I just have one question: in the very end of the video you say: "I hope your conference in Denmark is successful". What conference are you talking about? Was this recording prepared especially for this conference? Where can I find more information about it, at least the full name of the conference? I need it for my video description, I always try to provide as accurate and full information about each of the videos as I can.
Yes, the video was recorded for a conference that was organized by a man named
Mads Palsvig (he's on twitter). I wasn't there in person, my talk was pre-recorded.
The conference was called Northern Light Convention, 15th-17th June 2023 in Bornholm, Denmark. Here is the website for the conference: https://scandinavianfreedom.events/2023
Agreed that C19 virus does not likely exist. Agreed that other contagions promoted by big pharma and gov may not exist.
But I have not heard an adequate explanation for kids bringing home sickness from school and spreading it in the family.
I have also seen kennel cough in dogs spread like wild fire in healthy kennels when a new kennel cough dog was introduced.
I have also cultured bacteria, tested antibiotics against them, and used the antibiotics that inhibited growth on culture plates to cure the ill animal from which the bacteria was taken.
Hard to explain these as nutritional, environmental, coincidental, psychosomatic, or stress related.
There's no onus on me to prove anything. There are zero scientific studies demonstrating contagion - all of the many attempts failed.
A kid coming home from school and then everyone getting sick is not proof of contagion. Maybe they had a bad meal. There's many possible explanations. They live in the same household so...
It seems to me that people selectively notice events that fit the contagion model and ignore those that don't. And dogs getting sick at the same time is not proof that they are spreading something to each other.
No one I know is saying bacteria don't exist or that antibiotics don't kill them. But administering a drug and having someone get well is not proof that the bacterial were the cause of illness. That is not how science or logic work. A controlled experiment using the bacteria as the independent variable is necessary (and valid methods reflecting what allegedly happens in nature).
The dependent variable is people, animals, and plants getting sick. That we know.
As for the possible independent variables, a microbe, food, environment, genetics, etc., agreed they should be tested.
Most have not been in each particular circumstance.
An observer, however, can have experience that is not automatically defeated by an argument.
Not all truth must be confirmed by the scientific method.
For example, the kennel cough syndrome where no other factor can reasonably be causative--occurring in kennels all over the world with varying food, air, water, temp, accommodations, etc. In each case of the syndrome the common variable is Bordetella.
The same can be said for ailments in the family synchronized with kids coming home from school.
So, short a reasonable explanation for grouped illnesses, like aspirin by the handfuls given to Spanish flu victims, fake PCR tests used to create a c19 scamdemic, an infective agent may be the cause.
Pathogens, in terms of the natural predator-prey natural world we live in, are reasonable expectations.
Do you consider parasites something that have not been proven to cause disease?
I present these thoughts to help refine arguments against state-sponsored fake pandemics and to help us not be easily dismissed by claims we have not properly defeated.
Even if you could show that all dogs with kennel cough syndrome, and only dogs with the syndrome, have any Bordetella, correlation wouldn't prove causation. And I would be very surprised if you could even show that much. And there is no reason to assume there is 1 and only 1 causative factor - that's germ theory conditioning at work.
Have you observed said microbe jumping from dog to dog and causing this condition?
Again, a kid coming home from school and then everyone getting sick is not proof of contagion, far from it.
We're been conditioned to blame "germs" for all manner of conditions, yet there is no science supporting germ theory (if I'm wrong please cite a valid scientific study). Pretty bizarre/suspicious given all the emphasis on "germs". But you're free to think/assume whatever you like. I'm here discussing the lack of science where we're told science exists, not "maybes" and expectations.
I'm not aware of any science showing that parasites cause disease. Feel free to share some if you are.
Again, the onus is not on us to do anything, the onus is on those making the positive claims to prove their point. They've had plenty of time to do it.
I am not the enemy. Defending germ theory is not my mission. Truth is the goal.
Your work in demonstrating that nobody can produce an isolated sample of a c19 virus is appreciated and very important. The absence of the virus along with a fake PCR test producing false "cases," no pathognomically identified c19 disease, no proven c19 deaths, and the flu and other diseases and deaths being misbranded c19 is proof of fraud.
It should wake people up that government and other institutions with nefarious and monied objectives should not be trusted on anything.
That said, diseases exist. They are dependent variable realities. It is reasonable to conclude they have independent variable causes.
That is the reality faced by anyone trying to bring health and healing to people and animals. Human and veterinary physicians try (hopefully) to do what creates positive results based on what was learned in medical school and what experience teaches them over time in practice (the better educator).
Kennel cough (similar syndromes in humans and multiple species) has a cause. For the reasons cited previously, it is reasonable to assume a transmissible agent of some sort. Unlike viruses, Bordetella is an easily identified microbe associated with the disease and can even be found attached to the cilia in the trachea of those affected. Vaccines are produced against it and ostensibly have been proven to be effective. Unlike the c19 virus, Bordetella cultures are readily available.
That's some of the compelling evidence fitting the circumstance of the disease.
Nothing else I have heard that has even been imagined fits the circumstance of the disease. Nor have any scientific studies been done proving alternate causes.
So, the question is, even without any rigorous scientific studies, what is the most likely cause that can be addressed in order to cure or ameliorate the reality of this and other apparently transmissible diseases?
As for parasites, many of which are visible to the naked eye and can even be handled and dissected, their relationship to disease is not easy to dismiss.
Tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, coccidia, and others are clearly associated with disease when they multiply to a point. Elimination of them brings health and healing.
The life cycle of these agents is clearly known and documented.
For example, heartworm is proven to be passed from mosquitoes to dogs (and other species) and can result in adult worms lodging in the heart and threatening life. They can be removed by heart surgery pulling out worms up to a foot or more long. The result is a return to health for the animal.
No scientific proof is necessary any more than scientific proof is needed to believe a cut carotid artery must be occluded and repaired for deadly hypovolemic shock not to occur.
The fact of disease is unassailable. The fact that there is a cause for every disease is also unassailable. There can't be one without the other. To say that no cause can be believed to be a cause without a rigorous scientific study would be as unreasonable as saying disease does not occur.
All life on Earth requires or detracts in some manner from other life. To think the only predators we need to fear are other humans, lions, snakes, etc. does not fit nature itself.
The anti-pathogen position needs to be modified to accommodate such realities or credibility is threatened.
xxxx photos of heartworm lifecycle and hearts packed with the worms did not come through in this post
I don't know anyone says who says that dis-eases don't exist, or that there's aren't "independent variable" causes. Of course there are causes. Observing effects is not proof that "germs" caused the effects, or that there is 1 and only 1 causal factor. The germ theory people have yet to prove their case.
What is reasonable about assuming a cause, especially when no microbe has been shown to cause any disease? I think that such an assumption is simply a result of conditioning, which is much more convenient for perps and controllers than for us to look at toxins, stress, etc.
"Ostensibly have been proven"?! Show me the science!
The existence of a particle is not proof that it causes disease. Associations are not proof of causation. This isn't rocket science. Please show me the actual science, if it exists. Otherwise all you have are assumptions of causation.
What has been presented is based upon fact, not belief. Belief is the enemy of knowing and truth.
These additional facts should also not be dismissed out of hand if truth matters.
1. My clinical experience with kennel cough and that of countless veterinarians, research facilities, and kennel operators around the world show it to be transmissible. An argument does not defeat direct experience.
2. A study by Boehringer divided 34 eight-week-old dogs into two groups:
-17 were vaccinated against Bordetella bronchiseptica
4. Hearts filled with heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) cause disease and death. This is known, not believed, by me and hundreds of thousands of practicing veterinarians.
The onus is on those believing these facts are not true to prove other causation. A disease manifesting such obvious causation cannot be explained with any conceivable terrain independent variable.
Granted C19 is a fraud and even the entire field of virology is suspect. But that does not obviate clear evidence showing transmissible disease exists.
Otherwise, truth is being thrown out with the dirty viral, covid, government, pharma, bathwater.
Hello from the UK. Many thanks for you post. I see you have a troll blundering about swinging his club about and hitting himself on the head. I don't think it hurts him though!
I cannot remember all I say to people but I manged to turn my thinking round 180 degrees by June 2020 after 2 months solid research from thinking vaccines were of some use (but not for the 'flu as people fell ill anyway) to realising that all vaccines were pointless at best and otherwise harmful or deadly.
Or more simply, vaccines contain, if anything, poison so since when has poisoning oneself been good for one's health?
As it is Friday this might lighten the mood. I am not aware I have sent before to you.
Alternatively my latest article which is mirrored on my substack page, harking back to heady days of 2020 when the world was even more insane than at present.
Thank you. I'm very curious about this topic now for some reason. Some of my strong interests are in natural healing so I am always trying to learn as much as possible. As we get older, it seems that we become more skeptical about what ever we were taught; but we can try to discern. I have many methods to heal most injuries and ailments and have learned a lot of preventive measures. I am not a scientist, so a lot of this stuff is hard to digest or comprehend. When I took microbiology in college (one class) I was surprised at how interesting it was and actually got an A. This class did not teach anything about viruses. My major eventually evolved into Human Development. I do support your dedication and extremely hard work that you are doing. Much appreciation.
I've collected lots of great educational material here that is designed for lay people (such as myself) to get you started. You'll be able to understand it, it's quite simply actually once you understand the basics. All the evidence relied upon in virology is faulty and involves circular reasoning/assumptions. It's quite ridiculous and hard to believe it's gone on for so long: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/what-the-hell-is-going-on/
Yes, it is perhaps the fact it is ultimately straightforward that it is too simple for those of the masses brainwashed to believe that it is very complex and only highly educated (by big pharma) medics etc. can understand it.
Suitably remunerated of course!
But the basis of the current problem is evolutionary theory with its endless mutations which fuels the so-called idea of mutating viruses to cover up the harms and death from big pharma poisonings.
Yes; I made a previous comment to you about that link. I plan to go back and read or watch and I had recommended to you that going forward you can use same title but say part 2, 3 4 etc. So that any new recompilations can be explored. This would make it easy for us to explore with the latest findings. It appears to be a really go to resource for a lot of just getting our feet wet...Cheers. [I sent that link to a friend]
"Lol, many factors means many factors. And obviously there are many factors that lead a body to need to detox. I'm not here to list them all, that's another discussion and it's been done over and over."
1) Specify at least ONE of the aforementioned factors together with a scientific description of the mechanism how such a factor causes disease, including, without limitation, an isolated, purified sample of any substance involved in the relevant process.
2) In claiming "detox", provide a scientific description of the said detox process, substantiated with incontrovertible scientific evidence and repeatable experiments. Explain why the human body would "detoxify" (sic) itself in a way endangering life if the alleged detoxification process is unstopped, untreated.
Focus on substantiating your statements with scientific evidence, methodology, and proof.
Once again, I request that you (a) substantiate your statement using the scientific method as you require of your counterparts, or, as the case may be, (b) state that you were just shooting your mouth and know fuck all.
It's not at all difficult to tell that you're the same person that I've already banned under other accounts. I don't have time for this, you're banned - AGAIN.
On Steve Kirsch, a loud mouth fool in it for the appeal to popularity. Being banned from his site is is a badge of honour.
Early in the convid saga he was going on a about masks. He believed they worked. I bombarded him with questions and evidence pointing to the fact the N95 masks were as useless as any other. After a lot of rubbish he changed his whole story to pressurized masks like those that are used in explosive environments or undergrounds in mines by rescue teams or those used by firemen in smoke filled environments.
On a virus debate I hit him with this response:
With total respect. You answered your own question.
"I have no conflicts of interest and I cannot be intimidated. They cannot take away my license to practice medicine because I’m not a doctor. I’m worse. I’m an engineer with two degrees from MIT. And I have a lot of smart friends."
"Yes, I’m not a doctor."
Me : So, stick to your knitting. You claim there is a virus. You are also not qualified, are you? Then follow your training as an engineer, The burden of proof is yours.
"My only alternative hypothesis/claim is that many factors contribute to ill health, which is self-evident."
In the interest of rigorous science, I, Stoyan Yakotich, demand as follows:
1) What and how constitutes "self-evident"? What constitutes the scientific basis of "self-evidence"
2) Furnish an isolated, purified sample of at least one of the many factors that contribute to ill health, but ideally all such factors, including a scientific description of how such multiple factors interact and thus cause ill health.
You don't really know anything about the human organism and its processes, right? You don't seem to have any idea about free radicals or radical oxidative stress (ROS), right? But just by the way... there must be people like you and other uninformed and gullible Subjects here, who spread their ignorance here, although Christine Massey does an excellent and outstanding job!
Really, you've never experienced a situation that caused an immediate reaction in your body? I find it incredibly hard to believe that you've never eaten something or had an experience that caused an immediate adverse reaction in your body. Or that you don't know of any foods/substances/etc that consistently cause you to feel badly in your body.
And hello, learning that you've lost your job, for example, is not a particle that can be purified. Nor is an injury. I could go on and on but anyone with a bit of common sense can get the point. And I'm not going to waste time looking for studies on purified particles shown to be toxic, when the point it already made.
You're clearly not interested in logic. We're told that "the virus" is identified via tests for sequences, but those sequences have never been shown to come from a "virus", nor have the particles that they point at and call "viruses" been sequenced. Etc, etc, etc.
Yes, you should be able to FOI a hospital, unless it's private. Try looking on the website of the hospital (do a search for "freedom of information" or "access to information" or "records request"). Or look on the website of the jurisdiction you live at for information on FOI requests. We have a few hospitals on records. What geographical area are you interested in?
They are all over Florida. I’m trying to meet with the drs regarding what exactly happened with my late husband and why they couldn’t help him. I emailed the hospital and called them. I filed two complaints against the state.
Sorry for your loss. Fyi there is a current lawsuit in Los Angel by two widows suing a Hospital due to Covid protocol etc. Also, my husband barely made it out alive and suffers from injuries so I'm in process of getting records as to what drugs they gave him.
So, when I was young and watched, I remember they showed an image of the virus taken by electron microscope. This impression means that it can only be observed on this basis (not isolated like other microbes)
In terms of the general public's understanding of a virus do you have an example of any actual virus that has been purified? Small pox? Our knowledge is limited. Thank you.
There actually has not been any example presented of an alleged virus that has been isolated and purified. NONE, EVER. See this article, referenced in the blog entry by Christine, above.
What Does—and Doesn’t— Make Us Sick, Dr Tom Cowan, 5/2/23.
From it.
"According to the definition, the expected natural habitat of this organism is the lungs, the blood, the lymph nodes, the urine, the cerebrospinal fluid and so on. However—and there is no scientific disagreement on this important point whatsoever—there is not a single study in the published medical literature for the past one hundred years that reports finding such a particle in any biological fluid of any plant, animal or human being. This is true whether you’re talking about the fluid from someone’s “herpes” lesion, or the lungs of someone with “Covid-19,” or the snot from a person with “measles,” or the blood of someone with “Ebola” or the lymph nodes of a person with “AIDS.” There is not one published study in the scientific/medical literature showing that someone found such a particle in any one of those bodily fluids—and nobody disagrees with that! This should make you suspicious. As Mark Twain once stated, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
WC Fields said, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit,” and I think he was talking about virology. Consider this: we now have over two hundred ten responses from various health departments around the world to the question, “Do you have any published study that shows that you directly isolated SARS-CoV-2 from any human being on the planet?”1 (SARS-CoV-2 is the alleged virus, and Covid-19 is the disease alleged to be caused by the virus.) They all say the same thing: “We have no record of SARS-CoV-2 having been purified.” They’ve never found it, nor have they found any of the other pathogenic viruses. (We also have around forty or fifty similar responses pertaining to Ebola, Zika, HIV, measles and the like.)".....
At some point, people say to me, “But Tom, we’ve seen electron microscope pictures of SARS-CoV-2,” complete with “spikes” and something that looks like a “corona”! However, I have a picture from a kidney biopsy produced before the year 2000 (when there was no possibility that it was SARS-CoV-2) that looks just the same. In fact, I have eleven electron microscope pictures—labeled as kidney biopsies, lung biopsies or SARS-CoV-2—and there is no way to tell the difference between them. They are morphologically indistinguishable—they all look the same. In fact, the CDC has known since the 1970s that electron microscopy cannot tell the difference between a kidney biopsy, lung cancer, cellular debris, SARS-CoV-2 or any so-called pathogenic virus; it simply is not possible.
The cellular debris, by the way, comes from poisoning—whether from putting yeast, antibiotics or fetal bovine serum on a culture, or from EMFs, or from not eating a Wise Traditions diet. It can even be from “wonky” or delusional thinking. For example, I knew an anthroposophical doctor who spent his career giving AIDS drugs to so-called “HIV-positive” people because he believed in the delusional germ theory, and then, because of this belief, he took four Covid shots. Five days after the fourth one, he was dead. You could say he died from the shots, but I say he died because he spent his entire life believing in something that is completely make-believe.
The article would appear convincing. Why do authorities claim to have one sample somewhere of the fully eradicated small pox (virus)? Is it a larp? I don't trust anything that's going on so maybe they're just making a false claim. I'm questioning everything now. The truth is, these people are sick. We are dealing with pure evil and deception is their game. I just want to know the truth.
The is-there-a-virus-and-if-so-what-is-it debate is interesting from the biological and medical viewpoint, but it is absolutely irrelevant in regard to the totalitarian measures imposed during the convid fakedemic and any similar attempts in the future.
1) The virus is only a vehicle used to foist extreme collectivism on the population based on the premise that people must sacrifice their personal well-being for the (alleged) well-being of others. Any number of other vehicles, any individual action liable to have an impact, whether actual or alleged, on others and society as a whole can be used for the same purpose.
2) No-virusers only prove that the methodology used by virology is inconclusive, that it doesn't constitute proof of the alleged function and behavior of viruses. No-virusers don't disprove virology, they only demonstrate that virology has somewhat feet of clay. The FOI requests are particularly idiotic. The government is not only not the progenitor or the truth, but even if it were, proving the non-existence of something by claiming that the government doesn't have a sample isolated, purified sample thereof according to a specific methodology is hallucinatory phantasmagoria. Resorting to such patent stupidity does way more harm than good, as it puts off people genuinely interested, including specialists, who won't touch the issue with a 10-foot pole, seeing the deranged proponents of this craze.
3) Virology and the medical establishment will not budge. Certainly not in light of such scant evidence, which essentially constitutes no evidence. Ditto the general public, in as much as they give a shit in the first place. The only way of accomplishing change would be proposing a viable alternative theory, proving it beyond any doubt using rigorous scientific methodology (read: the exact opposite of hallucinations about annual detox, resonance, synchronization, and other similar imbecilisms). Then, the public and the scientific establishment would embrace it. Even then, they would incorporate the new theory into their workings and most likely take advantage of it in one way or another.
4) Germ vs. terrain. These two theories are not exclusive, they're complementary. Even conventional medicine acknowledges that disease is caused by defective terrain. Nothing new under the Sun. The issue is something else. The issue is what should be the role of medicine - treating disease when it develops, when symptoms appear, or taking care of terrain and making sure that disease doesn't develop in the first place? The latter obviously makes more sense, but be careful what you wish for! Putting medicine in charge of terrain would mean that medicine would oversee just about all aspects of human activity, including physical, including mental. For everything is liable to disrupt terrain and be conducive to disease. Do you really want that? Do you want all aspects of people's lives to be under institutional oversight? Isn't treating symptoms the better option after all? For it gives you freedom to live your life as you see fit (and possibly screw up your terrain in doing so)?
5) Tax your wits to a greater extent and don't fall for inconsequential red herrings of the there-is-no-virus kind. It's totally inconsequential where there are viruses or not and what they are. What is important is insisting on bodily autonomy. All of the countermeasures, the totalitarian action taken during the convid period can be contested and opposed whether there are viruses or not.
The there-is-no-virus issue is a red herring, whether perpetuated intentionally or on a useful idiot basis, that only detracts attention from issues of real importance.
I find it truly bizarre to assert that the truth about a vehicle used to foist extreme collectivism on the population is irrelevant. The fact that other vehicles also exist is beside the point.
I also find it bizarre that you come here with your insults, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the FOIs simply confirm/confess what was already seen in the pseudoscientific virology literature and that a massive body of work has been done on this topic quite aside from the FOIs, including a win in the highest court in Germany by Stefan Lanka, showing that measles virus has never been shown to exist.
Strange to suggest that official proof that "government" institutions have zero science is not important.
Post some science to prove us wrong if you can.
And that people don't need to know what really makes them ill and that it's not imaginary viruses. And to suggest that the massive waste of resources in connection with imaginary particles is not important. And to imply that there is any onus on no-virus people to prove anything. And to imply that we haven't shown very clearly that virology is ridiculous, when in fact a child can understand this.
And to overlook the obvious fact that people can't make the best decisions for themselves when they are misled about the causes of ill health.
Strange to imply that "virology" and "governments" are all that matter, when in fact each of us can implement our knowledge of no-virus in our own lives, as many people (including myself) already have.
I'm not reading the rest of your comment, life it too short.
The Dunning-Krueger effect essentially says that an idiot is unable to perceive the idiotic nature of her actions because she is an idiot. Check it out sometime.
1) You don't know anything about biology, virology, medicine, and any other science apart from convoluted methodological claims. You've never been to a lab, you know absolute nothing about biological processes, so shut the fuck up about "knowing the truth". You wouldn't even know how to use a frigging microscope.
2) Stefan Lanka is a standup comedian, totally charismatic, great to have a beer with, his roadshow is fun, but science? Give me a fucking break! You're worshiping the wrong idol.
3) Post some "science"? Are you that delusional? SCIENCE IS A PROCESS!!!!! It's a process of discovery, where hypotheses are proposed, confirmed, rejected, reviewed. It's an ongoing quest for finding better understanding of phenomena, you endless nitwit! You cannot "post some science" (sic). Likewise, you cannot be proven wrong because you don't make any positive claim. Your entire claim consists of demonstrating, in a particularly convoluted, anachronistic way, that virology claims might not be entirely correct. You make ZERO substantiated counterproposals.
4) Onus? Are you mad? Virology does not have to prove anything either. Virology proposes an explanation of a phenomenon. Are they wrong, erroneous, in full, in part? Who knows. Certainly, there are a lot of holes, uncharted territories. But science is not a court hearing, you dumbo. Science is, as per the above, a process. You want to challenge virology? Propose a viable alternative theory. Case closed.
5) You're militant imbecile, probably a globalist shill paid to sow the seed of division among dissenters. You obdurately shit your no-virus FOI crap all over the place, putting off everybody who, unlike you, possesses technical knowledge (that's the exact opposite to your hallucinations).
Jacques, i learned quite early in my encounters with you, just over three years ago since they started via Facebook, that you are self-righteous know nothing moron who covers up for his ...inadequacies by trolling all around. If you have PROOF of the virus's *physical* isolation and purification, something aside from the chant-magic-incantations metagenomics mega fraud, something 216 international health agencies have admitted in writing that they LACK, indeed PROOF of contagion theory in general, something which researchers since the late 19th Century, including Koch, Pasteur and Rosenau, have failed to provide, share with us. Show us something aside from your cyber-dick.
This is hilarious! Another example of the Dunning-Krueger effect!
This is not a debate about the existence of a virus, the function thereof, the cause of contagious diseases, and all that. Insofar as no-virusers make their claims, within the narrow, convoluted methodological logic, they are correct. In that regard, the question is whether the methodological approach required by no-virusers is appropriate or not. I don't have the technical knowledge to determine that, you don't, and Massey doesn't. I don't particularly give a flying fuck about it. It's irrelevant.
The point, YOU FUCKING MORON, is that the no-virus narrative, and PARTICULARLY THESE ULTIMATELY IDIOTIC FOI REQUESTS, are endlessly damaging to the, say, resistance against the medical tyranny attempted to be foisted on global scale.
Claiming that something doesn't exist because the government has no record of a purified sample thereof? Are you fucking kidding me? The government has no purified record of your dumb self, so you don't exist? Or do they have a purified sample of Massey?
Your useful-idiot, or shill (if applicable), selves don't realize it, but you've pissed and put off tons and tons of people who would otherwise be inclined to reject the various preposterous medical measures. Simply because your claims are so lunatic and you're all so militant.
And don't you start whining when you get a taste of your own medicine.
You are doing a wonderful job of highlighting the inanity of the virology-defenders and no-virus-critics.
1) appeal to authority - logical fallacy
2) strawman, ad hominen - logical fallacies
3) strawman really, since clearly I'm asking for scientific studies (which is crystal clear in my FOIs), I'm not asking anyone to post a process - logical fallacy
4) "Virology does not have to prove anything" - speaks for itself!!
2) strawman, ad hominen - logical fallacies
Just show us a "scientific study" that proves us wrong. If you can, I'll stand corrected :)
It is you who repeatedly commits the appeal to authority fallacy by invoking, for instance, standup comedian Lanka. Likewise, reference thereto as per the foregoing in no way constitutes ad hominem fallacy - it's a descriptive statement. I gather that you have not been to one of his standup comedy shows.
There is no Court of Science where -ologists would supply proof and where nay-sayers of your ilk would reject it. There is no platform, no nothing nowhere, where any of the blather you keep producing, as inconsequential as it is, could be heard.
It's impossible to prove you wrong because you PROPOSE NOTHING WHATSOEVER.
You'll stand corrected? Than get a load of this. Contagion certifiably occurs in the sense that there is some common phenomenon that makes people sick. The possibilities are several - pathogen, toxin, psychosomatic reaction, some form of communication we know fuck all about, who knows what else. Maybe even the "synchronization" some deranged no-virusers propose.
Now, virus is relatively easy to control, and that's by their own admission. It's a particle that can be stopped with a facemask, by social distancing, any of the usual-suspect countermeasures. You can reason against each and every one of them by insisting on bodily autonomy and the fact that a person DOES NOT HAVE TO be mandated to use any such measure. All of them can be used by people to protect themselves, without being imposed on others. Including fuckccination.
Now, let's say that the WHO declares that this woman Massey has discovered that viruses don't exist. We've been completely wrong! The government has no record of a purified virus! So what is it that makes people sick? It must be the synchronization! Can you imagine what can of worms you're opening? Nobody knows how synchronization works, but it can probably be stopped by lockdowns. And they'll sure can make a fuckccine against synchronization too. Etc. etc. Maybe even your myopic self can imagine the ramifications of all this.
Be thankful for viruses, they're relatively easy to deal with. Pull your head out of your ass, take a breath of fresh air, and stop hallucinating this no-virus bullshit.
You're liable to get way more than you're bargaining for.
Maybe you really don't know that Stefan Lanka already showed in the highest court in Germany that the imaginary measles virus was never shown to exist. Regardless, people can't make the best decisions for themselves when they've been misled re the cause of ill health. Truth matters. And you've failed, in your many comments, to cite any "virus" science. So onwards we go.
Jock Strap said.... "You don't know anything about biology, virology, medicine, and any other science apart from convoluted methodological claims. You've never been to a lab, you know absolute nothing about biological processes, so shut the fuck up about "knowing the truth". You wouldn't even know how to use a frigging microscope."
Apparently biologists don't know anything about biology either, but they think their microscopes and labs allow them to make up stories about it... "look at this dead, adulterated, chemical-washed sample... we understand life and function!" Virologists certainly don't know anything about healing, but they sure know how to back door market pharmaceuticals for the mother ship..."medicine". Slap yourself on the back.
But "we" aren't attempting to play false authority god of all things pretend science. Just dismantle the bullshit that is handed down from on high as decree for another giant heap of bullshit called "public health policy"... which is the biomedical police state. There is no burden of proof (fallacy) to reverse on "us" to replace a mountain of unsubstantiated pharmaceutical marketing bullshit they are claiming as "the science".
Hey, if you think institutions making positive scientific claims in order to impose medical tyranny don't have to provide scientifically performed evidence, that is certainly your choice. Although, I'd say it's a strange one. If one were truly investigating the phenomenon, the first thing we could say is that hundreds of years of trying to incriminate a particular suspect has proven a giant waste of time, cost tons in stolen tax payer loot, and killed and maimed millions in its wake. Not only that, all based in the skilled practice of pseudoscience....with microscopes!! Maybe now we can let the suspect go free as he/she has been held with fabricated evidence. This may open up new doors and new leads for better investigations.... or better yet, old ones that were suppressed because they didn't ring the profit bell quite as hard.
One thing is for sure. In order to build the knowledge base back from these new/old ways of understanding and practice, the old rotted building with no foundation must be smashed to the ground with a wrecking ball. Get on board or go down with the Titanic my cynical friend... Virology is dead in the water and text book biology isn't too far behind.
What you need to realize is that you need to opposed the "biomedical police state", not virology. That's the whole point.
You don't know shit about science and you don't need to. The whole point is something completely different - you're chasing a mirage (possibly intentionally - Massey might be a shill)
The point is that NOBODY CAN BE MADE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WELL-BEING OF ANOTHER AND BE FORCED TO ACCEPT MEASURES DETRIMENTAL TO ONESELF. Focus on that. You don't need to make an ass of yourself by engaging in convoluted methodological blather to assert that.
I don't GIVE A FUCK about the alleged pseudoscience of virology.
I don't really have a that much of a problem with the germ theory. Germs certifiably do cause harm, just ask Lucien Bouchard who nearly died because of strep infection eating up his leg. Nonetheless, I take it that you'd rather die in defense of your dogmatic orthodoxy than take antibiotics, for instance. Rest in peace!
Continue exposing what-the-fucking-ever you wish. That's your prerogative. Kindly dissociate yourself from any and all who are actually doing something useful in relation to opposing the attempt to impose medical totalitarianism via the WHO for your patented stupidity puts well meaning people off.
Hello there Christine, greetings from Poland!
I have a question about your video "OFFICIAL EVIDENCE THAT VIROLOGY IS PSEUDOSCIENCE" (https://www.bitchute.com/video/gvu4NbieSuVb/)
I've translated this video and I will upload it onto my channel, which is quite popular with the Polish audience (https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FlDI64I8W9kD/).
I just have one question: in the very end of the video you say: "I hope your conference in Denmark is successful". What conference are you talking about? Was this recording prepared especially for this conference? Where can I find more information about it, at least the full name of the conference? I need it for my video description, I always try to provide as accurate and full information about each of the videos as I can.
Looking forward to your reply,
Georgina Orwell PL
Hi Georgina,
Yes, the video was recorded for a conference that was organized by a man named
Mads Palsvig (he's on twitter). I wasn't there in person, my talk was pre-recorded.
The conference was called Northern Light Convention, 15th-17th June 2023 in Bornholm, Denmark. Here is the website for the conference: https://scandinavianfreedom.events/2023
Fantastic, thank you for a quick reply, I will nclude this information in the description under the video and I will upload it today!
All the best, good luck with all your endeavours!
Agreed that C19 virus does not likely exist. Agreed that other contagions promoted by big pharma and gov may not exist.
But I have not heard an adequate explanation for kids bringing home sickness from school and spreading it in the family.
I have also seen kennel cough in dogs spread like wild fire in healthy kennels when a new kennel cough dog was introduced.
I have also cultured bacteria, tested antibiotics against them, and used the antibiotics that inhibited growth on culture plates to cure the ill animal from which the bacteria was taken.
Hard to explain these as nutritional, environmental, coincidental, psychosomatic, or stress related.
If you can explain, please post.
There's no onus on me to prove anything. There are zero scientific studies demonstrating contagion - all of the many attempts failed.
A kid coming home from school and then everyone getting sick is not proof of contagion. Maybe they had a bad meal. There's many possible explanations. They live in the same household so...
It seems to me that people selectively notice events that fit the contagion model and ignore those that don't. And dogs getting sick at the same time is not proof that they are spreading something to each other.
No one I know is saying bacteria don't exist or that antibiotics don't kill them. But administering a drug and having someone get well is not proof that the bacterial were the cause of illness. That is not how science or logic work. A controlled experiment using the bacteria as the independent variable is necessary (and valid methods reflecting what allegedly happens in nature).
The dependent variable is people, animals, and plants getting sick. That we know.
As for the possible independent variables, a microbe, food, environment, genetics, etc., agreed they should be tested.
Most have not been in each particular circumstance.
An observer, however, can have experience that is not automatically defeated by an argument.
Not all truth must be confirmed by the scientific method.
For example, the kennel cough syndrome where no other factor can reasonably be causative--occurring in kennels all over the world with varying food, air, water, temp, accommodations, etc. In each case of the syndrome the common variable is Bordetella.
The same can be said for ailments in the family synchronized with kids coming home from school.
So, short a reasonable explanation for grouped illnesses, like aspirin by the handfuls given to Spanish flu victims, fake PCR tests used to create a c19 scamdemic, an infective agent may be the cause.
Pathogens, in terms of the natural predator-prey natural world we live in, are reasonable expectations.
Do you consider parasites something that have not been proven to cause disease?
I present these thoughts to help refine arguments against state-sponsored fake pandemics and to help us not be easily dismissed by claims we have not properly defeated.
Even if you could show that all dogs with kennel cough syndrome, and only dogs with the syndrome, have any Bordetella, correlation wouldn't prove causation. And I would be very surprised if you could even show that much. And there is no reason to assume there is 1 and only 1 causative factor - that's germ theory conditioning at work.
Have you observed said microbe jumping from dog to dog and causing this condition?
Again, a kid coming home from school and then everyone getting sick is not proof of contagion, far from it.
We're been conditioned to blame "germs" for all manner of conditions, yet there is no science supporting germ theory (if I'm wrong please cite a valid scientific study). Pretty bizarre/suspicious given all the emphasis on "germs". But you're free to think/assume whatever you like. I'm here discussing the lack of science where we're told science exists, not "maybes" and expectations.
I'm not aware of any science showing that parasites cause disease. Feel free to share some if you are.
Again, the onus is not on us to do anything, the onus is on those making the positive claims to prove their point. They've had plenty of time to do it.
Thank you for your thoughts.
I am not the enemy. Defending germ theory is not my mission. Truth is the goal.
Your work in demonstrating that nobody can produce an isolated sample of a c19 virus is appreciated and very important. The absence of the virus along with a fake PCR test producing false "cases," no pathognomically identified c19 disease, no proven c19 deaths, and the flu and other diseases and deaths being misbranded c19 is proof of fraud.
It should wake people up that government and other institutions with nefarious and monied objectives should not be trusted on anything.
That said, diseases exist. They are dependent variable realities. It is reasonable to conclude they have independent variable causes.
That is the reality faced by anyone trying to bring health and healing to people and animals. Human and veterinary physicians try (hopefully) to do what creates positive results based on what was learned in medical school and what experience teaches them over time in practice (the better educator).
Kennel cough (similar syndromes in humans and multiple species) has a cause. For the reasons cited previously, it is reasonable to assume a transmissible agent of some sort. Unlike viruses, Bordetella is an easily identified microbe associated with the disease and can even be found attached to the cilia in the trachea of those affected. Vaccines are produced against it and ostensibly have been proven to be effective. Unlike the c19 virus, Bordetella cultures are readily available.
That's some of the compelling evidence fitting the circumstance of the disease.
Nothing else I have heard that has even been imagined fits the circumstance of the disease. Nor have any scientific studies been done proving alternate causes.
So, the question is, even without any rigorous scientific studies, what is the most likely cause that can be addressed in order to cure or ameliorate the reality of this and other apparently transmissible diseases?
As for parasites, many of which are visible to the naked eye and can even be handled and dissected, their relationship to disease is not easy to dismiss.
Tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, coccidia, and others are clearly associated with disease when they multiply to a point. Elimination of them brings health and healing.
The life cycle of these agents is clearly known and documented.
For example, heartworm is proven to be passed from mosquitoes to dogs (and other species) and can result in adult worms lodging in the heart and threatening life. They can be removed by heart surgery pulling out worms up to a foot or more long. The result is a return to health for the animal.
No scientific proof is necessary any more than scientific proof is needed to believe a cut carotid artery must be occluded and repaired for deadly hypovolemic shock not to occur.
The fact of disease is unassailable. The fact that there is a cause for every disease is also unassailable. There can't be one without the other. To say that no cause can be believed to be a cause without a rigorous scientific study would be as unreasonable as saying disease does not occur.
All life on Earth requires or detracts in some manner from other life. To think the only predators we need to fear are other humans, lions, snakes, etc. does not fit nature itself.
The anti-pathogen position needs to be modified to accommodate such realities or credibility is threatened.
xxxx photos of heartworm lifecycle and hearts packed with the worms did not come through in this post
email me at wl7d@aol.com if you would like to see
Again, believe whatever you want. We've been led to believe that germ theory is actually backed by science and it's not true at all, to my knowledge.
I don't know anyone says who says that dis-eases don't exist, or that there's aren't "independent variable" causes. Of course there are causes. Observing effects is not proof that "germs" caused the effects, or that there is 1 and only 1 causal factor. The germ theory people have yet to prove their case.
What is reasonable about assuming a cause, especially when no microbe has been shown to cause any disease? I think that such an assumption is simply a result of conditioning, which is much more convenient for perps and controllers than for us to look at toxins, stress, etc.
"Ostensibly have been proven"?! Show me the science!
The existence of a particle is not proof that it causes disease. Associations are not proof of causation. This isn't rocket science. Please show me the actual science, if it exists. Otherwise all you have are assumptions of causation.
What has been presented is based upon fact, not belief. Belief is the enemy of knowing and truth.
These additional facts should also not be dismissed out of hand if truth matters.
1. My clinical experience with kennel cough and that of countless veterinarians, research facilities, and kennel operators around the world show it to be transmissible. An argument does not defeat direct experience.
2. A study by Boehringer divided 34 eight-week-old dogs into two groups:
-17 were vaccinated against Bordetella bronchiseptica
-17 controls were not vaccinated.
-13 months later they were exposed to Bordetella and observed twice daily for two weeks.
-Over the two weeks:
>13 of the 17 controls (not vaccinated) showed signs of kennel cough when exposed to Bordetella
>>for graphic of this see https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/links/wysong-massy
> All 17 of the vaccinated showed no signs of kennel cough
>>for graphic of this see https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/links/wysong-massy
This study, not belief, strongly suggests:
-The vaccine was protective
-Bordetella causes kennel cough
No study exists proving in a similar fashion that any terrain independent variable can explain the existence of kennel cough.
3. The life cycle of heartworm is definitively known, not believed.
>>for graphic of this see https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/links/wysong-massy
4. Hearts filled with heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) cause disease and death. This is known, not believed, by me and hundreds of thousands of practicing veterinarians.
>>for a necropsy photo of a heart filled with these worms see https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/links/wysong-massy
The onus is on those believing these facts are not true to prove other causation. A disease manifesting such obvious causation cannot be explained with any conceivable terrain independent variable.
Granted C19 is a fraud and even the entire field of virology is suspect. But that does not obviate clear evidence showing transmissible disease exists.
Otherwise, truth is being thrown out with the dirty viral, covid, government, pharma, bathwater.
Yeah for the lawsuits. I’m sorry about your husband
Thank you!! Yeah!
Dear Christine.
Hello from the UK. Many thanks for you post. I see you have a troll blundering about swinging his club about and hitting himself on the head. I don't think it hurts him though!
I cannot remember all I say to people but I manged to turn my thinking round 180 degrees by June 2020 after 2 months solid research from thinking vaccines were of some use (but not for the 'flu as people fell ill anyway) to realising that all vaccines were pointless at best and otherwise harmful or deadly.
Or more simply, vaccines contain, if anything, poison so since when has poisoning oneself been good for one's health?
As it is Friday this might lighten the mood. I am not aware I have sent before to you.
Alternatively my latest article which is mirrored on my substack page, harking back to heady days of 2020 when the world was even more insane than at present.
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Thank you. I'm very curious about this topic now for some reason. Some of my strong interests are in natural healing so I am always trying to learn as much as possible. As we get older, it seems that we become more skeptical about what ever we were taught; but we can try to discern. I have many methods to heal most injuries and ailments and have learned a lot of preventive measures. I am not a scientist, so a lot of this stuff is hard to digest or comprehend. When I took microbiology in college (one class) I was surprised at how interesting it was and actually got an A. This class did not teach anything about viruses. My major eventually evolved into Human Development. I do support your dedication and extremely hard work that you are doing. Much appreciation.
I've collected lots of great educational material here that is designed for lay people (such as myself) to get you started. You'll be able to understand it, it's quite simply actually once you understand the basics. All the evidence relied upon in virology is faulty and involves circular reasoning/assumptions. It's quite ridiculous and hard to believe it's gone on for so long: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/what-the-hell-is-going-on/
Yes, it is perhaps the fact it is ultimately straightforward that it is too simple for those of the masses brainwashed to believe that it is very complex and only highly educated (by big pharma) medics etc. can understand it.
Suitably remunerated of course!
But the basis of the current problem is evolutionary theory with its endless mutations which fuels the so-called idea of mutating viruses to cover up the harms and death from big pharma poisonings.
Yes; I made a previous comment to you about that link. I plan to go back and read or watch and I had recommended to you that going forward you can use same title but say part 2, 3 4 etc. So that any new recompilations can be explored. This would make it easy for us to explore with the latest findings. It appears to be a really go to resource for a lot of just getting our feet wet...Cheers. [I sent that link to a friend]
I actually rarely update that page anymore, since there is already so much content on it.
Pseudoscientist Christine Massey claims:
"Lol, many factors means many factors. And obviously there are many factors that lead a body to need to detox. I'm not here to list them all, that's another discussion and it's been done over and over."
1) Specify at least ONE of the aforementioned factors together with a scientific description of the mechanism how such a factor causes disease, including, without limitation, an isolated, purified sample of any substance involved in the relevant process.
2) In claiming "detox", provide a scientific description of the said detox process, substantiated with incontrovertible scientific evidence and repeatable experiments. Explain why the human body would "detoxify" (sic) itself in a way endangering life if the alleged detoxification process is unstopped, untreated.
Joe Sveik aka Sevjk is banned for vulgarity, insults, wasting my time.
Pretty sure you are operating here under more than 1 account and purposely wasting my time.
And I'm not tolerating your insults. Bye.
Focus on substantiating your statements with scientific evidence, methodology, and proof.
Once again, I request that you (a) substantiate your statement using the scientific method as you require of your counterparts, or, as the case may be, (b) state that you were just shooting your mouth and know fuck all.
It's not at all difficult to tell that you're the same person that I've already banned under other accounts. I don't have time for this, you're banned - AGAIN.
You're so easy to spot. Goodbye again.
On Steve Kirsch, a loud mouth fool in it for the appeal to popularity. Being banned from his site is is a badge of honour.
Early in the convid saga he was going on a about masks. He believed they worked. I bombarded him with questions and evidence pointing to the fact the N95 masks were as useless as any other. After a lot of rubbish he changed his whole story to pressurized masks like those that are used in explosive environments or undergrounds in mines by rescue teams or those used by firemen in smoke filled environments.
On a virus debate I hit him with this response:
With total respect. You answered your own question.
"I have no conflicts of interest and I cannot be intimidated. They cannot take away my license to practice medicine because I’m not a doctor. I’m worse. I’m an engineer with two degrees from MIT. And I have a lot of smart friends."
"Yes, I’m not a doctor."
Me : So, stick to your knitting. You claim there is a virus. You are also not qualified, are you? Then follow your training as an engineer, The burden of proof is yours.
I too was blocked.
Wow. Unreal.
Christine Massey claims
"My only alternative hypothesis/claim is that many factors contribute to ill health, which is self-evident."
In the interest of rigorous science, I, Stoyan Yakotich, demand as follows:
1) What and how constitutes "self-evident"? What constitutes the scientific basis of "self-evidence"
2) Furnish an isolated, purified sample of at least one of the many factors that contribute to ill health, but ideally all such factors, including a scientific description of how such multiple factors interact and thus cause ill health.
You don't really know anything about the human organism and its processes, right? You don't seem to have any idea about free radicals or radical oxidative stress (ROS), right? But just by the way... there must be people like you and other uninformed and gullible Subjects here, who spread their ignorance here, although Christine Massey does an excellent and outstanding job!
Banned for vulgar insults.
Really, you've never experienced a situation that caused an immediate reaction in your body? I find it incredibly hard to believe that you've never eaten something or had an experience that caused an immediate adverse reaction in your body. Or that you don't know of any foods/substances/etc that consistently cause you to feel badly in your body.
And hello, learning that you've lost your job, for example, is not a particle that can be purified. Nor is an injury. I could go on and on but anyone with a bit of common sense can get the point. And I'm not going to waste time looking for studies on purified particles shown to be toxic, when the point it already made.
You're clearly not interested in logic. We're told that "the virus" is identified via tests for sequences, but those sequences have never been shown to come from a "virus", nor have the particles that they point at and call "viruses" been sequenced. Etc, etc, etc.
Joe Sveik is banned for vulgarity, insults, wasting my time.
An excellent compilation of resources. Once again, thanks, Christine, many millions of times over!! 🙏🏼 💖
So no fois? Anything else I can do?
I don't know, sorry.
Ooooh, Baby, I love your way...
The Way of Flushing the POO... ;)
Hello from the Outlander... hope to be back in black soon (viral doom from somebody!).
Cheers and No Fears! xo xo
Mrs. Massey, can you do or is there a way to do a FOIs on hospitals?
Yes, you should be able to FOI a hospital, unless it's private. Try looking on the website of the hospital (do a search for "freedom of information" or "access to information" or "records request"). Or look on the website of the jurisdiction you live at for information on FOI requests. We have a few hospitals on records. What geographical area are you interested in?
Thank you. Osceola Regional Hospital or HCA Osceola. Kissimmee, FL, Osceola County.
They are all over Florida. I’m trying to meet with the drs regarding what exactly happened with my late husband and why they couldn’t help him. I emailed the hospital and called them. I filed two complaints against the state.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Abigail. 💓
Thank you. Just makes it harder that I can’t get transparency and accountability :(
Sorry for your loss. Fyi there is a current lawsuit in Los Angel by two widows suing a Hospital due to Covid protocol etc. Also, my husband barely made it out alive and suffers from injuries so I'm in process of getting records as to what drugs they gave him.
I hear you. That's so wrong :(
It looks like it might be private?
Does anyone remember that movie called: Andromeda Strain?
Yep, all sorts of movies with false premises have been made over the years, movies with "viruses" as a theme are a very common example.
So, when I was young and watched, I remember they showed an image of the virus taken by electron microscope. This impression means that it can only be observed on this basis (not isolated like other microbes)
They showed an image of a particle, never demonstrated to be a virus.
Alleged viruses would be very small if they existed, but things in the same size range and smaller have been purified (i.e. proteins).
In terms of the general public's understanding of a virus do you have an example of any actual virus that has been purified? Small pox? Our knowledge is limited. Thank you.
There actually has not been any example presented of an alleged virus that has been isolated and purified. NONE, EVER. See this article, referenced in the blog entry by Christine, above.
What Does—and Doesn’t— Make Us Sick, Dr Tom Cowan, 5/2/23.
From it.
"According to the definition, the expected natural habitat of this organism is the lungs, the blood, the lymph nodes, the urine, the cerebrospinal fluid and so on. However—and there is no scientific disagreement on this important point whatsoever—there is not a single study in the published medical literature for the past one hundred years that reports finding such a particle in any biological fluid of any plant, animal or human being. This is true whether you’re talking about the fluid from someone’s “herpes” lesion, or the lungs of someone with “Covid-19,” or the snot from a person with “measles,” or the blood of someone with “Ebola” or the lymph nodes of a person with “AIDS.” There is not one published study in the scientific/medical literature showing that someone found such a particle in any one of those bodily fluids—and nobody disagrees with that! This should make you suspicious. As Mark Twain once stated, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
WC Fields said, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit,” and I think he was talking about virology. Consider this: we now have over two hundred ten responses from various health departments around the world to the question, “Do you have any published study that shows that you directly isolated SARS-CoV-2 from any human being on the planet?”1 (SARS-CoV-2 is the alleged virus, and Covid-19 is the disease alleged to be caused by the virus.) They all say the same thing: “We have no record of SARS-CoV-2 having been purified.” They’ve never found it, nor have they found any of the other pathogenic viruses. (We also have around forty or fifty similar responses pertaining to Ebola, Zika, HIV, measles and the like.)".....
At some point, people say to me, “But Tom, we’ve seen electron microscope pictures of SARS-CoV-2,” complete with “spikes” and something that looks like a “corona”! However, I have a picture from a kidney biopsy produced before the year 2000 (when there was no possibility that it was SARS-CoV-2) that looks just the same. In fact, I have eleven electron microscope pictures—labeled as kidney biopsies, lung biopsies or SARS-CoV-2—and there is no way to tell the difference between them. They are morphologically indistinguishable—they all look the same. In fact, the CDC has known since the 1970s that electron microscopy cannot tell the difference between a kidney biopsy, lung cancer, cellular debris, SARS-CoV-2 or any so-called pathogenic virus; it simply is not possible.
The cellular debris, by the way, comes from poisoning—whether from putting yeast, antibiotics or fetal bovine serum on a culture, or from EMFs, or from not eating a Wise Traditions diet. It can even be from “wonky” or delusional thinking. For example, I knew an anthroposophical doctor who spent his career giving AIDS drugs to so-called “HIV-positive” people because he believed in the delusional germ theory, and then, because of this belief, he took four Covid shots. Five days after the fourth one, he was dead. You could say he died from the shots, but I say he died because he spent his entire life believing in something that is completely make-believe.
Very sad, the doctors who swallow the lies.
The article would appear convincing. Why do authorities claim to have one sample somewhere of the fully eradicated small pox (virus)? Is it a larp? I don't trust anything that's going on so maybe they're just making a false claim. I'm questioning everything now. The truth is, these people are sick. We are dealing with pure evil and deception is their game. I just want to know the truth.
Kindly read and consider the following carefully.
The is-there-a-virus-and-if-so-what-is-it debate is interesting from the biological and medical viewpoint, but it is absolutely irrelevant in regard to the totalitarian measures imposed during the convid fakedemic and any similar attempts in the future.
1) The virus is only a vehicle used to foist extreme collectivism on the population based on the premise that people must sacrifice their personal well-being for the (alleged) well-being of others. Any number of other vehicles, any individual action liable to have an impact, whether actual or alleged, on others and society as a whole can be used for the same purpose.
2) No-virusers only prove that the methodology used by virology is inconclusive, that it doesn't constitute proof of the alleged function and behavior of viruses. No-virusers don't disprove virology, they only demonstrate that virology has somewhat feet of clay. The FOI requests are particularly idiotic. The government is not only not the progenitor or the truth, but even if it were, proving the non-existence of something by claiming that the government doesn't have a sample isolated, purified sample thereof according to a specific methodology is hallucinatory phantasmagoria. Resorting to such patent stupidity does way more harm than good, as it puts off people genuinely interested, including specialists, who won't touch the issue with a 10-foot pole, seeing the deranged proponents of this craze.
3) Virology and the medical establishment will not budge. Certainly not in light of such scant evidence, which essentially constitutes no evidence. Ditto the general public, in as much as they give a shit in the first place. The only way of accomplishing change would be proposing a viable alternative theory, proving it beyond any doubt using rigorous scientific methodology (read: the exact opposite of hallucinations about annual detox, resonance, synchronization, and other similar imbecilisms). Then, the public and the scientific establishment would embrace it. Even then, they would incorporate the new theory into their workings and most likely take advantage of it in one way or another.
4) Germ vs. terrain. These two theories are not exclusive, they're complementary. Even conventional medicine acknowledges that disease is caused by defective terrain. Nothing new under the Sun. The issue is something else. The issue is what should be the role of medicine - treating disease when it develops, when symptoms appear, or taking care of terrain and making sure that disease doesn't develop in the first place? The latter obviously makes more sense, but be careful what you wish for! Putting medicine in charge of terrain would mean that medicine would oversee just about all aspects of human activity, including physical, including mental. For everything is liable to disrupt terrain and be conducive to disease. Do you really want that? Do you want all aspects of people's lives to be under institutional oversight? Isn't treating symptoms the better option after all? For it gives you freedom to live your life as you see fit (and possibly screw up your terrain in doing so)?
5) Tax your wits to a greater extent and don't fall for inconsequential red herrings of the there-is-no-virus kind. It's totally inconsequential where there are viruses or not and what they are. What is important is insisting on bodily autonomy. All of the countermeasures, the totalitarian action taken during the convid period can be contested and opposed whether there are viruses or not.
The there-is-no-virus issue is a red herring, whether perpetuated intentionally or on a useful idiot basis, that only detracts attention from issues of real importance.
Here are screenshots showing examples of why I'm banning you, Jacques.
Been there, done that.
I find it truly bizarre to assert that the truth about a vehicle used to foist extreme collectivism on the population is irrelevant. The fact that other vehicles also exist is beside the point.
I also find it bizarre that you come here with your insults, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the FOIs simply confirm/confess what was already seen in the pseudoscientific virology literature and that a massive body of work has been done on this topic quite aside from the FOIs, including a win in the highest court in Germany by Stefan Lanka, showing that measles virus has never been shown to exist.
Strange to suggest that official proof that "government" institutions have zero science is not important.
Post some science to prove us wrong if you can.
And that people don't need to know what really makes them ill and that it's not imaginary viruses. And to suggest that the massive waste of resources in connection with imaginary particles is not important. And to imply that there is any onus on no-virus people to prove anything. And to imply that we haven't shown very clearly that virology is ridiculous, when in fact a child can understand this.
And to overlook the obvious fact that people can't make the best decisions for themselves when they are misled about the causes of ill health.
Strange to imply that "virology" and "governments" are all that matter, when in fact each of us can implement our knowledge of no-virus in our own lives, as many people (including myself) already have.
I'm not reading the rest of your comment, life it too short.
The Dunning-Krueger effect essentially says that an idiot is unable to perceive the idiotic nature of her actions because she is an idiot. Check it out sometime.
1) You don't know anything about biology, virology, medicine, and any other science apart from convoluted methodological claims. You've never been to a lab, you know absolute nothing about biological processes, so shut the fuck up about "knowing the truth". You wouldn't even know how to use a frigging microscope.
2) Stefan Lanka is a standup comedian, totally charismatic, great to have a beer with, his roadshow is fun, but science? Give me a fucking break! You're worshiping the wrong idol.
3) Post some "science"? Are you that delusional? SCIENCE IS A PROCESS!!!!! It's a process of discovery, where hypotheses are proposed, confirmed, rejected, reviewed. It's an ongoing quest for finding better understanding of phenomena, you endless nitwit! You cannot "post some science" (sic). Likewise, you cannot be proven wrong because you don't make any positive claim. Your entire claim consists of demonstrating, in a particularly convoluted, anachronistic way, that virology claims might not be entirely correct. You make ZERO substantiated counterproposals.
4) Onus? Are you mad? Virology does not have to prove anything either. Virology proposes an explanation of a phenomenon. Are they wrong, erroneous, in full, in part? Who knows. Certainly, there are a lot of holes, uncharted territories. But science is not a court hearing, you dumbo. Science is, as per the above, a process. You want to challenge virology? Propose a viable alternative theory. Case closed.
5) You're militant imbecile, probably a globalist shill paid to sow the seed of division among dissenters. You obdurately shit your no-virus FOI crap all over the place, putting off everybody who, unlike you, possesses technical knowledge (that's the exact opposite to your hallucinations).
Here are screenshots showing examples of why I'm banning you, Jacques.
You are obviously a provocateur. Hard to say if you're paid to act like an idiot or are genuinely an idiot. but the effect is the same.
Perhaps it's Orac and his dimwits?
Here are screenshots showing examples of why I'm banning you, Jacques.
Jacques, i learned quite early in my encounters with you, just over three years ago since they started via Facebook, that you are self-righteous know nothing moron who covers up for his ...inadequacies by trolling all around. If you have PROOF of the virus's *physical* isolation and purification, something aside from the chant-magic-incantations metagenomics mega fraud, something 216 international health agencies have admitted in writing that they LACK, indeed PROOF of contagion theory in general, something which researchers since the late 19th Century, including Koch, Pasteur and Rosenau, have failed to provide, share with us. Show us something aside from your cyber-dick.
This is hilarious! Another example of the Dunning-Krueger effect!
This is not a debate about the existence of a virus, the function thereof, the cause of contagious diseases, and all that. Insofar as no-virusers make their claims, within the narrow, convoluted methodological logic, they are correct. In that regard, the question is whether the methodological approach required by no-virusers is appropriate or not. I don't have the technical knowledge to determine that, you don't, and Massey doesn't. I don't particularly give a flying fuck about it. It's irrelevant.
The point, YOU FUCKING MORON, is that the no-virus narrative, and PARTICULARLY THESE ULTIMATELY IDIOTIC FOI REQUESTS, are endlessly damaging to the, say, resistance against the medical tyranny attempted to be foisted on global scale.
Claiming that something doesn't exist because the government has no record of a purified sample thereof? Are you fucking kidding me? The government has no purified record of your dumb self, so you don't exist? Or do they have a purified sample of Massey?
Your useful-idiot, or shill (if applicable), selves don't realize it, but you've pissed and put off tons and tons of people who would otherwise be inclined to reject the various preposterous medical measures. Simply because your claims are so lunatic and you're all so militant.
And don't you start whining when you get a taste of your own medicine.
You are doing a wonderful job of highlighting the inanity of the virology-defenders and no-virus-critics.
1) appeal to authority - logical fallacy
2) strawman, ad hominen - logical fallacies
3) strawman really, since clearly I'm asking for scientific studies (which is crystal clear in my FOIs), I'm not asking anyone to post a process - logical fallacy
4) "Virology does not have to prove anything" - speaks for itself!!
2) strawman, ad hominen - logical fallacies
Just show us a "scientific study" that proves us wrong. If you can, I'll stand corrected :)
It is you who repeatedly commits the appeal to authority fallacy by invoking, for instance, standup comedian Lanka. Likewise, reference thereto as per the foregoing in no way constitutes ad hominem fallacy - it's a descriptive statement. I gather that you have not been to one of his standup comedy shows.
There is no Court of Science where -ologists would supply proof and where nay-sayers of your ilk would reject it. There is no platform, no nothing nowhere, where any of the blather you keep producing, as inconsequential as it is, could be heard.
It's impossible to prove you wrong because you PROPOSE NOTHING WHATSOEVER.
You'll stand corrected? Than get a load of this. Contagion certifiably occurs in the sense that there is some common phenomenon that makes people sick. The possibilities are several - pathogen, toxin, psychosomatic reaction, some form of communication we know fuck all about, who knows what else. Maybe even the "synchronization" some deranged no-virusers propose.
Now, virus is relatively easy to control, and that's by their own admission. It's a particle that can be stopped with a facemask, by social distancing, any of the usual-suspect countermeasures. You can reason against each and every one of them by insisting on bodily autonomy and the fact that a person DOES NOT HAVE TO be mandated to use any such measure. All of them can be used by people to protect themselves, without being imposed on others. Including fuckccination.
Now, let's say that the WHO declares that this woman Massey has discovered that viruses don't exist. We've been completely wrong! The government has no record of a purified virus! So what is it that makes people sick? It must be the synchronization! Can you imagine what can of worms you're opening? Nobody knows how synchronization works, but it can probably be stopped by lockdowns. And they'll sure can make a fuckccine against synchronization too. Etc. etc. Maybe even your myopic self can imagine the ramifications of all this.
Be thankful for viruses, they're relatively easy to deal with. Pull your head out of your ass, take a breath of fresh air, and stop hallucinating this no-virus bullshit.
You're liable to get way more than you're bargaining for.
Maybe you really don't know that Stefan Lanka already showed in the highest court in Germany that the imaginary measles virus was never shown to exist. Regardless, people can't make the best decisions for themselves when they've been misled re the cause of ill health. Truth matters. And you've failed, in your many comments, to cite any "virus" science. So onwards we go.
Here are screenshots showing examples of why I'm banning you, Jacques.
Jock Strap said.... "You don't know anything about biology, virology, medicine, and any other science apart from convoluted methodological claims. You've never been to a lab, you know absolute nothing about biological processes, so shut the fuck up about "knowing the truth". You wouldn't even know how to use a frigging microscope."
Apparently biologists don't know anything about biology either, but they think their microscopes and labs allow them to make up stories about it... "look at this dead, adulterated, chemical-washed sample... we understand life and function!" Virologists certainly don't know anything about healing, but they sure know how to back door market pharmaceuticals for the mother ship..."medicine". Slap yourself on the back.
But "we" aren't attempting to play false authority god of all things pretend science. Just dismantle the bullshit that is handed down from on high as decree for another giant heap of bullshit called "public health policy"... which is the biomedical police state. There is no burden of proof (fallacy) to reverse on "us" to replace a mountain of unsubstantiated pharmaceutical marketing bullshit they are claiming as "the science".
Hey, if you think institutions making positive scientific claims in order to impose medical tyranny don't have to provide scientifically performed evidence, that is certainly your choice. Although, I'd say it's a strange one. If one were truly investigating the phenomenon, the first thing we could say is that hundreds of years of trying to incriminate a particular suspect has proven a giant waste of time, cost tons in stolen tax payer loot, and killed and maimed millions in its wake. Not only that, all based in the skilled practice of pseudoscience....with microscopes!! Maybe now we can let the suspect go free as he/she has been held with fabricated evidence. This may open up new doors and new leads for better investigations.... or better yet, old ones that were suppressed because they didn't ring the profit bell quite as hard.
One thing is for sure. In order to build the knowledge base back from these new/old ways of understanding and practice, the old rotted building with no foundation must be smashed to the ground with a wrecking ball. Get on board or go down with the Titanic my cynical friend... Virology is dead in the water and text book biology isn't too far behind.
What you need to realize is that you need to opposed the "biomedical police state", not virology. That's the whole point.
You don't know shit about science and you don't need to. The whole point is something completely different - you're chasing a mirage (possibly intentionally - Massey might be a shill)
The point is that NOBODY CAN BE MADE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WELL-BEING OF ANOTHER AND BE FORCED TO ACCEPT MEASURES DETRIMENTAL TO ONESELF. Focus on that. You don't need to make an ass of yourself by engaging in convoluted methodological blather to assert that.
Case closed.
You're welcome to gatekeep re the pseudoscience of virology / germ theory. I'll continue exposing it.
I don't GIVE A FUCK about the alleged pseudoscience of virology.
I don't really have a that much of a problem with the germ theory. Germs certifiably do cause harm, just ask Lucien Bouchard who nearly died because of strep infection eating up his leg. Nonetheless, I take it that you'd rather die in defense of your dogmatic orthodoxy than take antibiotics, for instance. Rest in peace!
Continue exposing what-the-fucking-ever you wish. That's your prerogative. Kindly dissociate yourself from any and all who are actually doing something useful in relation to opposing the attempt to impose medical totalitarianism via the WHO for your patented stupidity puts well meaning people off.
Thanks you in advance.
Your Stoyan
Here are screenshots showing examples of why I'm banning you, Jacques.
Well said!!!
Jacques Tabarnak,
The 'Dunning-Krueger effect' explains you perfectly.
Well, don't bother, he's clearly not worth your time or the aggravation.