Quotations marks which we routinely put around word that stand for - what we believe - is not true or is misleading, like “infectious diseases” or “viruses” are wrong.

Quotation marks in this context are intended (I guess) to signal something fictitious or over-exaggerated. Meaning: “No, no, it’s not like that.”

However, instead of being a warning sing for the reader (especially when these are the addressees of your letters), they immediately label you as a challenging person from the other (“not us”) camp. This will definitely make communication more difficult. Your addressees may also tweak their response to match “your profile”, that is they can withdraw some information in their possession purposefully to make your inquiries problematic for you.

When you put “” around viruses, it is you who expresses doubt. So, it does not tell anything about the reality of viruses - they may well exist, but your “” signal that YOU don’t “believe” in them. In other words, you do not challenge the existence of viruses - “” only indicate YOUR state of (inquiring) mind.

After all the responses which you received, you can drop these quotation marks. It is obvious that all your respondents do not have any proof of existence of viruses.

Viruses like actual biological organisms.

Not “viruses” - which would mean anything similar to or appearing to be like viruses.

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Not sure where you get the idea that my use of quotation marks is intended as evidence regarding the reality of "viruses". The FOI material and all the other material that I share (including virology literature) is the evidence, not the quotation marks.

I use them because to refer to "viruses" without them would signal that I believe in "viruses" and that "they" have been shown to exist, when all my research indicates the exact opposite. So I use them in order to express myself clearly.

I've never heard anyone claim before that using quotation is this way is "wrong". And not that I need anyone's approval for my use of quotation marks, but the first result from my internet search is from San José State University Writing Center and they disagree with you on this:

"Use quotation marks if the word or words are meant to imply irony or sarcasm.

Example: The mayor told the people of his town that he “cares” about their well-being."


Re your "challenging" comment: it's in the best interests of the institutions to provide records if they have them. Me using quotation marks is not going to change that. And the more difficult they get, the worse they look to the public.

"Viruses" does not denote "anything similar to or appearing to be like viruses". Nothing can be (honestly) said to be similar to or appearing like something that has never been shown to exist.

My quotations indicate sarcasm and that other people talk about "viruses" as though they are real despite the lack of evidence and the evidence to the contrary. So I will carry on with them.

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No challenge on my part. Just a narrowed down view on these four strokes :-)

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Maybe I made it too complicated.

If we use “”, it means that there are two realities: one is without quotes (you have a great car), and quotes assign a different meaning to it (you have a great “car” - meaning “garbage”).

The second example does not invalidate the reality of the car. It only ridicules it.

Similarly, “viruses” suggests virus-like organisms - not the absence of proof of the existence of viruses.

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Again, my use of quotation marks suggests sarcasm and disbelief. Ridicule of the "virus" claims. Not sure where you get the idea that quotation marks can only suggest that something is "garbage", but regardless I don't really care and will continue using them.

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Hello truth tellers!! I put an 'A' "typo“ into NIID on several posts. After realizing NIID has fuk all evidence for the existence of "viruses“ I underwent an internal struggle not to use an expletive beginning with "A“ in relation to their dodgy and deadly cover ups. Unconsciously the A crept in. Can any guess what the expletive was?

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Unbelievable FOI Japanese Samurai warrior!

Related Japan info:

There was no pandemic in Japan per Govt's own docs:


Dr. Sam takes up Proton magic Osaka Univ cell culture time-lapse madness:


PM Abe wasn’t killed, surprise!


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The lack of abilty of Japanese agencies (NIIAD) to produce any evidence of "viruses“ in response to numerous FOIs are like wave after wave of kami kaze attacks. But, instead of hitting enemy targets they've struck their own ship, sending their own credibility to the bottom of the sea.

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Go Chris - if only we could get this information mainstream. What we need in say the Baileys or Tom or Andrew on Tucker!!!!

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I will be sharing this with James Corbett and will ask him if his opinion changes or if he is even a bit more interested in this ELEPHANT in the room. His answer should be telling. I might ask Derek Broze (not sure of spelling), as well.

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Here, incl Christine's FB thread, you can see what Corb and Broz think, esp Broz in the comments.


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I have followed James since he first started back in 2007 (I think). Generally, his research is top notch and he hardly ever allows a "conspiracy theory" to go untouched. But in this case, he does a "normie" and simply seems to believe the experts, when in virtually every other case I can think of except one (which I will not elucidate here, for it is really unrelated) he does a deep dive. Deeper than most.

But this. Nothing. Very weird.

I've never been able to warm up to Broze.

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Yes you've gone the way of many, incl myself. Eventually realizing he leads us down a beautiful street of shock and awe, you think the street ends there...but not true, and he is missing others, like 5g as I showed in my searching his site. He is building up his credibility with us who think it is all the way, and these are mostly old and complete ops, but yes some ongoing ops but doesn't cover all the way nor will he go to the crown problem: no virus has been found. This is a standard propaganda technique, a bit similar to Miles Mathis. Read my post again and ALL the links.

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I should revisit the link (I assumed it was the video footage of their conversation I had previously seen).

Frankly, in most every area (not positive about 5G, but I thought he had covered that before), he is spot on. My assumption is that he doesn't make the "isolation" wordplay connection with viruses, although his normal modus operandi would have caught this.

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Search his site for 5G yourself, see if he has an unbiased post clearly discussing the risks and the research connecting 5g to Covid. Even I do: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/youre-ambushed

Searching for “5G” on his site. Corbett has a post from none other than Derek(!) to tell us the “shortcomings” with the 5g and coronavirus hypothesis in 2020, so we should all relax and don’t have to worry about 5g, right?

He actively states things like the virus is unimportant. He doesn't talk about who is really behind things. Put his name in the search top right https://worldcrimesyndicate.blogspot.com/

This site doesn't say how they prove these connections, but if you go thru the site you will see the bloodlines they discuss are quite thorough and you can triangulate elsewhere.

Must see this by Omar


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Great idea!! He needs to see this. I can't believe he doesn't see the ELEPHANT in the room. Maybe, his gig at CHD and regular appearances with Meryll a.k.a virus lie spreader av something to do with his deafening silence

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Thank you and please let us know the response :)

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In the wake of the deadly consequences stemming from those peddling the virus lie, and the alarming complicity of Japanese “health” authorities in spreading this killer falsehood, I've undertaken the task of crafting a reimagined rendition of The Animals "House of the Rising Sun," in honour of the land of the rising sun not being able to produce one shred of evidence to prove the existence of viruses.

However, I must humbly admit that this rendition falls short of honouring Christine’s steadfast commitment to exposing the dearth of NO Evidence supporting the existence of “viruses.” Her tireless efforts represent a monumental endeavour aimed at freeing us from the grasp of the World Harm Organization’s tyranny.

Feel free to use these lyrics to sing along to the original.



There is a jab from Pfizer

They call the Clot Shot

And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God, I know I’m one

(Verse 1)

Let’s not forget Moderna’s

mRNA “for” your genes

My father was a gamblin’ man

Took more than one of ‘dem “Vaccines”

(Verse 2)

Now the only thing a gambler needs

Is an arm and some boosters

And the only time he feels “safe”

Is when he’s on Pfizer’s drug

(Instrumental Break 01:43-02:28 – Organ Solo)

(Verse 3)

Oh, mothers, tell your children

Not to do what I have done

Spend your lives in pain and injury

In the House of Rising Mortality

(Verse 4)

Well, I tried one arm on the mRNA platform

The other on “viral” vector

I’m going back to traditional “vaccines”

To wear that ball and chain


Well, there is a jab from Pfizer

They call the Clot Shot

And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God, I know I’m one

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Tourists have flocked to Japan now for cherry blossom "SAKURA“ season. As the sakura petals gracefully drift upon the gentle breeze, their descent is a spectacle of beauty, a symbol of nature‘s fleeting elegance.

The inability of the NIIAD to produce any evidence casts a shadow over this pristine landscape staining it with the foul stench of a cover up. For just as the cherry blossoms bloom in their fleeting splendor, so to does the opportunity for integrity, withering away in the NIIAD‘S absence of evidence.

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The NIID (not the NIIAD) FOIs at least give the raw truth, the Chinese wont even reply to FOI.


I had also been in touch with NIID by letter and phone in 2020. NIID put out a BS "finding" of sars-cov-2 paper by antigen and pcr, and the author told me on the phone PCR was a specific test, and lots of other BS.

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Hello, PM!! AM A BIG FAN OF YOUR WORK!! The 'A' typo found it's way into NIID as I was trying to hold off using an expletive begining with A when thinking of the paucity of "evidence“ in NIID posession. 😃 After learning of your attempts with them I wish I had used it. Thanks for all you do!! Greatly appreciated!!

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Pleasure, have a nice weekend!

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Great stuff. 'The Science' can't even define a virus. Usually it is an 'intracellular parasite' or some such nonsense. They can't prove a virus exists. If they are bacteria (back to polymorphism), they don't survive outside a host. If a virus is a collection of DNA, RNA, they also won't survive outside a host (or cell structure). How can the virus 'DNA' be transported through the 'water bubble' of my sneeze or cough, to invade your system, and make you sick? That chain of causation has never been proven for any illness. Science! Or it is $cience or $cientism (Church of $cience).

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It's surely THE SYNAGOGUE OF HALF-TRUTHS at best and THE SYNAGOGUE OF DECEPTION at worst, as to the difference between both I am not sure as telling oneself half-truths inevitably leads to self-deception and by extension to THE DECEPTION. Throw in some supercharger - FIAT CURRENCY, PRAISE, GLORY, WORLDLY POWER, all interchangeable/one leads to the other - continue to mix it over millennia with THE TRUTH to obfuscate THE HALF-TRUTHS/ dilute THE TRUTH further - not only in sorcery but in any walk of LIFE - patch it up with continuous technological advancements so affluence for the gullible mind further obscures THE HOUSE OF LIES/CARDS it is helping to build .... voilà you have created ARMAGEDDON - one grain of lie-sand at a time!


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The repeated failure of the NIIAD to produce any evidence in response to the FOIs is akin to series of hara kiri performances, each one more self inflicted and egregious than the last. With each unanswered request, they plunge the blade of doubt deeper into their own credibility, performing a ritual of institutional suicide for all to witness.

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Well said!

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{...Well said!...} 🤔🤔

Truthful prose !!👍👍

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This is definitive, because if someone could have a collection of actual evidence of real viruses that would be the Japanese.

Was virology the original inspiration of the Pokemon games?

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Yes but not really, many of my Japanese Dr. friends are fully on board with the virus BS. They don't know and wont listen to how and why virus finding is BS.

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Dear brother Proton Magic: You and I and everyone else have to find joy in the fact that we are just "free" enough to see the problems during what looks to be the greatest crisis in all human history. We are very fortunate.

The people who resist acknowledging the problems are teaching us a lot. I feel very thankful.

It occurs to me that if you muster all your thankfulness and you present is as a gift to your willfully blind Japanese friends, maybe their walls begin to crack.

If they have any honor left in them, they may react positively to that unique human touch that cannot be conveyed using only Western argumentation.

I leave you with a hairy and noisy song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n63UbX5kzAc

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Thanks Rog, happy to be a brother. You have a point that showing care and love will make them like you but will not change their ingrained conclusions. The only inroad was showing them massive deaths since the vax FROM THEIR OWN GOVT DATA-that wasn't on the news. This has cracked some walls indeed-not about the virus, only about the shots. That has been similar with Western people, only when they or people close to them started to get sick, and some even die, did some light begin to peek into the black boxes above their necks. Thanks for the music!

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black boxes lol

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"But, but, but... viruses are obvious, you don't need papers to know they're around. I've been around sick people and then gotten sick. You gotta trust the experts." :-)

Thanks again, Christine. Can't wait for someone to try that "reasoning" with me.

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LOL 😃👍

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In the realm of truth Christine reigns supreme as the Shogun exposing deception. With her loyal samurai, she navigates the shadows of secrecy, their FOI requests honed like the katanas of ninjas, slicing through the non responses of "health“ agencies in Japan.

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ONLY for those that fall for it, which have abandoned THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE as their guide to follow those leading the charge through the WIDE GATE and on THE BROAD ROAD towards DESTRUCTION!

ANYONE going to bed with SATAN should NOT be surprised to wake up in HELL!

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Even ants can bring down a kingdom of lies .... STAY STRONG IN THE TRUTH - THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

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Christine-- wondering if you agree w these statements by Sasha Latypova. Thanks.

"They definitely waste billions to pay themselves lavishly and assemble huge academic departments dedicated to nothing but making poison. They do not make viruses, anything live, or any GOF. Yes most of them believe their own BS. Yes, they are comically over-confident. They have never validated a single thing they claim. All this charade is doing - 1)chemical process to glue huge-size molecules together that contain nucleic acids +2)various methods of manufacture, storage, delivery and formulation of this crap. That's it. If you look into "biologics" - they never use microscope (that's strictly forbidden in molecular biology), most of the time rely on 3rd party unvalidated "kits", completely automated (likewise unvalidated) processes, like PCR. And the claims of "proteins", "viruses" and the like are based largely on the weight of the molecules they produce, and occasionally - on length of the nucleic acid chains."

"SARS-Cov2 is not a thing, it is a computer model. It's "teeth" - the spike protein is however quite real. It is a toxin that can be made synthetically, and if you get exposed enough to it, yes, it will make you sick."

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Somewhat but I wouldn't say entirely. I don't know exactly what she was referring to either, so that makes it harder to respond.

I'd be curious to know what evidence she has that "the spike protein" was ever found in anyone.

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