Christine I finally found that video of Kirsch and a Patrick Gunnels. You are "fully authorised" to take a certain amount of dark pleasure in watching him skirm. All hail to Patrick for not getting derailed by the standard tactics of circular reasoning. I am guessing this encounter possibly contributed to your treatment by the group
Could I interject, it's little off topic but relevant to the inimitable Mr Kirsch and I hope it's not old news. On looking at his website trying to find a video debate of no virus drubbing he received which I suspect has been deleted?
He is pushing repurposed drugs for obvious gain and is suggesting Fluvoxamine and Proxalutamide (and ivermectin) as a treatment for "COVID infection". I was prescribed Fluvoxamine (SSRI antidepressant) many years ago after my wife died, it turned me into a zombie I didn't care about anything but I manged to stop taking it pretty rapidly. despite medical reassurances to "give it time" yea right. Never heard of proxalutamide, Google is covered with "effective Covid treatment". Function claimed; androgen antagonist AKA testosterone blocker! As an antiviral? Bit of a stretch even in the pseudo-science world of Virology
So with low testosterone, on zombie antidepressant. - not going to put up much of fight are they?
In the same vein (yes I know) from good old caring sharing Bill as always determined to make a buck or more importantly make sure you don't get one. His Grandfather as his Father would be so very proud of him...funny how the apple never falls far from the tree.
He's having a conversation with someone named Joe Bloe, and claimed that he read said posters Substack and it was very informative. Small problem; it's got ZERO posts!
Claimed to have read a poster's substack page and claimed that it was informative. The account had zero posts. Scroll down to 17 hours (12:30 PST is zero for 17) and see the exchange between Steve and 'Joe Bloe'.
I listened to SK give an outdoor talk in SB,CA awhile ago. Had on a T-shith that said "the germ is nothing" lots of strange looks....but this one couple knew exactly what that meant. I said rather loudly...that SK was afraid to talk about this out loud. Regret not having a bull horn now...
Malone: "There is the issue that it's difficult to reproduce the human disease in various animal models so sometimes that's considered failing to meet Koch's Postulates but in my experience and that of many, many colleagues this is an isolated virus, it can be reproduced in the laboratory to high titers, it can be purified and it can be used to infect cells in animals."
And this has been the problem all along. The "killer viruses" that jumped from animals to humans and became so infectious and virulent now can't reproduce human disease back in animals.
But, let's not forget that millions of minks were culled in Denmark and other countries to prevent the spread of SARS COV2 they were apparently infected with by humans who worked on the farms. So, the problems with the replication of human diseases caused by killer viruses, like SARS COV2, only happen when scientists apparently isolate and purify the viruses and then fail to prove the most important part of the virus isolation that those viruses can actually cause diseases they are claimed to cause.
This is another recurrent miracle the whole so-called science of virology is based on…
They can't even find the alleged genome intact, let alone one surrounded by the alleged spikey protein shell, let alone show that the alleged particle does anything whatsoever :)
Once viruses became a part of mainstream science they had to be adopted into evolutionary theory. But, there was a big problem: viruses are not alive. So, a fairytale had to be invented not only how dead viruses evolved but also how they could infect, replicate and spread. Melone repeated this so-story publicly in one of the interviews, how dead viruses become alive, somehow, once inside the host…
Wow, that is a new low. Disgusting and disgraceful how you were treated, Christine. Something is very wrong with this rude group of virus cheerleaders...not sure if it's just arrogance or if they are afraid of having their world view and new worth threatened with the scientific truth.
These are all dangerous man and quite funny, Kirsch is a Silicon Valley lefty who I believe has been running interference for the scam Demic from day one. Fleming is a two time convicted felon for multiple counts of Medicaid and Medicare fraud, has been disbarred and has lost his right to Bill CMS because of his fraud. He is a bully who runs phony in vitro test with McCairn and then tries to discredit legitimate scientists and media/scientists like myself. The fact that they all hang together says much about all of their credibility.
These are all dangerous man and quite funny, Kirsch is a Silicon Valley lefty who I believe has been running interference for the scam Demic from day one. Fleming is a two time convicted felon for multiple counts of Medicaid and Medicare fraud, has been disbarred and has lost his right to Bill CMS because of his fraud. He is a bully who runs phony in vitro test with McCairn and then tries to discredit legitimate scientists and media/scientists like myself. The fact that they all hang together says much about all of their credibility.
I believe Kirsch has been running interference since day one, Malone still has to DOD active contracts for vaccines and no way do I believe that he took the shots of the poison and he created, Sir Kirsch is a Silicon Valley lefty who’s Controlled opposition, and Fleming is a two time convicted felon for multiple accounts of Medicaid and Medicare fraud, the whole write up is in the FBI and DOJ websites, he has been disbarred and banned from billing CMS/Medicaid and Medicare, & runs Phony in vitro test with that skank McCairn Then does podcasts to try to discredit bona fide scientists. Good for you for standing up to these scumbags
These are all dangerous man and quite funny, Kirsch is a Silicon Valley lefty who I believe has been running interference for the scam Demic from day one. Fleming is a two time convicted felon for multiple counts of Medicaid and Medicare fraud, has been disbarred and has lost his right to Bill CMS because of his fraud. He is a bully who runs phony in vitro test with McCairn and then tries to discredit legitimate scientists and media/scientists like myself. The fact that they all hang together says much about all of their credibility.
I have been following you and essentially all on your side (Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, and others) and Steve Kirsch and co ...
When I read Steve's piece that he relies of expert opinion, I thought such a non-scientific argument was unbecoming of him, because, after all, following the Dark Horse podcast with Malone, a new debate was started on the COVID "vaccines,"an issue intimately related to "virus" isolation.
As a non-medical doctor--but someone with a PhD in engineering--I took it upon myself to investigate this business of COVID-19, because the story never sat well with me. The first warning sign for me was my seeing Fauci in front of my eyes again after so long. I had asked myself "Is this guy still there?"
Then, pretty quickly, I found myself reading the debate I never knew about regarding HIV/AIDS. Was HIV really isolated? Turns out, nope--thanks to the Perth Group's work to cite one source. I listened to what late Kary Mullis said about all this and also Fauci. I watched "The House of Numbers," and, then, a renewed understanding of the matter started to appear in my mind.
Back to Kirsch ...
He started off on a good foot. And I appreciated that. However, I'm failing to understand the motive behind his attitude towards those of you who have shown that there is no scientific proof of the existence of "viruses."
I've had to "debate" this issue with academics, biochemists, and others in my own circle. But I failed to find a single person to truly debate me on this--in written or oral form. Some whom I thought were friends spewed their poison on me--or tried to--to stop me from helping people to wake up for the past two years and a half. I had to go up against my own family members. You know, the usual ...
I got educated in the US between 1987-2004, and then I went back to my home country, Cyprus, where all this is now taking place. I have been accused of being everything in the books. But I never gave up. The more I read the more I discovered sincere people like you with so much evidence in hand that made me feel even stronger about the issue of the existence of "viruses" and "vaccines."
When I started reading and questioning the Official Narrative that got pushed down on us all the way over here, I had the hope to see the COVID-19 issue as part of a much larger picture. The more I investigated, the more I could relate seemingly disparate issues in a larger picture. The good thing is that I discovered new friends who are aware of what's going on with all this. At some point in time, while I was not so sure of what I'd discovered on my own, I thought I was alone in the sense that I thought there was nobody thinking along the lines of what I was thinking close by. Gladly, I was wrong.
Recently, sudden deaths taking place in the north part of the island of Cyprus have stated forcing people to reconsider the "vaccines." People are dying, and vaccine-loving doctors are not taking us on for debates on this entire issue, from "viruses" to "vaccines." We are getting blocked on social media by people who know us well. We are being complained about and shut down. Yet there is no explanation from doctors or the Health Department as to why sudden deaths are on an obvious rise here. All we get is that the forensic examiner "reports" that these people die of heart failure, brain hemorrhage or a similar cause without an explanation behind these "end" causes.
The tide is turning ever so slowly. "Vaccine hesitancy" is now visible on social media. Yet, due to "mass formation," it seems we have a long way to go before the majority of people truly wake up.
I wanted to write to thank you for all your work and, in your name, thank others who have come together to question the Official Narrative.
True, Steve Kirsch has been a voice in this regard, but I believe he is paralyzing the debate with his nonsensical, money-based debate ideas. Jon Rappaport stated clearly that WRITING is the only method that could and should be used to settle this debate. I whole-heatedly agree with him.
Recently, I fell a bit behind the issue of Kirsch's "challenge" and your (my) side. After reading this post, I now feel up-to-date enough.
Steve is a blowhard. He can help our cause and he can hurt it. I feel he is doing more harm than good by believing in "Virology." We have to get people past the Germ Theory Mind Set of the last few hundred years. Not an easy job.
Hello, perhaps I can help clear this up. I work in a job (as an accountant, blah) that requires me to send out a brand-new email to verify remittance details - as a way to help avoid certain types of fraud (I won't go into that). The vendor must respond directly to confirm (no forwarding, no reply+CC'ing others, etc) and it must be evident based on that email trail that these 2 components were met. Long story short (or long at this point), we started to notice that although we were following the compliance requirements, sometimes the emails would appear as though they were sent by the vendor - when they replied - even though they're initiated by us (internally).
Our Security & Fraud team investigated and essentially concluded that certain email domains do this. I cant offer much more of an explanation or details, but I can corroborate Christine's answer that this type of anomaly DOES happen.
It is a simple exercise to pretend to be Christine on an email like that, there's no need to be sending from Christine's email address either as this can be easily done by most of us in all likelihood.
I'd suggest that those doing it are pretending to fraud in the professional circumstances you describe and I guess we can assume that not only is Kevin a bit of a pr&ck but that he is also a malicious sort of character.
Has there been any support from women included in these email chains, Christine? I notice Jessica is on one of them.
Christine I finally found that video of Kirsch and a Patrick Gunnels. You are "fully authorised" to take a certain amount of dark pleasure in watching him skirm. All hail to Patrick for not getting derailed by the standard tactics of circular reasoning. I am guessing this encounter possibly contributed to your treatment by the group
Thank you Peter. I never did get around to watching that interview/debate. Should be fun :)
Could I interject, it's little off topic but relevant to the inimitable Mr Kirsch and I hope it's not old news. On looking at his website trying to find a video debate of no virus drubbing he received which I suspect has been deleted?
He is pushing repurposed drugs for obvious gain and is suggesting Fluvoxamine and Proxalutamide (and ivermectin) as a treatment for "COVID infection". I was prescribed Fluvoxamine (SSRI antidepressant) many years ago after my wife died, it turned me into a zombie I didn't care about anything but I manged to stop taking it pretty rapidly. despite medical reassurances to "give it time" yea right. Never heard of proxalutamide, Google is covered with "effective Covid treatment". Function claimed; androgen antagonist AKA testosterone blocker! As an antiviral? Bit of a stretch even in the pseudo-science world of Virology
So with low testosterone, on zombie antidepressant. - not going to put up much of fight are they?
In the same vein (yes I know) from good old caring sharing Bill as always determined to make a buck or more importantly make sure you don't get one. His Grandfather as his Father would be so very proud of him...funny how the apple never falls far from the tree.
Hey! I just caught Steve Kirch out!
He's having a conversation with someone named Joe Bloe, and claimed that he read said posters Substack and it was very informative. Small problem; it's got ZERO posts!
sorry, i don't understand. he claimed to have read what?
Claimed to have read a poster's substack page and claimed that it was informative. The account had zero posts. Scroll down to 17 hours (12:30 PST is zero for 17) and see the exchange between Steve and 'Joe Bloe'.
thank you Frank
Any time! I live to bust rats!
'If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!'
I listened to SK give an outdoor talk in SB,CA awhile ago. Had on a T-shith that said "the germ is nothing" lots of strange looks....but this one couple knew exactly what that meant. I said rather loudly...that SK was afraid to talk about this out loud. Regret not having a bull horn now...
love it!
Malone: "There is the issue that it's difficult to reproduce the human disease in various animal models so sometimes that's considered failing to meet Koch's Postulates but in my experience and that of many, many colleagues this is an isolated virus, it can be reproduced in the laboratory to high titers, it can be purified and it can be used to infect cells in animals."
And this has been the problem all along. The "killer viruses" that jumped from animals to humans and became so infectious and virulent now can't reproduce human disease back in animals.
But, let's not forget that millions of minks were culled in Denmark and other countries to prevent the spread of SARS COV2 they were apparently infected with by humans who worked on the farms. So, the problems with the replication of human diseases caused by killer viruses, like SARS COV2, only happen when scientists apparently isolate and purify the viruses and then fail to prove the most important part of the virus isolation that those viruses can actually cause diseases they are claimed to cause.
This is another recurrent miracle the whole so-called science of virology is based on…
This problem reaches deeper than virology...
They can't even find the alleged genome intact, let alone one surrounded by the alleged spikey protein shell, let alone show that the alleged particle does anything whatsoever :)
It gets worse.
Once viruses became a part of mainstream science they had to be adopted into evolutionary theory. But, there was a big problem: viruses are not alive. So, a fairytale had to be invented not only how dead viruses evolved but also how they could infect, replicate and spread. Melone repeated this so-story publicly in one of the interviews, how dead viruses become alive, somehow, once inside the host…
If you really wanted to debate him you could have just challenge him to an text exchange on a message board.
It seems like you've haven't read the article at all.
Wow, that is a new low. Disgusting and disgraceful how you were treated, Christine. Something is very wrong with this rude group of virus cheerleaders...not sure if it's just arrogance or if they are afraid of having their world view and new worth threatened with the scientific truth.
These are all dangerous man and quite funny, Kirsch is a Silicon Valley lefty who I believe has been running interference for the scam Demic from day one. Fleming is a two time convicted felon for multiple counts of Medicaid and Medicare fraud, has been disbarred and has lost his right to Bill CMS because of his fraud. He is a bully who runs phony in vitro test with McCairn and then tries to discredit legitimate scientists and media/scientists like myself. The fact that they all hang together says much about all of their credibility.
Bingo, Dr. Ruby!!
Can I assume that you are referring to the Neocon Treehouse people?
These are all dangerous man and quite funny, Kirsch is a Silicon Valley lefty who I believe has been running interference for the scam Demic from day one. Fleming is a two time convicted felon for multiple counts of Medicaid and Medicare fraud, has been disbarred and has lost his right to Bill CMS because of his fraud. He is a bully who runs phony in vitro test with McCairn and then tries to discredit legitimate scientists and media/scientists like myself. The fact that they all hang together says much about all of their credibility.
I believe Kirsch has been running interference since day one, Malone still has to DOD active contracts for vaccines and no way do I believe that he took the shots of the poison and he created, Sir Kirsch is a Silicon Valley lefty who’s Controlled opposition, and Fleming is a two time convicted felon for multiple accounts of Medicaid and Medicare fraud, the whole write up is in the FBI and DOJ websites, he has been disbarred and banned from billing CMS/Medicaid and Medicare, & runs Phony in vitro test with that skank McCairn Then does podcasts to try to discredit bona fide scientists. Good for you for standing up to these scumbags
They are a super-sketchy bunch, indeed!!
Robert Malone: An Enigma Wrapped in Many Unanswered Questions
Oh I can answer your questions, Malone is controlled opposition and has been from day one, follow the money…
If you look at open, you’ll see that McCullough has taken over $4 million in big Pharma money and pushes bio weapons like Novavax
Yes I have a screenshot re McCullough from that website on one of my webpages. Very handy website!
These are all dangerous man and quite funny, Kirsch is a Silicon Valley lefty who I believe has been running interference for the scam Demic from day one. Fleming is a two time convicted felon for multiple counts of Medicaid and Medicare fraud, has been disbarred and has lost his right to Bill CMS because of his fraud. He is a bully who runs phony in vitro test with McCairn and then tries to discredit legitimate scientists and media/scientists like myself. The fact that they all hang together says much about all of their credibility.
Dear Christine,
I have been following you and essentially all on your side (Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, and others) and Steve Kirsch and co ...
When I read Steve's piece that he relies of expert opinion, I thought such a non-scientific argument was unbecoming of him, because, after all, following the Dark Horse podcast with Malone, a new debate was started on the COVID "vaccines,"an issue intimately related to "virus" isolation.
As a non-medical doctor--but someone with a PhD in engineering--I took it upon myself to investigate this business of COVID-19, because the story never sat well with me. The first warning sign for me was my seeing Fauci in front of my eyes again after so long. I had asked myself "Is this guy still there?"
Then, pretty quickly, I found myself reading the debate I never knew about regarding HIV/AIDS. Was HIV really isolated? Turns out, nope--thanks to the Perth Group's work to cite one source. I listened to what late Kary Mullis said about all this and also Fauci. I watched "The House of Numbers," and, then, a renewed understanding of the matter started to appear in my mind.
Back to Kirsch ...
He started off on a good foot. And I appreciated that. However, I'm failing to understand the motive behind his attitude towards those of you who have shown that there is no scientific proof of the existence of "viruses."
I've had to "debate" this issue with academics, biochemists, and others in my own circle. But I failed to find a single person to truly debate me on this--in written or oral form. Some whom I thought were friends spewed their poison on me--or tried to--to stop me from helping people to wake up for the past two years and a half. I had to go up against my own family members. You know, the usual ...
I got educated in the US between 1987-2004, and then I went back to my home country, Cyprus, where all this is now taking place. I have been accused of being everything in the books. But I never gave up. The more I read the more I discovered sincere people like you with so much evidence in hand that made me feel even stronger about the issue of the existence of "viruses" and "vaccines."
When I started reading and questioning the Official Narrative that got pushed down on us all the way over here, I had the hope to see the COVID-19 issue as part of a much larger picture. The more I investigated, the more I could relate seemingly disparate issues in a larger picture. The good thing is that I discovered new friends who are aware of what's going on with all this. At some point in time, while I was not so sure of what I'd discovered on my own, I thought I was alone in the sense that I thought there was nobody thinking along the lines of what I was thinking close by. Gladly, I was wrong.
Recently, sudden deaths taking place in the north part of the island of Cyprus have stated forcing people to reconsider the "vaccines." People are dying, and vaccine-loving doctors are not taking us on for debates on this entire issue, from "viruses" to "vaccines." We are getting blocked on social media by people who know us well. We are being complained about and shut down. Yet there is no explanation from doctors or the Health Department as to why sudden deaths are on an obvious rise here. All we get is that the forensic examiner "reports" that these people die of heart failure, brain hemorrhage or a similar cause without an explanation behind these "end" causes.
The tide is turning ever so slowly. "Vaccine hesitancy" is now visible on social media. Yet, due to "mass formation," it seems we have a long way to go before the majority of people truly wake up.
I wanted to write to thank you for all your work and, in your name, thank others who have come together to question the Official Narrative.
True, Steve Kirsch has been a voice in this regard, but I believe he is paralyzing the debate with his nonsensical, money-based debate ideas. Jon Rappaport stated clearly that WRITING is the only method that could and should be used to settle this debate. I whole-heatedly agree with him.
Recently, I fell a bit behind the issue of Kirsch's "challenge" and your (my) side. After reading this post, I now feel up-to-date enough.
We are on the right track.
Push on.
Many thanks for all you have done.
Steve definitely fits into the pattern of manipulative forces:
Steve is a blowhard. He can help our cause and he can hurt it. I feel he is doing more harm than good by believing in "Virology." We have to get people past the Germ Theory Mind Set of the last few hundred years. Not an easy job.
Christine can you just clear up why the email here;
Seems to be from you. And that it's addressed to you.
What is there to clear up? McCairn is disrespectful and crude.
Eventually I will post all of the emails in that thread, on this page:
The real reason I now refuse to debate Steve Kirsch
If the email had come from him I agree, it is crude. But it jars that it seems to be from you instead. I'm just wondering how that happened;
It isn't from me, look at the top of the screenshot ( That is how Kevin sent it to me, with the "from: christine..." inserted... I can't do anything about the way that Kevin sends out his emails.
Here is his latest... he's so charming:
And here is my "legal threat" lol:
They seem libelous (written) rather than slanderous (oral).
He's a rude ar&ehole.
But I still can't figure out why the original email has the sender as yourself.
Hello, perhaps I can help clear this up. I work in a job (as an accountant, blah) that requires me to send out a brand-new email to verify remittance details - as a way to help avoid certain types of fraud (I won't go into that). The vendor must respond directly to confirm (no forwarding, no reply+CC'ing others, etc) and it must be evident based on that email trail that these 2 components were met. Long story short (or long at this point), we started to notice that although we were following the compliance requirements, sometimes the emails would appear as though they were sent by the vendor - when they replied - even though they're initiated by us (internally).
Our Security & Fraud team investigated and essentially concluded that certain email domains do this. I cant offer much more of an explanation or details, but I can corroborate Christine's answer that this type of anomaly DOES happen.
I hope that sort of helps, a little....
It is a simple exercise to pretend to be Christine on an email like that, there's no need to be sending from Christine's email address either as this can be easily done by most of us in all likelihood.
I'd suggest that those doing it are pretending to fraud in the professional circumstances you describe and I guess we can assume that not only is Kevin a bit of a pr&ck but that he is also a malicious sort of character.
Has there been any support from women included in these email chains, Christine? I notice Jessica is on one of them.
Unless he's done so deliberately to create doubt, as you seem to indicate. In which case he's also malicious.