I am a 60 year old Black gay man who has survived the scourge of HIV/AIDS while at first scores than several hundred I knew as friends and family died because of the clear dishonesty of folks like you.
I am, here and now calling a spade a spade and keeping it as real as I can.
Folks like you with intended deception present dismissive actions by a single government official and run with it. In the process, what you convince humans who love conspiracy theories to accept as seemingly feasible truth, walks them, eventually into graves that did not have to be their own.
Government incompetence is human incompetence, which eludes none of us.
That's not only indisputable but common sense.
However, such intermittent incompetence DECIDEDLY OFFERS NO PROOF proof THAT nefarious scientists are lying about viruses vs. retroviruses vs. DNA viruses vs RNA viral particles vs protein sequences, all of which can and do play mechanistic roles to the minutiae and specificity of processes that lead the normally reliable machinery of cell making to go haywire.
Though cancer can be seriously deadly the reason cancers top the leading cause of deaths is because cancer is in reality not a complicated disease and many things can cause it by themselves or in concert with other factors.
Cancer happens, mechanistically, for one reason, and one reason only, in the grand scheme of things.
A causal agent either alone or in concert with another causal agent turns the normal process of cell replication -- which normally is carefully controlled every day -- into something akin to a run away train of cell replication.
Literally all cancer is what?
It is the normally very well run machine of cells dying and being replaced with new ones but with some outside factor intervening to wreak havoc.
Cell replication has thus been interrupted by a singulsr gactor or a combination of factors.
Whatever the case maybe, hat cells in a certain part of your body starys to grow uncontrollably.
The growth can be benign or malignant.
If HPV is present at or in your mouth, anus, vagina, penis, cervix, or vulva and if those locations become less normal over time due to genetic or environmental changes of the linings of those orifices and those changes are directly caused by HPV or if HPV is acquired after normally benign abnormalities super charge human cells to proliferate, then, wnen and if that cell growth is malignant the result can be death by cancer.
Given all the above...
It is an illogical leap of huge proportion to draw inference and conclude from your interactions with one FDA official, that several communications together comprising one event over time means that evidence of HPV does not exist.
HPV indisputably causes several cancers even as not everyone with HPV will develop cancer.
DNA viruses or viral subparticles that in and of themselves behave differently at times from other pathogens can and do exist inside the body but some don't survive long outside the body -- at least not in the same wat we think of humans being alive. What’s more, even as no HPV virus can be spread via the air, that does not mean the virus does not exist.
Folks like you?
You and your misdirection lead to the miseducation and ignorance of people I loved and who love me.
Because of your ego and need to be seen...
Because you help to disappear reason and common sense and prey upon people's sensible distrust of authority and government...
Because you focus on semantics and the imprecision that plagues language in general and the English language in paricular...
Because different categorization and subcategories exist between a lay person's conept of the term "virus" and a virology capacity to know that a lay person's definition of virus is insufficient and lacks the distinction and sophistication of a virologist's...
HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a type of virus, specifically a DNA virus from the papillomavirus family.
Because you with intent obfuscate knowing most whovread the misdirection you engage ad proof of some nefarious and intentional lie...
Because a DNA virus like HPV cannot survive or exist outside the body means and because you know that you then proffer differences without distinctions...
Because you are a clever woman who seeks to so doubt in a layperson's world where none exists scientifically
Because of all this ..
You are way worse than the incompetent and obfuscating FDA official you critique.
You impress with your rhetorical flourishes (I hereby praise your mastery of language)...
Clever folk like you, pseudo or actual scientists who have convinced themselves they provide a public service...
You, my White sister convinced she helps others see...
You are my friend...
Black folk (especially Black gay men like me) .
Too many African Americans who relish conspiracy because of the reality that historically Black folk have been deceived to joining experiments that scientists knew would kill them in order to test cures that white people always access first while African-descendant communities are left to suffer excess morbidity and mortality.
You are a huckster of the worst kind as you exploit the reality of occasional governance incompetence to imply that a virus that surely does exist inside the body but cannot survive outside it means that virus does not exist.
Want to see other photos?
Then copy and paste the following text into your favorite search engine: ELECTRON MICROGRAPH OF HUMAN PPV
As for you, dear original poster...
Do me a favor.
Having luckily survived the idiots who were denialists around HIV/AIDS whose incidence is such that more than 2 in 5 new cases target African Anericans.
"Folks like you with intended deception present dismissive actions by a single government official" - you lost me here b/c it shows that you didn't even read my entire newsletter.
The onus is on you to provide proof of "viruses", not on us to prove a negative. I've collected literally hundreds and hundreds of FOI responses from 40 countries showing that no one has any valid scientific evidence and confirming what is seen in the literature: that virology is pseudoscience. If you claim otherwise, then cite valid scientific evidence. I've got zero interest in your accusations or unsubstantiated claims.
um...literally you can look up images of their proof...on the internet... pictures of them...unless you believe the earth is flat and that all photographs and the laws of physics don't exist and everything is fake.
As the sci-fi protagonist FOX MULDER of the X-FILES says...
Literally open your computer browser or mobile device's desired search engine app.
But... I am guessing you will say that ANY AND ALL such photographic evidence simply is fabricated by green alien overlords encased in human shells.
That these overlords someday will reveal themselves as the makers of a holographic alternate reality, which one of the theoretical physics models of reality do hypothesize is possible, hence of my intentional use of that one scenario here. (I wanted to offer at least something to feed your further delusions that nothing viral exists as a disease causing pathogen). [YOU'RE WELCOME!!!]
That all the comic books you read as a kid were what's real.
And that everything else is fake.
That THIS or THAT is unreal.
That our boogers are not salty in taste and that our farts have sulfurous smell since sulfides are not derivative of sulphur and sulfur is a lie and the Periodic Table has only half as many elements or is that twice as many elements and that oxygen is the devil's farts and hydrogen is God's sneezes and that together they create water which is an alien elixir and we are all in pods taking us back to an advanced civilization as food for their gods.
That we never really existed.
That our green overlords will wake us up to reveal that nothing we thought was real and we are all their playthings.
Now please get if my allegorical lawn (which by the way nabs the lawn actually does not exist in task life.
Astral project the lies you believe in and revel in the fantastical.
Truly I begrudge no one of fantastical belief.
Bit don't trek me they are based in ANY SEMBLANCE OF TRUTH OR WHAT'S REAL AND TANGIBLE
Literally I did since the beginning of 2020 and I have not found any legit picture of them. Not to mention that there is no validated method to observe anything on such micro scale. For example electron microscopy has never been validated by comparison with reference material. And it does not allow a real time observation of occurring processes. And there are issues with preparations of samples for it. Thus effects of it are left for arbitrary interpretations.
I do not know what is a shape of the Earth as a whole. But so far no one has proven it being a globe. No one is able to provide me physical measurements of its physical surface when I ask about it.
The laws of physics are man made descriptions. Properties of our reality are not.
Do you even understand that you talk to someone whose cognitive standards are reason, logic and scientific method?
Chemistry is a pseudoscience. No one has proven existence of elements.
Again. I am not interested in your opinions, beliefs and feelings.
Bring valid arguments next time or admit that you are clueless and your cognitive standards are abysmal.
Thank you yet again for your persistence. I am trying to get scientific papers on the new additive given to dairy cows using FOI in the U.K. Your requests have helped me to try and be as succinct as possible. Unfortunately my mind is not as clear as yours.
Not in the same scale as yours but I have had similar delays and obfuscation in the UK when I asked a FOI about the number of lives saved by public defibrillators. No answers but some people are making a lot of money from installing them in inappropriate places. A long story, yawn.
This is a remarkable exchange. Thank you Christine for your persistence. I imagine the recipients mood turns gloomy every time they see another FOIA request from you :)
If anyone has an interpretation of the responses you received other than your reasonable interpretation, I would like to hear it. Until then, I share your interpretation. They have nothing that validates viruses or contagion & in light of that, the entire field of “vaccines” collapses into the crime it obviously is.
It’s no neutral, solely financially motivated crime, either (bad enough though that would be) but an assault upon each & every recipient of an injection masquerading as something that helps them.
The panic in the 'legal' departments must be something to see! "Oh no, its another demand from that Massey woman, here you handle it."
I just bet she is quaking about the deliberate name obfuscation as that demonstrates intent to deceive and possibly to 'pervert the course of justice.'
it has been my experience over the last 4-5 years that most 'lawyers' know very little about the legislation/statutes and focus entirely on 'process,' said deficiencies becoming all too obvious when their arrogant bravado is challenged.
Hahahaha, it is 'pass the parcel' game with all your letters.
From a half-opened window, Christine assumes the perfect sniper position, her steely focus unmatched. Across the street, the FDA is in chaos. Staff members crawl under desks like field mice, desperate to avoid the red dots of Christine’s laser sights. Panic spreads as whispers circulate – no one wants to take the headshot from one of her infamous bullets engraved with “No Evidence Found.”
Every squeeze of the trigger is precision itself, each FOIA request hitting its target with surgical accuracy. Filing cabinets rattle, inboxes ping, and excuses crumble. Christine’s marksmanship is so legendary, even the janitor dives for cover at the sight of a well-aimed inquiry.
It’s a relief knowing Christine is on our side, exposing the lies that others fear to confront – or lack the constitution to face. Another bullseye, another myth dismantled. Bravo, Christine! The FOIA sniper strikes again with unerring aim!
Notice how these people squirm so hard to provide the information.
It's like a part of them cannot fathom that they stupidly got a shot for a fake pandemic.
Oh and what's the deal with all of these so called alt doctors speculating about "spike protein" and mRNA pseudoscience vaporware as the reason why the shots damage.
Bumps/pox are when the body is trying to eliminate toxins through the skin (where the body cannot do it through normal internal means via the lymph fluid and organs like the liver).
What happens if you rub toxins on your skin? Bumps... Essentially like a rash reaction like poison ivy etc.
Poison ivy is an excellent example of skin irritation due to oils of poison oak or poison ivy, and I have studied very much about how to remedy that not only with over-the-counter TECHNU but with first nations peoples, a.k.a. indigenous, a.k.a. Indian, recipes of Indian soap, root mart, etc. thank
I have to study as I’ve heard of this before, but I am not knowing of such
I have observed in previous decades of 2000 and 2010 that if I were with a woman who had bumps within her private parts, then I might get bumps on my private parts to which I would apply dry ice. This happened two times with woman in Santa Rosa California, and one time with woman two in Mountain View California.
I said my jury is out on germ theory, and I said that here on HPV
Might You care to explain somehow why I should believe I had this correlation repeatedly in these three experiences with these two women ?
I do not believe toxins were involved
My conversation with you so far is causing me to double down on virus theory
I also used dry ice to freeze off planters warts on my hands in two decades of 2000 and 2010 which I believe to be HPV
I would also have to change my theories here as I believe these to be viral in nature. Furthermore, I believed this virus entered my hands through cuts on my skin, so I acted accordingly in the future, and seem to have avoided them ever since.
Furthermore, I had believe my brother had brought home warts into our shower, stall of our family house last century, and again I acted accordingly and froze those off with dry ice
In this process, I observed the blood vessel supply for the same as I was then subscribing to the theories I had read online, etc.
I learned a great many things about how to nip these little bumps in the butt with a toenail clippers and alcohol successfully before they ever rooted deeply
I became quite the expert on using dry ice alcohol, don’t know clippers for these suckers
Fortunately, it’s been over 10 years since I have suffered such
Might I ask how you found out prior to laying with said women you were able to identify the bumps on/in the private parts? Pre-screening questionnaire or physical inspection? Seems like a strange scenario especially to then make the decision to move into intimacy relations with the private bumps peoples.
I find it helpful when conducting an investigation to rule out things it cannot be. It might lead you to "I don't know"... but at least you'll know what it isn't. Otherwise, like you said... you "believe" (because stories are powerful). We been looking for these damn "viruses"...can't find'm anywhere. Process of elimination...
My digital insertion discovered such bumps in these two decades of 2000 and 2010. In these decades, I was moving from high caution from a previous 10 year abstinence into moderate caution. For example, I would use condoms with women who reported herpes, and or with minimize risk, and or Abstain in the earlier years
Later in decades, specifically, with these two women, the bumps were nebulous at best I could not know for sure what they were and certainly I cannot state they were HPV let alone a virus. I had had previous conversations with healthcare workers, even psychological, healthcare workers, informing me that often women could present with ridges Around their G spot and deep spot area and then I should not be dissuaded so much as always believe this could indicate a yellow flag or red flag as women can have naturally occurring ridges
Therefore, upon discovering these bumps, I did not know what to think
Although after these events, as I’ve developed bumps on my member, I thought better of such exposure for going relations with these women
Therefore, my questions remain
What are the possible causes of these bumps on my epidermis which I was able to remove with dry ice?
Then we might want to also ask an answer. What were the nature of the bumps over two decades where my doctors were in theory, treating an HPV virus, a.k.a. Palmer warts on my hands and planters warts on my feet.
TMI. Perhaps but in these mid decades, I had learned to be more selective with women, although I always was again I had come out of 10 years of abstinence.
I also employed washing peeing, flushing, etc. after act when I could
On top of screening, generally, and dating
TMI for sure but I moved from virgin till 17 body count of one from 17 through 28 and then body count to two at 28 years old so again I was moving from an abstinence space in hypochondria into a gradual blooming
Thanks to a genocidal maniac named Dr. Anthony Fauci, who told me I had to be scared of catching aids if I was in the same room with somebody who had aids
That criminally corrupt Anthony Fauci, who belongs in a courtroom today, stole not only 10 years of my life, but damage my life ever cents of the year, 2020
Again damage, my life, and the life of 8 billion people on earth, with not only who knows what, but the fear tactics employed subsequently
Thank you, Rob in fact, Fauci stole 10 years of my life when I was abstinent after high school graduation, and then most of my life I was damaged by this celibacy plus Fauci attacked me again as he attacked 9 billion humans on earth in 2020 when he did his gate of function crap on Wuhan labs in China, and then told us to remain 6 feet apart where masks and not touch each other, so it is true. Fauci is a demon. He is here to destroy the human spirit, soul, humanity, and race. Fauci needs to be tried in Nuremberg 2.0.
When Hitler ran Germany, was he the real planner of the concentration camps?
I think Nuremberg 2.0 should not only prosecute people like Fauci, but organizations.
When Exxon polluted Alaska and BP with the gulf, there was no real recourse besides going after executives. It would've been smart to also put them on super long probation.
That would teach them and other corporations that they can't get away with this shit by blaming a guy or a few.
Recognition of HLA incompatibilities by the immune system represents a major barrier to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. HLA genotypically identical sibling
May I ask if you were suggesting I may have experienced this incompatibility, which I have heard about before for example, my flora versus her flora is this rather what you are suggesting?
Then, again, I might ask what might be the actual epidermal process would it be that her flora entered the pores of my skin, and my leukocytes are white blood cells reacted in this way
I could also hypothesize acne on my face as a teenager or poor, getting blocked with bacteria
I am not sure if I should translate this experience to the epidermis of my private part and reaction to being with a woman as I do not recall, or I am not familiar with whether or not humans might expect a blackhead, acne or poor to be blocked by bacteria on their private part male member
Therefore, again, I might ask if you might elaborate as I try to chase down this episode. Thank you.
Leukocytes, a.k.a. white blood cells well that I wish you had said straight out I might ask you again if you would like to describe a theoretical process in which you were suggesting her leukocytes or my leukocytes? Would cause a bump on my skin? Please elaborate.
Further question, I have been with more than two women, so why is it that the two women who had bumps inside their vagina as I was able to feel with my fingers were the two women who caused me to have bumps on my member question other words, so far the theory of HPV, and or bumps From human papilloma virus or warts and I understand there are theory to be 140 strains of HPV and those that cause cervical cancer don’t cost the bumps blah blah blah but the fact that I got bumps from one with bumps is interesting and still doesn’t explain either a leukocyte white blood cell skirmish or a the other
Glycoprotein allergy please elaborate how you suspect her glycoproteins, which I am not very aware of at this moment and other words, sugar proteins from her body, would enter my body, and are you suggesting this would happen, either in a poor or follicle of my skin, and to what extent what I expect like proteins to exist within the flora or culture of her vagina this is odd and interesting, but I wish for you to elaborate on where this battle would happen
Leukocyte, skirmish likewise, please elaborate on if you would like to hypothesize that her white blood cells were existing in her vagina, and those white blood cells chose to fight my white blood cells. See that doesn’t make much sense to me because I did not have abrasions on my Mail member , so I don’t expect her white blood cells or would interact with my white blood cells or leukocytes
Leukocytes I will have to study on ecosia.org may I ask again if you were suggesting that the bumps I encountered on my Mail member specifically after three encounters with two different women and two different cities may be leukocytes oriented?
Dry ice did remedy these situations on all three events
Dry ice did remedy my situations on my hands in a far superior manner than any of the topical fluoride creams prescribed by my doctors or electro wire therapy by one doctor. Whereas liquid nitrogen, doctor therapy was mostly good efficacy.
Thank you for the suggestions. I am learning a lot yet I am on moved. I so far do not have representation or understandings to sway me into believing an allergen of hers or leukocyte white blood cell or other, as suggested above, would exit her body and enter my body, causing such a reaction as a bump.
So far the virus theory is a better explanation, so I am specifically seeking information on how my skin would produce a bump in reaction to either a leukocyte, a.k.a. white blood cell, and or allergens such as above. Furthermore, I am again asking if the hypothesis here are that this might happen in a follicle poor similar to a blackhead pimple or zit acne and or would this require an actual abrasion to enter my epidermidis
Please explain those who don't get bumps, ever, even though they have had sex 500 times with many many women? No, not natural immunity; that's just an assumption. How can you have natural immunity to something you haven't been exposed to, have never gotten sick from or even from something that doesn't even exist. You answer your question, it's either dead or dying tissue at the source of the bumps or some type of poison your body is trying to get rid of. Thirdly, if it's an infection. Consider that your body makes bacteria; and that bacteria and isn't transferrable to other parts of your body and cause another infection.
A general anecdote is not helpful to me so much in this particular case
Anybody can gamble and win or gamble and lose
I have a very specific study situation here where I had bumps soon after woman one and soon after woman two which I remedied with dry ice. This is a very unique situation.
When I multiply that with my planters warts experiences on my palms and feet, I would tend to double down on germ theory therefore, I need other explanations.
Therefore, I am willing to explore possibilities of bacteria or allergens, antigens, or other foreign bodies entering the pores of my epidermis, which can either clog or infect the poor skin similar to a acne or blackhead CIT?
Furthermore, I am curious about the possibility of immune reactions of my leukocytes or white blood cells to
I am agreeing with so many things here one that Mercury and vaccines is toxic and that we have excellent statistical data that mercury a.k.a. thymol in vaccines is causing autism and numerous problems
About her gremlins, curse her for casting her gremlins upon me She was cute and fun though, and I enjoyed being with her so
Gremlins though
I appreciate the conversations here as now I have so many things to study up upon regarding leukocytes antigens white blood cells, allergens so many things, my body could respond to thank you everybody
For decades, I have been advocating against mercury and vaccines for decades I have avoided vaccines I have received zero vaccines since 2003 when I took a hepatitis B vaccine on the advice of a woman I met at burning man at a won’t call an orgy but a play party and she advised me if I was going to engage an anal sex to get the vaccine so I did and I regret that now as I have learned of so much contamination even in 2003 vaccines even though I at the time made sure I received a single Books single dose vaccine so it’s not to get mercury with it. Sadly I have learned that there are so many contaminants even in a 2003 single dose, hepatitis B vaccine nonetheless of which are the usual SV 40 and polluted fragments of live unattenuated viruses and I could go down the list.
I am anti-vaccine due to the flawed science of the vaccines
I am anti-vaccine due to the unattenuated viruses within the vaccine. We’re not gonna talk about that here, OK?
I am anti-vaccine due to the incredible contaminants within this toxic wickedly, wasteful, dirty product of a military medical industrial pharmaceutical vaccine complex, which is largely immune to responsibility and persecution or prosecution
I did not say anything about any mercury. But so called vaccines are not vaccines because there is no such things proven as immune system. And without it, a vaccine can't be created.
I do not know what you want to study. But studying fairy tales won't get you closer to the truth.
There is no reason to take any so called vaccines. Unless someone wants to test on themselves what effect those substances will cause in their case.
Alleged bio viruses are still not proven. This is a fact.
"Lack of correlation is not lack of causation" that is a ridiculous thing to say. There HAS to be correlation where there is causation. Correct, correlation doesn't prove anything, but it must be there to prove causation. That's what science is meant to be for. To prove how the observed correlation might actually be the cause. Funny thing is, all germ theory/viroliegy followers ONLY have correlation There is no science to back up any causation (yet anyway), viruses have never been proven to exist. To argue about this and that when an imaginary virus is the key topic, it's a moot argument. Also, no one needs to explain to you how or what "HPV infection" is to accept the FACTS that no HPVirus has been proven to exists and therefor isn't the cause of anything.
I can "correlate" the mass toxic aluminum mercury-laced vaccines pushed on us fools & suckers by the 50 billion fraud fines and leader in cause fo death/ Big Pharma with the mass increase of childhood disorders like cancer ASD etc.etc!
So can you Scott, or anyone else correlate the facts I mentioned? OR are you happy dealing with a 50 billion in fraudulent Pharma???
The onus is on the people making the positive claim re causation. No one has any valid scientific evidence of any alleged virus, or of bacteria being pathogenic. You can explore all you like and believe whatever you want, but there has never been any scientific evidence backing up those narratives and there is much against it.
Friction alone can cause skin irritations. Some report finding that their "infections" go away after increasing their collagen intake.
I didn't avoid anything, I cannot read through all the comments under my articles any more. I just scan quickly to see if anyone is being abusive and noticed your virus assertions. I have never denied that toxins are toxic, so not sure what you think I'm avoiding. Never even noticed any mention of Koch's. What is your issue?
I am a 60 year old Black gay man who has survived the scourge of HIV/AIDS while at first scores than several hundred I knew as friends and family died because of the clear dishonesty of folks like you.
I am, here and now calling a spade a spade and keeping it as real as I can.
Folks like you with intended deception present dismissive actions by a single government official and run with it. In the process, what you convince humans who love conspiracy theories to accept as seemingly feasible truth, walks them, eventually into graves that did not have to be their own.
Government incompetence is human incompetence, which eludes none of us.
That's not only indisputable but common sense.
However, such intermittent incompetence DECIDEDLY OFFERS NO PROOF proof THAT nefarious scientists are lying about viruses vs. retroviruses vs. DNA viruses vs RNA viral particles vs protein sequences, all of which can and do play mechanistic roles to the minutiae and specificity of processes that lead the normally reliable machinery of cell making to go haywire.
Though cancer can be seriously deadly the reason cancers top the leading cause of deaths is because cancer is in reality not a complicated disease and many things can cause it by themselves or in concert with other factors.
Cancer happens, mechanistically, for one reason, and one reason only, in the grand scheme of things.
A causal agent either alone or in concert with another causal agent turns the normal process of cell replication -- which normally is carefully controlled every day -- into something akin to a run away train of cell replication.
Literally all cancer is what?
It is the normally very well run machine of cells dying and being replaced with new ones but with some outside factor intervening to wreak havoc.
Cell replication has thus been interrupted by a singulsr gactor or a combination of factors.
Whatever the case maybe, hat cells in a certain part of your body starys to grow uncontrollably.
The growth can be benign or malignant.
If HPV is present at or in your mouth, anus, vagina, penis, cervix, or vulva and if those locations become less normal over time due to genetic or environmental changes of the linings of those orifices and those changes are directly caused by HPV or if HPV is acquired after normally benign abnormalities super charge human cells to proliferate, then, wnen and if that cell growth is malignant the result can be death by cancer.
Given all the above...
It is an illogical leap of huge proportion to draw inference and conclude from your interactions with one FDA official, that several communications together comprising one event over time means that evidence of HPV does not exist.
HPV indisputably causes several cancers even as not everyone with HPV will develop cancer.
DNA viruses or viral subparticles that in and of themselves behave differently at times from other pathogens can and do exist inside the body but some don't survive long outside the body -- at least not in the same wat we think of humans being alive. What’s more, even as no HPV virus can be spread via the air, that does not mean the virus does not exist.
Folks like you?
You and your misdirection lead to the miseducation and ignorance of people I loved and who love me.
Because of your ego and need to be seen...
Because you help to disappear reason and common sense and prey upon people's sensible distrust of authority and government...
Because you focus on semantics and the imprecision that plagues language in general and the English language in paricular...
Because different categorization and subcategories exist between a lay person's conept of the term "virus" and a virology capacity to know that a lay person's definition of virus is insufficient and lacks the distinction and sophistication of a virologist's...
HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a type of virus, specifically a DNA virus from the papillomavirus family.
Because you with intent obfuscate knowing most whovread the misdirection you engage ad proof of some nefarious and intentional lie...
Because a DNA virus like HPV cannot survive or exist outside the body means and because you know that you then proffer differences without distinctions...
Because you are a clever woman who seeks to so doubt in a layperson's world where none exists scientifically
Because of all this ..
You are way worse than the incompetent and obfuscating FDA official you critique.
You impress with your rhetorical flourishes (I hereby praise your mastery of language)...
Clever folk like you, pseudo or actual scientists who have convinced themselves they provide a public service...
You, my White sister convinced she helps others see...
You are my friend...
Black folk (especially Black gay men like me) .
Too many African Americans who relish conspiracy because of the reality that historically Black folk have been deceived to joining experiments that scientists knew would kill them in order to test cures that white people always access first while African-descendant communities are left to suffer excess morbidity and mortality.
You are a huckster of the worst kind as you exploit the reality of occasional governance incompetence to imply that a virus that surely does exist inside the body but cannot survive outside it means that virus does not exist.
Want to see other photos?
Then copy and paste the following text into your favorite search engine: ELECTRON MICROGRAPH OF HUMAN PPV
As for you, dear original poster...
Do me a favor.
Having luckily survived the idiots who were denialists around HIV/AIDS whose incidence is such that more than 2 in 5 new cases target African Anericans.
"Folks like you with intended deception present dismissive actions by a single government official" - you lost me here b/c it shows that you didn't even read my entire newsletter.
The onus is on you to provide proof of "viruses", not on us to prove a negative. I've collected literally hundreds and hundreds of FOI responses from 40 countries showing that no one has any valid scientific evidence and confirming what is seen in the literature: that virology is pseudoscience. If you claim otherwise, then cite valid scientific evidence. I've got zero interest in your accusations or unsubstantiated claims.
Please, provide irrefutable evidence of existence of alleged biological viruses and alleged nucleotides.
Without it all you do is misleading other people with your beliefs, opinions and feelings.
I am waiting for your response.
um...literally you can look up images of their proof...on the internet... pictures of them...unless you believe the earth is flat and that all photographs and the laws of physics don't exist and everything is fake.
As the sci-fi protagonist FOX MULDER of the X-FILES says...
Literally open your computer browser or mobile device's desired search engine app.
But... I am guessing you will say that ANY AND ALL such photographic evidence simply is fabricated by green alien overlords encased in human shells.
That these overlords someday will reveal themselves as the makers of a holographic alternate reality, which one of the theoretical physics models of reality do hypothesize is possible, hence of my intentional use of that one scenario here. (I wanted to offer at least something to feed your further delusions that nothing viral exists as a disease causing pathogen). [YOU'RE WELCOME!!!]
That all the comic books you read as a kid were what's real.
And that everything else is fake.
That THIS or THAT is unreal.
That our boogers are not salty in taste and that our farts have sulfurous smell since sulfides are not derivative of sulphur and sulfur is a lie and the Periodic Table has only half as many elements or is that twice as many elements and that oxygen is the devil's farts and hydrogen is God's sneezes and that together they create water which is an alien elixir and we are all in pods taking us back to an advanced civilization as food for their gods.
That we never really existed.
That our green overlords will wake us up to reveal that nothing we thought was real and we are all their playthings.
Now please get if my allegorical lawn (which by the way nabs the lawn actually does not exist in task life.
Astral project the lies you believe in and revel in the fantastical.
Truly I begrudge no one of fantastical belief.
Bit don't trek me they are based in ANY SEMBLANCE OF TRUTH OR WHAT'S REAL AND TANGIBLE
Simply put...THEY ARE NOT.
Literally I did since the beginning of 2020 and I have not found any legit picture of them. Not to mention that there is no validated method to observe anything on such micro scale. For example electron microscopy has never been validated by comparison with reference material. And it does not allow a real time observation of occurring processes. And there are issues with preparations of samples for it. Thus effects of it are left for arbitrary interpretations.
I do not know what is a shape of the Earth as a whole. But so far no one has proven it being a globe. No one is able to provide me physical measurements of its physical surface when I ask about it.
The laws of physics are man made descriptions. Properties of our reality are not.
Do you even understand that you talk to someone whose cognitive standards are reason, logic and scientific method?
Chemistry is a pseudoscience. No one has proven existence of elements.
Again. I am not interested in your opinions, beliefs and feelings.
Bring valid arguments next time or admit that you are clueless and your cognitive standards are abysmal.
BWT your mental gymnastics are pathetic.
Thank you for your excellent investigation, and easy to follow writing style. Very clear and concise.
Good job!
Thank you yet again for your persistence. I am trying to get scientific papers on the new additive given to dairy cows using FOI in the U.K. Your requests have helped me to try and be as succinct as possible. Unfortunately my mind is not as clear as yours.
Bravo Christine for doing this.
Not in the same scale as yours but I have had similar delays and obfuscation in the UK when I asked a FOI about the number of lives saved by public defibrillators. No answers but some people are making a lot of money from installing them in inappropriate places. A long story, yawn.
This is a remarkable exchange. Thank you Christine for your persistence. I imagine the recipients mood turns gloomy every time they see another FOIA request from you :)
If anyone has an interpretation of the responses you received other than your reasonable interpretation, I would like to hear it. Until then, I share your interpretation. They have nothing that validates viruses or contagion & in light of that, the entire field of “vaccines” collapses into the crime it obviously is.
It’s no neutral, solely financially motivated crime, either (bad enough though that would be) but an assault upon each & every recipient of an injection masquerading as something that helps them.
Thank you so much, Dr. Yeadon. And I agree with your interpretation re assault!!
Excellent work.
The panic in the 'legal' departments must be something to see! "Oh no, its another demand from that Massey woman, here you handle it."
I just bet she is quaking about the deliberate name obfuscation as that demonstrates intent to deceive and possibly to 'pervert the course of justice.'
it has been my experience over the last 4-5 years that most 'lawyers' know very little about the legislation/statutes and focus entirely on 'process,' said deficiencies becoming all too obvious when their arrogant bravado is challenged.
Hahahaha, it is 'pass the parcel' game with all your letters.
New Music Video: THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG. The Germ Theory Opposed in Song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-the-chicken-or-the
Thank you so much for your persistence on this issue.
From a half-opened window, Christine assumes the perfect sniper position, her steely focus unmatched. Across the street, the FDA is in chaos. Staff members crawl under desks like field mice, desperate to avoid the red dots of Christine’s laser sights. Panic spreads as whispers circulate – no one wants to take the headshot from one of her infamous bullets engraved with “No Evidence Found.”
Every squeeze of the trigger is precision itself, each FOIA request hitting its target with surgical accuracy. Filing cabinets rattle, inboxes ping, and excuses crumble. Christine’s marksmanship is so legendary, even the janitor dives for cover at the sight of a well-aimed inquiry.
It’s a relief knowing Christine is on our side, exposing the lies that others fear to confront – or lack the constitution to face. Another bullseye, another myth dismantled. Bravo, Christine! The FOIA sniper strikes again with unerring aim!
Great work, thanks
I admire your persistence.
Please copy your email trail to Australia's Minister for Health, The Hon. Mark Butler at:
I'm sure he will be grateful to realise what a trail of falsehoods he has been wandering on!
Done, and I've added him to my email list. Thank you.
Thank you Christine.
Notice how these people squirm so hard to provide the information.
It's like a part of them cannot fathom that they stupidly got a shot for a fake pandemic.
Oh and what's the deal with all of these so called alt doctors speculating about "spike protein" and mRNA pseudoscience vaporware as the reason why the shots damage.
No... It's the platform years before COVID.
Unless we shut down the virus hoax they will keep putting us in the kill box.
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Dr Ruby explains the globalist kill box
Florida grand jury on COVID-19 vaccines finds "Government is Jesus" as they claim to find "no evidence of criminal activity" ft Death-Jab Donald's Bird Flu Plannedemic Imminent (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/florida-grand-jury-on-covid-19-vaccines
OK let’s say my jury is out on germ theory regarding viruses.
Please explain how bumps appear on a person who has sex with a “” HPV person
What is the mechanism here?
If someone has bumps, it's not from HPV.
Bumps/pox are when the body is trying to eliminate toxins through the skin (where the body cannot do it through normal internal means via the lymph fluid and organs like the liver).
What happens if you rub toxins on your skin? Bumps... Essentially like a rash reaction like poison ivy etc.
Oh and poison ivy gives you bumps sometimes too.
In my case it was just red and swollen a little.
Poison ivy is an excellent example of skin irritation due to oils of poison oak or poison ivy, and I have studied very much about how to remedy that not only with over-the-counter TECHNU but with first nations peoples, a.k.a. indigenous, a.k.a. Indian, recipes of Indian soap, root mart, etc. thank
I have to study as I’ve heard of this before, but I am not knowing of such
I have observed in previous decades of 2000 and 2010 that if I were with a woman who had bumps within her private parts, then I might get bumps on my private parts to which I would apply dry ice. This happened two times with woman in Santa Rosa California, and one time with woman two in Mountain View California.
I said my jury is out on germ theory, and I said that here on HPV
Might You care to explain somehow why I should believe I had this correlation repeatedly in these three experiences with these two women ?
I do not believe toxins were involved
My conversation with you so far is causing me to double down on virus theory
I also used dry ice to freeze off planters warts on my hands in two decades of 2000 and 2010 which I believe to be HPV
I would also have to change my theories here as I believe these to be viral in nature. Furthermore, I believed this virus entered my hands through cuts on my skin, so I acted accordingly in the future, and seem to have avoided them ever since.
Furthermore, I had believe my brother had brought home warts into our shower, stall of our family house last century, and again I acted accordingly and froze those off with dry ice
In this process, I observed the blood vessel supply for the same as I was then subscribing to the theories I had read online, etc.
I learned a great many things about how to nip these little bumps in the butt with a toenail clippers and alcohol successfully before they ever rooted deeply
I became quite the expert on using dry ice alcohol, don’t know clippers for these suckers
Fortunately, it’s been over 10 years since I have suffered such
Might I ask how you found out prior to laying with said women you were able to identify the bumps on/in the private parts? Pre-screening questionnaire or physical inspection? Seems like a strange scenario especially to then make the decision to move into intimacy relations with the private bumps peoples.
I find it helpful when conducting an investigation to rule out things it cannot be. It might lead you to "I don't know"... but at least you'll know what it isn't. Otherwise, like you said... you "believe" (because stories are powerful). We been looking for these damn "viruses"...can't find'm anywhere. Process of elimination...
My digital insertion discovered such bumps in these two decades of 2000 and 2010. In these decades, I was moving from high caution from a previous 10 year abstinence into moderate caution. For example, I would use condoms with women who reported herpes, and or with minimize risk, and or Abstain in the earlier years
Later in decades, specifically, with these two women, the bumps were nebulous at best I could not know for sure what they were and certainly I cannot state they were HPV let alone a virus. I had had previous conversations with healthcare workers, even psychological, healthcare workers, informing me that often women could present with ridges Around their G spot and deep spot area and then I should not be dissuaded so much as always believe this could indicate a yellow flag or red flag as women can have naturally occurring ridges
Therefore, upon discovering these bumps, I did not know what to think
Although after these events, as I’ve developed bumps on my member, I thought better of such exposure for going relations with these women
Therefore, my questions remain
What are the possible causes of these bumps on my epidermis which I was able to remove with dry ice?
Then we might want to also ask an answer. What were the nature of the bumps over two decades where my doctors were in theory, treating an HPV virus, a.k.a. Palmer warts on my hands and planters warts on my feet.
TMI. Perhaps but in these mid decades, I had learned to be more selective with women, although I always was again I had come out of 10 years of abstinence.
I also employed washing peeing, flushing, etc. after act when I could
On top of screening, generally, and dating
TMI for sure but I moved from virgin till 17 body count of one from 17 through 28 and then body count to two at 28 years old so again I was moving from an abstinence space in hypochondria into a gradual blooming
Thanks to a genocidal maniac named Dr. Anthony Fauci, who told me I had to be scared of catching aids if I was in the same room with somebody who had aids
That criminally corrupt Anthony Fauci, who belongs in a courtroom today, stole not only 10 years of my life, but damage my life ever cents of the year, 2020
Again damage, my life, and the life of 8 billion people on earth, with not only who knows what, but the fear tactics employed subsequently
Always bring a thermos with dry ice on a first date 😉
Like a pro... 😂
Not only a pro but you never had much downtime like this brother had.
But I figure you weren't as scared as he or I were growing up.
We got the AIDS propaganda growing up.
It made me terrified of sex.
Perhaps Fauci is really a demon as he was a part of the germophobic HIV/AIDS narrative.
These days I'm glad for Fauci cause without his help in the con-vid scam, a lot more idiots would be having kids. 😆
Anthony Fauci killed Freddie Mercury QUEEN Vocalist singer of Bohemian Rhapsody 1984
1984 VIDEO Anthony Fauci exclaimed with glee his intent to insert AIDS, covertly into hepatitis B vaccines given to
GAY men in SF, LA CA and NYC NY
330,000 gay men killed by AZT 1989-2019
1984 Dr Anthony Fauci caught on tape exclaiming with glee intent to deliver AIDS HIV gay men w Hep B vaccines in SF LA NYC USA Robert Gallo UCSF book
Emerging viruses AIDS Ebola nature Accident or Intentional
Dr Leonard Horowitz Tetrahedron publishers
1996 ISBN: 0-923550-12-7
Ecosia.org honest search engine
covers Merck Pharma Zaire Congo Mobutu
20,000 acres Africa leased by Merck to develop
AIDS bovine virus inside synthetic sphere shell
Congress orders funds for Retrovirus injection to Gay Men of SF LA NYC in Hep B Vaccine
US Congressional Record specifically stated intent to develop retro virus to take out certain populations
Project MKnaomi Anthony Fauci 1984 cheers w Glee his plan to spread AIDS to gay men says
You take an infectious agent and you introduce it into the population then it’s just epidemiology
Target Blacks Hispanics Homosexuals
You take it and then a year goes by and everybody's fine. And then you say,
"okay, that's good, let's give it to 500 people" And then a year goes by and everyone's fine.
So then you say.
"well now then let's give it to thousands of people" And then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose.
And then, what have you done.
-Anthony Fauci on the AIDS Vaccine, 1999
Tritorch.com substack
illuminatibot @iluminatibot
I don't understand how Fauci isn't serving life in prison
Thank you, Rob in fact, Fauci stole 10 years of my life when I was abstinent after high school graduation, and then most of my life I was damaged by this celibacy plus Fauci attacked me again as he attacked 9 billion humans on earth in 2020 when he did his gate of function crap on Wuhan labs in China, and then told us to remain 6 feet apart where masks and not touch each other, so it is true. Fauci is a demon. He is here to destroy the human spirit, soul, humanity, and race. Fauci needs to be tried in Nuremberg 2.0.
When Hitler ran Germany, was he the real planner of the concentration camps?
I think Nuremberg 2.0 should not only prosecute people like Fauci, but organizations.
When Exxon polluted Alaska and BP with the gulf, there was no real recourse besides going after executives. It would've been smart to also put them on super long probation.
That would teach them and other corporations that they can't get away with this shit by blaming a guy or a few.
When rubbing bodies there are tissues - including leukocytes and other cells - that sometimes get inserted in the wrong place.
Sometimes the outcome of HLA incompatibilities is chronic, usually local bur sometimes systemic.
Think of it like some people are Type O, others Type AB, etc - but much more complicated, more permutations.
Recognition of HLA incompatibilities by the immune system represents a major barrier to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. HLA genotypically identical sibling
May I ask if you were suggesting I may have experienced this incompatibility, which I have heard about before for example, my flora versus her flora is this rather what you are suggesting?
Then, again, I might ask what might be the actual epidermal process would it be that her flora entered the pores of my skin, and my leukocytes are white blood cells reacted in this way
I could also hypothesize acne on my face as a teenager or poor, getting blocked with bacteria
I am not sure if I should translate this experience to the epidermis of my private part and reaction to being with a woman as I do not recall, or I am not familiar with whether or not humans might expect a blackhead, acne or poor to be blocked by bacteria on their private part male member
Therefore, again, I might ask if you might elaborate as I try to chase down this episode. Thank you.
What do you mean when you use a term "immune system"?
Have you observed any nucleotide?
Have you experimented on any nucleotide?
Do you have an irrefutable proof that any bacteria causes any disease?
Maybe glycoproteins and even leukocytes can jump from one person to another then cuz trouble if too much incompatibilities.
What is a glycoprotein and leukocyte?
Have you observed any?
Have you experimented on any?
Leukocytes, a.k.a. white blood cells well that I wish you had said straight out I might ask you again if you would like to describe a theoretical process in which you were suggesting her leukocytes or my leukocytes? Would cause a bump on my skin? Please elaborate.
A bump on your skin is likely caused by toxic or unwanted matter.
There could be a glycoprotein allergy or maybe a leukocyte skirmish, even a long war. Nobody ever checked they just say "viruses".
Further question, I have been with more than two women, so why is it that the two women who had bumps inside their vagina as I was able to feel with my fingers were the two women who caused me to have bumps on my member question other words, so far the theory of HPV, and or bumps From human papilloma virus or warts and I understand there are theory to be 140 strains of HPV and those that cause cervical cancer don’t cost the bumps blah blah blah but the fact that I got bumps from one with bumps is interesting and still doesn’t explain either a leukocyte white blood cell skirmish or a the other
Glycoprotein allergy please elaborate how you suspect her glycoproteins, which I am not very aware of at this moment and other words, sugar proteins from her body, would enter my body, and are you suggesting this would happen, either in a poor or follicle of my skin, and to what extent what I expect like proteins to exist within the flora or culture of her vagina this is odd and interesting, but I wish for you to elaborate on where this battle would happen
Leukocyte, skirmish likewise, please elaborate on if you would like to hypothesize that her white blood cells were existing in her vagina, and those white blood cells chose to fight my white blood cells. See that doesn’t make much sense to me because I did not have abrasions on my Mail member , so I don’t expect her white blood cells or would interact with my white blood cells or leukocytes
Leukocytes I will have to study on ecosia.org may I ask again if you were suggesting that the bumps I encountered on my Mail member specifically after three encounters with two different women and two different cities may be leukocytes oriented?
Dry ice did remedy these situations on all three events
Dry ice did remedy my situations on my hands in a far superior manner than any of the topical fluoride creams prescribed by my doctors or electro wire therapy by one doctor. Whereas liquid nitrogen, doctor therapy was mostly good efficacy.
Thank you for the suggestions. I am learning a lot yet I am on moved. I so far do not have representation or understandings to sway me into believing an allergen of hers or leukocyte white blood cell or other, as suggested above, would exit her body and enter my body, causing such a reaction as a bump.
So far the virus theory is a better explanation, so I am specifically seeking information on how my skin would produce a bump in reaction to either a leukocyte, a.k.a. white blood cell, and or allergens such as above. Furthermore, I am again asking if the hypothesis here are that this might happen in a follicle poor similar to a blackhead pimple or zit acne and or would this require an actual abrasion to enter my epidermidis
No such thing proven as bio viruses by observations or experimentations.
Also you liking any fairy tale aka explanation is not a logically valid proof.
Please explain those who don't get bumps, ever, even though they have had sex 500 times with many many women? No, not natural immunity; that's just an assumption. How can you have natural immunity to something you haven't been exposed to, have never gotten sick from or even from something that doesn't even exist. You answer your question, it's either dead or dying tissue at the source of the bumps or some type of poison your body is trying to get rid of. Thirdly, if it's an infection. Consider that your body makes bacteria; and that bacteria and isn't transferrable to other parts of your body and cause another infection.
Correlation is not causation
Lack of correlation is not lack of causation
A general anecdote is not helpful to me so much in this particular case
Anybody can gamble and win or gamble and lose
I have a very specific study situation here where I had bumps soon after woman one and soon after woman two which I remedied with dry ice. This is a very unique situation.
When I multiply that with my planters warts experiences on my palms and feet, I would tend to double down on germ theory therefore, I need other explanations.
Therefore, I am willing to explore possibilities of bacteria or allergens, antigens, or other foreign bodies entering the pores of my epidermis, which can either clog or infect the poor skin similar to a acne or blackhead CIT?
Furthermore, I am curious about the possibility of immune reactions of my leukocytes or white blood cells to
The reality is that no one really knows what happened to you as no one is able to study you.
But if you want explanations. Here is one. Somebody does not like you and they sent gremlins that do harm. How about that?
Alleged infectious diseases have never been proven by observations or experimentations. The same with immune system.
I am agreeing with so many things here one that Mercury and vaccines is toxic and that we have excellent statistical data that mercury a.k.a. thymol in vaccines is causing autism and numerous problems
About her gremlins, curse her for casting her gremlins upon me She was cute and fun though, and I enjoyed being with her so
Gremlins though
I appreciate the conversations here as now I have so many things to study up upon regarding leukocytes antigens white blood cells, allergens so many things, my body could respond to thank you everybody
For decades, I have been advocating against mercury and vaccines for decades I have avoided vaccines I have received zero vaccines since 2003 when I took a hepatitis B vaccine on the advice of a woman I met at burning man at a won’t call an orgy but a play party and she advised me if I was going to engage an anal sex to get the vaccine so I did and I regret that now as I have learned of so much contamination even in 2003 vaccines even though I at the time made sure I received a single Books single dose vaccine so it’s not to get mercury with it. Sadly I have learned that there are so many contaminants even in a 2003 single dose, hepatitis B vaccine nonetheless of which are the usual SV 40 and polluted fragments of live unattenuated viruses and I could go down the list.
I am anti-vaccine due to the flawed science of the vaccines
I am anti-vaccine due to the unattenuated viruses within the vaccine. We’re not gonna talk about that here, OK?
I am anti-vaccine due to the incredible contaminants within this toxic wickedly, wasteful, dirty product of a military medical industrial pharmaceutical vaccine complex, which is largely immune to responsibility and persecution or prosecution
I did not say anything about any mercury. But so called vaccines are not vaccines because there is no such things proven as immune system. And without it, a vaccine can't be created.
I do not know what you want to study. But studying fairy tales won't get you closer to the truth.
There is no reason to take any so called vaccines. Unless someone wants to test on themselves what effect those substances will cause in their case.
Alleged bio viruses are still not proven. This is a fact.
"Lack of correlation is not lack of causation" that is a ridiculous thing to say. There HAS to be correlation where there is causation. Correct, correlation doesn't prove anything, but it must be there to prove causation. That's what science is meant to be for. To prove how the observed correlation might actually be the cause. Funny thing is, all germ theory/viroliegy followers ONLY have correlation There is no science to back up any causation (yet anyway), viruses have never been proven to exist. To argue about this and that when an imaginary virus is the key topic, it's a moot argument. Also, no one needs to explain to you how or what "HPV infection" is to accept the FACTS that no HPVirus has been proven to exists and therefor isn't the cause of anything.
Correlation is not needed to prove causation. To prove causation a variable that causes something specific has to be observed or experimented on.
I can "correlate" the mass toxic aluminum mercury-laced vaccines pushed on us fools & suckers by the 50 billion fraud fines and leader in cause fo death/ Big Pharma with the mass increase of childhood disorders like cancer ASD etc.etc!
So can you Scott, or anyone else correlate the facts I mentioned? OR are you happy dealing with a 50 billion in fraudulent Pharma???
The onus is on the people making the positive claim re causation. No one has any valid scientific evidence of any alleged virus, or of bacteria being pathogenic. You can explore all you like and believe whatever you want, but there has never been any scientific evidence backing up those narratives and there is much against it.
Friction alone can cause skin irritations. Some report finding that their "infections" go away after increasing their collagen intake.
Thanks for avoiding my correlation on toxic aluminum mercury-laced vaccine! And your critique on Koch's postulates!
You can correlate whatever you want. It is still not proven causation.
Also Koch did not create anything new. He did not create logic as logic comes from reasoning over variables and relations between variables.
I didn't avoid anything, I cannot read through all the comments under my articles any more. I just scan quickly to see if anyone is being abusive and noticed your virus assertions. I have never denied that toxins are toxic, so not sure what you think I'm avoiding. Never even noticed any mention of Koch's. What is your issue?
Start with mice from different tribes.
90% of the medical mafia is based on no science other than the science of control, death and profit.
Scientology. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/dear-elon-musk-you-believe-in-god