched for:


Now you type these nucleotide sequences into the BLAST search https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&BLAST_SPEC=OGP__9606__9558&LINK_LOC=blasthome , every single letter group at Enter Query Sequence, scroll down and click on the blue box on the left, wait for the result to come up - nucleotide sequences have humans, animals, plants - started in the 19th century industrialization in Europe, but also in America https://ehne.fr/en/encyclopedia/themes/material-civilization/energy-transition-and-environment/gas-power-and-urban-environment-in-europe-during-19th-century - https://www.sciencehistory.org/distillations/an-everyday-poison - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/arsenic-s-afterlife-how-scientists-learned-to-identify-poison-victims-excerpt/ - the environment was polluted with chemicals and THAT produces disease in humans, in animals and also in plants - that was the case then and is still the case today, but it has nothing to do with a fictitious "virus" to do!! Everything regenerates itself every day and this regeneration causes cells to die, which then have to be shed and the cell debris that still has parts of nucleotides is then searched for - this is not science and has nothing to do with "viruses"!! And the same is at all so-called fictitious "viruses"!


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What was said during O'Keefe's 'vacation' with RJK jr.? How to moonwalk?

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I now have another tutorial for you. It's not meant to prove that viruses exist, but maybe you'll learn something about the genetics of viruses.

First download ClustalW from here: http://www.clustal.org/clustal2/ (or run `brew install clustal-w` on Mac). ClustalW takes a file with multiple unaligned genomes, and it aligns the sequences so that the same position within each sequence corresponds to the same spot within the genome. Next open a terminal application on Mac or GNU/Linux and run the following commands, which downloads the genomes of a few SARS-like viruses and aligns them:

printf %s\\n SARS_2_Wuhan-Hu-1.2020:NC_045512 SARS_1_Tor2.2003:NC_004718 RaTG13_Yunnan_horseshoe.2020:MN996532 Zhoushan_bat_virus_ZC45.2018:MG772933 Zhoushan_bat_virus_ZXC21.2018:MG772934 BANAL-52_Laos_bat.2020:MZ937000 Bat_SARS-like_WIV1.2013:KF367457 Bat_SARS_HKU3-7.2010:GQ153542 Bat_SARS-like_Rs4247.2017:KY417148 >accession

for x in `cut -d: -f2 accession`;do curl "https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=nuccore&rettype=fasta&id=$x";done>sars.fa

clustalw sars.fa -output=fasta

Next download R from here: https://cran.r-project.org. Then open the R console application and copy and paste this code:





name=read.table(text=paste(sub(" ","\t",sub("^>","",fa[grepl("^>",fa)])),collapse="\n"),sep="\t",r=1)

colnames(dist)=rownames(dist)=sub(", complete genome","",name[rownames(dist),])




Then look at 1.png in your home directory. It shows a heatmap of the percentage identity between each pair of genomes, which includes a hierarchical clustering tree based on the distance matrix between the genomes.

Next you can try to just align the spike proteins, which shows you that SARS 2 is the only genome that has the PRRA insert which encodes for the furin cleavage site:

mkdir prot;for x in `cut -d: -f2 accession`;do curl "https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=nuccore&rettype=fasta_cds_aa&id=$x">prot/$x;done

for x in prot/*;do awk -F: '$2==x{print">"$1}' "x=${x##*/}" accession;awk '/protein=(spike|surface)/{x=1;next}/^>/{x=0}x' $x;done>spike.fa

clustalw spike.fa;cat spike.aln

The HIV sequence database of the Los Alamos National Laboratory provides an easy way to download prealigned FASTA files for HIV and SIV sequences. So a third thing you can try is to go here: https://www.hiv.lanl.gov/content/sequence/NEWALIGN/align.html. For example set "Alignment type" to "Compendium", set "Organism" to "Other SIV (includes HIV1 and HIV2 sequences)", set "Region" to "GENOME", and click "Get alignment". Then you can use this R code to do hierarchical clustering of the results:






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