CMASSEY aka the Virus Lie Sniper takes down the Center for Deceit Collusion yet again with her expose of yet another toxic cell culture given a meaningless "virus“ name. BRAVO.!!

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Your work and that of Drs. Bayley, Kaumann, Cowan and the "End of Covid" team is magnificent. It appears, however, that your findings are being ignored by most members of the "alternative" scene which, ad nauseam, deals with the "vaccines". Not one of them reaches the obvious conclusion, i.e. that because of the non-existence of pathogenic viruses the whole idea of "virology" is a fraud from start to finish and should be completely dismantled. At the same time the pharmaceutical industry continues to distribute not only booster vaccines but also any number of new vaccines. None on this makes any sense because people are being injected with toxins against something that does not exist. This point, which I make regularly, should be made by everyone in order to highlight the absurdity of vaccines and virology, which are based on a misconception that could not be more obvious.

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Exactly, it's so frustrating that many "freedom" people can't make this obvious connection in their minds. Thank goodness they are gradually catching on.

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Don't you think that the majority HAVE made this connection already? There's just a reason or reasons that they don't want to go there.

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I think the "leaders" have and don't want to admit it, but it seems to me that many others haven't, otherwise they would be talking more about this.

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A new one i got. "Anyone can claim they have FOIA responses." I asked if this "anyone" can actually display these responses. The response: "They could be made up, i can send an email and pretend to be someone else." Can these made up responses get notarized, i..e. by a notary public? ....... Crickets.

Thanks for the SUPERB work, Christine. Your growing "admissions against interest" file is like kryptonite to the official story.

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The guy saying those things could also send his own request and see what happens!

(Although of course they might just cite a bogus study and he might not bother to read it with a critical mind.)

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It's a woman, she "knows" that "the virus was isolated and sequenced" because she heard it or saw it or read it on NPR, PBS or the like. LOL. Pleaded that "i'm no expert" when asked for details, insists it's true because she got "COVID" and a friend of hers got it and died.

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~Sigh~... Maybe ask her to watch Tom talking about how to think :)

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"I only think about stuff i understand, and trust the experts for the rest." Long ago decided to farm out her thinking.

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You gotta laugh ... the NZ media were hyping up a recent uptick in canine parvo-virus cases. Typical. A study of the literature shows (predictably) exactly the same litany of virological nonsense. Canine Hemorrhaflie Enteritis: Detection of Viral Particles by Electron Microscopy

By G. BURTONBOY et al. Archives of Virology 61, 1 - 11 (1979).

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Christine, you deserve a standing ovation for all the productive work you have done with regard to virus pseudo-science. Actually, you deserve money. Maybe you could set up the Buy Me Coffee app to make it easy for your readers to donate in an impromptu way.

Not flattery: You have made yourself an expert regarding the hocus pocus of virology. I tried reading most of the attached study, grasped a fair amount but not all, and came away wondering about a small issue.

When they used CPR to flag this alleged virus, does that method 1) Flag a short sequence that is part of the long long series of sequences that they claim constitutes the DNA (or RNA) of the virus of interest? (I get that the sequences they pick up from the cell culture stew come from unknown sources and are assembled in a computer program to make a theoretical construct they tell themselves is the core of the "virus".

If anyone can explin anything re this isssue, thanks in advance.

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Hi Rider, yes PCR only works with genetic material and what it does it make copies of whichever short sequence was targeted by the test (if it's present). (At least that is what PCR is said to do.)

So with a "covid" test, they pick a short part of the (made-up meaningless) "SARS-COV-2 genome" and see if they can "detect" it.

They do this by first extracting ALL of the RNA from either the patient sample (boogers or lung fluid or poop, which also contains bacteria, fungi, etc) or from a cell culture to which the patient sample was added (which is even more ridiculous b/c it contains RNA from even more sources).

Then they add specific chemicals to this RNA which will bind to the target sequence if it's present. And then with each cycle of the PCR it will create copies of this sequence until there is enough to detect (which they declare is evidence of the imaginary virus).

So best case scenario, you get indirect evidence of the small targeted sequence. Not the "genome", and not a "virus" and not an illness.

That is a very rough description. You can find more detailed info from various sources on my site. And there are problems with the way the tests have been run, making them unreliable even for detection of the target sequence.


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Thank you Christine...interesting and informative. I'll read more on your site.

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Thank you, Christine, for your tireless efforts which, unfortunately, are recognised by far too few people.

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Thank you so much Petra :)

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Inspiring work as always Christine.

Thank you.

Your efforts are waking up people in the millions.

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

Here's a link from an inspiring interview by Dr. Mark Bailey!


United we win!

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Thanks Doug :)

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CDC admits it's retarded, useless and a murdering agency of scumbags. All true to my knowledge.

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it is already happening. All parts of the fraud are being exposed. Not just the pharma and virus nonsense but the entire idea of governance by elected representatives, the purported history of the world, the economic method of fraud called the capitalism, and so on, are all being utterly exposed.

Hence the current panic of the parasitic psychopaths. Their end is nigh.

I cheer that on

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I have a dual feeling when I read your updates. The pleasent "yet another one bites the dust" feeling, and the not-so-pleasant "how many more will be needed" feeling... you know. But the work you're doing there is no money to pay yo for. Just thank you, Christine.

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Thank you for the kind words, Charo :)

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I would give them an idea, to use the masks as strainers for filtering the soup and extracting the enemy...

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Thanks for all your work and dedication Christine from the UK

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Christine, thank you for another interesting chapter in the story of non-existing documents. What do they have in their repositories if there are no primary documents? :-)

Since you provide EM images, let me make a reference to an insightful conversation about this technique at


My initial question was about the near perfect geometry in many EM images. However, the more sources I read, the more confusion. Filing FOIA requests about the legitimacy of the EM imaging process could be a very interesting next step… :-)

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Thank you I will try to read it later and follow up :)

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Thank you Christine! The local high school kids (my son & friends) will be presenting your articles & FOIA responses to their science teachers, seeking explanation for cdc failures ;)

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Fantastic! I can't wait to hear how that goes. Are you in a city or more rural area? Size of school, area, age of teachers, etc. can all make a difference on how it is received. Fabulous idea, though! Could it be videotaped?

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We have a population of about 86k, and maybe 6 high schools including smaller private schools like ours. I can’t film it…if I tried I’d certainly get kicked out of the school. I’m already on an unofficial “probation” with the school…I was told “don’t think you can come to this school and impose your will” after raising objections to the “health protocol” section of the contract. But I’ll leave it to the kids to bring the challenge to the teacher(s), and maybe they will film it.

This is something all our kids in all our communities can do…at the very least the teachers will see that “the experts” have no science to support their mythical god “Virus.”

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Glad to see you're already on their bad side.....that's a good thing in most cases. Of course even better would be if you didn't have to raise objections in the first place.

That's a good sized place. My nearest "big" city is 40 miles away and population of about 40,000.

I hope the kids will somehow video this presentation. That would be a really great eye opener for many and would sure expose the school's lack of critical thinking and independent decision making for the benefit of the students.

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Excellent :)

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Oh that's brilliant Jeff!! Great initiative!!

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Christine, thank you for your continuing important work. Those of us for whom the Truth is a dedication, are aware of and appreciate what you do.

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Isolate - very traumatising concept for Virologists.

Christine, you are showing great cruelty to these people with your probing requests...

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lol Yvette :)

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The kindest kind of cruelty.

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