"Yale’s Gregg Gonsalves filed a legal declaration that made a medical claim based on a newspaper article—and that newspaper article doesn't contain any evidence as Gonsalves claims."


Rebecca published another article about Gregg:


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These geniuses aren’t lookin so smart for a while now. Didn’t Yale conduct with Stanford that fraudulent mask study, cited by the corrupt cdc? Yes. It’s old news, and downstream the more important “virus” issue, but good for everyone to see some of the scientific garbage produced by these prestigious institutions:


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Good article.

You will appreciate this podcast on the regulation deception:


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Thank you :)

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Judging by the responses of those you challenge you hit a nerve every time. I have also experienced it.

I have had discussions with a bloke who blogs and really thinks he is right about virology and insists that viruses have been isolated and existence proven. His technique is based on Technical BS to baffle brains. It started when he was praising McCollough. I made a comment he didn't like and hit the jugular.

This was his comment to me.

"As I already explained, viruses and even living CoV-2 have been observed in multiple states of their life by electron microscopes and confocal fluorescent microscopes. You can read about the latter case here, which includes 3D fluorescence images of SARS-CoV-2-infected ferret nasal turbinates, published already in 2021": he then cites https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8234815/

Of course the bloke must be out of his mind. He claims "even living CoV-2" observed by electron microscopes.

I have sent him your link BTW

Here is his site https://budbromley.blog/2024/04/22/death-by-covid-vaccination/

I was thinking of sicking Mike Stone or Proton Magic & Co onto him.

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The good old "point and declare" method of convincing people there are "viruses". Works like a charm on way too many people.

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Phuck gregggggg

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Nicely done

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Love yer work.


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Thank You Christine for your persistence and tenacity to bring to light the idiots of this world. Please keep up the Good work. Many of us are questioning the validity of statements made by criminals in organizations like CDC, FDA, and WHO etc. I also have called them and sent letters of requests and and have received no proof of viral pathogenicity, transmissibility or even the existence of viruses as they describe. Thanks again.

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There are just a few places I can still get a rush of feeling like the struggle for TRUTH is doing WELL...

Okay, I might be a little sheltered, lol. But... YEAH, outing another fake "expert" feels just fine to me!

You know, I used to like RFK, Jr., until he also refused, publicly, to pay any attention to reality, but I did read his book about Fauci, and in that book was a LOT of very good info about HIV/AIDS and the complete fraud that it was/is... At least he got that right, along with a lot of other stuff... Maybe the Nasties have threatened his family, who knows?

Anyway, as always, GOOD WORK, CM!!!! Git 'em!

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What a choice Gregg has as part of the scientific community:

Hmm, prove my genius by quickly supplying Christine and all the rest of those who question HIV and the existence of viruses with an abundance of valid scientific evidence and finally put an end to this ridiculous denialism


provide none of the kind and make myself look ridiculous as dodging the request for something so simple as evidence would keep the whole charade going and therefore maintain my gravy train?

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What the anti-denialist is too stupid to understand (I know, a conundrum for a supposed "MacArthur Fellow") is that this type of non-answer obviously makes him appear to be as clueless as we think he is. But really, he isn't "clueless". This man knows exactly what he is doing. He is part and parcel of purposeful genocide.

My hope is that people like him end up paying dearly with prison time and loss of all finances. Seeing him next to the likes of Fauci, Trump, Biden, Birx, Bourla, et al will be the only way to come close to justice (and that isn't enough).

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Christine wrote in part, "...which is akin to asserting that finding presents under a Christmas tree is the gold standard evidence for the presence of Santa Claus..." That's the best metaphor I've come across!

My hypothesis is unicorns cause rain. But as studies have shown, they're invisible and too large to be viewed through microscopy. Further studies have shown that most likely, unicorns also cause sunshine, and partly cloudy conditions. Scientists know this, because...the weather.

As to how exactly unicorns cause such conditions, research is well underway with fascinating new findings gaining consensus. One such is the observation of sunshine following or intermittant with clouds and rain, which proves unicorns tend, much like humans, toward indecisiveness.

That unicorns are invisible stems from well established limits of human eyesight, plus a lack of federal funding needed to develop instrumentation capable of making visible that which appears invisible to the naked eye. Unicorn science lobbyists are working to resolve this funding shortfall.

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Brilliant :)

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Thanks for your spectacular compendium of studies and responses regarding HIV, its non-existence, and the predictable duck-n-shuffle of people who've staked "ownership" in this misconception. I am being polite.

It's no wonder such people refuse to engage with denialists. Thanks to denialists everywhere!

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In the lab where truth should reign,

Gregg danced a darker game,

With pockets lined, his conscience slain,

He wove a tale of fear and shame

Bribes whispered soft, their tempting call,

To fund a lie where many fall,

Gregg‘s soul for sale, morality small,

He sold his honor, his science, and soul

In whispers soft, he spread the lie,

A HIV myth to terrify,

For every dollar, another sigh,

As Gregg bids truth and ethics goodbye,

But Christine‘s heart beats strong and true,

And hath exposed, Greggs attemted coup,

Thanks to Christine the light breaks through,

Exposing Greggs deeds, a darkly brew

On behalf of us all I THANK YOU!!

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Ah, Gregg the "genius,"(H)appily (I)nventing (V)irus while employing the fine art of dodging Christine‘s questions like a ninja avoiding throwing stars. Only, he got nailed on the first 2 throws. Nice shooting CM 👍👍

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The proletarianisation of the academia coincides with the generational vaccine injury. The definition of a death cult.

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