virus (n.)

late 14c., "poisonous substance" from Latin virus "poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice," from Proto-Italic *weis-o-(s-) "poison," which is probably from a PIE root *ueis-, perhaps originally meaning "to melt away, to flow," used of foul or malodorous fluids, but with specialization in some languages to "poisonous fluid" (source also of Sanskrit visam "venom, poison," visah "poisonous;" Avestan vish- "poison;" Latin viscum "sticky substance, birdlime;" Greek ios "poison," ixos "mistletoe, birdlime;" Old Church Slavonic višnja "cherry;" Old Irish fi "poison;" Welsh gwy "poison").

VIRUS (among Physicians) a kind of watery stinking Matter, which issues out of Ulcers, being endued with eating and malignant Qualities. [Bailey's dictionary, 1770]

Please explain why the study of true viruses is called TOXINOLOGY: http://dictionary.sensagent.com/Toxinology/en-en/ instead of VIROLOGY?! Toxinology is the specialized area of science that deals specifically with animal, plant, and microbial toxins.

Why won't virus debunkers tell the truth about what viruses really ARE? Why won't they inform their readers/listeners that germs exist and are HARMLESS because they are not microbes:

germ (n.)

mid-15c., "bud, sprout;" 1640s, "rudiment of a new organism in an existing one," from French germe "germ (of egg); bud, seed, fruit; offering," from Latin germen (genitive germinis) "spring, offshoot; sprout, bud," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

The older sense is preserved in wheat germ and germ of an idea.

Why do they keep harping on terrain theory as the be-all end-all of vibrant health? You can have have the cleanest "terrain" of any human being but if you absorb/ingest/inhale or get bit, stung by or from a venomous/poisonous creature or plant & get sick &/or die, what good did your clean terrain do for you? Viruses are real in the form of any natural or man-made poisonous/venomous substances. No virus debunker has given any valid reason as to why the etymology of the word virus doesn't matter. True, they aren't pathogenic/contagious microbes. They can't be. They're liquids. Vaccines are viruses. A pox is caused by bacteria or viruses (toxins). Sebastien Powell on substack has excellent articles about other possibilities of why we're getting sick w/Cooties-19 or whatever: arsenic poisoning. Seems very likely to me. He knows viruses are poisonous substances. So does Starfire Codes on this website & Telegram..

What gives virus debunkers the right to declare viruses don't exist in any way, shape, or form & you better believe them? WHO gave them that authority? I learned what a true virus was from Tom Barnett in 2020 after this SARS hoax began. Would they tell him viruses don't exist at all?

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Prove us wrong - prove that the specific alleged particles referred to as "viruses" have been shown to exist. Show proof that SARS-COV-2 exists, with its alleged genome and spiky protein shell.

No one is denying the existence of toxins or bacteria or tiny particles. But the specific particles HIV, HPV, measles virus, influenza virus, etc etc etc haven't even been demonstrated to exist. And I virtually never talk about terrain theory, so why on Earth you are harping on about this on my substack page, I have no idea.

No one needs authority to tell the truth and I would tell Tom Barnett or anyone else what I'm telling you. Prove us wrong with studies, never-mind "so and so told me blah blah blah".

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Viruses are not exosomes, particles, contagious agents, pathogenic, etc. They're not alive. They're poisonous liquids, from plants or amphibians, or venom. Also, apologies. I was ranting, but not at you, personally. You've done nothing against me. They took the etymology of virus & filed it under "toxin." They then call the study of viruses toxinology instead of virology (which is now pseudo-virology). Sounds like sleight of "word" & doesn't make sense. Yes, toxins & viruses are the exact same thing (toxin: "organic poison," especially one produced by bacteria in an animal body, 1886, from toxic + -in). Since I now know that viruses are actually poisons/venom, I'm only concerned about being bit by spiders like black widows, black recluses (or their cousin the hobo spider), or being stung by a scorpion. I used to be terrified of getting the Ebola virus. Now I know it doesn't exist (if it exists at all) as a pathogenic/contagious "virus."

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What my colleagues and I are exposing is that the dozens of specific alleged viruses (i.e. HIV, HPV, SARS-COV-2, measles virus, etc etc) have never even been shown to exist let alone cause disease and the methods of virology are ridiculous. We are debunking the official narrative. Others also focus on the fact that bacteria exist but haven't been shown to cause disease (I have only done FOIs on a few bacteria). Some also go further but I haven't explored further myself.

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Yes. This guy let the cat out of the bag about HIV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C14eoM2-8Ug. My faves are Drs. Lanka, Kaufman, & Bailey; & Mike Donio, Mike Stone, & John Blaid. I believe bacteria exist, but my focus is on etymology bc the Commies love to change or hide the original definitions of words so they can control the narrative & brain soil the masses with propaganda. For example (other than the word virus & it's original & still valid meaning), the Left keep screaming that America's a democracy & even so-called patriots have fallen for that lie. We're strictly a Constitutional Republic. We don't pledge allegiance to the "democracy."

These people use subversive language & propaganda bc they can. It works so well. I've been soaking up the truth about viruses & the Constitutional laws of America for over 2 years. If the 2A is done away with, kiss the world good-bye.

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Hi Christine,

I’ve just stumbled on to your work after with Mich interest been following Andy Kaufman and Sam Bailey for a while.

I would like to share your work but struggle a bit to find a summary page, if such exist, where the outline of your work with the FOI requests and responses are presented .

Can you our any of your followers point me in the right direction to a good link to share?

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Excellent work as usual, Christine. Would love to interview for my podcast sometime ... https://www.bitchute.com/channel/0E4xE82ZTGHW/

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Thank you Sol. I think I'll be moving in October and then in a better frame of mind for doing interviews :) xoxo

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I hear you and wish you well, Christine! I'll touch base again in the fall ...

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Thank you Sol :)

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🙏 🙏 🙏

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Clearly, there is only 1 reason for their arguments; i.e., they cannot prove the existence of anything that could be called a virus. If they could, they certainly would have done so by now. Imagine that your whole life's work is now shown to have been based on a fraud. It's little wonder they drag their heels and kick and scream as their worlds are shown to be little more than a scam.

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sci-hub is an unapproved source for papers if you don't have institutional access.

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I stumbled upon Jeff's work a while ago and was intrigued at first, and then immediately confused by his contradictory use of language. The fact that he INSISTS viruses exist, and that he seems to have a very different, convoluted explanation for them.... and then the fact that he is arrogant & egotistical - just like Steve Kirsch ("im right and everyone else is wrong")... was a BIG red flag for me.

Ultimately, i tend to lean in the pleomorphism camp - our bodies create necessary particles for the removal of toxins & dead cell debris (whether from apoptosis or necrosis).

And I also tend to lean toward Harold Hilmans work, so anyone relying on EM images, are not doing anything to replicate or view something that occurs naturally. That seems to be the most important point here - MOST of what is done in so-called scientific experiments are NOT representative of reality or the natural state. And the more we entertain this crap, the further we get from the truth.


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Massey writes:

"The study appears to be shielded from public scrutiny behind a paywall. Thus I have no way of assessing the claims made, by either Jeff or the review authors, about this (alleged “adenovirus”) structure..."

Surely this issue is important enough to spend $40 to examine alleged evidence of viruses?

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1. No it's not important enough for someone on a very tight budget to spend $40 on. If someone really wants my comment on that paper they can send it to me. And I already have a FOIA response on "adenovirus", they have no record of any being found in and purified from any alleged host:

March 11, 2022:

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) say that a search of their records failed to find any that describe anyone on Earth finding an alleged “adenovirus” in the bodily fluids of a diseased host and purifying “it”… which is necessary so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments:



December 20, 2021:

Public Health Agency of Canada confirmed that they have no record of any alleged “virus” having been purified from a sample taken from any diseased human on Earth, by anyone, ever, period. Naturally the requester is to blame for this. “Your request has resulted in a “No Records Exist”, because of the way that you have formulated your request”. Lol.


2. I guess you didn't read my entire article because Mike Stone sent me the paper and I did comment on it.

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Important stuff.

When talking to everyday people, I simply ask them, "How can you prove that someone has 'covid'?" The "tests" are fraudulent, even the CDC admitted in August, 2021 (then retracted, but who cares; the same thing happend to the muzzle and by now even most of the last morons know that the muzzle is a dangerous torture/humiliation/obedience-training device). Moreover, every "doctor" knows that the same symptoms can be caused by a number of sources and the smarter "doctors" are even aware that the one cause = one illness is plain BS. Consequently, diagnoses cannot be built on symptoms alone.

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I'm not going to stick the boot in on Jeff just yet, though I do think he could change his manner in the way in that he holds himself in debating this. There are 2 reasons for this: 1, he does not sink the the degrading levels of Kirsch et al. 2, His argument is that viruses are not contagious. So, essentially, as far as I see from my corner with a dunces hat on, you are both on my team, you just disagree, albeit on some quite critical fundamentals. Its hard to see what Jeff has to gain from his argument other than selling a few books and saving a bit of pride so I don't think he's driven by greed or power, so I'm willing to be more charitable towards him.

Good work though, Christine, very well crafted responses.

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Aug 3, 2022Edited
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I do agree with what you say here, and I'm in the viruses don't exist camp personally. I've only recently become aware of Jeff and his personal theory. I'm not aware of anyone else in support of it, so if nothing else, I admire his lonely stand, even if he is standing in the wrong place.

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This seems like they're backing away from the current concept of viruses, that indeed they are moving while not wanting to give away their magic weapon of climate change "adaption";

"Jeff then declared that “the so-called pathogenic attributes of viruses are irrelevant to if such entities actually exist or not“

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Jeff is a smart chap, but unfortunately not quite as smart as he believes himself to be. Proof that ego can indeed poison any well.

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Hi Christine and Isaac, a short explanation of X-ray crystallography with colour pics and how smart people loose control of the truth! https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/x-ray-crystallography-and-3d-computer as far as I know virus like particles can't be seen with electron microscopy in samples even after sucrose density gradient centrifugation (they are meant to form a band, but don't), only by using cell culture, so not sure what he means by 'no cell culture step'


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Hi Christine. I, a lowly engineer, have followed your FOIA requests from the beginning. I could write a chapter on the lunacy that a "protein" which can lay dormant for years will hijack cellular defense & subsume the cell DNA for replication. It serves no purpose vis a vie survival of the species & also serves no purpose in maintaining life or replication if the host is destroyed. There are those who believe "viruses" cull the weak but an integration of genomes would prove far more beneficial & efficient. Outside of human activity life flourishes. The whole purpose of isolation is, of course, to verify a UNIQUE pathogen not contaminated by a potpourri of multitudinous DNA samples, as you well know. No matter how finite the observation technique is, nothing is proved as an infectious agent without strict adherence to Koch's postulates, again, as you well know. Listening to the mind numbing tripe & mumbo jumbo of McCairn & others who have "proof" is a fool's errand as they CANNOT demonstrate a single, unique protein is causative for anything save, perhaps, for one's body reacting to foreign DNA. I appreciate your work immensely.


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Thank you so much Rick :)

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Aug 2, 2022
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Couldn't agree more!

Still, this is what's coming:


And this is what must be done:


Cannot see a bridge between the two...

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Aug 1, 2022
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I'm not saying that the EM would provide an accurate reflection of what is going on in the body, only that they should at least be able to demonstrate that they have a purified sample of something.

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