So, what is it the my daughters OB-GYN just found on her cervix that he wants to excise and Cauterize that he states is HPN caused pre cancerous cells, strain 16???

Please respond and help me out with this.

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By "HPN caused pre cancerous cells, strain 16" it sounds like you're referring to cells that were allegedly made pre-cancerous by "strain 16" of the never-shown-to-exist-virus.

I'm really sorry but I don't have any way of knowing what your daughter's OB-GYN found. I can only point out that cells are not evidence that an alleged virus is involved in whatever is going on with her. I'm not an expert on health conditions. You'd be better off asking the Bailey's for insight.

All the best, I hope your daughter will be well.

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Keep up the great work Christine!

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My daughter, who had two Gardisils before I woke up to the danger, now at 28 has a goiter but hormone and antibody levels normal. And she has other ailments typically listed under HPV effects notably a huge cold sore a month ago. I read that the "HPV" is in fact an engineered something-or-other put out by our military friends in the 60s is quell the anti-war hippies. Who knows. Can you point me to some remedies for this?

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Sorry to hear about this. Re skin issues, I'll paste what I told someone else earlier:

"Dr Jennifer Daniels has said that her clients' skin issues of that nature go away when they increase their collagen intake. Skin rubbing on delicate skin could be a cause of some problems. I've even heard of women shaving too aggressively or carelessly in that area and ending up with bumps and thinking they "caught" something."

Fyi, antibody tests are a scam, they are not validated for detecting a virus and no virus (natural or manmade) has ever been shown to exist. Mike Stone (viroLIEgy.com) and Dr Sam Bailey have content addressing "antibodies".

I hope your daughter will be well.

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I was charged the ANNUAL amount when I subscribed to your account this morning. I selected the MONTHLY. So this is fraud. Please refund. thank you.

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I've sent you screenshots in DMs showing that according to substack you signed up for an annual subscription, and also that I've refunded it. I've also removed you from my list.

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Hi Annette. I don't have any direct control over the billing side of things, so can assure you there is no fraud intended on my end. I will look into this and get back to you.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

A cold sore is herpes, not a skin issue. You must be a third-rate bot given that complete lack of comprehension of what I said.

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Herpes virus is the alleged but never-shown-to-exist causal agent. A cold sore is certainly a skin condition.

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You have done and continue to do important work. No one over there ever has to account for the fraud. They will continue to advertise in the media about it and push the vx as a preventative measure. It's just disgusting.

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Keep rockin' the boat, Christine!

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The CDC is idiotville on steroids.

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Thank you for this evidence. I was diagnosed with HPV in my early 20s. I had a macrobiotic consultation and through dietary changes within a short time no longer had HPV. I now know viruses don't exist, but even when I was under than delusion, I was able to cure whatever the doctor found through natural means. I wrote about it in my post, Health is a River.

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That's great to hear, Christin. Were you actually sick or was it only the issue of the fraudulent test result that went away?

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Oct 17Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

I was never sick. I wasnt in the best health at this time in my life but the HPV was just a test from a routine gynological exam.

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Thank God you didn't get sucked into any horrific treatments.

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H, P, V

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Or simple as Do-Re-Mi

H, P, V, 1, 2, 3, baby, you and me, girl... !

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Oct 16Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

I'm not for vaccines at all but how do the "warts" happen in the genitial area? What is the cause then?

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Dr Jennifer Daniels has said that her clients' skin issues of that nature go away when they increase their collagen intake. Skin rubbing on delicate skin could be a cause of some problems. I've even heard of women shaving too aggressively or carelessly in that area and ending up with bumps and thinking they "caught" something.

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Well done 👏 wish we had someone here in Ireland like you 👏 God bless you 🙏 😊

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Thank you Colette. We do have a couple of responses from Ireland, and anyone can file an FOI. It might seem a bit intimidating when you're new to it, but it's really not a big deal once you've done it a couple of times.

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Hi Christine thanks for replying 😊 do you have a link to the Irish ones ? I did a couple of FOI to local hospitals when lock downs occurred etc but I think this topic is much bigger ..no matter how many times I share your work with family and friends..they think I'm nuts and that it's all lies..so sad 😔 thanks anyway for your incredible work God bless 🥰

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I hear you, I have family members who don't want to hear about it either :(

Freedom of Information response to Mr. James McCumiskey, author of The Latest Conspiracy: The Biomedical Paradigm, from the University College Dublin, explaining that Ireland’s National Virus Reference Laboratory has no records describing “how the Novel Coronavirus was purified“:


December 23, 2020:

Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) informed Mr. Robert Pye that they have no record describing isolation/purification of “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere (I believe this is the response reported on by Gemma O’Doherty):


September 15, 2022:

Ireland’s National Virus Reference Laboratory at University College Dublin confessed, in 2 separate FOI responses, that they have no signed, documented and verified studies re the causative agent of convid, and no signed, verified validation studies for the procurement of PCR “testing” equipment:


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13 hrs agoLiked by Christine Massey FOIs

Absolutely amazing stuff ! Thank you so much Christine 💗 I'll try to get them shared here in Ireland 🇮🇪

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Oct 16Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

TRIAL BY JURY- The Case of the Missing Virus

[Scene: The courtroom is packed with reporters, their pens poised. The aspiring viroLIEgist sits nervously at the witness stand, fidgeting with a stack of lab notes. Across from him stands the sharp-dressed attorney, Mr. Rigorous, known for his devastating cross-examinations. Behind him, the jury watches intently]

Judge: [Banging down hard with the gavel] Order in the court! Mr. Rigorous, you may proceed with your cross-examination.

Mr. Rigorous: [Grinning] Thank you, Your Honor. [He approaches the viroLIEgist.] Dr. Specimen, you claim to have isolated a virus, is that correct?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Uh, yes, yes. We have a robust methodology –

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting] Robust, you say? [He winks at the jury.] Let’s start at the beginning. Did you, at any point, isolate and purify this so-called “virus” directly from the fluids of a sick patient?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Well, not exactly. You see, direct purification from fluids is unnecessary because –

Mr. Rigorous: [Leaning in, eyebrows raised] Unnecessary? I see. What you’re telling us is that you skipped the part where you would actually prove there’s a virus in the patient’s mucus?

Dr. Specimen: [Flustered] We used a well-established protocol. Instead, we combined the

patient’s mucus with a monkey kidney cell culture, starved it, and –

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting with mock concern] Oh, so you took a patient’s mucus, mixed it with cells from an entirely different species, starved those cells, poisoned them with toxic chemicals, antibiotics, and, what was it again, fetal bovine serum?

Dr. Specimen: Well, yes, that’s standard –

Mr. Rigorous: [Grinning] “Standard.” So, after this biological disaster, when the cells inevitably broke down and died, you claimed that was evidence of a virus?

Dr. Specimen: [Getting defensive] Yes! The cytopathic effect is what –

Mr. Rigorous: [Smirking] Cytopathic effect! Ah, the mysterious code for “we poisoned cells and watched them die.” Tell me, Dr. Specimen, what proof do you have that the breakdown of these poisoned, malnourished cells was caused by a virus rather than, say… the toxic soup you created?

Dr. Specimen: [Stammering] Well, it’s what the literature says and, um… everyone knows -

Mr. Rigorous: [Cutting in] “Everyone knows?” [He gestures dramatically to the jury.] I believe

this court would prefer evidence over gossip, Doctor. Now, let’s talk about the genome you supposedly created. You took this toxic brew, fed it into a machine, and then used some software to assemble genetic pieces, correct?

Dr. Specimen: Yes, yes, we sequenced the genome –

Mr. Rigorous: [Raising his voice] Ah, sequenced! You mean the software took fragments and tried to fit them together, like a biological jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces?

Dr. Specimen: [Defensively] It’s highly sophisticated software!

Mr. Rigorous: [Sarcastically] Sophisticated? Doctor, if I fed a pile of shredded newspaper into that machine, would it also “reconstruct” War and Peace?

[The jury chuckles. Dr. Specimen looks increasingly uncomfortable]

Dr. Specimen: [Panicking] No, no! It’s different. This is how we create the viral genome.

Mr. Rigorous: [Slyly] Create, you say? So, we’re not finding a virus – we’re creating one. Interesting choice of words, Doctor. Now, did you ever attempt to prove that this Frankenstein creation could naturally infect a healthy host?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Well, no. We injected lab animals with the toxic cell culture, and when they got sick –

Mr. Rigorous: [Mocking] Sick from your toxic brew? And that, Doctor, is what you call “evidence” of transmission? You didn’t try something simple, like, I don’t know, letting the sick patient sneeze on a healthy person?

Dr. Specimen: [Flustered] Natural transmission doesn’t work well in the lab! It’s much cleaner to inject -

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting] Cleaner? Cleaner to torture animals with direct injections of this

toxic sludge you call a “virus”? [He lets the words hang in the air.] Doctor, do you have any explanation for why you skipped natural transmission altogether, or is it because – oh, I don’t know – it never works?

[The courtroom erupts with murmurs. Dr. Specimen is visibly sweating]

Mr. Rigorous: [Turning to the jury] Ladies and gentlemen, this man would have you believe that by starving cells, poisoning them, and injecting that toxic concoction into helpless

animals, he’s “proving” a virus exists. All without ever isolating or purifying anything! Is this science… or sleight of hand?

[He paces dramatically, letting the tension build]

Mr. Rigorous: One last thing, Doctor. After injecting animals with this “viral brew,” did you ever attempt to purify the “virus” again from those animals to confirm it was there?

Dr. Specimen: [Almost whispering] No…

Mr. Rigorous: [Leaning in] No? You never bothered to re-isolate the virus, because that would expose the fact it wasn’t there in the first place, wouldn’t it?

[Dr. Specimen is completely defeated, sinking lower in his seat]

Mr. Rigorous: [Addressing the jury] Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case. We are dealing with

scientific fraud on a monumental scale, a fraud that never once demonstrated the existence of a virus through proper isolation or purification. It’s smoke and mirrors! I leave it in your capable hands to deliver justice.

[The jury nods thoughtfully as they leave the room to deliberate. After a brief pause, they return, their verdict ready]

Judge: Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?

Jury Foreperson: [Standing] We have, Your Honor. We find the defendant… guilty of scientific fraud!

Judge: [Solemnly] Very well. [He turns to Dr. Specimen] For crimes against logic and reason, and for misleading the public in the name of science, I hereby sentence you to… [He smirks]

a life term as the head of the National Institute of Infectious Arse-covering and Deception - NIIAD.

[The courtroom erupts in gasps and laughter as the viroLIEgist is dragged out, wailing in protest]

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Brilliant, just brilliant!

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Oct 16Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Infinite thanks once again to Christine for continuing to shine the light on the Germ Theory fraud of the Ages. This time, we welcome the return of our old friend Roger Ando and his missing files on HPV.

We are treated to yet another confession from a useful pawn in the virus lie: “We dont have any evidence. I'm sorry, but I don't know where it went. It was in my office drawer yesterday. I think the cleaner accidentally threw it away.“

This admission now takes its rightful place as another trophy in Christine‘s Germ Theory No Evidence Hall of Shame, where thousands of confessions from over 240 health institutions across 40 plus countries resound with the truth: GERM THEORY IS A FRAUD!! What a staggering acheivment!!


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Oct 16Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Extraordinary work. Extraordinary dedication. Thank you so much.

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Oct 16Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

How utterly UNsurprising!!!

Hope you're doing well, CM! Keep on keepin' on. xo xo xo

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Oct 16Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Specifically, subject matter experts scratch their head dumbfounded... As will occur again and again ad infinitum

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Oct 16Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

I watched your chat with Sam and Mark.

It was so good!

Yeah. They've done great work. Helped a lot of people.

Thank you all!

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