Jul 5Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Very important interview with Dr Kary Mullis regarding the virus theory & use of his invented PCR test.

Published: June 12th, 2024 - KARY MULLIS INVENTOR OF PCR- THE FULL INTERVIEW BY GARY NULL - AIDS AND VIRUS FRAUD BY FAUCI - (1996) - . https://www.bitchute.com/video/8cYaiBBFVW8H

- Mirrored by ikeshay - SOURCE : https://www.bitchute.com/video/WbfHcjSNj2m4/

(Kary Mullis: Winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of the polymerase chain reaction, or PCR)


In May of 1996, Gary Null interviewed Nobel Prize Winning Chemist Kary Mullis on his views about the scientific establishment, HIV, AIDS and many other issues. Here is the full interview. Excerpts from the interview appeared in several of Gary Null’s AIDS documentaries including AIDS: A Second Opinion and Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS.

The primary diagnostic tool used for determining a viral infection is the PCR test which Anthony Fauci has helped to establish as the gold standard. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test has stated that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with PCR.

Censored off YouTube.

- Gary Null - https://garynull.com/

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Jun 21Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

So many doctors are useless and refuse to challenge their own indoctrination.

No isolation. No proof of transmission. All ridiculous claims.

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Brilliant Ms. C.

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Thank you my friend :)

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Jun 16Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Christine, they had to zip it. They may have realised they have been indoctrinated or vaccinated against truth by the allopathic fraternity (Flexner-ised)?

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Jun 10Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

I think we should start calling these "virus" pontificators RUGS, because they lie just like rugs.

Good post, hats arf!

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Jun 10Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

"All the critics who uphold the infectious myth are doing science and our struggle a huge disservice by enabling a repeat of the covid scam. They can take any disease and relabel it a 'novel infectious virus' with enough PCR trickery, as they've done previously with 'HIV'.

So long as pseudoscientists confirm the wholly imaginary, completely ASSUMED 'infectious viruses', then the ruling-class can computer-generate as many 'strains' and imaginary plagues as they please.

Society stands on the verge of fascist regression in bourgeois science, or revolutionary leaps beyond it, such is the nature of all things under the sway of the class-struggle.

The germ-theorists & virologists cannot help us out of the mess they have done so much to create."

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

wow I got blocked from Palmer's Article for promoting Cowans Book. (the Contagion Myth)


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Congrats! You're one of us. ;)

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Oh wow. I noticed at least 3 comments have been deleted.

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Jun 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Also, I posted: The Medical Industry used to tell us Smoking was okay, Artificial Sweeteners were safe, and Vioxx, Statins, and Opioids will help you. Look how all that has crumbled when the truth started to beat back the Lobbying.


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Confusion is a major part of mind-control.


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Start here:

Dear Mr. / Madam School Board Trustee

I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble goals for seeking this office.

That is to help you facilitate the betterment of our schools for our children and young people.

To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers.

Upload the stack to a server where we can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.

In a perfect world each paragraph must have at least three possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time.

Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:

hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.

In this way Madam Trustee you are assured that you will always have the strength of the community with you when making the decisions that really do effect the lives of our people.


Helpful Taxpayer Citizen

Hosting Companies:




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Cool. Now let's do away with paying those (illegal) taxes!

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Great counterAction Christine! As usual of course :-)

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Thank you so much Faiez :)

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You're welcome Christine :-)

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Christine Massey FOIs


does not mind being questioned


does not like being challenged

After being in business for 35 plus years, I have found that 99% of people never admit when they are wrong. They just hope you forget that they were.

Just my simple take on it all.

Thanks for continuing to beat the drum of truth. Well done !!!

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Jun 6Liked by Christine Massey FOIs


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Jun 6Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Your work deserves the very highest praise. What you do in conjunction with Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufmann and the efforts of Alec Zeck is the only way to deal with this matter. It is futile to attack vaccines and their quality ad nauseum. The correct message, as postulated by you, is the complete absence of pathogenic viruses in human history which, obviously, means that virology is a fraud from top to bottom and that every so-called "vaccine" is harmful to human beings as already stated by Dr. Andrew Moulden many years ago (subsequently assassinated). It is a scientifically baseless concept that generates vast amounts of money for the pharmaceutical industry and enables the WHO and similar organisations as well as governments to create "pandemics" and introduce population controls. No virology = no pandemics = no WHO or government controls.

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Bingo, and yes Andrew Moulden was a great man pointing out the harm long ago.. and then he suddenly died (or at least it appeared sudden).

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Jul 5·edited Jul 6Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Another great man (who perhaps died far too soon?) was/is Dr Kary Mullis who tried to stop Fauci/CDC/NAIAD & other govt health agencies from the misuse of his PCR lab test. Posting a wonderful full interview w/Kary Mullis in this thread as a new comment.

My hat's off & deep appreciation for all your work, Christine, & the others over the years, who have been critically comprehensive & ethical in their examinations of all the medical lies used to sell faux/unnecessary chemicals/drugs/vaxx/treatments to sick/trusting souls .

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Jun 10Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

hmmmm. :( Seems to be "contagious," that sudden death thing...

Get dogs, CM, get some BIG ASS DOGS.

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Jun 6Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

RAW raw RAH!!!

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Jun 6Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Well, I haven't had any vaccinations in over 50 years, have had no major illnesses and am still kicking at age 74 so in my estimation, viruses are mostly fantasy. They were invented for the expansion of allopathic-germ-theorized medicine, which cannot be trusted.

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Ditto that, more or less! Cheers!

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Jun 6Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Excellent letter, Christine. I especially liked this part..."you can't first cite valid, logical, primary scientific evidence showing that a replication-competent intracellular obligate parasite that transmits between hosts and causes disease via natural modes of exposure actually exists."

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Jun 6Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Brilliant - your response. What a shame - their article. We are still chasing those ghosts around ... I'm so tired of it. Thanks, Christine and God bless

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