From MD Creekmore: "57 Things YOU Should Do to SURVIVE the Imminent Economic Collapse & Great Reset"; number 47:

"Realize, the police are not your friends. Their job is to enforce rules and regulations as laid down by government. They will enforce those rules, constitutional or not, legal or not. Their job is to arrest you, lay evidence against you, prosecute you and put you in prison. Their job is not to protect you."


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I agree, and we are hoping to educate / wake up some cops. They can't all be 100% stupid and useless... I hope.

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Be careful. These clowns work for the likes of Justine Castreau and Kunᛋᛋtia Freeloader, and as "Agent 131711" in his substack demonstrated, just because you and I are Mr. and Ms. Nobody-from-Nowhere doesn't mean things can't happen. Have a look at his "Uvalde: Robb Elementary and the Invisible Line Journalists Cannot Cross - PART 1" and following.. (https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/uvalde-robb-elementary-and-the-invisible) His story is straight out of The X-Files.

Also I remember the warning I read in Wade Frazier, which I experienced in the Military in spades: "Low intelligence combined with vindictiveness and zero integrity is not that unusual in law enforcement."

I highly recommend all 1,800 pages in hard copy of his monumental "A Healed Planet" but these sections may interest you the most:

💣 "My Adventures" - https://ahealedplanet.net/advent.htm

💣 "Dennis Lee, His Critics, and the "Skeptics"" - https://ahealedplanet.net/dennis.htm

💣 "The Medical Racket" - https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm


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Thanks. I don't know the Agent's story, don't subscribe to his anonymous ss and won't pay to get behind his paywall. I've seen him lift material from others without giving credit and noticed how he buries his list of resources, where he doesn't even link a source to anything in particular in his article. Plus one article on a serious subject was full of kitty cat cartoon memes. I'm not a fan.

I don't think things will end well for "humanity" if people are not willing to show their faces and speak up about what's going on!

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Oops... guess I was a bit too credulous.🙄 At least I try to annotate my sources and when I've made a mistake, admit it. Sorry about that... Wade's adventures are still worth a look.. I hope... 🫢

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Now we have to hope that some of the men (and women) in blue actually follow science rather than blindly follow orders issued by the "civilians" (non-police) who run their departments.

Thanks, Christine!

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It would be nice to know if these civilians in leadership positions who give orders are WEF'ers who take their orders from outside Canada.

Treason in high positions has become popular in Canada. That's part of the reason we're in such a mess.

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ok. BINGO..!!! , come una tua esclamazione ...!!!!!

ciao con tantissima stima non ho assolutamente fretta decidi con calma


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Let's take a moment and seriously think on Christine Massey's evidence based and supported presentment. Though the perpetrators of the fraud have no evidence of a causative source, or thing they are in the process of leading the population of the earth into contracting with them in the form of a treaty. Through coercion, duress, secrecy and withholding of superior knowledge of the fraud to entrap mankind into accepting their Business for profit vaccine outlet model. Many have taken the bait and are engaged, possibly thinking that they must engage, that they must contract with the W.H.O., this is an inaccurate assumption. The treaty is a contract, contracts are formed by agreement or by silent acquiescence they will accept your assent either way. A note about contracting, you have a right to contract, or decline to contract. ALL THAT IS LEGAL IS BY AGREEMENT. LEGAL IS BY AGREEMENT. The W.H.O. is a private corporation (a business for profit) listed on Dun & Bradstreet number (WHO)-618736326. The United Nations is also a private corporation (a business for profit) listed on Dun and Bradstreet number (UN)824777304.

In the so-called text negotiations their has been no mention of the primary funder of the W.H.O. business.

To frame up what I am trying to convey another way. A contract forms a legal obligation, that can be legally pressed upon the acceptor of the contract. We all somewhat know this, I say somewhat, because we don't normally associate a contract superseding our constitutional rights or our unalienable rights as man and woman of mankind, BUT, the big BUT, is that we absolutely can and do contract away our unalienable rights. Protesting, arguing and the like are not recognized by private corporations, simply because doing so creates no obligation upon their legal fictions. Because controversy is considered an act of dishonor in Commerce and the entirety of our existence occurs in Commerce. A look at the 10 Maxims of Commerce may present insight as to how to present a viable obligation upon a corporate entity.

The bottom line is that the verbiage presented by the W.H.O. and ALL others are offers to contract (presentments of negotiable instruments) if they go unresponed, they will be PRESUMED to have been accepted through our silence (acquiescence). That's how we end up being drawn into agreements we have no awareness of. We are duped into believing that others can represent what only we can present ourselves. We can not re-present ourselves either, we can only present ourselves in a singular manner. If one were to spend a lifetime conveying ones mind to another even then they would not be able to represent the mindset of the original thought creator. So how does one re-present a Public? One must speculate, to formulate a marketable and presentable presumption that may pervey a believable conception of what is to be deemed common belief for which of course there will be no material evidence for inspection. We have been conditioned to accept the world with which we are presented. This is trance we are encumbered by. Whether one participates in the (treaty) text agreement, one will not be able to do anything other than comply, with the final outcome, because of your assent. Even if it supersedes ones unalienable rights once you've contract them away. At this point you become a private corporations cash cow for their products they will then be able to press the obligation of a contract to which one assents. No one can speak for another, one must express their own mind.

Maxim #7. A matter must be expressed to be resolved. Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:6; Eph. 6:19-21. Legal maxim: "He who fails to assert his rights has none."

Maxim #4. Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit. Lev. 5:4-5; Lev. 6:3-5; Lev. 19:11-13; Num. 30:2; Matt. 5:33; James 5:12

Maxim #5. An unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth in Commerce. 1 Pet. 1:25; Heb. 6:13-15. Legal maxim: "He who does not deny, admits."

Notice: Strict Commercial Institutions deal exclusively in seven point international commercial processes, all of which are written as affidavits and contain an Affidavit at every critical position in the commercial process. One should wonder why?

There is also such a thing as a Private administrative process that is applicable to mankind.

We are in deep shit an in need of figuring out what not to do, which is ensuring our demise. Rule of thumb any thing that is verbalized or presented in writing by corporate entities (they are all corporate entities) are offers to contract with the recipients of the offer. They MUST be the holders in due course of a preexisting agreement with the "person" in order to press an obligation upon the man or woman. Also that notice that I used the word person. All of the private corporations private copyrighted charters are applicable to persons. They do not include man or woman. But man or woman can join the private corporation by contacting with it hence assuming the title "person" fiction and leaving the man behind. The regulations of the charter are the applicable to you the now as the person.

Also notice that corporations are legal fictions, and only fictions can operate within it. Hence one must contract to assume (wear) the title person to enter into the fiction. Who knew one must abandon what is real in material substance (the man or woman) to enter into and participate as a fiction within a fiction. A fiction can not recognize a man or woman because they don't exist within their constructed fictional entities. You must accept the token of (person) to exist as a fiction within the fictional entity as well to play in the illusion of no material substance. If we wrap our heads around that facet, it becomes clearer that our alignment with fiction corporations via token for participation, be it intentionally or through our silent acquiescence draws mankind away from its alignment with what is real and exist in material substance. I apologize in advance for any typos. I am not at a monitor at the moment, which makes spell checking a scrolling screen seek and find nightmare. Hopefully any typo does not render the content nonsensical. Our choices in alignment don't chose us, aside from the offers to contract, we chose our alignment by our actions or inactions. They have a fix for our inactions, it's the application of presumption, they presume we accept their offers when we do not express otherwise. Easipisy enrollment apparatus. Did not intend to rant, Christine Massey has exposed that the emperor has no clothes. i.e. no cover. What will you make of this revelation? Remember we can not go back to normal until ______________% of the population has been vaccinate thus creating or exceeding the projected profits margins. Therein lies the intentions. There is NO intention on the part of those perpetrating this maniacal scheme to not seize every opportunity they can fabricate to trespass on mankind. Basically we oppress ourselves by our own comprehension of our voluntary alignments, i.e. sometimes referred to as stinkin thinkin. We are in dire need of less of that. We have forgotten who we are, and find ourselves being regulated by entities that have no existence in reality. Whoda Thunkit. We have not arrived at this juncture by happenstance, this is the result of an orchestrated plan, unfortunately this piratical scheme will consume us if we are unable to get our shit together in a meaningful way. i.e. START THINKIN CAUSE JUST LIKE THE REPRESENTATION THING, THAT CAN'T BE DONE BY ANYONE ELSE, NOT IN REALITY ANYWAY. NO ONE CAN DO YOUR THINKIN EITHER. ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN THAT HAS NO EXISTENCE WHATSOEVER WITHIN THE FICTION OF PRIVATE CORPORATE ENTITY'S? (THAT'S A YES FOR ME). OR OUR ARE YOU A "PERSON" (FICTIONAL TOKEN) PRETENDING TO EXIST WITHIN A FIGMENT OF THE MIND, CORPORATE LEGAL EMBODIMENTS? We rarely think about whether our actions align with what is true, real and exist in material substance, or if our actions render us drawn into fictions we have been indoctrinated to perceive as reality. We should frequently think on this matter, simply because it matters and is relevant to the outcome of circumstance and consequences. A Good Day to all, tend to your alignments. Just sayin.

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I will put that on old thumb drives and carry it with me for targets of opportunity.

Christine, reading your legal interactions you seem well versed in the government corporate fictions I am trying to learn about.

Could you drop a research link or two?

Thank you for what you are doing.

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I'm on the same page, the evidence that they have nothing to support their their claims, couldn't clearer. They can defend their illusion.

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Can't defend

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Hi John, I very much a student myself and unclear/uncertain about many things so my approach these days is to simply state the facts and ask questions. Christopher James (https://awarriorcalls.com/) has been the biggest influence for me, in the way that he continually reminds people that these clowns are just men and women trying to exert "authority" over the rest of us, which they really don't have in most cases (but I no longer write in all lowercase or use his style of writing).

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One other thing. You've done a significant body of work. You should turn donations on. Or maybe you don't want the stigma of "She's doing it for the money."

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Thank you. I had donations on but then SS's partner stripe started demanding "government issued ID". I accept email donations (which works in Canada) and I have a paypal button on my site.

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Thanks Christine. It's slowly clearing up for me. I expect a revelation, whether sooner or later I don't know but it's probably no more complicated than how a central bank works is.

Love ya!

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My neighbour's nephew is on light desk duty after a vaccine injury.

Toronto Metropolitan Police!


Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

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This information contained within this single webpage could break the internet... just look at that credentialed lineup!

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My hero: YOU, CM.

And there are others, yes, some of them you've listed above.

If not for you folks who do the REAL WORK, we'd be lost. As it is, we're just in the dog house... for now. Sending you Copious Good Vibes....

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"un giorno mi dirai sotto quale giurisdizone fai affidamento "

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Ok, proverò a tradurre una delle mie dichiarazioni.

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The concept of FOIAs doesn't make much sense. Are we to believe that this is the one channel through which these folks are bound by a satanic covenant to tell the truth. Seems like a pretty big Achilles heel. They commit massive deceptions and lie, cheat, steal, and kill in many forms, but when it comes to the FOIA, they MUST reveal the truth.

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It would be to their advantage, not to their detriment, to be able to provide evidence to back up their claims. And, as stated, the FOIs were inspired by what was already known from the literature. The methodologies of virology are not hidden. The FOIs are a tool to make it 100% clear that nothing has been overlooked.

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All I'm saying is that governmental agencies have clearly been deceitful in all realms of whatever it is that they do so chances are the deceit doesn't stop with the FOI process. Just having trouble understanding their angle on this. Did they get caught with their pants down and now their entire medical industry is exposed (albeit to a tiny minority), or do these revelations serve some scheme that is ongoing?

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A very large chunk of the medical industrial complex is based on the unproven/disproven notion of "germs". Once people realize it's all bunk, they are in very deep trouble in terms of their business model and being complicit in massive fraud.

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"...a satanic covenant to tell the truth"????

I think you're confused. Satan is the Father of Lies.

Anyway, looks like you might want to delve into what the FOIA is...


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No human knows the truth, so how could anyone reveal it?

A FOIA miss says a government professional information searcher could not find what you asked for within the limits set by law. Without a FOIA, you could never get an official to say what they've said in response to Christine.

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How could you possibly KNOW the truth as to whether or not any human knows it? You've given a conundrum.

Think of it this way: If an agency, such as the CDC, has EVIDENCE of something they CLAIM to be real, why wouldn't they want to show it? That makes no sense, that any lab or agency would HIDE information about something they desperately want everyone to believe. Think on that.

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No, the FOIA responses of organizations have (as expected) all revealed a lack of evidence. If credible scientific research could back up the public mandates, the research would feature in headline news and make the tyranny so much easier. If the public wake up to the lack of evidence, compliance may stop.

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Agree. I am not saying that the current and historical papers claiming the discovery and understanding of the mechanics of viruses (or DNA, RNA, ribsomomes, etc.) indicate anything more than claims. Just pointing out that FOI requests may not be the end all be all on matters, given that it is the government handling these requests and the government which provides the pool of documents in which the responses are based on.

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When 220 institutions have been queried and it's to their advantage to be able to cough up the necessary evidence but they can't - that's powerful evidence to most people!

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Again, I agree, but that's not my point.

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Ah, someone making sense! Thank you. ;)

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Make no mistake THE SYNAGOGUE OF LIES/DENIAL/HALF-TRUTHS has been "resilient" to THE TRUTH and will continue to be so till the very END. It's everyone's INDIVIDUAL responsibility as only THE CATTLE clinging onto THE LIE can be herded by SATAN himself speaking through all his surrogates. It's the most INDIVIDUAL journey everyone HAS TO TAKE in order to get saved through THE ONE AND ONLY INCARNATION OF GOD ALMIGHTY AND SHEPHERD AND SAVIOUR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT FOREVER AND EVER - AMEN HALLELU-YAH - SOLI DEO GLORIA!

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As it is written..’For Thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter’..

Is this not what the WEF ppl call..the ‘useless eaters..? 🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Brilliant message to Ontario‘s police. Time to put things right!! There are criminals afoot. Start with bringing in the former Lieutenant Governor.

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Greetings from Northern Ontario, Christine, and thanks for having the courage to stand up to the medical tyranny we face here. People like you and Tamarta Lich are the modern heroines leading the way to counter WEF and WHO directives and policies which have infiltrated our country. In a few months, Canada might be signing away our health care system to the complete control and direction of the WHO whose directives will be imposed on us. I hope that most OPP personnel make a stand and help save a nation instead of bending over to the whims of unelected infiltrators bent on forcing us to do things against our will like the Mnra bio-weapon. You have an exceptionally calming voice in light of the seriousness of the topics you speak about, Christine. A voice of reason and soundness in a sea of great white sharks. Thanks.

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On a somewhat related note:


[🔗 indicates linked content. See Stack version for all 🔗s]

The federal government’s central claim that New York City experienced ~27,000 deaths above normal in 11 weeks is not only specious on its face, officials have released no proof the event occurred in real-time.

Unlike with the World Trade Center disaster (~2,800 casualties), there is no list of names of the dead.

Unlike Illinois, Massachusetts, and other states, there is no way to obtain death certificates under FOIA.

Unlike Chicago and Milwaukee, the NYC medical examiner does not have a public database of deaths processed.

There are too many “red flags” to cover in an email, but this is a good “foundational” article I wrote with colleagues on some of the many reasons to suspect the New York City daily death curve is false🔗. A shorter version of the ideas via “slides” is here 🔗

In addition, there are

▪️dubious and unsubstantiated claims about hospitals being overwhelmed- including Elmhurst “epicenter” hospital”🔗

▪️public agencies and officials delaying, hiding, failing to release public data (example 🔗, example 🔗, example🔗)

▪️no apparent requirements for public officials to explain anomalies that are within the purview of their responsibilities.

▪️widespread explanations for the death toll - like ventilators 🔗 & “the nursing home policy” 🔗- that don’t make sense with available data or the timeline of events

▪️no explanations for the sudden spike in cardiac arrest deaths at home 🔗 - which is the biggest “died suddenly” home death event of the past four years in the U.S., as far I can tell

If the New York City event did NOT occur as presented by official data, it poses a serious challenge to the U.S. Federal Government’s affirmation of the WHO pandemic declaration — and to many things Senator Johnson has himself believed, been led to believe, or has claimed publicly.

Although I asked the Senator for his thoughts about whether a federal inquiry is needed, because the federal government “certified” this event, I’m not sure he or anyone in Congress would be in the position to led an inquiry.

I have not yet published the NYC FEMA funeral allowance death data I received from that agency but plan to do so soon. I see Mr. Rebel [Johnson staffer] subscribed to my Substack, so he will see that when it posts. Suffice to say, it does not substantiate the number of deaths the purportedly occurred in March, April, and May of 2020.

I am happy to meet publicly or discuss any of the data I have gathered and have written about. All of my Substack posts related to New York are here 🔗.

Please let me know when/if I can expect Senator Johnson to respond on X to my questions."


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let's hope this whole miserable mess of untruths, half-truths and corruption will be exposed.

NB typo: '....the number of deaths the purportedly occurred ....' << that purportedly....

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