I have been researching chitin, which they started adding to the food supply in mid 2019. The spike protein does not exist. It is chitin. Chitin nanospheres look exactly like a spike protein under electron microscope, and chitin is capable of doing everything the spike protein claims to do. Covid "symptoms" are chitin poisoning symptoms. I've got a mountain of scientific evidence to back it up. Follow me on twitter

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Your awesome, thank you Christine. Thank you! your work is pristine. It was a relief in the early days to see digging in so well. The bs was ramped science was shot to hell. There was a core group that popped up. I was led to you & the others not corrupt. Amazing how many did see the moving parts. But you gathered evidence for justice & the lawful arts.

So it went to the military layout as Katherine Watt explains. No traction in the courts with the secret bio games. So its time to target the individuals sending in claims & evidence. Thanks for the library you have created for good offense! Can't wait to catch up here on your stack. Subscribed & will be back.

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This could be a powerful tool for researchers of scientific literature:


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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Thank you so much for your post and for the link to weather modification documents you obtained from “Environment Canada" posted on fb. It may appear to be off topic but it' the basis of Agenda21/2030 & it's green gurus and their mask, Sustainable Development.

The melting of the ice, we're told, allows ancient [ or novel it appears] viruses to waft up out of the melting ice land on lands, wild animals pick them up, our ventures out to nature or living in rural lands spread them, they also claim the come down from space. They use weather as a weapon, that's how they've managed to convince billions of people to believe we use too much stuff, we are too many & the cause. And as you may know or not, Robert Kennedy is on board with the climate change agenda.

Thank you once again, Christine for all your work. Mia

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs


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Thank you Christine.

Perhaps consider a FOIA regarding mRNA sequences and the ACTUAL protein they produce. The section called "Analyzing COVID vaccine components" is a good starting point https://cjwhitmore.surge.sh

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Do you know about "Darkside Papers"? You may be interested in his content.

List of Papers - https://bit.ly/3oxa1GV


If you go to the pinned message on the telegram channel you'll see all his papers.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

I see that you are still up and at 'em.

Great work! Carry on.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

God bless you Christine for all the work you do.

You’re a beacon of light in a very dark sky.

I believe Bobby junior is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He knows who killed his uncle and his father, and they are the same forces behind the germ theory scam and the current state of medicine, the medical cartel, and the pharmafia. To speak out against them would probably put his life in danger. And I’m sure he’s told told so.

Bigtree on the other hand is a mystery. He can’t be that stupid to be all in on the germ theory.

He has to know the history of modern allopathic medicine and the fraud that it is. He has to know the history of Rockefeller Carnegie Flexner commandeering the medical world with their for profit propaganda and expulsion of all medical practices prior. He just can’t be that naive or stupid. So his constant narrative of supporting gain of function, pathetic viruses, contagion doesn’t make sense.

Keep up the fight to show those asleep the light.

You’re not alone by any stretch.

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A great post.

I think I see some progress.

I wish you are doing great, Christine.

Good bye!

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