Jun 4Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

i just now went to justiceforjabbed.im --- and learned all about courtney --- i thought ilse of man was in Canada ))) whoops !! ))) yes he is a real hero just like you and incredibily brave just like you --------- what a great day it will be when he gets out of jail --------- i still don't understand his name most peoples names are three words and have capital letters thats what throws me off i take everthing literaly -------- i would never have known about him if not for your post thank you -------- i just now enjoyed DR. Samantha Bailys post (( Is Immunity Real ?? ))) i think it would bring a smile to courtneys face ------- CHERES MATE !!!!!!

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Cheers Bradley :) (courtenay uses lower case when dealing with the "authorities" because there seems to be some trickery/fraud going on involving the use of NAMES to confuse people.)

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i am sorry for my ignorance but who is in jail ?? and who is courtenay ??? sorry i am out of the loop ----------- is this some kind of Canada thing ??????? ------- I am in usa ------ i don't get anything you all are talking about ------ i was worryied they put Christine in jail

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Sorry Bradley. courtenay is a gentleman on the Isle of Man who worked for 5 years as a health advisor for the govt there and eventually realized they don't really want people to be healthy. He became outspoken about harm from jabs, particularly the HPV jabs. Once fake-covid began he spoke out about that too, and once he learned about viruses never having been shown to exist he spoke out about that as well. He has put in a huge effort their to warn ppl about the fake-covid jabs, and was jailed for sending emails and tweets to a pseudoscientist there who was heavily involved in the fraudulent PCR testing. I've written about him may 3 times before and we did a short interview just before he was put in jail, around the end of Feb or beginning of March. He's a real hero, incredibly brave. Sorry to alarm you.

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Jun 3Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Kudos to Courtenay as well as Christine.

We will bring this system down and all the criminals will be dealt with

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

No wonder countenay is being treated this way. He is very informed, and that's DANGEROUS to the powers-that-shouldn't-be whose credibility is increasingly being revealed as being totally undeserved.

Thanks for the great and relentless, thorough work, Christine.

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Bingo, and he is tireless and has integrity that they can only dream of.

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Assume that the entire medical mafia is a blatant fraud and work your way backwards. In other words, avoid it like the plague and use it only for emergencies and trust none of it.

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Respect 🙏 Christine TY 😊

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs


Title: Shot in the Dark 👊

Description: Dive into the ultimate crossover game show that dares to tread the controversial line of health, politics, and fate! Every week, Shot in the Dark brings together the most “respected“ “health“ officials for a gripping, live spectacle.

First Episode: Prepare for an electrifying premiere featuring an all-star lineup: Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Francis Collins, Jeremy Farrar, Patrick Vallance, Rachel, the judge who sentenced Courtenay, and all the Isle of Man peddlers of toxic jabs/the virus lie.

To the intense strains of a Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western soundtrack, our contestants pass around a mysterious vial from a highly controversial lot. Here's the twist: victims and relatives of those affected by dystopian policies control the music. When the music stops, the LUCKY recipient faces their jabber, locking eyes in a moment of pure suspense as the camera zooms in to capture their every reaction.

Those who withstand the next 48 hours earn a temporary reprieve in a luxurious quarantine camp, only to face future booster challenges in upcoming episodes. Each season promises four mandatory booster rounds, keeping the tension high and the stakes even higher. As our beloved bureaucrats drop out, new challengers step up, ensuring a fresh rotation of rolled up sleeves for the needle.

Shot in the Dark might not bring justice for all the suffering, but it promises a thrilling ride and a ratings bonanza for networks tired of the usual fare. Tune in for a weekly dose of drama, suspense, and unexpected twists that will leave you on the edge of your seat!

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Please which platform is this airing

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I'm verbally liking your post, since Substack will not let me like anyone's posts the normal way.

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Luis, huge thanks!! I hope your Substack like button issues get resolved. Sounds like a pain in the butt. Cheers again for verbally liking👍👍👍

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Brilliant Facts, I'm sharing this on fedbook :)

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You are doing the BEST WORK. Proving lies to be lies, helping people realize what a giant FRAUD virology is, and being fearless and determined... You're my HERO!!!

Carry on, you have Righteousness on your side. ^_^

Woof! xo xo xo

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Thank you so much WH, you're sweet. Others are doing the heavy lifting, shifting through fake virus after fake virus, and even doing time! So I do what I can to help. Cheers.

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

My dear pal, I'm TRUTHY. I try to make you laugh, and others, too, because we all need that.

But please know:

What you are doing is HUGELY needed, and I want you to feel the weight of that. It's important that you understand that YOU ARE SO WORTHY of praise, we need you, badly. So be your modest self, just hear me. THANK YOU. xo xo xo xo xo

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

You're doing a great job talking about Courtenay's case, Christine. Your persistence will pay off.

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Is it me or this Substack is a little frustrating?

I have to sign in, although I'm coming in from the link on my email box. It won't let me like the posts from other users!

What a malarkey!

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Oh, that happens to me on some substack accounts - no idea and it's bizarre and frustrating! Sorry!

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Jun 1Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

:) You don't need to apologize. It out of our control. I just wanted to get some feedback. Thanks.

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Yes, substack seems to mess w/ me in that fashion occasionally. IMHO that's some feature of substack's, for whatever reason. Possibly, as a subtle reminder that ALL social media are ultimately there so someone can spy/collect data on the opposition.

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We could all see this coming years before it became obvious, and was "admitted" as a common practice. However, if we'd said anything then, we'd be laughed out of threads and chatrooms for being tinfoil hat wearers!

I love reading the carefully crafted marketing technical explanations they post on these platforms alluring new users, by telling us how it's fun, easy and great for humanity.

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Jun 1Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

This saga reminds me of the Post Office Post Masters injustice. We are truly living in tyranny, and we know that.

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Interesting - I just read a new message from courtenay and he mentioned this too, plus a tv series about it, so I will see if I can find it.

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Where did that happen?

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In the UK, it's all over on YouTube there's even a TV series about it. In a nutshell: Fujitsu built management software for the Post Office company. It was badly written and they could change totals on it, which they did. When Post Masters complained, each one was told they were isolated cases and they were prosecuted by the Post Office itself for debts the system created itself.

Here's the first result I get for "Post master scandal" on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdQQib3rmkE&pp=ygUWdGhlIHBvc3RtYXN0ZXIgc2NhbmRhbA%3D%3D

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Thanks Luis. I was hoping to watch the tv series but it looks like I'd need to pay or get VPN. I'll check this out, thank you :)

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

This video has clips from the TV series.

Regards Courtenay I can testify to the fact that here, in Portugal, things are not much different.

In fact, after being prosecuted for submitting my own petition in court (solicitor refused), I may end up being punished too for fighting against corrupt lawyers and the Social Security.

On another case, related to being blocked from entering the public library for not wearing a mask, for which I have a doctor's note, thus abiding by the law, solicitors and the bar association colluded with the local council to prevent me from getting to court because they knew they would lose.

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I watched it - WOW.

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

It is like the wild west now! Everything goes! :)

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OMG!! Truly sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope all gets resolved.

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Oh my Lord, Luis, I'm so sorry to hear this. The depravity in the legal profession is off the charts. I hope they will back off and you will get some peace. All the best!

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

True. Thanks.

But, without this experience, I'd never find out "the man behind the curtain".

Plus, during the hearing, I will get the chance to tell them I know the facts. They have been playing according to their own rules for so long that they even think it is normal.

Keep up the good work. I love receiving notifications about your endeavours.

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Jun 1Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

What a massive compilation! TY! Go Elouise! If only others would turn off tv and get off the couch. And she’s 82!

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Elouise is/was researching corruption where she lives. She must be an incredible lady :) The "virus" FOIs were obtained by myself and others. Cheers.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

Both Ontario and BC follow British Procedure in Law. Any and all Orders whether provided summarily or otherwise become a part of the public record and must be available to the legal community as a legal precedent for any future actions. The Courts like to gaslight the public by telling them it is not available as it was provided orally. Whenever we needed transcripts of oral reasons for judgment, we simply requested the court recording and hired a professional transcriber. The only drawback in my experience is the Judge also must "review and signoff" on the document which often took weeks, sometimes months. Oh and often someone who needs a hard copy of the "oral reasons" has already got there ahead of everyone else, so you just need to as for a copy from the court records.

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Thank you Carli. My colleague Peter specifically asked if he could obtain "a transcript of the oral dealings" and the clerk responded "I am unclear what you mean when you state "an oral transcript"" - when he didn't even say that! Unreal, and I wondered if we were getting the run-around. It doesn't sound right at all that nothing is available to the public. Parties can request a recording, but that's it. Hmm, I wonder what they have to hide.

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You are kidding...the Clerk actually said "I am unclear what you mean when you state "an oral transcript".. What a lame lie. They will manipulate your words and play dumb if you don't use the right language. The fastest way to get it is to go through a Court Process service provider. They are like a court "post office or ups centre". If you request through them, the court clerk cannot deny the request. Or they will just keep giving you the run around cuz you don't know what is BS unless you have practiced.

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Thanks Carli. Here are the emails, she insists that recordings are not released to "persons who are not parties", see pages 4 and 6:


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Christine, you might want to contact "Authorized Court Transcriptionists for Ontario" to get more information on how they do things in Ontario.

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Thanks Carli. This is on the Isle of Man though, not in Ontario.

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Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Yes, but I only know how to find assistance in Canada. I thought you might want to know what an Authorized Court Transcriptionist might tell you in case you further pursue this matter. Sorry if I got carried away. Does poor Courtenay have any assistance?

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

The email responses are basically "semantics". The courts MUST provide copies of written reasons for judgment to the parties (unless they are orally delivered). Everyone else is on their own including other lawyers. It just means you have to pay for it. I myself have trouble finding orders, decisions, reasons for judgment online (i'm a retired litigation paralegal) cuz the courts have ensured it is difficult. I used to find everything on Gewgle..not now. In Vancouver we used an independent legal services firm called "West Coast Title Search" which provides ALL services in law (not just conveyances). If the oral reasons have been transcribed you could just order it from them. If not, you have to hire someone to obtain the recording and transcribe it.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 2Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Thank you for bringing Courtenay‘s story to the whole world. It exposes the whole scam of viroliegy and reveals the dark consequences awaiting those that challenge the connected peddlers of that quackery. We need to organize a prison break for Courtenay and an Iron Maiden for the horrific wretch who put him there.

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Indeed :)

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Just posted a new TV show featuring Rachel and other wretches.

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Sorry, where?

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Jun 1Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

"the terror campaign of nonstop fear-mongering, horrific medical malpractice and intense unlawful interference in the day-to-day lives of the innocent. " -- Christine Massey

A nicely pithy summation of the full catastrophe. Another crucal feature was how eerily coordinated it was internationally. As it was unfolding through 2020, I began to notice these features, which begged the question: what or who is behind all this? There seemed only two explanations:

1. All official representatives in public health, medicine, government, news media, academe, schools, big business/big tech throughout the entire West -- all went insane overnight.


2. It was an internationally coordinated conspiracy.

#1 seems less plausible than #2. There is no #3 explanation.

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