Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Loooong but amazing! I think I saw you, Christine, in this film in a short segment. Worth of spreading. This kid is “a no virus human”. It exposes Pfizer and Project Veritas that I used to highly esteem.


Conclusion: TRUST. NO. MAN.

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Me: I say that the vaccines are a lie and what we have been taught for generations, is that the vaccines and the content of vaccines make "anti bodies" against a disease and protect your body from that disease.

But the human body does NOT make anti bodies, because it has never been designed to, it does not know what anti bodies are, so whatever is injected into it, damages it, sometimes with immediate devastating results, like being given a kill shot for your injury or extermination, by weakening your immunity and making you easier to kill.

Big Pharma and vaccines are a deliberate lie to injure or kill you for money.

Do not take vaccines - I theorize that vaccines cause the injected virus to spead amongst those around the vaccinated person, causing and creating the pandemic, because there were over 250 reported escapes of dangerous viruses and pathogens last year from Level 4 BioLabs reported to the CDC and none eventuated into any pandemic - but Moderna's injected Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented 2013, is the only one that did and that is injected at the time of the vaccine, you just had and why it did.

The Great Reset is based on vaccines and deliberate population reduction, amongst other "vaccinated things".

I say: Stop taking all vaccines immediately, your life depends on it.

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Mar 9Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Viruses, as Virologists define, do not exist!

There is no virus 🦠

There is not test!

There is no contagion!


Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

Great work in waking up the World to the centuries of Medical fraud!

Dozens of published works being shared this year.

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Mar 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Years of training people via the "education" system in shoddy "thinking" has enabled the control apparatus and its vital media sector to "inform" the public" that the proper "science" has been done, that "the virus has been isolated and sequenced." A friend of mine, as i've related before, informed me haughtily that she read (or saw) that the virus has been isolated and sequenced. She could not remember where she saw or heard this, never mind who was it who did this isolation and sequencing, but she was sure it's true. LOL.

Thanks, Christine.

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Mar 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

By the way…I am flying out of L.A. at this moment. The food my husband and I have eaten in California, up and down the coast, is the worst, most unhealthy, artificial, sugar coated and plastic wrapped poison we have ever been forced to eat and say ‘grace’ over!!! We love California AND the entire population!!! Hard working. 👍 But whoever is making money at the expense of our health- MUST BE STOPPED. No???

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Not only do I require a WAY to share this with family and friends without further damaging my relationships (!!!!) , I also would appreciate some info ….KNOWN OR THEORETICAL….about WHAT DOES MAKE US SICK. I am fully aware of your way of thinking (I.e. poisons from environment etc) however I need some EASY way to help my loved ones SEE THE LIGHT!!!!! THANKYOU again for this GENIUS podcast!!!!!

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30 years ago it was estimated that 1 trillion barrels of oil existed on planet earth

over that period we have used a trillion, Today the estimate is now 1.3 Trillion left.

So Dinosaurs were more abundant like the virus they cannot find

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New challenge for animal product pushers;

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, though I do suggest that Tim Noakes, Tom Cowan and Mark Bailey (and poor Mike Yeadon who can't get what excess deaths are) are so busy congratulating themselves on not finding any evidence that heath is effected by infectious entities that they've forgotten that they need to provide more than just ancedotes and disingenuous comments to support their claims about how eating animal products affects health and the environment.

Many impressionable people in health freedom have fallen for the expert fallacy, which we all warn against, and are following diets on these dudes say so. They don't realise that these diets are potentially harmful and contra-indicated (the animal ag industry spends a fortune trying to hide this fact), and that there is no long term (over 6 months) evidence for effects on the body for low carb, keto nor carnivore.

Even having a stroke doesn't put them off sticking with what they've been told.

Even if the Baileys don't want to debate references I would still like to be unblocked to express this other view and so that i. don't continue to believe it's my critical, evidence-based style being unacceptable to their sponsors that's the cause.


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Mar 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

I have been begging the likes of Kirsch, Nass, Igor, etc to debate these people on video, but they refuse.

They are not honest.

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Mar 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

For years, I've heard atheists etc. Yell 'show me PROOF that God exists or I won't believe.

Where did their chutzpah go? They've accepted everything with no proof at all.

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Virology and Scientism. Flying viruses don't exist. Bechamp challenged the quack Pasteur to prove that mobile 'germs' could be obtained from aerial transmission, identified and linked back to the purported disease or causal agent....160 years later, still waiting....

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Could be a quiet a time waiting to review "proof" that virus's exist - hee hee..

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Allopathic medicine was instituted by Rockefeller & Carnegie. A couple of real honest guys. Not. From it, sprung the pseudoscience, 'Virology'. It has often used to help other industries avoid liability for poisoning the population. Polio, for example.

Here's another 100 year old Rockefeller fraud exposed:

Rockefeller coined the term "Fossil Fuel", claiming oil was from decaying dinosaurs & plants from 100 million years ago. Why? To artificially inflate the value of oil.

"Saturn's orange moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to new Cassini data. The hydrocarbons rain from the sky, collecting in vast deposits that form lakes and dunes."

As in fossil fuel. Apparently there were lots of dinosaurs on Titan. 🤦

-Oil is the 2nd most abundant liquid on earth. There's no way oil companies have known this, but they, governments, and the media all colluded keep their from the public all these years.

Still think viruses exist? And that vaccines work, and are necessary?

Then go hire a virologist and split that unclaimed $1.5 million with them.

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I saw Sasha Latypova on After Talk with Dr Jane Ruby recently. Sasha said private contractors like NBA, NFL MLB can't be FOIed. (Paraphrasing that) . That hasn't occurred to me but that's how govts put out their disinformation campaigns, by partnering with private contractors.

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Do you know Byron Bridle's e-mail address? Wonder if he is up for this challenge?

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Mar 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Who's making the popcorn?!

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