Jesse Zurawell and I discussed the fake-covid test being developed by Paraytec Ltd, Carly Smythe and University of Sheffield, and the university's obfuscation, excuses etc around related FOI requests, on TNT Radio:
Christine, without your tenacity for truth this world be way behind the 8 ball. Fantastic job, we are moving forward, keep you're foot on their necks !! 👏
Sorry Christine, I can't respond to your reply on FE because Eric has put the blog behind a paywall now. If my response to your comment was abrupt, sorry. I was probably in a rush and also I have little time for FE. Your comment gave the impression you were defending FE and that annoyed my - if I am honest :)
However, I was just trying to point out the FE assertion does not even qualify as a theory and is therefore an affront to any civilised / intellectual discussion forum, seeing as how the VERY LEAST FE's should do is bring a coherent theory to the table, rather than just fill up comment sections with baseless FE assertions (and expect everyone's undivided attention).
Given the hostility and ridicule directed towards the 'no virus position' it is extremely unfortunate to have any association with FE. Those pushing the FE assertion need to apply the same rigour to their ideas as we demand virologists and germ theorists apply to their respective fields.
Sorry if I lumped you in with that camp. It's hard to tell these days! I am hugely appreciative of your work :)
Ok, but I have never claimed to know one way or the other what the shape is or whether it spins, hurls and orbits through "space" as claimed. And I don't see how the shape can be investigated via scientific method. The shape of the earth cannot be varied for use as an independent variable, and it is what it is so it also can't be the dependent variable in an experiment.
Same was with the "virus" issue, there's no onus to put up an alternative explanation for anything in order to refute the spinning globe model (and I'm not claiming to have refuted it).
I don't agree that "civilised / intellectual discussion forums" preclude discussion of the shape of the earth. Lol, who gets to decide which topic are and are not acceptable? Anyone who isn't interested can simply ignore whatever they aren't interested in.
I never asked for anyone's undivided attention on this matter. Eric, who regularly uses and publishes ridiculous astrology charts with angles that he doesn't even believe in, chose to create/add to controversy around no virus people and I simply responded to him. And he posted a video with "professor Dave" who is literally one of the most obnoxious, condescending, rude, arrogant pricks I've ever come across (which I've watched twice and am still not convinced either way).
I've challenged Eric and others numerous times to publish a proof of their positive claim, and they've still not done it. They claim it's so obvious and any idiot can see what the shape is, but nothing they've put forward has convinced me and I've seen some very lame attempts.
But thanks for your explanation and support on the no-virus issue. Cheers.
Anyone who uses standard distances when travelling (by car, plane, ship or train) is by default a 'globe Earther'. The same is true if you buy products that have been shipped by companies that also rely on standard distances.
Standard distances as used by GPS, google maps, and every transport/ shipping provider to calculate fuel/ time/ cost etc only fit onto a globe Earth model.
This is why I pointed out there are no actual 'flat Earthers' because they all rely on the distances as per a globe Earth. The first requirement to be a flat Earther is to use a set of distances that fit onto a flat Earth model. But no (supposed) flat Earther actually does this.
If I claim 'there are no oceans' I must (at the very least) stop booking cruise holidays every year. If I claim 'all bananas are CGI' I must (at the very least) stop making banana smoothies. And if I claim 'the Earth is flat' I must (at the very least) stop using maps and GPS services that are based on globe Earth dimensions.
I agree we should all be free to discuss / debate FE, but it is only courteous to bring more to the public square than just baseless assertions. Anyone claiming the Earth is flat should (at the very least) come to the table with a SCALE map of a flat Earth with whatever distances they believe are correct between, say, Paris and Cape Town, or Sydney and Los Angeles.
Without this most basic requirement of a theory they are just being trolls.
I'm all for being open minded and questioning all current dogma and world views (I believed in viruses until a couple of years ago)..... BUT simply claiming the Earth is flat without providing even a SCALE MAP of this alleged flat earth is not being open minded. It is just being obnoxious (wasting everyone's time).
The same applies to anyone claiming viruses exist (as described) and that they cause disease. They should at least be able to produce a sample, and a real world experiment with controls (not computer simulations) to demonstrate infected people passing the virus to healthy people and making them sick in the same way.
My point was that the same standards we hold virologists to should also be applied to FE's too.
Cool story but that's far from a proof, saying "this technology relies on a globe earth".
How many times do I have to repeat that I've never claimed to know the shape of the earth? Some people just refuse to hear me.
I googled "flat earth map" and literally the 1st one that came up (Gleason's) has a scale.
You're fixated on the scale issue, but FE's alleged lack of a scale is not proof of a globe. Why not just share your proof of a globe?
Please explain how the scientific method could be used to prove the shape of the earth, when the shape cannot be varied to use as an ID, and it is fixed so can't be a DV either.
"Cool story but that's far from a proof, saying "this technology relies on a globe earth""
Actually it's the highest form of proof, as in "the proof is in the pudding".
The 'gold standard' for any model of the Earth is to put on your walking boots and head out into the hills with your map and see if the real world conforms to the map or not. We don't need to actually do that because all trucking, shipping, passenger airline companies (etc) do it for us. They all use the standard globe dimensions of the Earth and everyone / everything gets to its destination OK exactly as predicted by standard the globe earth model.
Shipping companies and airlines have very tight margins. They cannot afford to get the distances between A and B wrong and end up running our of fuel or arriving 10 days late because the distance between Cape Town and Sydney turned out to be 3 times longer than their stupid globe-based map indicated it would be.
If the Earth was not a globe exactly as specified by all standard maps and GPS then the entire supply chain and all infrastructure would collapse overnight.
The reason this is important is that we are entering an age where a lot of people seem to be struggling to differentiate between 'the real world' and 'the online / digital world'.
FE only exists in the 'virtual' world of social media, TV and digital apps (much like virology, or the 70 new pseudo genders that we now have) .... and for many people that is now considered 'real enough'.
Who cares that the hospitals are empty, death rates are normal and the nurses are watching Netflix..... the TV news says there's a pandemic, and we have the 'in silico' genome and CGI image of a virus.... so that's good enough for me!
Who cares that no flat Earther has ever set up their own shipping company or airline business based on flat Earth distances.... we have a bunch of youtube videos and blogs with CGI animations of the sun and moon hovering above a flat Earth... so that's good enough for me!
Not only has no flat Earther ever set up any business that actually uses flat Earth dimensions/ distances.... but I assure you every flat Earther still relies on (and trusts) the standard distances we all use, distances which are derived from a globe Earth (and which do not fit on a FE model).
At best, we can say that these people 'identify' as flat Earther's. But identifying is not the same as having a coherent theory, let alone a proven one or a workable one. But increasingly 'identifying' is being confused with being 'valid' or 'real'.
Flat Earthers (just like covid cultists) are basically demanding we accept their 'identity' (their mythology, their mental masturbations) as 'real' or 'valid', and this is worrying because it means reason and evidence are being devalued and even rejected outright .... to be replaced by group think and conformity (exactly as described in Orwell's 1984).
"the earth is flat" is no different to "2+2=5"
It's a way of breaking the mind. Of pissing on objective reality. It is a form of demoralisation especially designed for the 'alternative' and 'truther' communities (it's demoralisation posing superficially as being 'open minded' and 'skeptical').
Maybe you have found a FE map with a scale but you will never find a flat Earther who actually USES such a map, which would entail REJECTING all the standard, long established distances between cities that the rest of us accept and use, as well as GPS and google maps etc.
If flat Earthers won't even swap out the standard globe map for a flat Earth map AND USE IT then they obviously do not actually believe the Earth is flat ..... they just 'identify' as flat Earthers, which is not the same thing.
If people's 'identities' are recognised as having the same value as 'provable facts' then that's the end of civilised society and the beginning of superstitious cult mob rule. We are perilously close to that point now. And flat Earthers are pushing us in that direction (which strongly suggests it is a psyop/ social engineering).
"Please explain how the scientific method could be used to prove the shape of the earth"
Every established distance between every location on the Earth (the distances we all use every day) is DERIVED from the established globe Earth dimensions, size and shape.
These dimensions are even encoded into the Great Pyramid - including the Earth's 26 mile bulge around the equator!
Every time a ship, plane or truck gets from A to B at the expected time, having consumed the expected amount of fuel, and with the expected number of miles clocked up on the mile-o-meter the standard globe Earth model is proven to be correct.
Every day there are millions of these 'scientific experiments' all proving the globe model to be correct..... each journey by plane, train, car or ship is itself an experiment to test the globe Earth model, and prove it is 100% workable and accurate.
The standard globe model perfectly and consistently predicts the distances between London and Bangkok, or LA and Moscow and each day these distances are proven to be spot on. Not once has the model been disproved.
This conformation all happens in the real world. The world of sailors, truckers and pilots, not armchair internet warriors making YT videos or typing lengthy replies in comment sections ;)
If sailors, trucker or pilots get their distances wrong they could literally die - and they all choose to rely on the standard globe Earth dimensions.
Meanwhile, the FE community only exist online and in the digital realm (much like the virological community).
The earth can only 'be' flat, or cubed or banana shaped on social media and in CGI animations. That is why flat Earthers restrict their activities to online and digital (just like virologists) where their BS cartoons and animations can be just as 'real' as anything else.
No reading past your 3rd paragraph. You're CLAIMING that technology works a certain way, and only works with a globe. Claims are not proofs.
Why are you here anyways, distracting from my virus work? I've never published a single thing about FE, and would appreciate you not taking up my time with this. If I publish on FE one day, fine, but I never have and have made zero claims about the shape of the earth.
I apologise Christine, I genuinely thought you would have an interest, given your work exposing the false claims of virologists.
FWIW I did explain how FE ties in with virology at the end of my last comment (which you didn't read).
It concerns me that so many in the 'no virus camp' identify as flat Earthers, and personally I'd rather have the debate now and get it over with, rather than wait for 'no virus' to break into the mainstream and THEN be shot down (with glee) due to its association with FE nonsense.
And to think, that once upon a time, I was actually respectful of Academics, universities, and the whole pretentious, clueless, utterly dishonest racket... of "Formal Education"... 🤔💩🕳
"I believe the "no virus" crowd on social media is an intelligence funded cult, probably Scientology affiliated. Purely in case of those guys, I believe rabies virus exists and they are infected with it."
"Anyone positing 1000000's question online "has XYZ virus been isolated" is infected with that virus + rabies that they got from whatshername mad lady with the FOIAs. Stay away."
"Sick of those people and their idiotic mantras (which are written by the CIA no doubt)."
"[A virus] is a cellular messaging protocol. They do exist, they are essential to normal body function, they are always there and balanced (not harmful), but in unbalanced scenario can be involved in symptoms of illness."
"[Viruses] are messages, like email and text that microbiome passes to each other and human cells."
Lol, so the scientific method and basic logic are CIA operations according to Sasha... who just happens to have a long and profitable history with big pharma that includes "virus" projects.
Yes, Gates was into computer "viruses" even before the fake-covid computer "virus" :)
March 25, 2023:
"virus" questions - Sasha Latypova - hop hop, run off, you're banned!
2h16m: Dr Frost re. "no virus cult": "They have no suggestions as to how to defeat these criminals". The huge body of work carried out by Christine Massey and others via 100s of FOIA requests, the (non)answers to which provided indisputable proof that there was no novel virus whatsoever, would have been enough, had it been used in a court of law, to nip this scam in the bud IF YOU PEOPLE HAD NOT IGNORED IT."
Unreal! Thank you for leaving that comment, Kerrylyn.
If "D4CE" and their parade of virus-pushers including RFK Jr and Mary Holland would have told people the etruth, we'd have defeated them by educating the public so that they never buy into any of the "virus" b.s. again, and everyone would be putting the onus on the perps to prove their accusations which we know they can't do. But noooo, logic and evidence are "no viable" to these clowns.
Exactly. Ttytt Christine, I've never really taken "viruses" seriously but the work of the no virus protagonists clarified so much for me. In the end, you will be vindicated. The silver lining in all this is that you've woken so many people up that very few are taking the cv shots anymore, or any shots for that matter and that's not just because of excess deaths (which, although high, are not high enough yet to scare people unduly) but because, thanks to you/yours, an increasing number of people are realizing germ theory itself is a total scam. RFK, Del & co. - the biggest scammers of all given they know the truth - are on their way out.
For your delectation and enjoyment: "The Medical Racket" by Wade Frazier. About 120 pages in hard copy and absolutely worth the time it will take you to read it:
Yes - read that. Apart from nonsense on viruses, she really seems to have it in for you in particular doesn't she? I hope you'll share this and that someone with large audience will call her out publicly. She obviously realises that if your huge body of work had not been ignored, this scam would have been nipped in the bud before it got off the ground, like the 2009 H1N1 scam.
i agree but i don't know what miscreants are but it reminds me of knotty intentions-------- i just up for your substack hereticdrummer and i going right now to look up definiyion miscreants
page 21 Purchaser Acknowledgement. Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized.
Oh, but we have had two (2) cases of dengue in the last couple of weeks with PCR and desinfection of public streets. How do I go about asking if they actually purified/isolated/found/have seen/talked to/phoned/twittered/shook hands with the dengue vairous?
Once they've stalled in providing proofs of their claims as long as they can and have nothing but ad homimen, ad nauseum, to offer, they've proven they have rather less than nothing...
Jesse Zurawell and I discussed the fake-covid test being developed by Paraytec Ltd, Carly Smythe and University of Sheffield, and the university's obfuscation, excuses etc around related FOI requests, on TNT Radio:
Carl Smythe with a Ukrainian flag shows what a complete tool he really is....perhaps he should debate Stefan Lanka about his bullshit work!!
Now that's a conversation I would be very interested in watching.
Good for you! When I saw the name 'Paraytec Limited' I thought 'More like Paralytic Limited!'
I note 'de item paralytic' is an anagram of Paraytec Limited so fair enough.
As for Carl Smythe, this very satisfactorily anagrams to 'Mr sly cheat'. No wonder he is a problem!
Oh wow, good point. Thanks Baldmichael :)
Christine, without your tenacity for truth this world be way behind the 8 ball. Fantastic job, we are moving forward, keep you're foot on their necks !! 👏
Thank you Lee :)
They will hang on by their toenails until we CUT their toenails...
xo xo and Woof, CM.
Sorry Christine, I can't respond to your reply on FE because Eric has put the blog behind a paywall now. If my response to your comment was abrupt, sorry. I was probably in a rush and also I have little time for FE. Your comment gave the impression you were defending FE and that annoyed my - if I am honest :)
However, I was just trying to point out the FE assertion does not even qualify as a theory and is therefore an affront to any civilised / intellectual discussion forum, seeing as how the VERY LEAST FE's should do is bring a coherent theory to the table, rather than just fill up comment sections with baseless FE assertions (and expect everyone's undivided attention).
Given the hostility and ridicule directed towards the 'no virus position' it is extremely unfortunate to have any association with FE. Those pushing the FE assertion need to apply the same rigour to their ideas as we demand virologists and germ theorists apply to their respective fields.
Sorry if I lumped you in with that camp. It's hard to tell these days! I am hugely appreciative of your work :)
Ok, but I have never claimed to know one way or the other what the shape is or whether it spins, hurls and orbits through "space" as claimed. And I don't see how the shape can be investigated via scientific method. The shape of the earth cannot be varied for use as an independent variable, and it is what it is so it also can't be the dependent variable in an experiment.
Same was with the "virus" issue, there's no onus to put up an alternative explanation for anything in order to refute the spinning globe model (and I'm not claiming to have refuted it).
I don't agree that "civilised / intellectual discussion forums" preclude discussion of the shape of the earth. Lol, who gets to decide which topic are and are not acceptable? Anyone who isn't interested can simply ignore whatever they aren't interested in.
I never asked for anyone's undivided attention on this matter. Eric, who regularly uses and publishes ridiculous astrology charts with angles that he doesn't even believe in, chose to create/add to controversy around no virus people and I simply responded to him. And he posted a video with "professor Dave" who is literally one of the most obnoxious, condescending, rude, arrogant pricks I've ever come across (which I've watched twice and am still not convinced either way).
I've challenged Eric and others numerous times to publish a proof of their positive claim, and they've still not done it. They claim it's so obvious and any idiot can see what the shape is, but nothing they've put forward has convinced me and I've seen some very lame attempts.
But thanks for your explanation and support on the no-virus issue. Cheers.
Anyone who uses standard distances when travelling (by car, plane, ship or train) is by default a 'globe Earther'. The same is true if you buy products that have been shipped by companies that also rely on standard distances.
Standard distances as used by GPS, google maps, and every transport/ shipping provider to calculate fuel/ time/ cost etc only fit onto a globe Earth model.
This is why I pointed out there are no actual 'flat Earthers' because they all rely on the distances as per a globe Earth. The first requirement to be a flat Earther is to use a set of distances that fit onto a flat Earth model. But no (supposed) flat Earther actually does this.
If I claim 'there are no oceans' I must (at the very least) stop booking cruise holidays every year. If I claim 'all bananas are CGI' I must (at the very least) stop making banana smoothies. And if I claim 'the Earth is flat' I must (at the very least) stop using maps and GPS services that are based on globe Earth dimensions.
I agree we should all be free to discuss / debate FE, but it is only courteous to bring more to the public square than just baseless assertions. Anyone claiming the Earth is flat should (at the very least) come to the table with a SCALE map of a flat Earth with whatever distances they believe are correct between, say, Paris and Cape Town, or Sydney and Los Angeles.
Without this most basic requirement of a theory they are just being trolls.
I'm all for being open minded and questioning all current dogma and world views (I believed in viruses until a couple of years ago)..... BUT simply claiming the Earth is flat without providing even a SCALE MAP of this alleged flat earth is not being open minded. It is just being obnoxious (wasting everyone's time).
The same applies to anyone claiming viruses exist (as described) and that they cause disease. They should at least be able to produce a sample, and a real world experiment with controls (not computer simulations) to demonstrate infected people passing the virus to healthy people and making them sick in the same way.
My point was that the same standards we hold virologists to should also be applied to FE's too.
Cool story but that's far from a proof, saying "this technology relies on a globe earth".
How many times do I have to repeat that I've never claimed to know the shape of the earth? Some people just refuse to hear me.
I googled "flat earth map" and literally the 1st one that came up (Gleason's) has a scale.
You're fixated on the scale issue, but FE's alleged lack of a scale is not proof of a globe. Why not just share your proof of a globe?
Please explain how the scientific method could be used to prove the shape of the earth, when the shape cannot be varied to use as an ID, and it is fixed so can't be a DV either.
"Cool story but that's far from a proof, saying "this technology relies on a globe earth""
Actually it's the highest form of proof, as in "the proof is in the pudding".
The 'gold standard' for any model of the Earth is to put on your walking boots and head out into the hills with your map and see if the real world conforms to the map or not. We don't need to actually do that because all trucking, shipping, passenger airline companies (etc) do it for us. They all use the standard globe dimensions of the Earth and everyone / everything gets to its destination OK exactly as predicted by standard the globe earth model.
Shipping companies and airlines have very tight margins. They cannot afford to get the distances between A and B wrong and end up running our of fuel or arriving 10 days late because the distance between Cape Town and Sydney turned out to be 3 times longer than their stupid globe-based map indicated it would be.
If the Earth was not a globe exactly as specified by all standard maps and GPS then the entire supply chain and all infrastructure would collapse overnight.
The reason this is important is that we are entering an age where a lot of people seem to be struggling to differentiate between 'the real world' and 'the online / digital world'.
FE only exists in the 'virtual' world of social media, TV and digital apps (much like virology, or the 70 new pseudo genders that we now have) .... and for many people that is now considered 'real enough'.
Who cares that the hospitals are empty, death rates are normal and the nurses are watching Netflix..... the TV news says there's a pandemic, and we have the 'in silico' genome and CGI image of a virus.... so that's good enough for me!
Who cares that no flat Earther has ever set up their own shipping company or airline business based on flat Earth distances.... we have a bunch of youtube videos and blogs with CGI animations of the sun and moon hovering above a flat Earth... so that's good enough for me!
Not only has no flat Earther ever set up any business that actually uses flat Earth dimensions/ distances.... but I assure you every flat Earther still relies on (and trusts) the standard distances we all use, distances which are derived from a globe Earth (and which do not fit on a FE model).
At best, we can say that these people 'identify' as flat Earther's. But identifying is not the same as having a coherent theory, let alone a proven one or a workable one. But increasingly 'identifying' is being confused with being 'valid' or 'real'.
Flat Earthers (just like covid cultists) are basically demanding we accept their 'identity' (their mythology, their mental masturbations) as 'real' or 'valid', and this is worrying because it means reason and evidence are being devalued and even rejected outright .... to be replaced by group think and conformity (exactly as described in Orwell's 1984).
"the earth is flat" is no different to "2+2=5"
It's a way of breaking the mind. Of pissing on objective reality. It is a form of demoralisation especially designed for the 'alternative' and 'truther' communities (it's demoralisation posing superficially as being 'open minded' and 'skeptical').
Maybe you have found a FE map with a scale but you will never find a flat Earther who actually USES such a map, which would entail REJECTING all the standard, long established distances between cities that the rest of us accept and use, as well as GPS and google maps etc.
If flat Earthers won't even swap out the standard globe map for a flat Earth map AND USE IT then they obviously do not actually believe the Earth is flat ..... they just 'identify' as flat Earthers, which is not the same thing.
If people's 'identities' are recognised as having the same value as 'provable facts' then that's the end of civilised society and the beginning of superstitious cult mob rule. We are perilously close to that point now. And flat Earthers are pushing us in that direction (which strongly suggests it is a psyop/ social engineering).
"Please explain how the scientific method could be used to prove the shape of the earth"
Every established distance between every location on the Earth (the distances we all use every day) is DERIVED from the established globe Earth dimensions, size and shape.
These dimensions are even encoded into the Great Pyramid - including the Earth's 26 mile bulge around the equator!
Every time a ship, plane or truck gets from A to B at the expected time, having consumed the expected amount of fuel, and with the expected number of miles clocked up on the mile-o-meter the standard globe Earth model is proven to be correct.
Every day there are millions of these 'scientific experiments' all proving the globe model to be correct..... each journey by plane, train, car or ship is itself an experiment to test the globe Earth model, and prove it is 100% workable and accurate.
The standard globe model perfectly and consistently predicts the distances between London and Bangkok, or LA and Moscow and each day these distances are proven to be spot on. Not once has the model been disproved.
This conformation all happens in the real world. The world of sailors, truckers and pilots, not armchair internet warriors making YT videos or typing lengthy replies in comment sections ;)
If sailors, trucker or pilots get their distances wrong they could literally die - and they all choose to rely on the standard globe Earth dimensions.
Meanwhile, the FE community only exist online and in the digital realm (much like the virological community).
The earth can only 'be' flat, or cubed or banana shaped on social media and in CGI animations. That is why flat Earthers restrict their activities to online and digital (just like virologists) where their BS cartoons and animations can be just as 'real' as anything else.
GE and things associated with it are still not proven logically or scientifically. No one needs to claim any shape of Earth to point out those issues.
No reading past your 3rd paragraph. You're CLAIMING that technology works a certain way, and only works with a globe. Claims are not proofs.
Why are you here anyways, distracting from my virus work? I've never published a single thing about FE, and would appreciate you not taking up my time with this. If I publish on FE one day, fine, but I never have and have made zero claims about the shape of the earth.
I apologise Christine, I genuinely thought you would have an interest, given your work exposing the false claims of virologists.
FWIW I did explain how FE ties in with virology at the end of my last comment (which you didn't read).
It concerns me that so many in the 'no virus camp' identify as flat Earthers, and personally I'd rather have the debate now and get it over with, rather than wait for 'no virus' to break into the mainstream and THEN be shot down (with glee) due to its association with FE nonsense.
But I'll leave it there :)
"And that my Liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana-shaped..."
And to think, that once upon a time, I was actually respectful of Academics, universities, and the whole pretentious, clueless, utterly dishonest racket... of "Formal Education"... 🤔💩🕳
Off topic: Latypova's comments on existence of viruses and "no virus crowd", 26Oct23 See exchange with "Buffalo Ken", author of "BK's gardening ambitions":
"I believe the "no virus" crowd on social media is an intelligence funded cult, probably Scientology affiliated. Purely in case of those guys, I believe rabies virus exists and they are infected with it."
"Anyone positing 1000000's question online "has XYZ virus been isolated" is infected with that virus + rabies that they got from whatshername mad lady with the FOIAs. Stay away."
"Sick of those people and their idiotic mantras (which are written by the CIA no doubt)."
"[A virus] is a cellular messaging protocol. They do exist, they are essential to normal body function, they are always there and balanced (not harmful), but in unbalanced scenario can be involved in symptoms of illness."
"[Viruses] are messages, like email and text that microbiome passes to each other and human cells."
"You take The Blue Pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe... whatever you want to..."
-- Morpheus, "The Matrix"
Lol, so the scientific method and basic logic are CIA operations according to Sasha... who just happens to have a long and profitable history with big pharma that includes "virus" projects.
Yes, Gates was into computer "viruses" even before the fake-covid computer "virus" :)
March 25, 2023:
"virus" questions - Sasha Latypova - hop hop, run off, you're banned!
See also Kovess/Frost webinar with Paardekooper - 24 Oct comment:
just now
2h16m: Dr Frost re. "no virus cult": "They have no suggestions as to how to defeat these criminals". The huge body of work carried out by Christine Massey and others via 100s of FOIA requests, the (non)answers to which provided indisputable proof that there was no novel virus whatsoever, would have been enough, had it been used in a court of law, to nip this scam in the bud IF YOU PEOPLE HAD NOT IGNORED IT."
(comment fr. yrs truly)
Unreal! Thank you for leaving that comment, Kerrylyn.
If "D4CE" and their parade of virus-pushers including RFK Jr and Mary Holland would have told people the etruth, we'd have defeated them by educating the public so that they never buy into any of the "virus" b.s. again, and everyone would be putting the onus on the perps to prove their accusations which we know they can't do. But noooo, logic and evidence are "no viable" to these clowns.
Exactly. Ttytt Christine, I've never really taken "viruses" seriously but the work of the no virus protagonists clarified so much for me. In the end, you will be vindicated. The silver lining in all this is that you've woken so many people up that very few are taking the cv shots anymore, or any shots for that matter and that's not just because of excess deaths (which, although high, are not high enough yet to scare people unduly) but because, thanks to you/yours, an increasing number of people are realizing germ theory itself is a total scam. RFK, Del & co. - the biggest scammers of all given they know the truth - are on their way out.
For your delectation and enjoyment: "The Medical Racket" by Wade Frazier. About 120 pages in hard copy and absolutely worth the time it will take you to read it:
I hope you're right!
Yes - read that. Apart from nonsense on viruses, she really seems to have it in for you in particular doesn't she? I hope you'll share this and that someone with large audience will call her out publicly. She obviously realises that if your huge body of work had not been ignored, this scam would have been nipped in the bud before it got off the ground, like the 2009 H1N1 scam.
i agree but i don't know what miscreants are but it reminds me of knotty intentions-------- i just up for your substack hereticdrummer and i going right now to look up definiyion miscreants
"Emperor's new clothes" or "Hamlet" aren't fictions.
page 21 Purchaser Acknowledgement. Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized.
p.s. the link isn't working for me - "page not found"
Thanks David. It's horrific.
What scum these miscreants are. Thank you, Christine, for your tireless efforts on behalf of the truth and what is right.
Oh, but we have had two (2) cases of dengue in the last couple of weeks with PCR and desinfection of public streets. How do I go about asking if they actually purified/isolated/found/have seen/talked to/phoned/twittered/shook hands with the dengue vairous?
I guess I find what I need here:
They cover for each other. Family do the same.
Anything goes if you're family.
Criminal gangs do the same.
I won't write what I think about Carl Smythe's character according to his writings. This is not my niveau, it speaks for itself.
He could have spared us - and everyone else including himself - the humiliation of his work with a single sentence plus link wich was:
Here's the study you were asking for.
But he did not. Because he could not. He preferred to sink into the mud of slander. That's the new "sience" of ViroLiegy.
Well said.
They are not there to gate-keep fraudulent claims. Oh wait... yes they are.
Once they've stalled in providing proofs of their claims as long as they can and have nothing but ad homimen, ad nauseum, to offer, they've proven they have rather less than nothing...
Their job is to prevent the waters from being "muddied" at all cost.