Below is an auto-translation of a post from Kate Sugak re VIROLOGY ON TRIAL TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) IN GERMANY.
And here is a page with Kate’s interview with Marvin Haberland about the case:
“Friends, if you are in Germany near Hamburg, come support Marvin during the listening. The courtroom has room to observe the trial. On this day, the "scientific approach" of virologists will be put to a legal test, as the court hears petitions for evidence of the existence of the Sars-cov-2 virus.
You can find the video of my conversation with Marvin in the previous post.
Date : Wednesday 26/04/2023
Time: 10:45 am
Venue: Hamburg District Court Criminal Justice Building Sievekingpl. 3, 20355 Hamburg
Floor room эта: Conference room 201a, 1st floor Sievekingplatz 3 SJG
Several extra-time journalists and TV channels will be on site to accompany and document the process.
Among others, there will be a well-known medical journalist and co-author of the book "Virus Mania" Torsten Engelbrecht and Jens Böckenfeld from GROSSE FREIHEIT TV.
Here you can read the documents that Marvin has already sent to court, in German.
And here you can read his petition for evidence + freedom of information request to the University of Melbourne in Russian.
Telegram channel of my German colleagues - Next Level teams, which will document what is happening in court."
Below is an auto-translation of a post on Telegram from NEXT LEVEL - Wissen neu gedacht:
“The virus existence question in court:
In this case, silence is not consent, but a sign of conscious ignorance.
Together with Dr. Stefan Lanka we from NEXT LEVEL - Knowledge rethought represent the spearhead on the question of virus existence, genetics etc. in the Enlightenment.
Our court trial tomorrow cannot and will not be like any other, because the refutation of the existence claim of disease-causing viruses is based on our joint action (for several decades in total) and our tireless commitment.
Basis measles virus process
Already within the measles virus process, as well as in 2009 against the former head of the RKI Prof. Dr. dr h.c. Reinhard Kurth, Dr. Lanka pointed out that with the use of real and well-founded scientific knowledge, even entire pharmaceutical branches could do nothing but pull the emergency brake, since any further public attention would have finally contributed to burying the pseudo-scientific narrative of virology.
"Unanimous Silence"
The collective silence of all information channels (with very few exceptions) in relation to tomorrow's trial - which is accompanied by strong backing of professional competence - despite the knowledge of what changes this could bring about, is incomprehensible to us.
Strong facts & arguments
Our arguments are incriminating! Beginning with the specially financed control tests, which were carried out by Dr. Lanka, to several hundred specially conducted correspondences with the most influential virologists and virological institutions, all of which confirmed our criticism, to our comprehensive analyzes of genome construction and its manipulation possibilities and much more.
attention & focus
We all know how important the attention and focus on this process would be due to the enormous potential for change to increase the pressure and hearing. Nevertheless, there is hardly anything about it, neither in the mainstream nor in the alternative media scene.
We would like to thank everyone who supports us in what we do, strengthens our backs and thus gives us the strength, courage and perseverance to never give up.”
Let’s send lots of great vibes/wishes/prayers for Marvin and Dr. Lanka and for the truth to be acknowledged “on the record”.
Update: the case against Marvin was dropped!
A quick and very satisfying update from NEXT LEVEL - Wissen neu gedacht on Telegram (!
A small victory for NEXT LEVEL - a big one for the people ❗️
In short: Our spokesman Marvin Haberland won the process as expected, in which the court dropped the case and assumed the costs.
The subtleties in it are the great victory:
a) We went into this process without a lawyer
No lawyer wanted to defend us by supporting our strategy. So we didn't have any legal fees. So it works without it.
b) Our strategy is direct and clear
It aims to clarify the lack of scientific knowledge in virology in court, as Paragraph 1 of the Infection Protection Act requires it.
c) We have shown that the measures based on an imaginary virus are not justifiable and unsustainable.
d) As has been shown, no complicated strategies are required, no 400-page indictments. Only the basis must be attacked.
e) The possible avalanche effect
If many people followed our reasoning, either all fines would probably be stopped, or someone would go to the next instance, where the scientific nature would then have to be clarified.
f) Our strategy and expertise, as well as the non-rebuttable motions of evidence, were well known to all involved, both the judicial apparatus and the many staff who we contacted throughout to make it clear that we look forward to the trial. Perhaps this was also one of the reasons why our process was constantly being postponed and unclear statements were made by the employees.
Particularly important:
If the court, the state and others knew something that would allow them to make a legal example of us with regard to our requests for evidence, they certainly would have done so. So they obviously used the simplest "escape option" and simply stopped the process.
A notice:
We get our chance, we don't give up. Virology will get huge problems, we are sure.
We would like to thank all supporters who have the courage to do the right thing. YOU ARE WORLD CLASS ❤️🙏🏻
🎥 Here for the interview after the trial (incl. survey of the trial observers)
Virus in court - Marvin's court hearing
Supported by almost 100 spectators, Marvin's trial at the Hamburg District Court took place on April 26 in Hamburg, which was supposed to bring down the whole virology. See what we experienced here.
👉 Thanks to Jens for the documentation
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Congratulations and thank you to Marvin and NEXT LEVEL!!
Hi all
Best wishes and blessings for the court case. Thinking and praying for all involved. Good luck
to all.