As usual- Fantastic work Christine.

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Thank you for the support :)

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Have you ever added an addendum to your FOIs that state "... and if not, why are you destroying freedom and the economy without any evidence?"

I guess that's not something they need to answer because of the FOIA.

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I've made some statements to the effect that they are involved in fraud, etc. and asked some questions but it's always ignored because, as you point out, they don't have to answer such questions under FOI legislation.

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A man takes the virus as his bride. Watch Turfseer’s music video ONE TRICK PONY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/one-trick-pony

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The whole virus stories are such a scam - proven once again by Christine. And to think I spent 4 or so decades believing the big lie. Luckily I was able to convince a few people not to get the fake shot for the so-called covid during the imaginary pandemic. I´m hopeful they´ll eventually realize the entire 100+year fairy-tale because the majority keeps "vaccinating" (i.e. poisoning) their children. Thanks for all your hard work Christine.

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I stopped my husband from taking it. Phew. He was so close. He must have said to me three times "but everyone else is taking it". I finally got serious and literally cried out loud begging him not to take it and thats when he finally sat down and listened. He thanks me now. What almost tore us apart ended up bringing us closer together. Now hes opening his mind to other things being untrue that hes believed his whole life. Hes since gotten off blood pressure and cholesterol meds too. I was panicked every day watching him take those poisons!

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Thanks for the kind words Lynn. We're all learning as we go!

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Thank you Christine

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Cheers :Carl:david:.

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It's like the guy in the confessional...he confesses his sins and then next month he is back confessing to the same sins. IGNORE ALL PRETEND EXPERTS.

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Christine, did you play Professional Baseball? ...'cause you just hit another Home Run!

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That is great news because that shows a bit of honesty. Yet sadly, I found this document online after you posted your substack. There is so serious explaining to do.

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Notice they don't cite any scientific evidence that "hantavirus" actually exists! And one of the places they direct people to for more info is... the CDC, lol.

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Exactly. And same old symptoms - same old b*llshit. Notice the first "happening" in 1989. They just whip up a new "virus" any time, from anything and anywhere. Such a joke.

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Christine, have you watched A farewell to virology by Doctors Bailey and Bailey? It shows what pseudoscience virology is. It appears that virology is on equal footing with Unicorn ology, Vampires, Space aliens who are obsessed with anal probing of the uneducated. The amazing thing about virology is the fact that it has been foisted on us for so long without much questioning of the lack of scientific method used in finding these mythical creatures.

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Yes, for sure, and I know the Baileys and Steve Falconer - brilliant people. I share their content in my newsletters all the time. And yes, the whole field of virology is a complete farce!

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ViroLiegists operate much like central bankers in their creation of 'money': they conjure 'viruses' out of thin air, backed by nothing more than fancy terminology to provide the smoke-and-mirrors cover for the rawest of frauds.

The viroliegists' contagion myth is the biological equivalent of fractional reserve lending - imaginary numbers, or ‘viruses,‘ multiplying through the system, based on a big, fat nothing.

Thanks to massive injections of truth endowments into the market from Christine, the whole 'viral' Ponzi house of cards is starting to wobble, prior to collapse.

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Holy moly -- dead-on!!

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Exactly, great analogy! The private banks do it too!

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Thank you for delivering a much-needed market correction to the inflated claims of the Central Wankers of Viroliegy.

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Massive thanks once again to Christine for her unwavering dedication in revealing the truth to the world: these 3-letter health agencies have absolutely ZERO evidence for the existence of viral particles.

This time, it was a return guest to Christine's FOIA Hall of Shame, the one and only - Roger Cant Andoh-ver any evidence of that Dirty Rat, 'Hantavirus.'

Christine’s relentless pursuit of truth has exposed this viroLIEgy scam – a deception that has unjustly dictated the lives of billions through unnecessary childhood ‘vaccine’ schedules, toxic jab mandates and the hijacking of our freedoms. Christine’s work shines a light on the absurd pseudoscience that continues to provide the ‘scientific’ foundations for technocrats to justify an assault on our food supply, our liberties, and destruction of our economies via the declaration of fake pandemics.

There is truly nothing more important than exposing these lies, and we owe Christine our deepest thanks for her courage and tireless efforts in this critical mission.

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Just doing my part :) Thank you for the continual support, Facts:)

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Pleasure!! Bloody hell, you've been busy lately. Do you ever sleep, or do you constantly roam like a shark, hunting the next health official swimming in a sea of lies, ready to gobble them up when they paddle out their lame-duck 'evidence of viruses.'

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Lol, I'm actually very lazy :)

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I wish I had your kind of lazy - then I could claim, I have exposed over 240 health agencies for having zero evidence of any virus. I probably would've aced school, too.

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So I have been VERY SICK since the 10th & while I've been sick from zombies who have taken the death jab(s) since 2021, I've never been this sick since the war started in March 2020.

My symptoms are pretty much what is on that list at the end.

Here's what I know:

1. It's the evils' GM mosquitos which now begs the question as to whether anyone who got sick in 2020 was bitten, & of course never made the correlation.

I never thought to ask anyone who had gotten sick because it was never mentioned at all, only 5G was & I nixed that as being the culprit since a lot of people had no 5G weapon towers near them in 2020. That came more towards the end of 2020 & all of 2021.

2. I believe that's it's also the evils' frequency weapons b/c I did get sick back during their fake eclipse just after April 8th & that lasted for many weeks, but I was able to work after around a week, unlike now.

Many others also got sick during the fake eclipse (this was worldwide), but I didn't have all of these other symptoms & I think I got better within a week+.

3. Everyone else who has gotten sick within the last 2 weeks (my Think Tank Partner has talked to several in many countries), they are almost all male & they got well within 4-7 days. I still have NOT. sigh, but none of them are in Mexico like I am.

I get bitten by mosquitos all the time & I hate them, but other than being very irked because of the sore & itchy bites, I NEVER had these symptoms before although years ago I did sort of get sick (just not like this) after being bitten. I don't remember if that was Panama or Vegas.

So this is VERY VERY bad.

The evils are STILL attacking us (as I knew they would) & I'm just not getting better. Last night was the first time I wanted to go back to studying the Truth because prior to that, I have NO ENERGY to do ANYTHING. And my healing frequency tones that always help me & others is not even making A DENT.

I already knew the frequency weapons were the cause of why people got sick at the beginning of the war, but I managed to avoid the GM mosquitoes until now. A woman I know went thru my playlist & she said one of the scientists said you can get the symptoms upto a year AFTER the bite.

And a young guy (20 y/o) had 3 tick bites & was sick for a week, & still has a bit of a cough.

We already know about Lyme disease which IS a bioweapon created by the US mafia gov't, but I wasn't sure what the mosquitos would do & now we know.


& https://ourfreesociety.com/what-is-making-us-sick/

And my playlist which I hope has all of the mosquito videos in it b/c I'm really behind on doing my video admin work - https://ourfreesociety.com/Odysee-Mosquitoes-Playlist

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Sorry to hear you are so ill. You'll notice that the symptoms are run of the mill, supposedly symptoms of all sorts of other never-show-to-exist "viruses" and many other things as well. I hope you find a solution and feel better soon.

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I don't agree that they are "run of the mill" symptoms & I'm sorry if you thought I was implying they come from a virus. Viruses don't harm us, but they do exist. Here's a great short book written in 2019 - https://ourfreesociety.com/books-about-viruses/

There is no symptom that is "normal," especially if you are sick for a long period of time.

Detoxing the body is a good thing, but if you have to constantly get sick to detox, obviously that's not normal IMO b/c then it means you are under a heavy load of toxins which we all are.

Long term extreme exhaustion to the point of not being able to even be awake or think is not normal. Being tired & needing sleep when sick is.

Fever (normal)

Inner thigh muscle pain I've never had before & I'm not talking because I walked too much. That is from the frequency weapons. I've experienced it at least 3 times so far & whenever I get it, I know I'm going to be very sick. I never ever experienced this in my life before unless I went to the gym & that's a totally different situation.

Headaches aren't normal, it's a sign the brain is under attack. If it's only a small headache that goes away quickly, sure, but ongoing (I didn't get this until last night), then it's something else entirely.

Dizziness I got at the beginning. I was afraid to climb the stairs.

Chills goes with fever, so I consider that normal.

Digestive issues isn't normal. It's an attack against what makes us healthy b/c it deals with food & the brain. Several people vomited. I didn't, although I tried, but since I couldn't eat that didn't work.

Diarrhea isn't a good sign at all. I didn't get it right away, I got it later on, but others got it right away.

Just an FYI since most people think that being sick is NORMAL & it's NOT. The evils have convinced the entire world that being sick (doesn't matter what label) is normal, & I TOTALLY DISAGREE. They brainwash people so they accept everything & never question WHY they are sick in the first place.

The key is to look for the ROOT CAUSE.

If you haven't read this book yet, I do recommend it. They spent 10 years writing it. https://amzn.to/3rZGneY

Take care & thanks for the well wishes.

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You wrote that "My symptoms are pretty much what is on that list at the end." The symptoms listed are fatigue, fever, muscle aches, headaches, dizziness, chills, abdominal problems. I didn't say they are normal or that it's normal to continually be sick, only that the listed symptoms are "run of the mill, supposedly symptoms of all sorts of other never-show-to-exist "viruses" and many other things as well."

The structures passed off as "viruses" in EM images are almost never seen in bodily fluid/tissue, only in unnatural cell culture experiments and after the cells have been stressed by the experimenters. Further, those particles have not been shown to have the purported "genomes" and proteins. So no, the specific alleged "viruses" such as "SARS-COV-2", "measles virus" etc haven't even been shown to exist let alone cause illness.

Also the list does not include "Long term extreme exhaustion" or "Inner thigh muscle pain".

I totally agree that one must look for root causes and I know of the book and am in touch with Dawn.

I think we're on the same page, just having a communication breakdown and possibly disagree on whether the specific alleged "virus" particles have actually been shown to exist as claimed.

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I never once said the viruses harm us or that the evils can prove that viruses exist. I already know they can't & that virology is a scam.

All I was talking about was the list of their symptoms that prove that those symptoms that people did have (and more) during the scamdemic (and even now) does mean that they were sick & it was NOT the flu. I'm so sick of hearing that too. Even the flu numbers have been faked going back to at least around 2016 I think it was.

In fact, I showed that list to my TT partner & he said he had every single one of them after getting sick due to the GM mosquito. I got more sick then he did & had a few others.

I like your work & applaud you, but what I don't like, is when people (I'm not talking about you in specific) claim viruses don't exist & then ignore the fact that we are being harmed, damaged & killed, & they make people ashamed that they are sick.

Or they get on camera trying to dispute every instance of the evils "virus" BS & STILL don't explain why people got sick & how they can heal.

I remember back in 2021 in 2 TG groups I belong to that are holistic, I finally figured out that people in the group WERE SCARED to speak out that they had been sick during the scamdemic.

That made me FURIOUS. This is exactly what evil WHITECOATS do to people who are sick & they can't figure out WHY because they are low IQ pieces of shit. Then they go off & tell people that it's ALL in their heads.

TONS of women with chronic fatigue, Lyme, fibromyalgia, mold toxicity, etc. have been told that for at least the last 35-40+ years.

So when people in the terrain theory camp do the same thing, I start to question what's going on. That & most people in the fake awake community are COs.

I remember at the beginning of the scamdemic people in the terrain theory camp literally CENSORED my questions & other people's questions in FB groups. I was SHOCKED & this is when I was first learning the difference between germ & terrain theory.

I stopped trusting them after that.

These people were scared all because everyone was saying viruses don't exist so NO NOE could have gotten sick, & that's BS.

At first I followed what everyone else was saying (even that it was 5G & it wasn't that either at the time) & then when I realized people WERE getting sick, I became ashamed that I had been a follower & hadn't followed the EVIDENCE. That's the problem in the fake awake community, people, just like in the mainstream arena, are followers. They don't go where the evidence takes them or thinks for themselves, they just follow like insecure puppets.

That's when I started trying to investigate WHY people got sick. People need to know, & from a Truther perspective so do I.

What I'm talking about has nothing to do with whether viruses exist or not, but the very fact that the evils are doing this to us & people ARE getting sick & we will continue to get sick & DIE because we are in WWIIII & the evils have a myriad of weapons that attack us.

And btw, I asked Dawn to write up an article about WHY people were getting sick & she never got back to me which didn't sit well with me.

I just tell people that the scamdemic was a scam, then we have to tell them WHY they got sick.

No one is going to listen to us (for multiple reasons actually) if all we say is that they can't prove the fake virus doesn't exist. We can give then your reports, but people want to know WHY they are getting sick & I don't blame them & THAT should be what we concentrate on as well & find ways to stop it.

That & to get people to STOP worshiping the evil mafia allopathic industry, the fake news & the mafia gov't. Those 3 industries (the fake news is the worst) brainwash people's MINDS, & that even includes millions of so called "holistic" people who were full of FEAR during the scamdemic, wore their slave muzzles, were afraid to be around people, & even took death jabs SMH

I hope that clears things up now as to where I'm coming from.

Take care

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You wrote "Viruses don't harm us, but they do exist." So I pointed out that the specific alleged particles haven't even been shown to exist.

Re symptoms, "covid cases" were not based on symptoms. The "case" definition is based on fraudulent lab tests that don't test for a virus or an illness. No symptoms whatsoever were needed in order to receive the bogus diagnosis. Remember the claim of "asymptomatic cases" and "asymptomatic transmission"?

I don't know any no-virus people who ignore the fact that we are being harmed, damaged & killed (quite the opposite, that is what motivates people to expose the pseudoscience), or make people ashamed of being sick. Sorry to hear others have done this to you. I hope you are well very soon.

No one can explain everyone else's illnesses or what they need to do to get well, it's impossible to do. We don't have the necessary information about a person's life to know what the cause was, and our health is affected by so many factors that it can be difficult/impossible to know for sure what the causes were even when we get sick ourselves. No-virus people often encourage people to reflect on their lives and consider what they might have been exposed to, and what stress they are under, to consider changes to diet, avoid toxic exposures, etc.

I've never seen a no-virus person telling anyone that their illness is all in their head. At the same time, I believe some people can very susceptible to suggestion and fear-mongering, which is one of the reasons I don't like doom and gloom stories about what will supposedly happen to those who took the jabs, etc.

Dawn already wrote a whole book and many articles. Virus Mania also covers this. Many no-virus writers have addressed the connection between polio and ddt for example, and other possible explanations for various scenarios. I personally don't consider myself a writer per se. I support the no-virus writers by sharing their content and backing up their position with the official confessions.

One of the reasons I consider it so important to expose the pseudoscience is that most people think they already know that a 'germ' made them sick, so their minds are closed to other causal factors. Once they start to realize that there's no scientific evidence to back that belief, they become more open to other possibilities.

Thanks for clarifying. Cheers.

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Part 2

Like I said, I stopped thinking it was all in people's heads as the evidence became more clear that people worldwide got sick, it wasn't like 10 people just in toxic US or something.

How many people did get sick & how many made themselves sick by sitting in front off the fear porn fake news every day b/c they worship the fake news & love being in a state of FEAR, that I can't tell you.

I talked to one woman who kept saying she was going to get the fake virus, SHE KNEW IT and finally 3 months later she made herself sick.

I've read several comments of people saying they wanted to get sick just to get it over with sigh

PEOPLE ARE VERY LOW IQ & I get VERY triggered by that. Always have, now it's even worse.

5. Can't tell people what tot take to heal - I disagree.

If we are talking pre- these attacks, then I agree with you.

I'm reading a book from a woman who was poisoned by her work environment since the US is soooo toxic with manufacturing plants that everyone who works there (especially women) are bound to get sick, & I'm talking REALLY sick.

So yes, in that case you have to really investigate how they got sick in the first place & take steps in the right order to heal which shocks me that most holistic practitioners have NEVER EVER told me to do. Most holistic practitioners are scammers IMO.

I've been holistic since '97, so I don't say that lightly.

But the overall remedy is to detox, get good sleep a the right time, exercise at least one hour every day (a slow walk is fine), eat clean healthy food (good luck with that), breath clean air (good luck with that), drink clean alive structured water (good luck with that, although I am waiting for this new water struturer to arrive), & have as little stress as possible. Only zombies are stress free b/c they ignore all the evil in the world & the evils have brainwashed them to only think happy thoughts & that slavery is NORMAL. I'm not joking, this is a brainwashing and/or mind control technique used by the evils.

But we have no way of knowing how to detox from RADIATION, & not a small amount, but a huge amount. And how can you tell people to avoid a toxin when they are under constant attack?

You can't.

A person can move if they have a lot of money, a person can eat organic clean food if they have a lot of money, but not everyone has that kind of money.

And how do you detox from the zaps from the zombies who took the death jab? I only found one way to do that. None of my holistic remedies helped, which shocked me.

This second time I got sick (not just from the zaps) which may have been a combo of a zap from 2 zombies in my house, the mosquito, & the frequency weapons, even my tones didn't help me & that upset me a lot since this was the first time that's ever happened.

The more we are attacked, the less likely we can heal from all of the combined attacks.

You can't move to where there's NO RADIATION although some African countries still don't have tons of cell towers & 5G weapons & I'm not sure if the evils are directing their frequency weapons there. I'm talking the smaller countries. Kenya already has the digital ID embedded into newborns.

Nigeria I'd have to ask a few that I used to hire to see the Truth about what's going on there, but the CBDCs is already there.

There's a bunch of people trying to set up a community (I don't know if they are awake) in Nicaragua where there will be no cell towers for a good distance, but what about the poison spraying & frequency weapons?

See, this it the problem. Most people don't really understand what is going on & how the evils will come after ANYONE who tries to escape. So they will be safe for 2-3 years & then they will be attacked. That is NOT how I do things. I fight back NOW, not when they are at my door.

And how there is sooo much disinfo in the fake awake community on both sides especially b/c most channels & people on camera are CO. Min. 75% if not more.

The ONLY WAY to get out of this & that's to first unbrainwash yourself about these 3 industries that almost EVERYONE STILL WORSHIPS - https://ourfreesociety.com/The-3-evil-Industries

Study Natural Law which is the ONLY law that matters - https://ourfreesociety.com/Ready-To-Wake-Up-Natural-Law

Work on their childhood trauma which most people don't want to do, study Spirituality & the occult (NOT the psyop known as RELIGIOIN) which most people don't want to do, & then when stronger emotionally & Spiritually, fight BACK with others, not by themselves. Again, most people don't want to fight, and if they claim they do, they only want to do it by themselves due to EGO & fear & wanting to be the "hero."

I'm shocked at what people actually think constitutes fighting back against the evils. It's so embarrassing I don't even want to say it.

Almost everyone has already accepted this as the END. sigh

6. Dawn - if you have her articles on why people got sick during this attack starting in March 2020, please give them to me.

I'm not talking about her book, that was about the past. I'm only talking about this scamdemic.

7. The problem is (re: germ theory) that this isn't just about educating people, this is about MIND CONTROL weapons the evils use.

While I don't love the author b/c I can't tell if he's CO or just very naïve like MOST scientists out there, I read a book recently about why so many people REFUSED to listen to their friends & families when they told them there was nothing to fear & this was all staged or whatever.

But, he never talks about the evils' mind control weapons.

It started off with brainwashing, but I believe it graduated to their mind control weapons once people started wearing the slave muzzles & taking the fake toxic mini death jab (another reason people got sick) PCR test. Yes the fake news was also the weapon, but I still think it was those other 2 things & I started to figure out about 6-12 months ago just how many people were FORCED into taking the death jab due to the evil corps they work for.

Now many CNDs did escape & quit their jobs so they wouldn't have to take it (there was an easier way thru REAL LAW), but still, the evils use money as a weapon ALL THE TIME so this is just one more example. A dead person doesn't care if they still have a job.

There was something in both of those (muzzles & tests) that caused the mind control.

I really don't know if it's GO b/c I have a video of a guy saying GO isn't magnetic & he did the experiment on cam, assuming it was real.

I even have a video proving that the slave muzzles induced fear, it did NOT make them feel safer.

So while I agree with some of what he says in the book & he taught me a thing or two I didn't know or think of, it's 1000% obvious that zombies are under DEEP MIND CONTROL.

In fact, I recently asked in the shedding group, how many people do you know who didn't listen to you about what was going on before, now listen to you?

And it's not just the mainstream zombies, I STILL get zombies in the fake awake community who are full of FEAR b/c they take the toxic IVM & STILL use the word "covid" which really triggers me, so they STILL think the virus exists or existed, even after 4 1/2 years. And there's NO WAY if they were in the fake awake community, that they haven't seen the tons of videos from the no virus camp.

Sorry for the long response.

I hope you are well.

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Sorry for the delay, I was sick again & now computer issues since the evils are stopping me from installing Windows 7. sigh

Thanks for your well wishes.

Let me go through this one-by-one:

1. I think you think I'm only talking about this current fake virus & I'm not. I'm talking about viruses in general.

Here's a few (not a lot) either talking about a virus' role is in the Human body, or


I'm not sure if zach is CO or not, but I found what he had to say VERY interesting, especially since NO ONE ELSE that I know is saying that, but I never did look to see if others have the same theory.

I'm on the fence about him, although I haven't researched him at all really, I just got turned off when he was on Bigtree's show, but often the evils will have a real person on a CO channel so true Truthers disregard what they say.


Do you know who Rife is? Most people trust him and here's a video showing that he supposedly found viruses, although his are the toxic kind.

And I already gave you the short book.

Oh, and I almost forgot... when the scamdemic first started, I talked to a holistic woman online & she said her husband returned from Brazil (to the US) and her & her son, plus hubby, all got sick including with breathing problems.

That's VERY important info for me, b/c she wasn't just some low IQ allopathic whitecoat worshiper, and this was right with in the first few months of the scamdemic.

She got everyone better within 2-3 days & I have her remedies in my remedy article.

They were NOT sick until hubby came back.

2. Symptoms - yes I know all about the fake toxic mini death jab called the PCR test & it was also used to collect people's DNA so they can target people to damage or kill them.

I don't care about the term "cases." I know you do because you are being very scientific about it, but I'm not that way.

Do I want proof, of course, but I use my intuition & vast knowledge to determine something. I don't need "beyond a shadow of a doubt" proof to come up with a theory on something. That's the way the evils have taught everyone to be & that completely removes the fact that we are ALL Spiritual beings (well some of us are) & we need to use more of our skills then just our 5 senses.

Every person is different in their biology & their emotional state, so 2 people living in the same house can either both get sick or only one can get sick.

The evils have brainwashed people to think that ALL Humans are the same & if you got sick, I would too. This is of course b/c they are dealing toxic drugs & cutting people's bodies open & each toxic drug they prescribe to people is for EVERYONE with that so called "dis-ease.,"

They don't usually (maybe there are exceptions) give 2 people with diabetes, different toxic drugs. I could be wrong about this, I don't study the evil allopathic industry, I'm only going based on what seems logical since they don't care about the patient, only dealing drugs, or what I remember.

Saying that, when people in a certain area get sick with the same symptoms, that to me means they all got sick by the same toxin and/or in this case, the same trauma, since many people got sick due to PTSD which amazingly doesn't just mean post traumatic stress disorder, but also PRE traumatic stress disorder. That coupled with the evils' weapons is what I believe made people sick, but since trauma would give everyone different symptoms (I assume this), I still say the other toxins is what made people sick in clusters worldwide & the trauma just made it a reality because their body was too weak to fight it off. I personally NEVER got sick until the zombies started taking the death jab & they started zapping me AND I have health issues & I never got sick. But, I knew it was all fake, so that's another reason I believe I never got sick.

Stress harms & trauma can and does kill, as I'm sure you already know based on German New Medicine.

I created a questionnaire, & I never got to get the data I needed to investigate all of the symptoms because only 3 people filled it out, & I didn't really talk to many zombies, but I vaguely remember what the symptoms were, & I think when I was just recently sick (the 2nd time, not the first) they were similar down to the part where I was having a smidgen of a problem breathing & I NEVER had that symptom ever in my life, & I'm 58 y/o, so I've been around a while.

Unfortunately I didn't even think to ASK (on my questionnaire) if the person had recently been bitten by a mosquito.

The evils didn't tell us about their GM mosquito weapons until June 2020 or thereabouts. That's the first video I uploaded on the topic.

Now the evils don't spread their evilness usually until AFTER they have done whatever they need to do, obviously, so they could have been dropping the weapons worldwide for months before & we do know they were poison spraying that whole week before they started their HUGE brainwashing campaign on the fake news. Poison spraying makes people sick.

3. I believe that the evils can & do use death jabs (I'm curious about this new monkey pox death jab that supposedly can kill PURE BLOODS) to infect people who never had the death jab.

I also believe (based on a book I read & me putting 2 & 2 together) the scamdemic called HIV was able to infect others b/c the gays (how many, I wish I knew) lined up to take the hep B vaccine.

How that got transferred worldwide I don't know, & they could have made them sick via something else & just called in the fake HIV & most people wouldn't know what symptoms Americans or CNDs got re: this fake virus.

And that started pre-internet & continued just went the internet was brand new & most people didn't even know what it was.

I don't know how many people got sick in other countries other than Africa. I haven't studied it enough.

4. No virus people - there are only 3-4 people in this camp & I don't really watch them anymore like I did at the beginning, & I never heard them ever acknowledge that people got sick. All they do is argue that there's no such thing as a virus.

I wasn't talking about the no virus people in that small circle, but online in groups. People who are religious in their opinion about no virus b/c they learned it from the ones who went on camera & said what they said, did make people feel like there's NO WAY they could have gotten sick. So yes, this was happening. I even experienced it when discussing this topic in a very obscure social media group. The guy tried to tell me it was normal to not have any taste or smell when sick & I said BS. Sure my taste buds may be off a little bit, but not to that extent where you can't taste anything.


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Hospitals where I live are still recommending that if you have any symptoms related to Covid-19 you should stay at home and not attend your appointment!

And of course everyone must wear a mask covering their mouth and nose.

Following this logic which of course is completely detached from reality anyone with any symptoms at all should not go anywhere near a hospital or any other crowded space for fear of spreading their horrible symptoms.

Since when did hospitals become the opposite of what they were supposed to be? Oh I know... in 2020 something happened and the rest is history as they say.

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They were correct on this point "anyone with any symptoms at all should not go anywhere near a hospital...".

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All this evidence should be sent to the WHO, the UN, the EU, ministries of health everywhere (I will send it to ours). If only we see them, we cannot change much. They know that we know, they know that we know that they know that we know, but they must know once again that it is unacceptable that everything that is claimed must be believed only on the basis of "we are your masters, we are the experts", of the slogan "we own the science" and a manufactured consensus.

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I've been sending all of my newsletters to ~200 people in "govt", the courts, media, etc, for a while now, plus additional people who work in the system.

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Thank you for the work and effort. 🌹

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Thank you Christine - your tireless efforts are much appreciated - astounding to think the entire fabric of all these 'reliable' systems is unravelling dissolving due mainly to the work of ardent investigators like your good self - Bravo and hopefully you will get the recognition you deserve.

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Christine is well recognized- by those who realize they are navigating a twister mat terrain

of lies and deception, but, to my (and perhaps, to your) chagrin- history portends that it will not be written in the books, unless 5 to 10 percent of us do not comply...

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