

Jesse Zurawell and I discussed the fake-covid test being developed by Paraytec Ltd, Carly Smythe and University of Sheffield, and the university's obfuscation, excuses etc around related FOI requests, on TNT Radio:


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Carl Smythe with a Ukrainian flag shows what a complete tool he really is....perhaps he should debate Stefan Lanka about his bullshit work!!

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Good for you! When I saw the name 'Paraytec Limited' I thought 'More like Paralytic Limited!'

I note 'de item paralytic' is an anagram of Paraytec Limited so fair enough.

As for Carl Smythe, this very satisfactorily anagrams to 'Mr sly cheat'. No wonder he is a problem!

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Christine, without your tenacity for truth this world be way behind the 8 ball. Fantastic job, we are moving forward, keep you're foot on their necks !! 👏

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

They will hang on by their toenails until we CUT their toenails...

xo xo and Woof, CM.

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Sorry Christine, I can't respond to your reply on FE because Eric has put the blog behind a paywall now. If my response to your comment was abrupt, sorry. I was probably in a rush and also I have little time for FE. Your comment gave the impression you were defending FE and that annoyed my - if I am honest :)

However, I was just trying to point out the FE assertion does not even qualify as a theory and is therefore an affront to any civilised / intellectual discussion forum, seeing as how the VERY LEAST FE's should do is bring a coherent theory to the table, rather than just fill up comment sections with baseless FE assertions (and expect everyone's undivided attention).

Given the hostility and ridicule directed towards the 'no virus position' it is extremely unfortunate to have any association with FE. Those pushing the FE assertion need to apply the same rigour to their ideas as we demand virologists and germ theorists apply to their respective fields.

Sorry if I lumped you in with that camp. It's hard to tell these days! I am hugely appreciative of your work :)

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Off topic: Latypova's comments on existence of viruses and "no virus crowd", 26Oct23

https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/genetic-vaccines-in-animals-and-food?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=870364&post_id=138030095&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=12zfs2&utm_medium=email See exchange with "Buffalo Ken", author of "BK's gardening ambitions":

"I believe the "no virus" crowd on social media is an intelligence funded cult, probably Scientology affiliated. Purely in case of those guys, I believe rabies virus exists and they are infected with it."

"Anyone positing 1000000's question online "has XYZ virus been isolated" is infected with that virus + rabies that they got from whatshername mad lady with the FOIAs. Stay away."

"Sick of those people and their idiotic mantras (which are written by the CIA no doubt)."

"[A virus] is a cellular messaging protocol. They do exist, they are essential to normal body function, they are always there and balanced (not harmful), but in unbalanced scenario can be involved in symptoms of illness."

"[Viruses] are messages, like email and text that microbiome passes to each other and human cells."

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i agree but i don't know what miscreants are but it reminds me of knotty intentions-------- i just up for your substack hereticdrummer and i going right now to look up definiyion miscreants

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"Emperor's new clothes" or "Hamlet" aren't fictions.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

FRIENDS; HERE IS AGREEMENT FROM PFIZER TO SOUTH AFRICA https://www.documentcloud.org/.../23941524-south-africa...

page 21 Purchaser Acknowledgement. Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized.

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What scum these miscreants are. Thank you, Christine, for your tireless efforts on behalf of the truth and what is right.

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Oh, but we have had two (2) cases of dengue in the last couple of weeks with PCR and desinfection of public streets. How do I go about asking if they actually purified/isolated/found/have seen/talked to/phoned/twittered/shook hands with the dengue vairous?

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They cover for each other. Family do the same.

Anything goes if you're family.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

I won't write what I think about Carl Smythe's character according to his writings. This is not my niveau, it speaks for itself.

He could have spared us - and everyone else including himself - the humiliation of his work with a single sentence plus link wich was:

Here's the study you were asking for.

But he did not. Because he could not. He preferred to sink into the mud of slander. That's the new "sience" of ViroLiegy.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Once they've stalled in providing proofs of their claims as long as they can and have nothing but ad homimen, ad nauseum, to offer, they've proven they have rather less than nothing...

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