Fair play to ya Christine Massey, Keep up the fight, as will I .. Thank you for all that you do and have done.

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Wow, Christine, what an action-packed stack! This is particularly timely as my yard has been invaded by a growing family of feral cats, which vets want to shoot full of poison when I'm lucky enough to catch one for sterilization. Great work, amiga!

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Thanks Christine for your tenacity. Keep on fighting.

They hope you are going to go away. They are deluded.

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Im definitely gonna print this post. Thank you Christine for completely settling any debate about pathogenic germs 🙏

The real problem I've encountered is most people can't/won't/ don't understand what "evidence" means. They want to hear the truth from the liars/killers/satanists themselves. Im serious, they want the msm "news" or the "experts" to admit the "vaccines" are not vaccines and that they're actually causing excess deaths in all countries. This will never happen, btw.

I've done enough research (only on yandex browser) to see what's really going on. It's actually a repeat of ww2, which we lost. Override the constitution, remove people from their jobs (government jobs, lawyers, doctors, professors, judges, etc), deprive Americans citizenship or public services (those who refused the "vaccine"), the coward jabbed will be or are already "property of their patent holders", since we all know gmos have patents and owners. Before WW2 when all these laws were being passed, the government began protecting the Aryans/AshkeNAZIs so they couldn't be prosecuted and also if the Germans spoke wrongly about the Nazis, it was considered a crime and would be prosecuted, there was also a transfer of assets from REAL JEWS to nazis/illuminati. The German govt passed laws requiring a "certificate" to marry, which was denied if someone had "germs"/ had a cold, "flu". REAL JEWS, were ordered to get an "ID" with the letter J. Almost right before ww2 began REAL JEWS were banned from owning business, selling goods/services or even trading. 3days later Jewish children were banned from school (due to supposed "contagious diseases". REAL JEWS were banned from public transport.

Many any of these laws reminds me of the corona circus that took place. Small businesses have disappeared and many Americans have lost their businesses/jobs and were greatly affected by non-existent germs.

Also, children (in LA,CA) missed 2 years of school 2020,2021,2022. Tptb did mention that children don't need to know how to read or write, just speak.

Biden and some governors tried to overriding the constitutions 2nd Amendment, which gives THE PEOPLE the right, not privilege, to own guns, any gun. They want Americans to get accustomed that guns kill people, and that guns are alive like the coronaviruses and they're the cause. I have a gun and it has never hurt anyone. I really don't see t their logic. All I see is a stupid excuse slowly begin pushing/passing more and more bogus laws to ultimately make it i impossible for Americans to own weapons. Of course, only the cops (laws were passed in 2021 to allow non citizens to be cops, smh, extra obvious) will be allowed to have guns. We are suddenly supposed to believe Illuminati cops are fair, just, and are here to protect and serve the public. Yeah right. Lately "anti-semetic" laws have been passing. I haven't really looked at that and maybe I should, so now saying the truth about fake jews or "jews"/AshkeNAZIs/Nazis/Israelis/illuminatis may or will be a crime. Idk. Idc.

The "vaccine" comes with a unique digital ID and a Bluetooth address and Bluetooth 6 has location-based updates, lol so in case you misplaced and need to find your bt headphones, or more likely its meant for government to be able to locate and know where everyone is at all times, through the IoT.

So here's my answer to this and how it relates to us. The luciferians want complete totalitarian control of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. The luciferians running the show are not human. I believe Nancy Pelosi (for sure) and many others in positions of power are reptilians. They are the ones manipulating the truth and directing the masses into an unlivable future. They want to keep humans just as we keep cattle. If people woke up and used critical thinking, connected the dots they'd noticed too. There's a reason why humans can't go to "Antarctica". There's a reason for the gun ban. The depopulation agenda is necessary for them simply because there's more humans then lizards. The "hamas" (created by US & israeli intelligence,btw) theatre is Israhells reasoning for eliminating the peaceful, religious people of Palestine. It's embarrassing to be an American rn and have fellow Americans side with israhell on social media. So called Christians.

BLM pawns is what I consider illuminati actors. They take orders from above to make long lines for the jab. In front of msm cameras ONLY! This is to trick healthy ppl to make it seem like EVERYONE is taking the jab. They were also the "really sick" patient's acting like they were gonna die. But, ONLY in hospital settings AND IN FRONT OF msm cameras. To cause fear. The useless masks served as a daily reminder that there is something out there, out there to get you if someone sneezed and you were within 6 ft. Omg! How ridiculous!?!

More ridiculous was the "asymptomatic" crap. It's like saying I have prostate cancer but none of the symptoms. Asymptomatic, the actual word, hasn't been mentioned in a while. It would be weird if human health just suddenly stopped becoming asymptomatic. But since we know asymptomatic diseases are only contagious to followers of msm "news", we know they're hypnotized by msm programming. I'm not going to talk about "non-living" entities that only look for ppl without n95 masks. Or that these entities prefer hanging out only in human saliva/droplets. I will not discuss about the water vapor that's in the actual air we breathe every second. How can a "non living" thing that travels through water not be in the atmospheres water vapor. They should be circulating in air showing up unannounced ppls BBQ party, landing on those open hour dog buns with mayo, or not just "looking" for ppl at churches or schools.

I will repeat, if the msm says do this, DON'T!

Do the opposite.

The real enemies of humans worldwide, animals, insects, plants and God are the elite. The reptilian elite. The next plandemic will be about the non-existent global warming coupled with another virus that attacks something we eat, and no they will not find it in a real human, only on a computer program or some soup, a dish laced with

amphotericin or gentamicin.

All this made possible by the very same doctors you still visit and take "medicine" from. I still don't see why ppl trust murderers. I mean doctors. Healers if no one. Liars to everyone. Money hungry, you bet. They can't get enough and will sedate you and place you in a ventilator, decimating the lungs. They won't think twice. Their bonus for your life: 10k, 20k, 50k? Must've had a good 2020 vacation with all that extra money. Christmas too for their kids and friends. They knew about the hoax and killed many daily. This is fact. The only thing hospitals/doctors are good at is pretending/acting/lying. Acting like they care, pretending you need them for health. Lying on the daily, especially to the diseased. Check ups and routine visits are nothing but a cash opportunity. Open your eyes..

I mean it when I say If you're healthy, YOU DON'T NEED DOCTORS ANYMORE, EVER! And if you're already sick or taking pills. STOP doing that and START taking notes and learning on your own. No cure to any disease has ever been found by big pharma. They say the can cure covid bar on genome sequence. If so, then find cures for ALL THE OTHER disease already here.

I never listened to ANYTHING (mask,test,jab), I don't have or care to have harm insurance, i have been looking at real health and I'm honestly convinced health care is unnecessary or bad, and definitely not good for anyone.

Say no to doctors, government, pedowood influence and msm opinions.

Trust and pray to God only. He listens.

United we stand a chance

United we can battle back

Divided we don't stand a chance

Germs/viruses aren't the cause of disease, the cause are the elite. Eliminate the elite and you eliminate disease.

We have to help each other out, have your Bible close and your gun closer because Satan's pawns continue to push against us.

God bless and protect you Christine. Thank you for everything you continue to do.

Just listen to this one song (out of many)and read the lyrics: Anthrax- Among the living

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I've been watching this very long revisionist doc about Hitler as a politician and Jews as declarers of war on Germany. Not something I've ever heard before. How one of his henchmen issued a government order following Kristallnacht that Germans should immediate stop attacking Jewish businesses etc. About minute 3:30 I think https://archive.org/details/documentary-europa-the-last-battle_202112

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This goldfish is sick.

The fishbowl is filthy.

Quick, vaccinate the goldfish.

You’re the goldfish.

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God bless you 🙏🏼

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Knowing that in the domesticated 'pets' area, the renewed vilification against cats was already afoot, and considering that the zeitgeist against cats which THEY began long ago, would be more easily "sold" in the brainwashed public's eye, this move is very cunningly planned. Hence, I am SOOO VERY grateful for this particular FOIA request, as part of your vastly intrepid work!! Our feline fur-child and I BLESS YOU for this one!!! I plan on printing the results out as verifiable proof for the naysayers.

I also really want to pass this article along to our integrative (mainly holistic) and homeopathic (the latter, internationally famous) vet team, too, although regrettably, I'm not sure even they would be able to take it in and deeply question their own ingrained beliefs about so-called 'viruses.' Yet ironically, along with my first supranatural cats, these vets are the ones who educated me the most and jump-started my foray long ago into natural methods of healing, and the underlying causes of dis-ease.

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2 dogs and 2 cats at my house. 3 of the 4 have had ear infections in the last couple years. Of course they get all their shots. While I successfully kept our family away from the CV19clotshots (praise God) my missus still won't hear of blanket assertions that all vaxxes are poison.

But why can't our pets keep healthy on their own? May the new administration throw open the windows of veterinary medicine as they promise to do with FDA, HHS, NIH, CDC etc etc.

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Took me a minute to get my husband to agree to stop the nonsense too. We thought we were doing everything right getting all of the injections and getting exams every year whether they were sick or not......and my lab was terminally ill by the time he was 7. They never gave me any cause or even looked for one for the cancer, just said labs are prone to it. But Ive heard from some long time vets that decades ago, theyd rarely seen cancer in dogs. Then during one visit a good vet told me right out that I didnt have to get all these injections. Thats when I started getting skeptical. I dont inject my other dog at all anymore. My cat hasnt had a shot in 13 years. Still a playful and happy cat.

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Thank you as always, Christine Massey.

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I never take our cat to the 'vets', i.e. the pharma distribution channel. They want to stab and jab for 'viruses' which don't exist. I did ask once (long ago, in a time of stupid when I did take pets to the vets), 'how would my cat catch the rabies 'virus', where does this 'virus' come from, and how is it spread?'. Reply was something about foxes....I knew that the 'rabies virus' concocted by the quack Pasteur is non-science, so that was not a very good reply. The entire vet industry is a scam. They are good at trauma treatment, surgery. Not much else.

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Better (yet not perfect re: still believing in 'viruses,' bacteria, etc.) if vets are holistic or homeopathic instead.

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Yes my wife is a hobbyist homeopathic provider and I can definitely say it works.

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Thank you, for my 2 Tuxedo Kittens and 2 Cats.

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I am so appreciative of you and your hard work Christine.

I found the trick is to drop innuendos about virology and its sham existence to your friends, just enough to get them thinking and hopefully it will spark a chain reaction and they will go look for themselves.

I am a RN and my nurse friends are deeply entrenched in the whole Covid scam, it’s really quite sad and yet scary. The medical system here in Australia is totally screwed, hence I don’t practice anymore.

Onward and upward … thanks again.

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“deeply entrenched”

These two words say it all.

Old habits are hard to break !!!

Great comment.

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There is plenty of evidence that the CDC is a bunch of crappola and never to be trusted. They don't have any viruses that they claim to exist by showing them to the public.

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Same with NASA. Lies, lies, stealing money, and more lies.

Moon landing (on a holographic moon) globe earth and space are non fiction. What's next, landing on a rainbow lol.

The entire program is to be shut down forever, ignored, ridiculed and never to be mentioned. All personnel should be imprisoned for stealing in the billions or trillions. No one has gone outside the dome. The sun is NOT 93 million miles away. It's more like 5000 miles away, 30 miles diameter. We live in God's firmament in a stationary flat earth.

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Landing on a rainbow - stealing this!

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PURR-fect work yet again, Christine!! This is another impurrtant battle won in Christine‘s F ull O n I ntense A ttacks against those peddling the dangerous nonsense of the virus lie. As the proud cat parent of a beautiful Siberian, this one really scratches close to my heart.

Christine‘s FOIA has exposed the C at D etriment C enter for what they truly are - purveyors of claims that aren't even fit to line a litter box!!

An aMEWSing thought came to mind: wouldn‘t it be clawsome if we marched all the unecessarily jabbed cats and let them unleash their true feelings - pee and poop included - on the faces of these ‘virus‘ lie peddling clowns? I‘d say they've earned their stripes as the true litterbox of misinformation!!

Christine's relentless pursuit of truth is truly awesome! On behalf of all our furry friends, my Siberian and I thank you for ensuring the virus lies cat-astrophe doesn't ensnare them.

Your F eline O riented I nvestigative A dvocacy ensures that our beloved kitties are protected from the paws of deceit. Long live your FOIA victories - may they continue to reveal the truth, one purr-sistent request at a time!!

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i have been trying to follow you factsinator but i am really bad at navagating substack i cannot even post anything i can only make commets -- i really like your wit. style. and intellegents and i follow the same people you do ------ Christine being one of my super stars ------ i found a new like minded anti- virurs person on substack named Jamie the virologhy projest or study or something like that i am sure Christine knows all about him he is a super star as well please stay in touch on my substack site and i all was look forward to your poems and charms Bradley Brooks Bonita Springs Florida USA -------- 11/17/2024

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Hello Bradley, and HUGE THANKS for your kind and thoughtful feedback!! It has brightened my day!!

In my travels through Substack, I‘ve seen a fair number of complaints about its quirks, so you're not alone. Personally, I get zero notifications about replies to my posts. I only discovered your generous comment because I revisited Christine‘s recent publication after a few likes popped up in my inbox. If I hadn't, your fine compliment would have remained completely hidden to me.

Hear you on navigating tech!! I‘m practically a carrier pigeon in a world of hyper-speed internet.

I‘m subscribed to your Substack now, so I‘ll be sure to connect with you there. Thanks again for your encouragement, and have a fantastic day!!

Cheers!! 🍻

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Hopefully, if we stay on Ryan like Pit-Bulls, we can force him to flea the country.

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Well done, Christine. Once again, you've nailed them with their shields down. Excellent timing, as they are pushing stories on the media about cats and dogs catching the "avian flu" and now in British Columbia a story about a teen who caught it and is in critical condition. Get them right as they attempt to put some wheels on a new lie

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Nov 17Edited

AND the phony-baloney story from the US about 4 cats who became ill by a 'zoonotic' transmission after drinking raw milk from cows = their vilification of BOTH cows and cats. ZERO proof or receipts of anything provided. They claimed 1 cat died (or maybe THEY killed him/her after being seized?), or maybe NO cat died. But also claimed they did "autopsies", which stupid people will believe, not even realizing in animals (because they HAVE to always denigrate them as "less than" human through their nomenclature) they're called "necropsies." A dead giveaway to the false flag attempt.

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WOW, that's brazen open lying, counting on generalized numbness.

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