I don't know. So, when these charlatans make a claim a particular sickness, or signs of a sickness, comes from a virus, but there is no such virus, what is the cause of the sickness instead?

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There is no reason to assume 1 cause, when lots of things make people sick. The 1-cause idea is part of the scam. And for example with convid there is no particular sickness, there are lots of varied symptoms and no-symptoms. Also, there is no need for anyone to provide an alternative explanation when refuting a claim, and it's impossible to know for sure what made people sick who we don't even know. Regardless, there are plenty of plausible factors, things that actually exist!

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Do you believe there is a bioweapon, whether it be “convid” or the jab, that could be affecting humans?

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There is no reason to "believe in " convid at all since there is no evidence of a virus and the "cases" are based on fraudulent, meaningless tests with no common denominator. The jabs are real and no doubt very toxic and a weapon, but I'm not aware of them being a "bio" weapon.

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I believe this requires rigorous investigation.

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For the record I'm not assuming one cause, your comment being insightful thanks for the reply.

I personally think the lack of nutrition is high on the list. I just can't come to conclude there are no viruses would be my hangup on this crowd.

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Well we can't prove that they don't exist, all that's possible is to point out that there has never been any science showing that any alleged virus does exist, and all the so-called science put forth as evidence is a joke. Meanwhile the world has been turned upside in recent years, and unimaginable amounts of harm caused over the years via jabs, etc, for things never shown to exist. A total waste of resources, a major distraction from the actual causes, a cover story for tyranny, etc, etc. So it has to be exposed for the pseudoscience that it really is.

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I have until this point taken the view a healthy immune system can reject any foreign virus & bacteria, maybe take advantage of them in some way, but I have no evidence of that other than to read what a immunologist might promote. All I have are beliefs, just like you.


Injections for viruses are ineffective, and just think its ridiculous to be injected for the trillions of species of viruses & bacteria, should they actually exist. I don't think any injection is necessary for a healthy human, are all nothing but hopium from a sickly person. Minute mark 7:50 is interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmjloKLfSd0

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I've not working off of beliefs, I read the "virus isolation and sequencing" papers and FOI'd dozens of institutions, and collected hundreds of FOIs from around the world. No one has any science to show that the alleged virus exists, and the CDC has none for any of the alleged viruses that I've FOI'd them on (influenza, measles, HIV, HPV, etc, etc).

The injections are horrific, and ineffective against imaginary viruses. (Just to be clear, I'm not aware of anyone questioning the existence of bacteria; however it seems they have not been shown to be pathogenic.).

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I think science is simply ongoing experimentation to learn, science is not fixed. You give me something interesting to research, I will take the opposite tact in finding for those who think viruses exist who have evidence like the link above.

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Thanks Christine. Your newsletters are always jam packed with good info. Nice and tight. No fluff, filler, spam, clutter, or ads for vitamin supplements.

Hey, does anyone know what Israeli bioinformatics team Stefan is referring to, vis. control experiments? Thanks. (in the embedded video)

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Hey Bill, in the video Stefan is talking with an Israeli journalist, so that's why he's suggesting that people lobby Israeli scientists do the 'control' data analysis. But his suggestion would also apply to any other virology lab.

When virologists do the sequencing of a 'virus' genome, they first get a massive raw data file that contains all of the genetic fragments from the lab culture 'soup' that contains genetic material from many sources. They then analyze that data via an 'assembler' program that identifies fragments that match the 'model' (fictitious genome) that they're looking for and assembles the fragments into the model. If they get a high degree of correlation with the model, they say they found the 'virus'. What Stefan is suggesting is that if they were to run the same raw data file from the 'soup' through the assembler again, but instead comparing it to the models for the other alleged viruses, they'd probably find all of the 'viruses' in the same lab culture. If virology were real science, Stefan's suggestion would be a common-sense control experiment at the data-analysis step, but of course that's never done.

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Yeah, I know about the control experiments.

Someone recently sent me a paper from an Israeli virologist named Eli Schwartz, who is supposedly an expert in "virus culturing". It seemed like Stefan was speaking about a specific team. I was wondering if there was some connection.

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Schwartz is an esteemed Israeli mainstream virologist who perpetuates the standard pseudo-science. I guess he's heroic to some of the virus believers because he at least did a study of the effectiveness of Ivermectin to kill 'the virus'.

My take was that Stefan was suggesting for any virologist who could be pressured into doing it, even maybe someone in the military getting a military lab to do it. I think he's just hoping to somehow reach someone with connections who could get it done.

What Stefan didn't say there is that he's been trying for a while to get virologists to just release their raw data so others can do the control analysis, and last I heard he couldn't find a single lab willing to share their data. And he just never gets discouraged or gives up; he's awesome.

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He's incredible!!

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Hi Christine!

Great synopsis of this lunacy..... well done!


Igot ChewedOff is my preferred name for that charlatan who dared to try to name and shame me on his ludicrous Substack loaded with fake, bought followers.

Sock it to 'im, and maybe he will get himself a real job.

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and i didn't know he had done that, Frances!! grrrr!

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He is not worth quoting. He was criticising another account and spotted that I was welcoming that person to Substack. So he tried to discredit me too. Igot ChewedOff is contemptuous and infantile. He makes it really obvious that he is a gatekeeper for the official narratives, both official and the controlled opposition. I bet he is paid a wedge for it too - while we, the genuine opposition, would not even THINK to make a brass razzoo out of our many hours of work.

He, Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch form a very suspect team. Not struck on Sage Hana either but then, I am the archetypal conspiracy theorist and imagine that this band of undercover operatives are colluding all the way to their respective banks..... As we say in the UK - its a clusterfuck of mutually accommodating wankers!

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That Sage Hanna creature is downright deranged... at least she/he/it became quickly unhinged when I interacted with she/he/it. Perhaps I'll publish those bizarro comments one day.

I can't fault you at all for your suspicions re RM and SK :)

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I got this from The Deranged One: Sage Hana 29TH SEPT 2022

"It is my prerogative. I exercised it. I like the video. I like the discussion about the video.

To be clear. I don't like you, Frances. I've been willing to indulge you a little bit, b/c I suspect that you are a lonely bitter old bat of human being and this is what passed for engagement in your life.

I don't want to ban you. I think some people may like to engage with you here.

I was nothing but kind to you from the minute you came around here, but that will be no more. If you think this is snarling, thank your not a virus higher power that we are not face to face."

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ugh... gross!!

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Hi and thank you so very much for your great body of work, truly noble I 'd say.

I appreciate it so much, share as much as I can. I want us out of this virus prison, we've been holed up in for decades, its been so easy for big pharma and doctors to run roughshod over children, Their family, these past 3 years, this covid-19 thing, has been the worse at this point it's experimental malice with death as a result and it just keeps rolling, people complying it's a horror.. It's personally liberating to be rid the shackle, still, this work of yours, it needs to be seen by more eyes wider and farther. They maybe have another plandemic up their sleeve, and this time claiming it deadlier than covid-19 and affecting child & young people, they, [J Hopkin's Bloomberg school B&MGF] names their October exercise, same month as the Event2O1 in NYC, I forget this terrorist exercise's location they dubbed Catastrophic Contagion, they're very sinister, this agenda needs to end.

As for Igor, "human vero cells" I'm of the impression that vero cells are, African Green Monkey cells, not human.

As for the chicken pox parties, similar environment, water, food, toxicity and human ability to be sympathetic, maybe like the 100th monkey.

I have found when one person yawns in a room other people follow.

Thank you, once again. Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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Yes it's very alarming and the quicker we expose it the better. Thank you for your kind words, let's stay strong and we'll make it through one day at a time.


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Thank you for your work, it's very appreciated. This should have thousands of views, and ❤️we really need to keep sharing your work. I'm sorry to have seen the thugs (seen on your youtube), come to your home and kidnapped you. They useful idiots (sorry for my french) are this agenda only real power, I hope and pray you're well and safe. I'll look for your most recent substack. Thank you again, for your work, Christine Massey.

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"Controls? We don't need no effing controls, our methods are obviously correct." Said in the spirit of the NIST official who in 2005, commenting on the new study regarding the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11/01, that the study did not look for any evidence of explosives in the remains of the towers because they knew such evidence did not exist.

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Lots of stuff to explore here, THANK YOU!!!!

This is the kind of research/exploration that makes me feel JOYFUL for people like you, Christine!!! I can't be any more clear than this: You Rock. xo xo

I'm sharing this on my page! Thanks again!!! And Happy Holidays! xo xo xo

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The paradigm shift is upon us thanks to Covid fraud. Only sustained resistance as you show can defeat the Ignorant Hirelings.

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Hello Christine, I'm glad to read from you again.

Thank you for bringing more information, and for being so tencaious and never surrender to evil.

Igor, being a mathematician, seems to impute the same lavel of scrupulosity to the papers coming from natural sciences as mathematicians use in their papers. This is a universal problem: honorable individuals naively act as if everyone was honorable also.

That's part of the big problem of humanity. if human society at large was a machine, the transmission belt would be made of fraud, and the kinetic energy from the motor would be made from good intentions.

It has to be true. It cannot be that the biolabs are running multiple scams in parallel. It cannot be that the natural sciences are mostly corrupt. It hurts the emotions of those people who have developed emotional dependency to the human institution known as "Science". Therefore, because it hurts, SARS-CoV-2 is real, was isolated and purified and the team not-a-virus is wrong. This is known as a pathetic argument, or appeal to pain. It is a fallacy.

I hope no one makes this fallacy seriously, and I pray those who feel that is a sound argument and not a fallacy have time to examine their inner world and find the way out of the cul-de-sac they live in.


Steve Falconer was great on his interview with Jeremy. Laughers are very persuasive to a lot of people, and will open the to this reality.

Thank you again for everything you keep doing.

Kind regards

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Thank you so much for your kind words "Agent" :) Yes Steve was/in incredible! I wish I could talk like that! Humour goes a long way, indeed.


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You do what you do, which is awesome. ^_^

Sorry if I'm gushing, but it makes me very happy when good people do good things.

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But Igor knows the no-virus argument is a psyop because it was pushed on a pro-vax website 🙄🤣 and that is his entire argument 🤷‍♀️

If Igor would actually listen I would tell him not to believe anything the enemy says. About anything. Especially nothing about what they say is a psyop. To paraphrase an infamous figure in history, they accuse the other of what it is they are doing.

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Forget about where it was pushed, come up with the proof that viruses exist. Otherwise, you are really living in a dreamworld.

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Igor's 'the no-virus thing is a psyop' article was based on him finding one guy with a website where he was supposedly advocating that people spread the 'no-virus' awareness in online discussion groups. Some guy advocating spreading a new awareness is proof of a psyop, according to Igor. It's laughable, and I think Igor knows it. I'd been trying to constructively engage him well before that, and he responded several times but would never actually address the real issues. I suspect that his 'psyop' article might've been his response to my efforts to address the fallacies of virology on his page. And of course he got like 1500 comments from people delighted to hear that they shouldn't listen to those exposing the virology con, and viruses must be real because people get sick.

And that's OK, because a small percentage of the people on Igor's page do recognize truth when they see it, and I've had some good discussions with some of them. I don't worry about those with closed minds, and just try to be available for those who are looking for truth and want to learn. And that group is growing every day.

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Like me. And he tried to call us "the Anti-Virus People," or something like that, rather disparaging... and so on... I devoted a page to his "new take" on Things Virus, and he actually came to my page and briefly engaged, but then checked out... He wants to believe (in viruses!) !! lol Well, maybe somebody is bankrolling him. But I'm not one of them... Cheers.

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Typo detection: " ...."

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thank you :)

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Merry Christmas

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Thank you, same to you - Merry Christmas!!


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Finally, someone besides me noticing that Bhudoc (correction: Chudov) is a shill and a copycat. :)

How about starting up a new medical paradigm?


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Sorry Ray, who is Bhudoc?

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Christine, I really shouldn't type in the dark. :) Chudov.

I left my typo in my comment (I usually do that in order to show that I am only human and make mistakes).

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Lol, got it, thanks Ray :)

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My pleasure to finally meet someone who can smell BS like that! :)

It's not without "danger":


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Of course, you realize that negative controls would ruin the entire Psyop.

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This alone fills me with joy!! Serious nail in the foot... ;)

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Thanks Chris..

The scope of the fraud is just so immense - this I think is why people just can't process the information - it destroys their whole world view. One by one, rock by rock, we must overcome.

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Feb 13, 2023
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Bingo, great article, thanks Misha :)

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Dec 14, 2022
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Thank you too Misha :)


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