
Michelle is the genius mentioned by courtenay at the 10:30 minute mark in our recent chat (https://www.bitchute.com/video/B00uCakUsc65/), where he held up a news article about snorkels being used to "prevent covid".

"Snorkels could save lives after successful test runs

... About 100 snorkels have been collected by the Discover Diving centre, run by Dr Michelle Haywood, for use by patients who need hospital treatment for Covid-19... Dr Haywood said: ’The system works well to deliver oxygen at high level to the wearer, with minimal carbon dioxide retention, and the exhaust gases filtered to remove viral particles.’"


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Mar 24Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

They are cowards through and through. My guess is they are too scared to acknowledge the reality you force them to realize. Perhaps they are smart enough to know ignorance is a weak defense against charges of criminal behavior. Or maybe they simply fear being jobless, for those who’s job is dependent on “virology.” They are cowards. Thank you for making these communications public so everyone can see.

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Well done indeed, Christine. As I like anagrams I see 'Ahem holy cow lied' is one from 'Michelle Haywood'.

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs


Talk about big drama !

Nice job Christine.

They continue to show that "Arrogance is The Mother of Ignorance"

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Great work Christine!

Thank you again!

A billion or more will be awake to the Medical fraudsters this year!


Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

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#Plandemic = #toxicfemininity

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Best described as “The art of wordsmithing”.

Is the sword mightier than the pen?

Certainly not for gentle kind humans following the play book suggestions of forgiveness. Logic for sound thinking humans would be to meet this threat with equal or great force. A bigger pen? More ink? Higher paid esteemed lawyers?

Is common sense a bygone human attribute. Seems to me the biological technology is taking its effectiveness.

Good luck in the coliseum when the hungry lion are released…

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

These people (if we can even call them that; subhumans? demons?) are beyond belief. You try to reason with them, present them with logical arguments showing their claims of viral existence are false because sans evidence, and they cry to their mommies and say you're "threatening" them (!). Who behaves like this?! Incredible world that we have suddenly and inexplicably been forced to live in. The only explanation: malefic influences have entered via fissures in the Great Wall (that otherwise protects the world) and turned the world satanic. Much kudos and respect to you, Christine, for continuing to fight this evil.

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

The higher up on the feeder trough, the more arrogant they become.

Great work Christine.

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It’s great to tear down the lies of virus and germs.

There needs to be logical explanations offered it in its place that empower the people to self care with confidence. Science and medicine must return to the COMMONS to every household. There must be an interested adult in every family who will learn the truth about caring for health.

The immune system is really everything that aids:


Our physiology is geared around salt plus water

It truly is the elixir of mammalian life. Salt is the number one mineral required if you look at the amounts in a blood test. Sodium is no 1 and chloride at no 3. Sodium is needed in way greater quantity than the other minerals. Find any organ that is not utilising sodium to its max.

Why are colds and flu seasonal?

Cold air holds the least moisture and more time is spent inside in dried warm air.

The respiratory symptoms begin with an INSULT of dehydration. The mucosal response is to go into over drive to compensate. This requires additional salt and often this must be ripped from other areas of the body because of self imposed salt restriction. This causes pain etc.

All healing begins when the body is let out of salt restriction and re-enters the realm of salt abundance. Remember: salt and pepper used to sit on everyone’s kitchen table.

The salt restriction propaganda began in the 80s and all chronic diseases have increased since.

Dehydration damages every part of us. Eg cataracts are like glass shower screens with salt residue strains - becoming opaque with daily deposits.

The dementia of brain functioning results from the tide going out in chronic dehydration.

Women require more salt than men because we are built to hold more fluid: to feed and carry babies.

I bust a few paradigms that will bring science and medicine out of ‘taut’ retardation. Smart is no longer a memory game, it’s a thoughtful exploration of the known facts and challenging each at the foundation.

I have an article titled:

We breathe air not oxygen

I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Oxygen and nitrogen are extremely dry gases and exist only after manufacturing just as maple syrup is a manufactured product from the sap.

I explain the lungs function to rehydrate the RBCs with saline water. Just like the IV saline drip rehydrates the passing RBCs. The lungs maintain RBC volume.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration not oxygenation.

Dehydrated RBCs are dark

Hydrated RBCs are light

My third article is titled:

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

I explain how salt restriction brings the adrenals into play and as a chronic adaptation this is the cause of 90% of the chronic illnesses.

I hope you will click on my icon, read and ponder.

It’s the Wild West, each of us must don ‘explorer’ robes and distill THEIR lies, so THEIR matrix lifts and we can see ourselves in God/good light.

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Clearly, some 'institutions' (solely by virtue of them being such) need to take a long 'daily constitutional'-

on a short pier...

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

"harrassment." ha She has NO IDEA what harassment is...

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Its time for a prisoner exchange:Michelle, prioner of the virus lie, for Courtenay; prisoner exposing the virus lie.

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs


Look At The Bright Side:

These People Are So Stupid

That You Don’t Have To Feel Sorry For Them.

They Are Perpetrating Their Own Deaths.


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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

If you can't use science to provide evidence,... well, just try some ad hominems and intimidation.

Thanks for publicly talking truth to power, Christine!

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Hats off to you, Christine, for your gargantuan efforts here, your tenacity, integrity, and your courage in helping Courtenay and consequently the people of the Isle of Man and all of us, worldwide.

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