Apologies for the tech problem yesterday. Here is the new link:



June 8 update:

To allow time to sort some tech issues and make improvements, The End of C0VID will now begin on July 11th.

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(FYI, got a "virus" in my 'puter, so now gotta go to the library... oh, the horror of such a LACK OF CONVENIENCE-- which only bothers me when it comes to your and just a couple other Stacks, thanks be to Dog. I am so pleased to see this, and Let the Good Times Roll Over the Bad Guys... ;)

Cheers!!! (And thanks for all your amazing work, CM!!! xo xo xo )

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Wonderful News! Please checkout our Australian Federal Covid Class Action using Christine's, Marvin Haberland's, Dr Stefan Lanka's and many others science proving the non-existence of the Sarscov2 virus and hence all and any viruses.



Video of the lodgement


Here are the redacted two main case documents and lodgement details for you to read and share

Originating writ https://bit.ly/436lSOJ

Sworn Affidavit https://bit.ly/3C14yOU

Australia Rejoice

Go to www.makeaustraliahealthyagain.org for information and updates. :) 💕

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Go, Team!!

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I wish you all the best with this, Solihin.

I hope the yes-virus witnesses don't make pseudoscientific claims about "viruses". David Martin recently did so in Europe. Sasha insists "SARS-COV-2" and other "viruses" exist and highlights the ridiculous studies of Sabine Hazan.

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In order to claim viruses exist, they need evidence :) 💕

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the "virus" is a cornerstone of the matrix...


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I have now banned "R Marcucio" permanently, for (once again) wasting my time and energy with endless inane comments. I am leaving his comments up for anyone to see.

I had already banned him once before, for 1 month, for the same reason, and warned him that I would ban him again if he didn't cite valid scientific evidence to back up his incessant claims/insults.

Screenshot of my inbox:


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Telling me my comments are inane and blocking me from commenting is the exact method to create an echo chamber whereby debate is stifled. That is what is going to happen.

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WOOF! oof oof oof oof oof

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I have now banned "R Marcucio" permanently, for (once again) wasting my time and energy with endless inane comments. I am leaving his comments up for anyone to see.

I had already banned him once before, for 1 month, for the same reason, and warned him that I would ban him again if he didn't cite valid scientific evidence to back up his incessant claims/insults.

Screenshot of my inbox:


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Cite a valid, scientific study to back up your claim or I will ban you again. I have a dozen new emails in my inbox in the last 10 minutes thanks to all your new comments. If you have not cited such a study in one of those comments, you're gone again, permanently. I don't have endless time/energy to waste on you.

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......had ENOUGH, Christine - climate here has gotten TOXIC in a HURRY since I subscribed; for EVERY person who displays intellectual CURIOSITY and ope-mindedness, another TWO are abusive and willfully IGNORANT of 'science'......

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They should have taken out the public schools.

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NOW END THE Makers, Distributers, Sales, dr.s and nurses all affiliated with the poison death kill vax that killed and crippled millions -- UNITE WITK GOD AND LIKE MINDED SOLDIERS

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So What's The Count ?

How Many Died From The Sniffles ?

And How Many Died

Because They Were Afraid Of The Sniffles ?


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Thank you for everything. Heroes and Heroines do NOT wear MASKS, or push vax.

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smart people wear masks and get vaccinated. they are not heroes or heroines. they are just smart.

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WOOOOOF! ooooof ooooof ooooof ooooof ooooof

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I have now banned "R Marcucio" permanently, for (once again) wasting my time and energy with endless inane comments. I am leaving his comments up for anyone to see.

I had already banned him once before, for 1 month, for the same reason, and warned him that I would ban him again if he didn't cite valid scientific evidence to back up his incessant claims/insults.

Screenshot of my inbox:


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Cite a valid, scientific study to back up your claim or I will ban you again. I have a dozen new emails in my inbox in the last 10 minutes thanks to all your new comments. If you have not cited such a study in one of those comments, you're gone again, permanently. I don't have endless time/energy to waste on you.

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Medical Test kits (300215) imports by country in


Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based

on immunological reactions

Category: Medical Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used

in Diagnostic Testing

The data here track previously existing medical devices that

are now classified by the World Customs Organization as

critical to tackling COVID-19

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Yeah we're all aware of this. But it doesn't really prove anything either way. Just more tricks to keep the half-assed truthers distracted & fighting over whether this was pre-planned. But none of that matters because THERE IS NO VIRUS.

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By RoYAL E. S. HAYeS, M.D.

The germ theory of disease is the greatest travesty on

"science"' that was ever stumbled over during this semici-

vilized age; thie most ghastly medical farce in which the

human mass ever played its part; the biggest hoax the

medical profession ever took in after but little hesitation

and no mastication.

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The best bullshit money could buy...

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The microzyma is at

the beginning and end

of all organization

It is the fundamental

anatomical element

whereby the cellules,

the tissues, the

organs, the whole of

an organism are


Antoine Bechamp

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I am certain that I will be restricted from posting here. Ms. Massey has limited my ability to reply in the past and siince she does not want actual she will just eliminate voices that disagree with her.

She should post the FOI requests in addition to the responses she gets. Because what she is requesting is not in any way how viruses are isolated. so no one can provide her the information she is requesting--because the methods she requests be used are not used to isolate viruses.

nonetheless, viruses exist, and they are isolated all the time using contemporary methods.

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I have now banned "R Marcucio" permanently, for (once again) wasting my time and energy with endless inane comments. I am leaving his comments up for anyone to see.

I had already banned him once before, for 1 month, for the same reason, and warned him that I would ban him again if he didn't cite valid scientific evidence to back up his incessant claims/insults.

Screenshot of my inbox:


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Baloney, I allow virtually everyone to comment. I banned 1 guy for repeatedly using extremely vulgar, insulting language (and posted examples of his comments). And I banned 1 other person (perhaps it was you, I forget now) for 1 month only (and left their comments up). Everyone else comments all they like, regardless of whether or not I agree with them.

I DO post the requests as well, when they are not quoted in the response letter (and often even when they are quoted). And no kidding, what I ask for is not how virologists fake-isolate imaginary viruses. My God, where have you been? This fact has been discussed ad nauseam over the last 3+ years. What virologists do is the exact opposite of isolating/purifying anything - they mix complex substances together, employ circular reasoning and declare irrationally, absurdly that they have "isolated a virus". And I stopped using the word "isolate" in my FOIs long ago, to avoid these idiotic, time-wasting discussions.

Response to gaslighting about the “virus” isolation/purification FOI requests

Posted November 8, 2022


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viruses are isolated all the time. Your lack of understanding of this topic is on you.

They use cell culture to grow the viruses. that is how they isolate them. this is a very well known technique and it shows quite clearly that viruses exist. Saying otherwise is utterly ridiculous.

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Cite a valid, scientific study to back up your claim or I will ban you again. I have a dozen new emails in my inbox in the last 10 minutes thanks to all your new comments. If you have not cited such a study in one of those comments, you're gone again.

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I did provide citations. you ignored them. I know you will block me. you are intellectually dishonest...of course you claim 'you will let anyone post' but that is not true, is it?

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Nope, you provided a link to propaganda. Not my job to read through a bunch of references. Cite a valid, scientific study to back up your claim or I will ban you again. I have a dozen new emails in my inbox in the last 10 minutes thanks to all your new comments. If you have not cited such a study in one of those comments, you're gone again, permanently. I don't have endless time/energy to waste on you.

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Viruses are Exosomes

What we are calling a virus, is actually the cells in

your body producing Exosomes to remove dead

cells and toxins. The elimination of toxic matter

from the body creates symptoms, which we have

been taught to believe is a cold or a flu. The human

body purges toxins and dead cells at the same time

the weather changes from hot to cold, just like

when the trees know when to shed thier leaves.

Research Antoine Bechamp and his terrain model.

Germ theory is a hoax, there is no such thing as a

contagious virus.

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well, no. viruses are viruses and exosomes are exosomes.

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I have now banned "R Marcucio" permanently, for (once again) wasting my time and energy with endless inane comments. I am leaving his comments up for anyone to see.

I had already banned him once before, for 1 month, for the same reason, and warned him that I would ban him again if he didn't cite valid scientific evidence to back up his incessant claims/insults.

Screenshot of my inbox:


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Some of the Patents Held By


Pirbright Institute, CDC,

Uinited States

Public Health Agency of

Canada, Rockefeller

US8835624B1 Foundation, & US

Uinited Stotes

Department of Health




United States





United Staten


(ATCCO VR-84""



United Startes


United States


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Read the patents and get back to us when you find one that contains a description of scientific method employed and showing the existence of a "virus".

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Patents also do not prove anything - they are meaningless. People are getting caught up in the patent thing as if its a "gotchya", and its FAR from it. In order to register for a patent, you do not need to prove that the thing or process does what you say it does. A patent just provides the inventor exclusive rights to the patented process, design, or invention - thats it.

According to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, a patent can be granted to any person who:

Invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent, subject to the conditions and requirements of the law.

To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in a patent application. So they are OBLIGATED to allow this information to be publicly accessed. Its not supposed to be a secret. And the fact that they are able to patent things that are claimed to be produced naturally, yet 1 of the criteria for patentability is that it CANNOT be from nature, and the purpose of a patent is that it must be an INVENTION - therefore, viruses are nothing but invented, artificial constructs produced by computer software and NOT naturally occurring.

Viruses don't exist. Patents are meaningless.

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viruses are not exosomes.

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yes there would. germs do not kill 100% of infected people.

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