I appreciate your work and information very much. It is the trust in government and its’ corrupt agencies that keeps the criminality in the medical field blossoming. It would seem that people in any country would wake up to the fact their government is corrupt. For example, in the USA, the CDC, FDA, all other HHS entities, John’s Hopkins University, the Mayo clinic and many other criminal organizations that lie to the public and misuse extorted tax dollars from you and me. The Law is simply a 3 letter word that means nothing. In the USA, police, attorneys, judges, and political leaders ignore the so-called highest law in the land, the constitution. If people would refuse to back this corrupt system by staying completely away from supporting these criminals, they couldn’t operate with any power, but as long as a brainwashed populace goes to the voting booth to show their support for these criminals called politicians and the criminal governments they make up, things will never get better. If we would keep in mind that if we vote for these criminals, we are guilty of their crimes. If enough people did not vote, these criminals would have no power and would eventually go away, but I don’t see that happening, when so many so-called American Patriots are the supporters of those criminal systems and prove it every 4 years by supporting the criminals they know are the problem by voting for them.

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THANK YOU!!!! xo xo Hoping you are well, CM.

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Greetings and Best Wishes to you too Christine.

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Thank you! These tools and resources are in a farm folder ready for action!

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Thank you again Christine b/c I perceive the resource you provided livestock producers touches everyone. How? The truth invites farmers to stand their ground to protect the lives and health of their animals as well as safety [no vaccines in animals]. Farmers are also protecting our safety by growing healthy animals w/out vaccines and 'securing' our food supply.

166 million ducks and chickens have been killed due to a pathogen called H5N1 with unanswered questions about its origin and detection; PCR inventor Kary Mullis himself stated PCR is not a tool to diagnose an infectious disease.

Public 'silence' is consent to replace animal protein with edible insects, fake food, and escalating tyranny. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/from-the-farmers-who-feed-us-to-pharma

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I agree completely, Doreen. It's a war on people and animals :(

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Thanks Christine, this is very helpful to have on hand!

You say to use the forms before they pass your farm gate but what happens if they simply drive up the driveway to the farm house and are already on the property? Do they still legally need to obtain your permission to access the property ie livestock etc at that point?

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I personally would tell them to get the hell off the property and that I'll consider it trespass, harassment, intimidation, etc. if they don't. How it would be viewed legally by the courts, I can't say for sure and guess it would depend on the situation, but I would think that legally if they do not have a court order saying that they can be there against your wishes then it would be viewed as illegal. I agree with what Calvin says below as well.

(The way I see it, contract makes the law. I'm not a party to any legislation and don't recognize any authority on the part of CFIA or "Parliament" or "government". If I don't have a contractual obligation to let someone on my property, there is no obligation (unless a true crime has been committed). But I realize not everyone sees it that way.)

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I appreciate this, even just having the docs on hand makes me feel a bit more empowered to prepare a response if this should ever happen. I feel like they count on us being unprepared and uniformed and flustered in the moment of their sudden or unannounced arrival.

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💯 They're making a false claim of ownership over the individual and the individuals private property based upon psudeoscientific fraud and man made immoral policy, which is slavery.

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They idea is to have done as much as you can administratively so that if they do turn up out of the blue, they can be presented with the facts.

The most important thing we can all do is to learn objective morality which includes the knowledge that all 'authority' is evil and that in the absence of consent there is only tyranny.

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It is also useful to put 'No Trespass' signs an every gate, keep each gate locked and serve "No Trespass' notices on the scum, er servants, that will be coming out.

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Yes, definitely.

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Intentionally targeting the civilian population is called genocide, also known as the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

“When are the masses going to realize and confront the truth of the matter, that their own governments have planned and executed a genocide upon them?” – Todd Callender, International Lawyer

“What I would like to know is, how are they pulling off this massive crime wave worldwide, without any human criminal law system blocking their path?” - Katherine Watt, Paralegal

Lies are the ultimate enemy of mankind. They are the root cause of all our problems on this planet!

The purpose of government is to defend, not aggress.

Man is above the institutions he creates.

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Where is PETA? They should be up in arms about this. Millions of innocent hens are being killed for no proven reason.

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Thankyou, Christine. This information is vital.

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Thank you to you and Michael.

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swine fluin pigsin germany &birdflu in uk

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no meat in 2025?

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