Gutsy, putting a man in prison for this when politicians are resigning left right and centre. They know that when the shit hits the fan they're going to be screwed. Antagonists, at this late date, are going to be high profile.
There are no legitimate governments in the west, we need our own world back, we need to dissolve these corporate fictions.
Gutsy, putting a man in prison for this when politicians are resigning left right and centre. They know that when the shit hits the fan they're going to be screwed. Antagonists, at this late date, are going to be high profile.
There are no legitimate governments in the west, we need our own world back, we need to dissolve these corporate fictions.
Passports are our hall passes and they want to restrict and control human movement also . Virus’s don’t exist therefore Passports shouldn’t exist. Freedom of travel with the release of free energy and elecro gravidic propulsion systems would unshackle mankind. They DO exist….
Gutsy, putting a man in prison for this when politicians are resigning left right and centre. They know that when the shit hits the fan they're going to be screwed. Antagonists, at this late date, are going to be high profile.
There are no legitimate governments in the west, we need our own world back, we need to dissolve these corporate fictions.
Passports are our hall passes and they want to restrict and control human movement also . Virus’s don’t exist therefore Passports shouldn’t exist. Freedom of travel with the release of free energy and elecro gravidic propulsion systems would unshackle mankind. They DO exist….
I was trying to buy some thin copper wire suitable to wind a motor yesterday. They didn't have any.
"What do you want that for?"
"I don't know yet."
Yep - some say work within the system - some say without - hard to know.. They just own everything..
The system is rigged against us, by design. There is no working within it.
Respect your view - I am undecided..