No such thing as "antibodies" either - the gig, as you put it is up for us (well you who wanted to be vaccinated and volunteered) that is: But, But, But - They are "vaccines", not "genetic experimental "MODmRNA" therapy - Actually

Scientists STUNNED by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA Getting Absorbed into Human Cells –“Sunak Better Watch Out” says Dr Bhakdi

By Patricia Harrity on March 15, 2024

In an explosive revelation a few days ago during a video conference with Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, former Chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz and a distinguished figure in the field, unveiled findings that have sent shockwaves through the scientific community. The first experiments indicates that experimental COVID mRNA jabs, may have been integrating into human cells—raising the specter of genetic modification on an unprecedented scale. Dr Bhakdi says “Sunak better watch out and that he met with Andrew Bridgen a few days ago and that he was going to use this information.

Details of the video discussion have been republished below

Scientists Stunned by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA getting absorbed into Human Cells

“These cells did not merely interact with the vaccines but absorbed them, incorporating foreign DNA into their very structure” originally published by Aussie 17

Prof. Bhakdi, long known for his critical stance on the mainstream narrative surrounding genetic experimental mRNA therapy, shed light on previously dismissed evidence, saying, “What then happened was that Kevin McKernan’s findings [of DNA Contamination] were belittled…, although they were reproduced in Canada by Speicher.” These findings were eventually reproduced across multiple independent labs across the world. This disregard for groundbreaking research is alarming, but what Prof Bhakdi and his german team discovered next is even more so.

Prof Bhakdi’s colleagues immersed human cells in vaccines, unveiling a startling truth: These cells did not merely interact with the vaccines but absorbed them, incorporating foreign DNA into their very structure. “Our two lady scientists…found that the human cells immediately took up the vaccines, and the DNA, and the chromosomes,” Bhakdi said, outlining a process where cells began producing the spike protein in massive quantities. What was once theoretical fear has now been manifested into tangible evidence, showing the potential for these vaccines to alter human genetics fundamentally.

This evidence not only corroborates the initial findings but also offers a chilling validation of the genetic alterations being observed. “So, what did our girls do? They sent their human cells that had been transfected to Kevin McKernan, begging the question, Kevin, can you find any chromosomal integration of bacterial DNA in the human cell chromosomes? Do you know the answer? He put it up in his substack one week ago, and the answer is yes,” Bhakdi reveals, underscoring a critical and undeniable marker of genetic modification, fueled by vaccine integration.

Adding to the concern, Kevin recently published another article on his Substack, in which he reveals that the Plasmid DNA is not merely being absorbed by the cells; it is also being replicated after getting absorbed.

The severity of these findings cannot be overstated. Prof. Bhakdi articulates the gravity of this situation by stating, “The uptake of a foreign chromosome into your cell equates with nothing less than genetic modification.” This proclamation signals a critical juncture in our understanding of vaccine safety and the potential for long-term consequences impacting billions worldwide.

The possibilities of what this means for the human genome are deeply concerning. Bhakdi elaborates on the potential for catastrophic genetic disruption, using the metaphor of the “book of life” to describe the genome. The integration of foreign DNA could “smear” vital pages of this book, leading to unreadable genetic sequences with far-reaching implications for cellular function, possibly explaining the surge in tumors and genetic disorders globally.

If you haven’t read my exclusive report on the surging cancer drug sales post-vaccination in the “fastest and highest” mRNA vaccinated country in the world, now would be the time to do so!

In response to these alarming findings, Bhakdi calls for immediate action, urging a halt to vaccination campaigns until absolute safety can be guaranteed by both manufacturers and regulatory bodies—a demand that seems as unlikely as it is necessary. “These vaccines have all got to be stopped,” he demands, emphasizing the urgent need for a reevaluation of our current trajectory.

With forthcoming publications, Prof. Bhakdi’s findings represent a “shit hitting the fan” moment that you need to prepare for (i.e. heat up the popcorns!).

“They better watch out,” Bhakdi warns, signaling a storm on the horizon for political leaders and health authorities globally.

Full Video Below – To see shorter version see here Source Aussie 17

The Expose

Me: So what has this to do with "antibodies" - nothing does it? So Antibodies don't exist, because they can't and that has nothing to do with what the vaccines have done to the blood of the vaccinated (above), does it?

Interestingly, The US and Canada and New Zealand are seeing legislations put into place which prosecute anyone who questions vaccines, to life in prison and those in charge, at the top, but let's say Trudea, Biden, etc - now your Presidents for life, presumably because the ModRNA vaccinated ceased to be Human and now have zero Human Rights by US 2013 Law, so they can't protest who controls them now or what for, can they?

See my last post on that subject, the one before this post or the one before that

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What about all those people who get their dogs and cats vaccinated?

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Mar 15Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

This is RICH indeed. The home of one of the most hard nosed national implementations of Operation "Pandemic" has no evidence for the "virus" which is allegedly responsible, neither the government nor academia nor any other public entity can provide such evidence. How DAMNING! Thanks, Christine!!!

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Most experts are self-appointed. In it for the money, fame and power. The higher up the chain you go, the less the expert can be trusted. Trust the people in the trenches, not the turds at the top of the heap.

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if antibodies do not occur, then vaccines can't work either, then Virologists and Big Pharma with the support of Governments are pushing for depopulation in line with the Globalists who want to stop global warming, by blaming that on the multitude of us and by reducing us, that, they think, will stop it, but since global temperatures were first recorded, our planet has warmed by only 0.02%, so the whole thing is a deliberate lie to exterminate those the Elite call "Human Rubbish" and nothing more.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Brilliant work Christine right from the start...I have followed you from when you first asked our dishonest MOH and other health related individuals for evidence of the virus being isolated. Keep it up.

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Great post thanks. I imagine that the criminal states of Biden, Canada, UK is no different (many of us have similar replies during the scamdemic). No proof of the scary flying 'intracellular parasite'. The only thing they have are fake computer generated genomic matches which prove nothing.

No proof for Rona, none for smallpox (the original fraud), measles, tetanus, rabies, polio, HIV Aids, and every other 'germ' they claim a stab is necessary to protect against. So they hide behind the fake 'science', fake data, criminally false studies and their fake PhDs (pretty happy dude, piled on high and deep). The depth of this evil is astonishing.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

What do you think about computational biology? While this is the base for "characterizing the disease, its molecular mechanisms, and therapeutic approaches", I think that these technologies should be dismantled into pieces and analyzed because the a lot of scams of today's medicine are based on their results.

They can not find real isolated viruses if they are just in computers and only there they act as they are programed.

Scientists do not know yet how the life on earth begun. Assumptions are not facts, but they are a proof that they do not totaly understand the life and the life of all organisms and they will never recognize it.

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Mar 14Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Thanks Christine. Yes, Michael has been doing sterling work here.

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Christine, with every new article you publish, I find it more and more difficult to believe. Are we really so far out of the mind? Highly educated, professional people with lots of letters before and after their names? And millions of quotations and citations? No way.

Please, collect all these responses into a single file and have them commented (important) and printed as Annex to the Baileys’ publications and anywhere else you can.

Italian, French, German, Spanish, Japanese and other populations should also be aware of this evidence presented in their native languages. I am sure your readers will help in this (including myself).

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Mar 14Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Thanks Michael S. and Christine for keeping the pressure on.

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Mar 14Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

I had to laugh at the title of this!

IF ONLY the entire world could see your page, CM!

I mean, endless evidence of... NO EVIDENCE!

Someday I would love to laugh our butts arf over chocolate cake and coffee and all the INSANITY and STUPIDITY we are dealing with...

Cheers, dear CM, you are the Rock of Ages that Def Leppard sang about, unless that's insulting... ^_^

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Looking for contagious pathogens in fluids and tissues always fails to deliver. What if, however, contagiousness through non physical processes does exist? Like through some energetic/spiritual process that might take place in physical proximity? Has this ever been or could it even be tested experimentally? That is if mere physical proximity without any exchange of material substances could lead to apparent transmission of symptoms between individuals.

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Mar 14Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Well blow me down ! (not)

all their pissing around - shows they have bugger all...

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Mar 14Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

It's the same all over, isn't it? 'Viruses' are invisible/unprovable for a reason. One that any reasoning person can follow.

Who needs scientific methodology or proof when trillions can be made on a claim and a LOT of propaganda? Plus, psychopathic people - with no right to give themselves and others the right to commit even the most heinous crimes that are totally illegal under any sane, rights-protective law in any democratic country - get to do just that, and pretend they can make all human and other rights violations 'legal' for SOME to do to ALL others, because they say so. And it's OK to prey on those made vulnerable in a claimed 'emergency' 'just because'.

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Mar 14Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Great work exposing this. I must admit that I get a certain amount of dark pleasure in luring folk into does it or does it not exist trap - almost all will say it existed but it was like the flu. But when I quote your work and that of Dr Sam and Mark Bailey, they get all tied up. Saying that virus's don't exist is akin to being a flat earther - getting folk to even think that germ theory has been a scam is tough for many as it really does shatter their worldview.

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