No, you cited statutes and I asked you "which men and women had the lawful authority over me, to then delegate to these other men and women via statutes?" Valid, logical question.
No, you cited statutes and I asked you "which men and women had the lawful authority over me, to then delegate to these other men and women via statutes?" Valid, logical question.
I'm reminded of a court case some years ago wherein the defendant was challenging the court's jurisdiction. The judge just smiled at him and said, "Of course I have jurisdiction. You're here, aren't you?" Which men and women? Obviously the men and women of the respective legislatures that form the statutes (laws enacted by legislatures) and enforced by the executive branches. These miscreants are all elected by the voting herd but they're actually selected by the money power and beholden to that power. Voting effectuates change like pissing into the ocean alters the tide. Nonetheless the masses that are asses play their role and do it routinely. The forgoing is truth. I never said truth is idiotic. It is often painful. Patriot Mythology is idiotic.
People show up because they can be "arrested' (unlawfully detained) if they don't.
That doesn't mean that there is no point in speaking the facts and standing up for yourself. Nothing will change if people just roll over and play dead.
Jurisdiction = "law" talk.
The last time I was in court the man acting as judge had to run away for a "recess" even though the session only began 15 minutes earlier and there were more "cases" to deal with. All I had done was speak the truth and not go along with his horseshite.
They scheduled a trial for 22+ months after the "arrest", knowing perfectly well that 18 months is considered an unreasonable delay and causes them to lose "jurisdiction" even in their legal framework.
I don't give a damn how many people votes for these men and women. The people voting didn't have lawful authority over me to delegate to anyone else, nor did the men and women they voted for.
You wrote (referring to fighting outside "their" parameters):
I already acknowledged the legal system's threat and use of force. Specifically what "facts" and "truth" did you convey? What were you arrested for? Was is based on an Information Charge or Grand Jury Indictment? I know the Constitution guarantees the right to a speedy trial but that means nothing. You can wipe your ass with the Constitution and all of its alleged "rights". Unconscionable delays in trials are the norm. The sheeple who vote do not delegate anything. The selected sock puppet they put in office has by statutory law authority over you, me, and everyone else. I know we did not concede this to them. That doesn't mean a thing, they have it and will use it. They control the goons with the uniforms, badges, guns, batons, tasers, and keys to the cages and will unleash them on you capriciously. I did write that patriot mythology is idiotic and it is true. It is the silver bullet wet dream. There are 4 main legal jurisdictions. Federal criminal & civil, state criminal & civil. Out of the literally millions of cases in the courts of these jurisdictions all over the U.S., going back as far as you want to go, you provide me with one single case wherein a defendant using a patriot mythological argument has won. (Name in all caps, gold fringed flag, judges black robe, birth certificate as collateral etc. ad nauseum). Give me the date, the court name & location, the name of the judge or panel of judges, the case docket number, and the annotated summation of the court's ruling and opinion. Just one, Christine.
Right, the people don't have authority over their neighbours to delegate to anyone. So their votes do not give anyone authority over others.
Sorry, I do not have time/energy to go over details of when I was in court. I pointed out basic issues like the fact that no one would even tell me whether "REGINA" is a man/woman or corporation, and that I had a 4 page list of outstanding "disclosure" issues, that there was no stated cause of action, that the man acting as judge had railroaded me on previous occasions, and that I did not agree to a trial. Nothing to do with a constitution.
You imply I'm involved in "patriot mythology". I'm not. So there's no reason for me to cite any such case. Not sure what you're up to, or why you care so much about my situation. Or why you think I'd have read all of the zillions of cases.
You just don't get it. Voting doesn't matter. If it did, the System would do away with it overnight. They don't need meaningless votes to exercise their authority. Just like peasants born into a fiefdom ruled over by a monarch, we are born into their nefarious clutches. Objecting to it does nothing to change it. The very fact that you tried to get them to disclose whether a name in all caps is a man/woman or corporation means you are indulging in patriot mythology. As I've pointed out more than once, it doesn't mean a thing if the name on court papers or charging documents is in all caps, lower case, or a combination of both. In case you haven't realized it yet, and you apparently haven't, when you're in court it doesn't matter what you agree to. It is their province and they call the shots. It is amazing that you apply critical thinking and research into the fraud of virology and the mother bitch that spawned it, germ theory, yet you do not do this regarding the law and the legal system. That is why I challenged you to come up with a single case affirming these idiotic, "silver bullet" fantasies. You didn't have to read, "zillions of cases", just do a search on any patriot mythological theme. However, I assure you it's not necessary, you wouldn't come up with a single case anywhere showing a win using these asinine strategies. The bottom line is that if you very meticulously carriage bolt together, law, facts, and procedure with the issues regarding such, you have a chance, however slim, of winning. With specious arguments championed by charlatans, you do not. It is not that I care about your situation, I simply noticed in your writings that you were espousing patriot mythology in your case and I was trying to prevent you from getting torched and making a fool of yourself. There it is.
I don't insist your name is anything. The use of upper or lower case letters does not change one's name nor have any effect on any legal document. (nor does one's name written in reverse order). Some years ago, the legislature of the state of Arizona actually passed a law stipulating that the names of any persons on any legal, court, or official documents of any kind must have only the first letter of the first name, middle name, and surname capitalized, the other letters must be lower case. They got tired of imbecilic assholes insisting that if their name was in all caps, it was a "corporate fiction" and not the flesh and blood them, the fact that this inane assertion has never been substantiated anywhere notwithstanding. I don't know if any other states since have followed suit. Call it a corporation, call it a province, call it the fucking land of Oz, it doesn't matter. They rule with an iron fist, sometimes covered with the velvet glove, very often not, and we are in a condition of abject slavery juxtaposed to them and will remain so unless and until they are violently overthrown. Of course the real rulers stay in the shadows. True power never reveals itself, it always acts through surrogates and sycophants. We call them politicians and bureaucrats. You have a nice day too, Sweetie.
You are obviously unable to discern sarcasm. There is nothing "creepy" about sarcasm. Just like you are unable to discern that MASSEY, Christine is you, regardless of the caps and reversal, regardless whether it is typed, computer printed, or penned in black ink, blue ink, or pink polka dots. A maxim is a conclusion of logic. An ancient maxim of law states; "He who affirms must prove." NOT he who denies. I do not have to prove one's name in caps is not a corporate fiction. You're saying it is, so the burden of proof is on you. Give me the hard evidence, facts, and documentation proving it. Or to put it a legal way, what is the factual sufficiency of your contention that a name in all caps is a fiction and not the real person? Just get yourself in contempt of court and when the bailiff is handcuffing you and taking you to the Slam, insist that he is mistaking the flesh and blood you for a corporate fiction. I'm certain he'll unsnap the cuffs and let you go. Believe me, the legislatures through the executive branches have authority over real people, not fictions. It is exercised on a regular basis, apparent to all who are not blind. Use your head. For the sake of argument, let's say you are right (you're not) and names in all caps are corporate fictions and not real folks. The System sycophants are corrupt and many of them evil but the wire pullers are far from stupid. If it was true, they would know it too, obviously. So they would say, "Look, putting people's names in all caps, making them a corporate fiction on charging documents and court papers, is asking for trouble. The ones who realize it and point it out we'll have to let go and void their cases. So order the document makers to just capitalize the first letters of their names so they depict the real them. That readily solves the problem." Breathtakingly simple, is it not? It seems clear that you've been getting your ass kicked in court trying to use that errant nonsense, otherwise you would have long since won and you'd have nothing to complain about. Another casualty of Patriot Mythology.
I get that you were sarcastic, and your sarcasm was creepy.
I know that MASSEY, Christine is fiction because it was used in a case wherein I was "arrested" and that is not my name. (Nor is C MASSEY.)
Even IF it was their way of referring to me, it's not my name. It could only be their made-up derivative of my name. So it's a fiction.
I never claimed that pointing out facts will cause anyone to undo handcuffs and let me go. Strawman!
You're arguing that people simply pointing out facts is all it takes to get them to void cases?? Lol. If it were that simple the fake pandemic would have been halted long ago.
People exercise force/power over others. That is not the same thing as lawful authority.
Again, you're free to roll over and play dead. I choose not to. Maybe my choice not to is troubling your conscience.
The fact that "the legislature" passed that "law" specifying that names be formatted J DOE supports my position, not yours.
No, you cited statutes and I asked you "which men and women had the lawful authority over me, to then delegate to these other men and women via statutes?" Valid, logical question.
Truth is not idiotic.
I've said nothing patriotic - quite the opposite.
I'm reminded of a court case some years ago wherein the defendant was challenging the court's jurisdiction. The judge just smiled at him and said, "Of course I have jurisdiction. You're here, aren't you?" Which men and women? Obviously the men and women of the respective legislatures that form the statutes (laws enacted by legislatures) and enforced by the executive branches. These miscreants are all elected by the voting herd but they're actually selected by the money power and beholden to that power. Voting effectuates change like pissing into the ocean alters the tide. Nonetheless the masses that are asses play their role and do it routinely. The forgoing is truth. I never said truth is idiotic. It is often painful. Patriot Mythology is idiotic.
People show up because they can be "arrested' (unlawfully detained) if they don't.
That doesn't mean that there is no point in speaking the facts and standing up for yourself. Nothing will change if people just roll over and play dead.
Jurisdiction = "law" talk.
The last time I was in court the man acting as judge had to run away for a "recess" even though the session only began 15 minutes earlier and there were more "cases" to deal with. All I had done was speak the truth and not go along with his horseshite.
They scheduled a trial for 22+ months after the "arrest", knowing perfectly well that 18 months is considered an unreasonable delay and causes them to lose "jurisdiction" even in their legal framework.
I don't give a damn how many people votes for these men and women. The people voting didn't have lawful authority over me to delegate to anyone else, nor did the men and women they voted for.
You wrote (referring to fighting outside "their" parameters):
"However with that idiotic patriot mythology..."
I already acknowledged the legal system's threat and use of force. Specifically what "facts" and "truth" did you convey? What were you arrested for? Was is based on an Information Charge or Grand Jury Indictment? I know the Constitution guarantees the right to a speedy trial but that means nothing. You can wipe your ass with the Constitution and all of its alleged "rights". Unconscionable delays in trials are the norm. The sheeple who vote do not delegate anything. The selected sock puppet they put in office has by statutory law authority over you, me, and everyone else. I know we did not concede this to them. That doesn't mean a thing, they have it and will use it. They control the goons with the uniforms, badges, guns, batons, tasers, and keys to the cages and will unleash them on you capriciously. I did write that patriot mythology is idiotic and it is true. It is the silver bullet wet dream. There are 4 main legal jurisdictions. Federal criminal & civil, state criminal & civil. Out of the literally millions of cases in the courts of these jurisdictions all over the U.S., going back as far as you want to go, you provide me with one single case wherein a defendant using a patriot mythological argument has won. (Name in all caps, gold fringed flag, judges black robe, birth certificate as collateral etc. ad nauseum). Give me the date, the court name & location, the name of the judge or panel of judges, the case docket number, and the annotated summation of the court's ruling and opinion. Just one, Christine.
Right, the people don't have authority over their neighbours to delegate to anyone. So their votes do not give anyone authority over others.
Sorry, I do not have time/energy to go over details of when I was in court. I pointed out basic issues like the fact that no one would even tell me whether "REGINA" is a man/woman or corporation, and that I had a 4 page list of outstanding "disclosure" issues, that there was no stated cause of action, that the man acting as judge had railroaded me on previous occasions, and that I did not agree to a trial. Nothing to do with a constitution.
You imply I'm involved in "patriot mythology". I'm not. So there's no reason for me to cite any such case. Not sure what you're up to, or why you care so much about my situation. Or why you think I'd have read all of the zillions of cases.
You just don't get it. Voting doesn't matter. If it did, the System would do away with it overnight. They don't need meaningless votes to exercise their authority. Just like peasants born into a fiefdom ruled over by a monarch, we are born into their nefarious clutches. Objecting to it does nothing to change it. The very fact that you tried to get them to disclose whether a name in all caps is a man/woman or corporation means you are indulging in patriot mythology. As I've pointed out more than once, it doesn't mean a thing if the name on court papers or charging documents is in all caps, lower case, or a combination of both. In case you haven't realized it yet, and you apparently haven't, when you're in court it doesn't matter what you agree to. It is their province and they call the shots. It is amazing that you apply critical thinking and research into the fraud of virology and the mother bitch that spawned it, germ theory, yet you do not do this regarding the law and the legal system. That is why I challenged you to come up with a single case affirming these idiotic, "silver bullet" fantasies. You didn't have to read, "zillions of cases", just do a search on any patriot mythological theme. However, I assure you it's not necessary, you wouldn't come up with a single case anywhere showing a win using these asinine strategies. The bottom line is that if you very meticulously carriage bolt together, law, facts, and procedure with the issues regarding such, you have a chance, however slim, of winning. With specious arguments championed by charlatans, you do not. It is not that I care about your situation, I simply noticed in your writings that you were espousing patriot mythology in your case and I was trying to prevent you from getting torched and making a fool of yourself. There it is.
I know votes don't matter, and never said or implied they do.
My name is not MASSEY, Christine, no matter how hard you insist it is.
I never claimed to have a silver bullet and my approach has nothing whatsoever to do with patriotism.
Their province? Lol. If you're talking about their corporation, sure, which has nothing to do with the matter at hand.
Have a nice day.
I don't insist your name is anything. The use of upper or lower case letters does not change one's name nor have any effect on any legal document. (nor does one's name written in reverse order). Some years ago, the legislature of the state of Arizona actually passed a law stipulating that the names of any persons on any legal, court, or official documents of any kind must have only the first letter of the first name, middle name, and surname capitalized, the other letters must be lower case. They got tired of imbecilic assholes insisting that if their name was in all caps, it was a "corporate fiction" and not the flesh and blood them, the fact that this inane assertion has never been substantiated anywhere notwithstanding. I don't know if any other states since have followed suit. Call it a corporation, call it a province, call it the fucking land of Oz, it doesn't matter. They rule with an iron fist, sometimes covered with the velvet glove, very often not, and we are in a condition of abject slavery juxtaposed to them and will remain so unless and until they are violently overthrown. Of course the real rulers stay in the shadows. True power never reveals itself, it always acts through surrogates and sycophants. We call them politicians and bureaucrats. You have a nice day too, Sweetie.
I'm not your Sweetie and you already made clear you don't care about my case. So, fyi: calling me Sweetie now is creepy.
I don't care what legislation was passed by "the legislature of the state of Arizona". My name is not MASSEY, Christine, period.
Perhaps "the legislature" passed that "law" because all they have authority over are the legal fictions named J DOE, etc.
You are obviously unable to discern sarcasm. There is nothing "creepy" about sarcasm. Just like you are unable to discern that MASSEY, Christine is you, regardless of the caps and reversal, regardless whether it is typed, computer printed, or penned in black ink, blue ink, or pink polka dots. A maxim is a conclusion of logic. An ancient maxim of law states; "He who affirms must prove." NOT he who denies. I do not have to prove one's name in caps is not a corporate fiction. You're saying it is, so the burden of proof is on you. Give me the hard evidence, facts, and documentation proving it. Or to put it a legal way, what is the factual sufficiency of your contention that a name in all caps is a fiction and not the real person? Just get yourself in contempt of court and when the bailiff is handcuffing you and taking you to the Slam, insist that he is mistaking the flesh and blood you for a corporate fiction. I'm certain he'll unsnap the cuffs and let you go. Believe me, the legislatures through the executive branches have authority over real people, not fictions. It is exercised on a regular basis, apparent to all who are not blind. Use your head. For the sake of argument, let's say you are right (you're not) and names in all caps are corporate fictions and not real folks. The System sycophants are corrupt and many of them evil but the wire pullers are far from stupid. If it was true, they would know it too, obviously. So they would say, "Look, putting people's names in all caps, making them a corporate fiction on charging documents and court papers, is asking for trouble. The ones who realize it and point it out we'll have to let go and void their cases. So order the document makers to just capitalize the first letters of their names so they depict the real them. That readily solves the problem." Breathtakingly simple, is it not? It seems clear that you've been getting your ass kicked in court trying to use that errant nonsense, otherwise you would have long since won and you'd have nothing to complain about. Another casualty of Patriot Mythology.
I get that you were sarcastic, and your sarcasm was creepy.
I know that MASSEY, Christine is fiction because it was used in a case wherein I was "arrested" and that is not my name. (Nor is C MASSEY.)
Even IF it was their way of referring to me, it's not my name. It could only be their made-up derivative of my name. So it's a fiction.
I never claimed that pointing out facts will cause anyone to undo handcuffs and let me go. Strawman!
You're arguing that people simply pointing out facts is all it takes to get them to void cases?? Lol. If it were that simple the fake pandemic would have been halted long ago.
People exercise force/power over others. That is not the same thing as lawful authority.
Again, you're free to roll over and play dead. I choose not to. Maybe my choice not to is troubling your conscience.
The fact that "the legislature" passed that "law" specifying that names be formatted J DOE supports my position, not yours.
You claim that MASSEY, Christine is me. Prove it.