"germ" FOIs - Del Bigtree, India, Project Veritas, Europe, Dr. Dan Wilson, CDC, NZ ESR - no records!
March 13, 2023
Greetings and Best Wishes,
Before getting to the new FOI responses, a little good news relating to the false criminal "charges" against Tyler Berry and myself:
Some vindication for “the good cop” Alicia McGriskin, Tyler Berry, myself and our colleagues
The bogus charges against Alicia, who refused to lay any charges against my colleagues and I (since we had done absolutely nothing wrong) appear to have been dropped:
Background info: What really happened at the home of medical officer/terrorist/fraud, Thomas Piggott: Peterborough Medical Officer served, LIES to police!
More details, including Piggott's ridiculous 911 call to police and the fraudulent war-rants used to arrest Tyler and I:
December 5, 2022:
Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confessed that the CDC has no record that describes controlled experiments using purified Mycoplasma pneumoniae, or any other type of purified bacteria, proving causation of pneumonia and satisfying Koch's Postulates (I will address the CDC's response to the other 2 FOIs that are mentioned in this letter, separately):
December 5, 2022:
Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention failed to provide or cite any record that describes controlled experiments proving that parasites cause malaria;
Instead, Roger cited 5 irrelevant/unscientific papers. Very briefly:
1st paper, Studies on Human Malaria....
- small sample size, no controls, invalid independent variable, not even designed to test for causation of malaria
- monkeys were inoculated intrahepatically with crushed mosquito salivary glands and monkey serum-saline, as well as intravenously with supernatant from centrifuged crushed mosquito bodies (minus salivary glands) and monkey serum-saline;
2nd paper, Chloroquine Resistant...
- small sample size, no controls, invalid independent variable, not even designed to test for causation of malaria
-infected blood from a human was innoculated intravenously into 1 splenectomized monkey, then blood from that monkey was subpassaged into other splenectomized monkies, etc.
Useless animal torture!
The remaining papers are equally irrelevant and unhelpful. (I will address the CDC's response to the remaining FOI that is mentioned in this letter, in my next newsletter):
March 9, 2023:
Del Bigtree made it crystal clear with his new rant against the (not so) "little group of" no-virus people that there is no logic behind his decision to play along with the pseudoscience of virology.
In an astounding feat of mental gymnastics, Del equated virology being pseudoscience with Fauci being innocent. And with no-virus people wanting to let Fauci and all convid perpetrators off the hook for all their crimes of the last 3 years. Maybe someone needs a vacation?
Later in the program, Del referred to the perps' (gain of function) "science" turning against them, which is interesting because Del failed to cite any science whatsoever each of the 3 times that I asked him for it - see the emails further below:
Video (see also @1:25:58, Ep 310, Highwire):

January - March 2023 emails:
Del Bigtree answered zero questions, cited zero "virus" science:
January - February 28, 2023:
James O'Keefe and his colleagues at Project Veritas made it clear based on their nonresponse that they too have no science showing the existence of any alleged "virus" whatsoever:
March 7, 2023:
European CDC confessed to having no record of the alleged "SARS-COV-2 spike protein" being found in and purified from any people who were diagnosed with fake covid or who received a so-called "mRNA vaccine".
The request ruled out studies where researchers did something with “recombinant” aka lab-created "spike protein" that wasn’t found in people, and studies where the alleged protein was "detected" indirectly using a nonspecific test.
Thanks Barbara!
March 10, 2023:
Completely unsatisfactory FOI responses from the Indian Council of Medical Research have led Dr. Mufassil Dingankar BHMS, Jitendra Banjara MSc, Sachin Pethkar BAMS and 200 colleagues in India to issue an Urgent demand for proof of key microbiology hypothesis [virus existence] via practical real time public demonstration!
Their demand letter was highlighted and read by Dr Sam Bailey in her latest video, "No Virus is International":
Some of the group's documents can be found here:
Their redacted demand letter:
March 2023:
Michael S. reports on the response he received after filing a FOI to ESR - the "crown" research organization of New Zealand - which resulted in him being provided no records, only lame excuses:
Proof of Measles: Who has the proof? -- by Monky Science
Steve Falconer on Patrick Henningsen Show - a brilliant explanation of gain-of-fiction
Lab Leaks, the FBI and Health Freedom Leaders -- Alec Zeck of The Way Forward
Alec thoroughly unpacks the pseudoscientific lab-leak narrative, and provides links to numerous important lab-leak/gain-of-fiction debunking resources:
Look here everyone, then you won't see what really happened - David Icke on the fake lab-leak
Saeed Qureshi's "virus" discussion with Dr. Dan Wilson and Thomas Baldwin
Thanks to "Vaccine Mole" on twitter, we now know that Dan works for Janssen / J&J Pharma, as shown here:

March 2023:
Janssen / J&J agent Dan Wilson of "Dr. Wilson's Debunk the Funk Videos" cited pseudoscience and no valid "SARS-COV-2 purification" records, since none exist.
Instead, during our email communications Dan cited 6 monkey-cell-nonsense studies that he "confirmed" (3 times!) resulted in purification of "SARS-COV-2" and that the allegedly existing-and-purified particles are "the virus". Dan then invited me onto to his show, and I agreed to go on to discuss these "purification" papers.
Then Dan insisted that we NOT discuss any of the "purification" papers. Instead, he insisted that we focus on papers wherein authors presumed the existence of the imaginary virus and used pre-existing, invalid "isolates"/"strains" that they obtained from elsewhere. It seems that Dan is not willing to stand by his multiple confirmations that the imaginary SARS-COV-2 was purified in those 6 papers.
(In 2021, Dan and Thomas Baldwin made a failed attempt to debunk Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman's work. Here are some notes re the fake "isolate"/"strain" that was used in the psuedoscience study cited by Dan and Thomas:
MUC-1 aka MUC-IMB1: Corman/Drosten monkey business:
Mike Stone of viroLIEgy reviewed his twitter exchange with Dan's colleague, "scientist" Thomas Baldwin, re scientific method, showing that Thomas does not understand the concepts of independent or dependent variable:

My interview with Patrick Timpone: Freedom of info requests to 200 agencies yield nothing - No virus on record
Dr. Tom Cowan's response to Peter McCullough and Derrick Broze
Michael Wallach (director of Viral Delusion) and I spoke with Dr. Rima Laibow and Ralph Fucetola, on People for People Radio:
Science doesn't need a hypothesis, According to the University of Otago -- by Monky Science
COVID-19(84) Computer simulation exposed | Andy Kaufman on Press for Truth with Dan Dicks
What is Children´s Health (Defense) really Defending? -- by Misha from Gamzuletova
From their articles, it seems they are energetically defending two illusions: COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2.
My March 9, 2023 interview with Jeremy Nell of Germ Warfare.
My March 9, 2023 talk with Ab at Fakeologist (apologies for the f-bomb):
FOIs Summary
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (213 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 213 institutions (last updated September 11, 2022):
Growing collection of FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically "mock infected" cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated "genomes":
3000 pages of "virus" FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) don't exist and virology isn't a science.
For Truth, Freedom and Sanity
christine: unincorporated living woman of the Massey family who does not act as surety for any corporation or “public debt”
at southern Ontario, Canada
Del Bigtree, a "hero" of the "truth" movement? What sort of "truth"? What sort of "hero"? Movement people are addicted to him because they're still susceptible to the mass media hypnosis they grew up with, and Del's extensive background in mass media (CBS senior producer) renders him very skilled at using this susceptibility via his production techniques.
Christine---your work needs to be front and center. It will IMMEDIATELY end the agenda. I have been asking ALL so-called "truth and freedom" advocates to feature you and your work. Instead, they are recycling stories that keep the fiction alive, never getting to the root of this entire scam.
I have become aware of the very real reality that many who profess to "want" truth and freedom are still addicted to the SEARCH for such - and not prepared to move out of the drama and suffering. It appears to be a deep (unconscious?) commitment to deception and enslavement.