Thank you for the recommendation Christine, I really appreciate it!


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I just heard Malone saying those monkey pox blisters are full of viruses. So they are kind of Petri dish culture they could work on directly, centrifuge it and put it under the microscope.

They do not do their virology directly on the samples taken from a patient because there is supposedly not enough viruses and they have to grow more of them in a culture. Nonsense, less viruses would only mean it would take more time to find them under the microscope, but if you centrifuge them they should all concentrate in a tiny band, so "not enough viruses" in the sample is bullshit argument, and even more so in the case of monkey pox where the blisters are supposed to be full of them.

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Yes, it's quite insane and ludicrous, the excuses they come up with.

Taking a sample from blisters = taking a sample from a patient.

Insisting that there are "viruses" in "hosts" when they can't find these alleged viruses in hosts is just an unsubstantiated claim.

And according to their unproven theory, these "viruses" already grew in the alleged hosts and this is what made them sick. So there should be plenty of these alleged particles for them to find (in the snot or lung fluid of a "covid" patient for example).

Instead they have to stress a cell line via malnutrition and toxic drugs (and then do all sorts of wildly unnatural things required for EM imaging) before they can see the particles that they point to and call "viruses"... and even then they still don't bother to purify and sequence, characterize and study those particles with controlled experiments.

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For those who remember.

About one year ago, there was a "debate" of sorts in Spain, between "denialist" Doctor on one side, and an officialist side composed of a former health minister (an absolute scumbag IMO) and a (semi-retarded) Medical Association President. The bad guys left early, feigning fascistic indignantion, and the debate became a talk. Those days the hottest news was that the Ministry had answered they did not have the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in a response to a petition from a civil rights association, which has since been absorbed by the borg.

As anyone can imagine, the phrase "incompetence is not an argument against the existence of the virus" was a the most repeated idiocy. The victims of mass formation will fight really hard to never admit how much they were lied to. I was among them.

I'm sorry I have ever believed this virus existed. In doing so, I have damaged the fundamental rights of everyone. Now I'm inviting people to this side. The old strategy "it's a weak virus which focuses on the vulnerable, there is treatment for it, re-open everything following EBM principles" has not worked to save lives from the tyranny and censorship. It's time to change the strategy.

I think every country has seen something similar.

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BMJ 2004, virologists calling out for control experiment to be performed on HIV/AIDS.


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I hadn't seen this excellent paper, I guess it was ignored https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom


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Thank you , very interesting. I don't see any evidence that an actual virus is involved at any stage. but the effects of an experimental vaccine could lead to all kinds of problems. I don't know much about it but it made me think of gulf war syndrome and the serious cases of depression caused by using the military as guinea pig pin cushions.

I also shudder to remember that I had the course of hep B injections when working in pathology in the the late 80's (we were at a danger from cutting ourselves I suppose and dealt with fresh tissue) I also had a booster in 2010. God.


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Also fantastic work Christine, you're a real super trouper...not just a reliable, uncomplaining person and an Abba song but also a special type of spotlight designed to cast a bright ray of light.


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Do you know what new bit of information that came to light recently was able to tip Mike Yeadon's scales into no longer supporting the idea that respiratory viruses don't exist?

Also, I noticed this bit in Kirsch's challenge announcement:

"And how can I punish her so that she doesn’t keep repeating the same thing over and over?"

Sorry, but this is a sick, sick man. Just saying.

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And in addition, this paper written with John Johnson of Harvard University which studied difference in policies between States.


and this paper: https://ocla.ca/nature-of-the-covid-era-public-health-disaster-in-the-usa/

The behaviour of the USA all-cause mortality by time (week, year), by age group, by sex, and by state is contrary to pandemic behaviour caused by a new respiratory disease virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population. Its seasonal structure (summer maxima), age-group distribution (young residents), and large state-wise heterogeneity are unprecedented and are opposite to viral respiratory disease behaviour, pandemic or not. We conclude that a pandemic did not occur.

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Thanks, again, Brian.

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I think it was partly due to the data that Denis Rancourt reported and Michael Wallach summarized as:

"If a new contagious virus were the cause of a new disease in 2020, mortality rates would have increased regardless of national borders; viruses wouldn’t stop at political borders. However mortality rates stopped at national borders. Mortality rates increased in areas that used experimental procedures to treat patients doctors thought were succumbing to a new disease, but higher mortality rates did not occur in places that refused to change their medical procedures or engage in medical experimentation."

See the rest of Michael's observations here: https://theviraldelusion.substack.com/p/its-time-to-end-the-tragically-misguided

and see Denis' work here: https://denisrancourt.ca/categories.php?id=1&name=covid

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Thank you. If nothing else good comes of this whole episode, at least more and more people are beginning to ask questions that go to the heart of how this plandemic was foisted on us; i.e., whether viruses even exist and, if they don't, how in the world did we allow ourselves to be duped into compliance with the dictates of medical tyranny.

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No and I'm super-curious about that!

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Hiya, it's kinda weird that Mike Y is being so coy about that.

For someone who is all about openness in science and debate.

Good on him though- I had a conversation with him in April about making viruses go away https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/what-they-really-dont-want-us-talking/comments they seem to have gone!


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And I like that ALL respiratory viruses are going too!

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I added a bit after this comment; scary stuff out there. Stay safe up there in Canada.

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I didn't read all of the links but read enough to know that the information in this article is freaking awesome

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Thank you so much!

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