For example, DuPont workers developed cancer, but not everyone who worked at DuPont developed cancer, but the common denominator was they were exposed to a cancer causing agent from DuPont.

Then you have the correlation with the vaccine, these types of cancers did NOT exist prior to the development of the HPV vaccine. The vaccine was fast tracked and boom all of a sudden healthy people are developing head and neck cancers.

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Yes DuPont workers would have a common denominator because by definition they are all DuPont workers. But that doesn't mean that everyone who has a cancer and the bogus "HPV" diagnosis had some common exposure. It could very well be that all they have in common is that they all tested "positive" on a bogus "HPV" PCR test - as with "covid cases".

And actually, "Covid cases" don't even have the same PCR results, because there are various sequences that are targeted by the PCR tests, and they only need to test 'positive' on 1 of them. So there is no symptom or lab result that they all have in common. The same might be true with these HPV "cases".

Head and neck cancer isn't new (I worked on head and neck cancer studies while I was a statistician), but I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are on the increase or new types are occurring since the jabs. The jabs are bad news, all risk and no possible gain :(

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Yes, head and neck cancer isn’t new but 30-50 year old, healthy, non smoker status with squamous cell carcinoma is new.

I agree with PCR testing being bogus. I researched that during covid. Unfortunately, Covid is the same thing as HPV cancer. Something is causing the physical symptoms. Is it lab created? Frequency based? Toxin exposure? Vaccine shedding? You can’t deny it is SOMETHING. But what is it?

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There is no ONE THING, especially for "covid". You don't need any symptoms at all for the diagnosis and the symptoms are the same things we've had every year all our lives!

Many things affect our health. Maybe the jabs have caused a rise in head and neck cancers. There's also a lot of stress with the world going mad the way it is. I don't know the answer.

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I'd like to know how these 30 to 50 year olds are determined to be "healthy"?

This is also just one flaw in any study. Supposedly X number of "healthy" individuals are tested against another set. Who determines this level of health and how? It's not possible. There are countless parameters and influences to be uncovered going all the way back to childhood and before and it simply isn't possible and certainly isn't being done. So, they resort to questionnaires and bp checks and the like. That in no way can determine health for a study that will be used to prescribe drugs, perform other procedures, and/or base any medical or health decision on. Yet it's used all the time, erroneously. It's quite clear you can't judge a person's health status by looks, physical endurance and capability, base checks such as BP, cholesterol, and all of the usual numbers. Another farce that leads people to believe in deception.

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It is not something, not one thing. Jon Rappoport does an excellent job of demonstrating this over the last few years in multiple articles. As with all illnesses there is not just one thing causing symptoms across the board. That would be similar to asking why all of these people are sad, or fatigue, or have insomnia, or sore muscles. There can be localized exposures to a toxin or toxins that could present in the same symptoms but that would not be the same scenario. Even then one could experience a difference in severity of symptoms. Sometimes being so intimately involved in a serious and frightening situation can cause a sort of myopia or fixation on needing "AN" answer and not accepting that it simply may not ever be isolated nor be the same as another person with the same condition.

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I’m sorry he’s chosen this too.. it’s not how I’d treat it but I can’t do it for him. It’s his journey and I have to respect his decision.

The scary thing is we’ve done everything right. This can happen to anyone. My husband has never ever had any medical issues, was never sick or expressing toxic terrain symptoms. So everything is great in theory, until it happens to you.

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It's not that you did something "wrong", at least not during these last years or decades, but as I mentioned and it's clearly shown, illness shows up years and decades after an insult and you would be none the wiser. When the body can no longer handle the burden then something becomes obvious. As well, as I'm sure you realize, even though your home is basically EMF free, you eat well, etc., the rest of the world you live in is not so clean. There is an abundance of WIFI signals bouncing around most everywhere, there are numerous fragrances and other chemicals in stores and workplaces, and many hidden sources of harmful substances outside of your home. Cancer is not something to be feared in and of itself, it's just a warning sign and an attempt by the body to contain toxins. Are you familiar with German New Medicine? EFT? I know you mentioned you had done biofeedback and other modalities that didn't seem to help. There is a deeper culprit(s) at play here.

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This “type” of cancer has a 95% cure rate with standard of care treatment. It used to be 50% bc most people were old and smoked.

Again, I don’t wish this upon anyone but if you go through it, you understand how the medical system treats this. Yes, it’s pseudoscience but I believe there is some truth in there. It’s not 100% lies. I was completely in your mindset prior to going through this with my husband.

You would call the people in the cancer groups, case studies.. it’s real life. And it’s holding true for them. You don’t trust science but you want scientific evidence? The experience of others in my opinion, is a better than a fraudulent study.

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Definitely experience is better than a study, I wouldn't argue that one bit. My point is that the cure rates claimed by conventional medicine are not accurate, and not what they are inferred to be. (I'm not intending to stress you more, but it's important to understand the system, and I do understand exactly how they treat this. I'm not new to this.)

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I don't deny that the PCR test is detecting something and that the something might be correlated with cancer. All I'm saying is that that is quite different from evidence of causation and/or a "virus".

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So, the hidden infection consumed the immune system and the” main source” (otherwise called hpv) of cancer was allowed to slide. We do also feel “Covid” what ever that is, played a role too. Bc he was sick with that (unconfirmed but suspected) before his lymph nodes swelled. The hidden cavitation (bc he’s had no other dental work, ever) was present, causing chronic tonsil inflammation. The chronic inflammation of the tonsil and the overwhelmed immune system let the cancer slide.

There IS an increase in “HPV” cancers. Tonsil cancer did not exist in healthy young non smokers. That is not the case now. Yes, this is multifaceted BUT there is a common denominator in all of these cancers. While these pcr tests are unreliable, they are measuring something. The NAV DX is correlated with recurrence or remission of cancer. This is being seen in the support groups among cancer survivors. So while I agree, hpv doesn’t exist.. something does that has a relationship with this cancer.

My husbands question is the same as yours.. why do some people develop cancer and others don’t? Genetics? Environment? Toxic exposure? We don’t know but “something “ is the underlying stressor to allow for cancer to proliferate. What that is.. I have no clue. That’s what I’m asking..

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PCR, which your husband was tested with, is not evidence of an infection. And "covid" is just a fraudulent meaningless label, also diagnosed with bogus tests.

I don't deny that cancers might be on the rise, only that a "virus" has anything to do with it. Jabs sure, "viruses" no, since they've never been shown to exist.

I'm not sure why you think there is some common denominator (in terms of causes) since many things affect health, but whatever.... all the best.

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What is the common denominator you speak of?

Unconfirmed but suspected "covid"?

Again, cancer is not a disease but a symptom and the body's attempt at correction.

There can't be an increase in HPV cancers if there is no HPV.

Support groups for cancer "survivors" are hardly scientific nor helpful in terms of isolating some common denominator other than toxicity from one or multiple (most likely multiple) sources over any given period of time.

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Not "something" but "somethings".

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Thank you!! It’s definitely stressful 😭

I really appreciate you chatting with me about this!

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Yes, lol! I’m only looking so I can see what positively impacts it. So far my rife generator with frequency and metal detox are working well! I agree with everything you’re saying though!

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I’m seeing it in the cancer groups where it does relate to reoccurrence and remission. So in real life, it seems to line up pretty well. Our surgeon did admit it wasn’t very reliable where other doctors we spoke with, put more weight on it. It’s all wishy washy for sure.

I’ve not seen any studies, ( nor have I had time to look) and I unfortunately only understand half of what I read when I look at a study, so I don’t proclaim to understand it all. I’m just so personally affected, I want to figure it out as much as possible, so we don’t deal with this anymore.

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But, I will say, that it does correspond with cancer reoccurrence in people. So when the number rises, it indicates cancer is present. They will tell you that it’s not 100% and they don’t fully understand it though.

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So you're saying that it does correspond with cancer but not 100%. Have you seen a valid study where the (estimated) level of the target sequence was even highly correlated with cancer?

When I worked at a cancer institute the urology MDs talked nonstop about PSA tests. So I asked them for the foundational studies where PSA was found to be a useful predictor of outcome. Crickets! There weren't any.

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Ok, that is good to know! Ugh, this whole thing is so frustrating and hard to understand bc the medical system is very convincing and convinced.

Like I said, I completely agree with you. I’m just trying to figure out what the “cause” is. I understand it can be multi faceted but there is always a common denominator.

They’ve even put this into a curable category. I feel like our world is being destroyed by mad scientists.

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Great article. Argued with the wife over this. Fake PAP smears (another joke like the PCR) or 'HPV tests' (kaching, kaching). Let's not mention Guardisil or the quackcines they shove into arms to 'fight against this STD'. Why would chemical poisons in a woman's bloodstream 'fight and destroy' DNA and RNA in the cervix? Aren't the 'virsues' 'respiratory predators'?

Bacteria do exist and can cause disease. Viruses don't exist, and DNA and RNA can't survive outside a host. The question that 'The Science' can't answer is, how during sex, would this 'virus' leave the male and locate the cervix 'mutating cells'.

Further why would this 'virus' maybe lie 'dormant' for 'years' pace their dogma, then suddenly erupt as evidenced by 'abnormal cells' (whatever that means) indicating 'cancer'. Of course drugs are at hand (kaching kaching) to 'save you'. In fact the 150K or so women every year who die from cervical cancer are probably killed by the 'treatment' or acquired the cancer in that area not via sex, but from something else.

I read that in 2003 the FDA knew and wrote that a virus cannot cause cervical cancer. HPV 'viruses' are so common 'we all have them' and our immune system deals with them. Why then would I believe a fake test telling someone that their HPV means cancer and death? Maybe the issues in that area have other causes. But no one investigates that. It is always the dogma: scary virus -> condemned to death -> only hope is poison injections or radiation.

In the UK (2024) they have ramped up the PAP smear tests and guess what? Tens of thousands of women have 'cervical cancer' or the threat of the same from 'abnormal cells'. What a frigging joke. They will blame their 'partners' for the STD, marriages will fall apart, relationships will end, the drugs will be issued and women will die.

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It's completely insane, and actually we can't even find valid evidence showing that bacteria are the cause of any illness!

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So when have we had enough of this chivalry? Drag the cuk out by his lab coat and jail him on fraud and intent to harm.

How much evidence does a prosecutor need? Dead bodies? It’s like a game of wordsmith and they continue as if truths matter not. His day of reckoning is soon as the masses will have had enough.

Hype novelty events coming as the caldron of deceit and lies boils …

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A lot of women die from the quackcines for 'HPV' and the drug treatments to 'save them'. Fake tests. A license to profiteer and kill. Just like the Corona scamdemic. Kate Middleton another high profile victim. Betting she has breast, colon or ovarian cancer (common issues from the mRNA stabbinations).

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From Denmark with “Love,” Jesper “(H)ave (P)ure (V)irus Bonde but only as a pigment of his deluded imagination likes his virus lie martini shaken but not stirred into doubt by citizen journalist Kristofer Krarup.

The World of Adults is not enough for Jesper and other agents on Bill Gates Secret Service; they wanna jab our kids with their Licence to Kill. Hope endures as Jesper and co’s Virus Lies aren’t Forever. Christine’s work has made the Skyfall on their deception.

Time to flip the Goldfinger on anyone peddling the Spectre of the Virus lie. Because in this Casino Royale of misinformation, their deceit is as transparent as a Bond villain’s evil lair.

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Well said!

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My husband has HPV tonsil cancer. They have a DNA test they run that shows HPV DNA and once the cancer is removed or killed, the markers drop to zero. I’m a big terrain theory believer but I also believe there’s some truth to germ theory. What we know is hpv driven cancers are skyrocketing since 2000s when they introduced the vaccine. Men are now highly afflicted with throat and tonsil cancer. I do know they’ve never isolated the virus but clearly something is going on? My husband is SUPER healthy, never had anything medical, then boom cancer. How is this explained? He’s not poked either.

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Cancer is not 'kiled'. Its not alive, its a bundle of waste that the body tries to isolate from the rest. A last resort on detoxifying. Does your husband frequently eat carbohydrates and or other toxins? Try fasting and a carnivore lifestyle. Maybe a meat butter refeed every 3 days and fast the rest (water and seasalt). All the best.

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That is a theory. I subscribe to that theory as well. He’s following a metabolic diet. He, before diagnosed, very rarely had carbs. He now keeps his carbs under 20-30 grams a day. All carbs come from green vegetables.

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What HPV DNA? Where does it come from? Apparently there are '200 of them' mostly harmless. You don't think that there is some other reason (smoking, drugs,etc) that his tonsils are cancerous? To quote that criminal half wit Biden, 'come on man'.

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My husband never used drugs nor smoked. If you look at the NAV DX, you’ll see they are measuring circulating tumor DNA in the blood. So it’s not PCR. It’s clearly something..

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Why do you claim that NAV DX isn't PCR, when it's easy to see that it is PCR?

The company references studies where it was supposedly validated and the Methods section of the 1st study states that it is PCR:

"Blood specimens were collected every 6-9 months for analysis of plasma ctHPVDNA using a multianalyte digital polymerase chain reaction assay."

Also, in the intro:

"We analyzed ctHPVDNA using a previously validated multianalyte digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay..."


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I wasn’t sure.. that’s why I said I don’t think it’s a PCR. But you’re right! So that helps confirm my previous thinking bc I understand how misleading all the PCR testing is and was.

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Christine did an excellent job explaining the fallacy of HPV and so called related cancers. Please research and realize that DNA is not what it's purported to be and that tests for "markers" mean little to nothing. What are these supposed markers proving? Certainly not HPV DNA as it doesn't exist. We have been told lots of things about tests and conclusions, none of which are true. There are so many things that can result in the body developing what we call cancer in an attempt to heal that the list could be long, so suffice it to say that toxins, once again, are the culprit. What toxins? All. Or one. This includes, but is not limited to, EMFs, mold, chemicals from air, food, water, clothing, thoughts and beliefs, relationships, jobs, childhood traumas, fear, etc. One can appear healthy, as you state your husband is, but clearly that's not the case. A truly healthy person who is able to process and eliminate toxins will not end up with a cancer to do so. It can take years, and even decades, for damage to show up in an obvious symptom. Along the way usually, but not always, there are many much smaller symptoms that are ignored or explained away as insignificant or given other more conventional labels. Many cancers and other symptoms will continue to rise as our toxicity levels, coupled with indoctrination and fear, increases. Once a label is given, a diagnosis, and prognosis, often that will play out exactly as expected. Power of the mind. Best wishes on your continued journey learning and living healthily.

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I pray this doesn’t happen to you. We are a very natural minded family. This kind of diagnosis is devastating. My children are not poked. We eat healthy organic, filter our water, avoid toxins, I have our home wired so we aren’t exposed to Wi-Fi, our home is mold free. The only root cause I can find for him is wisdom tooth cavitations. (Which is probably the cause of his tonsil cancer) I’ve used all the natural methods like diet, fenben, b17, black seed oil, heavy metal detox, biofeedback, frequency etc. On and on. If this can happen to him, it can happen to anyone. That’s what’s scary.

I AGREE with all of what Christine says, but clearly there’s a missing puzzle piece.

Here’s the problem, we didn’t have a young healthy men getting tonsil cancer before the HPV vaccine. These cancers have skyrocketed since then. If this isn’t HPV, then what is it?

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I think I see the confusion now.

"HPV vaccines" are toxic, but not because of "HPV". Jabs contain "adjuvants" to make the body create antibodies, which they then use as fake evidence that the jab will protect you from the imaginary virus.

I'm not familiar with the ingredients in the HPV jabs but others have written about this.

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I just reread your comment. If your husband didn't take an HPV vaccine, why do you think that HPV is the cause of his cancer? How would that even work? Do you think that HPV actually does exist and is transmittable in someway?

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It’s so hard to understand tone and I’m definitely agreeing with you. Is there an emotional component, yes. It’s minor though. We’ve looked into all these things and biofeedback showed, dental- which is a hidden cavitation, stress, heavy metals, and HPV. We’ve proven with a biological dentist, the cavitations exist in his mouth (and mine, but I don’t have cancer) . So, even the biofeedback scan shows there is a “viral” component.

My question is, what is that?

The vaccine is clearly driving these cancers.. what’s in there? It only really affects white males? Why is that?

I do agree with everything you say, but I’m saying there IS something here that is driving this cancer. Whether it’s a specific toxin, frequency, emotional state, bacteria, lab made virus? They are injecting something and it seems to have caused these cancers to skyrocket. But it’s affecting unvaccinated people? And if hpv doesn’t exist, what are genital warts? So many unanswered questions. That’s my problem. What about Royal Rife? He had an electron microscope and was killing viruses? How did he do this if they weren’t in existence?

So while people are disagreeing over technicalities, this “hpv” cancer is affecting young healthy people, and we have no clue why. That’s what I’m saying. I’d feel like you, if this wasn’t so personal.

I’m seeing your last message, yeah.. how did he get this cancer yet he’s never had the vaccine nor have I, nor our children? Is it in the water? Is it shedding? I don’t understand this at all.

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Thank you for the reply.

I could address each of your statements but that would make a lengthy response. Genital warts and other so called "viral" conditions have been addressed by Dr Cowan as well as Sam Bailey, quite well. Unfortunately, names put on conditions or symptoms only cause confusion. We know electron microscopes are a problem. Rife zapped things, but were they pathogenic viruses? Or did the frequencies he used actually give the body the boost it needed to clear up the condition thereby the disappearance of these particles he saw? It's due to conditioning that we assign a cause and effect, but more often than not it is not accurate. When we go far back in time we see that the energetic nature of all life was very well understood and accepted and used to reinstate health. We do have a clue why cancer is affecting so many "healthy" people of all ages. Again, cancer is a symptom and there are more assaults now than ever. We have parents who were heavily vaxxed, as well as many other toxic assaults, before having children, who were then assaulted with more toxins, and it keeps building. If one continues to go back to the contagious pathogenic virus explanation they will never be able to move on to fully regain true health. Fear and beliefs are very strong influences. Perhaps when you have time go back and watch some of Dr Bailey's videos on all of the so called viruses and symptoms. Cowan does a good job of explaining as well but since his are usually embedded somewhere in an hour long video covering many topics it's difficult to pinpoint. When you say the biofeedback showed viral components, you must understand that the names given to certain frequencies are misleading. This is a well known and accepted label and is used in error, but people will be familiar with that label. As well, Dr. Cowan still uses the terms measles and chickenpox and herpes, etc., but this is because people will know what he is referring to not that these as specific diseases caused by a virus actually exist. Also, you must look at your husbands lifetime exposure to all things toxic, including emotional toxins, and as you note his dental experience has an effect, to what degree you couldn't really know. All of these things are cumulative and only in rare circumstances is there only one cause for any condition. If all of the young healthy males you state are experiencing this particular cancer took the HPV vaccine then that is quite telling. Not because of any virus but because of the toxins in that vaccine. If they didn't take it, then they are toxic from many other sources, and probably also took prior vaccinations throughout their life. There just isn't one cause for most symptoms. Yes, people jump to get vaccines because of the fear of viruses, which is why it's crucial that the fraud around this be exposed. Previous exposure to cancer is definitely a contraindiction to the HPV vaccine as it should be for any vaccine because cancer is not from viruses but from toxins and the toxicity of all vaccines will once again overload the body's ability to process and eliminate the toxins. The doctors, sadly, do not think, do not question, just go by rote memory.

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I’ve followed Dr Cowan and Bailey and understand their work. But Dr Mitkovits says, the retroviruses are different and created in a lab. I don’t think HPV is a retrovirus but it clearly wasn’t around 30-40 years ago. We know that you can get polio from the polio vaccine shedding, measles from shedding, chickenpox from shedding. Why not HPV from shedding. There is an association here with “something” and cancer. It is even looked at as curable, where before it was just in remission.

I’m also saying the men who are affected have NOT been vaccinated with the HPV vaccine. These are 40-60 year old previously healthy men.

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What’s scary is they are recommending this vaccine after people have cancer for under 46 year olds and they are taking it! We would NEVER. You’re not supposed to have previous exposure (hence the 12 year old targeted age), bc that then can cause cancer once re-exposed with the vaccine. He knows the vaccine is a part of this problem. He’s mentioned this to the doctors and they always look dumbfounded.. he says, crazy how these cancers have skyrocketed since the 2000s, when the vaccine came out.

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I guess what I’m trying to say is.. saying something doesn’t exist, that is clearly associated with cancer isn’t helpful unless you find out what actually is causing the cancer. I’m also saying it could be lab created and spread through vaccines, even in the unvaccinated, by shedding. That is what Dr Judy Mitkovits says, these viruses are created in a lab.

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You seem to have misunderstood my comment as you are basically agreeing. You can do all of the things you state, living healthy as best you can, but still be exposed to, repeatedly, very harmful substances that in time can cause serious health problems. Yes, it can happen to anyone. What you are claiming to be a missing puzzle piece isn't missing at all. It's in all of the things already stated. I'm sure you realize that cancer isn't actually a disease, it is a symptom. And I agree that HPV vaccine is deadly, all vaccines are, it's just a matter of time and other toxicities the body has to deal with that determines how, when and where the damage eventually shows up. Damage is always done with all of these toxins, it just depends on total body burden, the organism's efficiency at eliminating these toxins, and if another sudden insult is given. "Healthy" people are often not actually as healthy as perceived, hence the reason an eventual health crisis appears, the straw that broke the camel's back. The question, "if this isn't HPV, then what is it?", is the same thinking about viruses that people engage in. There has to be another obvious answer otherwise it's xyz. The mental/emotional component must always be deeply looked into. It is in every dis-eased state to some degree.

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HPV has never been shown to exist, so there are no known "HPV driven cancers". If I'm wrong and it has, please cite the evidence.

Your husband was given a fraudulent, useless test, PCR by the sound of it.

PCR only works with "genetic" material. Even if "viruses" had been shown to exist, which has never happened, the best PCR could do would be to provide indirect evidence of the targeted sequence. Not a full "genome", not an intact "virus", not an illness, not contagiousness. It could not possibly confirm the presence of an intact "virus".

Even documentation from the CDC, research funded by the Canadian gov't, etc admit this.

Pages 38 and 39 of the

CDC’s “2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel”

(revision 5, effective07/13/2020). Quote:

“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms“.


British Medical Journal 12 May 2020:

“A systematic review of the accuracy of covid-19 tests” …

was based on …”repeat testing”


"Australian government" (top of page 2):

“it should be noted that PCR tests cannot distinguish between “live” virus and non-infective RNA.”


HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC), “Ireland’s specialist agency for the surveillance of communicable diseases… partof Health Service Executive", in their guidance on the management of weak positive (high Ct value) PCR results, V1.2 22.12.2020,admitted on page 9:

"RT-PCR does not distinguish between detecting viable live virus shed in the sample from viral fragments of non-viable (non-infectious) virus present in the sample."

In a study supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada and its National Microbiology Laboratory, Bullard et al. admitted in their abstract:

"RT-PCR detects RNA, not infectious virus"


Lots of things affect our health. I can't possibly know why your husband got cancer.

Not everyone sees cancer as the horribly scary phenomenon that the establishment makes it out to be. Imho, the body is adapting to whatever conditions were going on and the process can likely be reversed.

I hope he will be well and not put into a panic by the diagnosis, especially if it's only based on a meaningless fraudulent test.

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This to my knowledge is NOT a PCR test. This is a blood test to determine the amount of circulating tumor DNA.

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See my comment below. It is a PCR test.

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I agree with you completely. I know they’ve not isolated the virus. But they are INJECTING something into people with this hpv vaccine. I’m just trying to figure this out bc when a person you love is dealing with this it’s very difficult.

My husband was given a blood test. Not a PCR test. This test is called the NAV DX. Look into it. They are looking at HPV DNA. It is NOT via PCR. Once the cancer is gone, the DNA drops to zero. They are saying it indicates remission.

I would treat this very differently than him and I’ve tried to guide him naturally but he’s gone through surgery and now is doing chemo and radiation which are very scary. I wish he would not but it’s his path. He comes from a family of doctors and feels like he needs to go the route with the proven 97% cure rate.

Like I mentioned, I’m trying to understand what this is? Why is this “type” of cancer so easily treated and cured? Why is it detected in the BLOOD? None of this makes sense. I really want to understand it bc I hate that he’s going through this and is being lied to.

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I just saw this comment of yours from a few hours ago.

"I would treat this very differently than him and I’ve tried to guide him naturally but he’s gone through surgery and now is doing chemo and radiation which are very scary. I wish he would not but it’s his path. He comes from a family of doctors and feels like he needs to go the route with the proven 97% cure rate. "

I'm sincerely sorry he has chosen this "treatment" and that he believes in the cure rate they claim which is not accurate at all. I believe it speaks to the lack of understanding of the body, toxins, and healing but sincerely hope that his health improves and that all of your family can heal in whatever ways needed.

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Of course they inject people, but that doesn't mean that there is such a thing as "HPV DNA", it's just DNA that they declare is from a virus.

Even IF the target DNA drops to zero once the cancer is gone, that is not valid evidence that the DNA is a causal factor (or has anything to do with a virus). The DNA sequence that they target could be a result of the cancer.

Detecting DNA isn't equivalent to detecting cancer.

Here is a company discussing "NavDx":


They cite 3 studies were it was supposedly validated for head and neck cancer. Here is the 1st study:

Plasma Circulating Tumor HPV DNA for the Surveillance of Cancer Recurrence in HPV-Associated Oropharyngeal Cancer


From the study's Methods and Materials:

"Blood specimens were collected every 6-9 months for analysis of plasma ctHPVDNA using a multianalyte digital polymerase chain reaction assay."

So yes, it is a PCR test. Maybe if you explain this to your husband he will get it? All the best with this. I know it must be very stressful.

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Are there already FOI answers from so very-secret but not secret-at-all "GoF labs"? They should have tons of material and be willing to provide information because of their justification for existence. If I am not mistaken they are largely publicly funded by govs, so they are obligated to give answers. When they act on behalf of govs, it's their due diligence to provide information. If they act on behalf of private companies, there's justiciable cases of negligence in case of "lab leaks". 😇

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We have a response from Chapel Hill, but that's all I can think of re "GOF".

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If something is classified as military secrets I don't think they have to disclose anything. Government GOF labs probably fall under this rule.

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The virology literature is not hidden and there are no "viruses" to gain function on.

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What kind of work do you think they're actually doing in these labs?

Mike Yeadon said he worked for such labs in the UK -- military contracts, poison response and mitigation I believe.

The whole virus tampering story is probably cover for development of sophisticated poison delivery techniques such as the lipid nanoparticle casing enabling barrier bypass. Not sure they can make anything self-replicate though as claimed. There doesn't seem to be much evidence for that beyond natural organisms.

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Yeadon now says every "virus" he looks into turns out to be based on pseudoscience.

I don't know what goes on in the labs, they could be doing anything... having parties/orgies, deluding themselves into thinking they're doing GOF, who knows.

Based on my understanding there is little chance they've got the LNP into cells, but that area isn't something I've personally looked into. I personally don't see why they would bother creating more poisons, because it's not like there's any shortage of them already in existence.

If I were a parasitic scumbag wasting other people's money, I'd just want to have a good time with it.

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I agree. It could all just be a big money scam and the creation of yet another scary boogeyman to keep the little people wetting themselves every time they bring it up.

I think NASA plays this game too and possibly the nuclear bomb industry which looks like it's going kaput. The new game (that they want lots of money for) is saving the planet by stopping the climate from changing. A whole generation of kids has been traumatized by that one alone.

On the poison thing... it wouldn't be about creating new ones, just better, more subtle methods of delivery, but it's not like they haven't mastered that already over the last hundred years!

Even mainstream articles talk about how all our food, household products, environment are contaminated with toxic chemicals. It's impossible to avoid at his point.

What they'll never admit is that vaccines also include these ingredients and potentially cause harm in a significant number of people. All other medical products include a long list of potential side effects which docs ignore until something pops up. If these were any other type of product they wouldn't be allowed on the market.

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Requests would be about the methods of isolated samples of original variants, which should be available If they want to create a new one with gain of function skills, so really only the isolation of the "raw material" if you will, that kind of stuff that's allegedly available everywhere. The description of the methodology which isn't a secret at all when it adheres to scientific standard procedures, would be fine. They don't even need to name the target variant they want to create. They should only show the paper where steps describe the isolation of the initial version.

This can't be top secret because they are allegedly using natural sources and tinker with them.

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Yeah, I agree that natural original material should be easy enough to report on, but not the supposed products after tampering.

I'm not sure how one can have an original "variant" though. How is a novel virus particle supposed to emerge in the first place? And how is it supposed to mutate to become a variant in a short space of time?And how can it be tampered with when these particles have never been shown to exist?

From what I can tell, the agencies responding to these requests can make up any old horsecrap and make all kinds of excuses for not being able to provide the material outlined in a FOIA request. And if push comes to shove then they can just shut it all down and not pretend that we have this freedom any more.

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These labs unisono with so called "experts" by their own terms claim that they use known pathogens to alter the characteristics, that's why I think, they should at least be able to show only one paper that proves their actions.

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At this point we should be able to demand full transparency as to what really goes on in these labs, just in case.

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It's AMAZING how people will just LIE, as if telling us something strenuously makes it TRUE. I have family members who have done this to my face, and it's just fucking INSANE.

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Tell me about it:).

Just today I had a discussion with a friend who'd posted with outrage on FB a police shooting in Western Sydney in 2020. I thought it sounded OTT and suspected it would be a "predictive programming" staged affair where we would get the clues underneath the "story". Sure enough the story told us the shooting happened in the person's backyard with the implication that the access would have been from the front yard, however, the imagery clearly showed there was no access from the front yard to the back but only through the house. When I stated this to my friend he just said, "No, I can see access to the back from the front." I'm like where? He had no answer but he's simply anchored in the idea that the police do this kind of thing and so therefore it's a real event where the fact is that sure they do stuff that's bad but that doesn't mean they won't push out fakery of them doing bad stuff because it works so well for them.

It's just so simple: they control the narrative whether it's for them or against them. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-17/nsw-police-shot-western-sydney-man-bradley-balzan-inquest/103592578

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Yeah, people are Interesting. I've been the subject of brotherly HATE for well over two years now... no end in sight... because of GREED and CONTROL issues.

I'm talking about character assassination, slander, defamation... Truly Hellish.

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So sorry to hear that. That sounds significantly beyond your brother simply buying the narrative while you don't.

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Indeed. It's also about greed-- inheritance, control, misogyny-- all kinds of crap. Anyway, I am struggling to rise above it. I am really trying to grow spiritually, like force-growing... And if I can keep my sense of humor, I'll be okay. I think my humor is stronger than I am, lol. :)

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Humour is a great way to rise above things.

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Thanks for your good words. xo

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Keep the extermination program going: Dr. Yeadon’s Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK


I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments. I’m going to go directly to the charges. These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines. -Dr. Yeadon

Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication

To: Ben.Bates@met.police.uk

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