“Pretending that imaginary viruses cause everything is soooo much more nuanced... and viable.”

Classic! 😂

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Perhaps I could add to my recent comment that SARS-COV-v1 and v2 relate to the V1 and V2 of Nazi infamy. As it is the Nazis behind the viral scam this should make sense. I refer to these here. Scroll to miscellaneous if you don't want to read the whole.


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Many thanks for all you are doing.

"Please pray for me a little, because these people are nuts."

Done. Angels on their way.

Re nuts here are a few.


Re UK where I am from I am glad to hear re bird 'flu nonsense being challenged. I have told one or two and did a post if you are at all interested.


Please note whilst have said women seem to be prone to the lies more than men, I guess due to the nest safety thing, I like women; I am married to one! I have been for nearly 30 years and for some reason she still likes me!

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Here's a paper showing the isolation, purification, sequencing, and characterization of the Hepatitis A virus with electron micrographs of the purified particles: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29712682/

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No, that's a review article and hence it doesn't even have a methods section. Various CLAIMS are made, and they discuss the usual antiscientific cell culture techniques, purification of alleged "viral" envelopes (lol), etc. If you are claiming that someone has isolated/purified, sequenced, characterized and performed valid controlled experiments showing the existence of any virus, cite the study.

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The review article cites the papers that did all that and consolidates it and republishes the EMs of the purified particles and ties it up into a nice tidy package to give you everything you are looking for because there are about 30 experiments involved. No one paper will ever give you what you want and that's why there are references. Hepatitis A behaves exactly how germ theory predicts, and when a theory predicts real world observations, it maintains validity. And quite frankly, the "there are no viruses" mantra when there are clearly diseases that behave like viral diseases should - such as chickenpox - makes people like you sound like a kook so they won't take you seriously when it really matters such as the fact Corona does not exist. And quite frankly, you're not a real scientist like the Perth Group - and they never said "there are no viruses." Their deconstruction of HIV was all based on comparing HIV to the correct isolation of the Rous Sarcoma Virus which does cause disease in Chickens and which isolation papers they cited (Barre Sinoussi's paper in 1973). You can't just go back to some old 1950's paper about chickenpox and knock it down because that's the straw man logical fallacy - and that is to self-blind to the fact folks have been having chickenpox parties forever and it behaves like a virus should.

I hope "team no viruses exist" realizes that they are being lead by deliberate pied pipers such as Kaufman so your very good work on Corona loses legitimacy when you become a Chickenpox denier.

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And you are making the common mistake of confusing cause and effect (illness and alleged viruses).

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No, in science a repeatable and falsifiable hypothesis is tested using controlled experiments.

Cite the study that isolated/purified the alleged Hep A and chickenpox viruses from clinical samples, as a starting point, if you're so certain that all the required steps have been done.

CDC already stated that purification of alleged viruses from clinical samples is never done (March 2021), and failed to cite any such study for chickenpox "virus" or any other alleged virus on the childhood or adult jab schedules (March 2022). Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto also admitted it's never done (August 2020). Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of any "vaccine" schedule "virus" being purified from a clinical sample (December 2021). The FOIs are all on my website: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/

No-virus is not a mantra, it's the refutation of a pseudoscience based on the history of virology and no one needs to be a scientist to understand the scientific method. Diseases "seeming to" spread as you'd expect them to according to virus theory/hypothesis is not proof of a virus. Logic please. And if the old papers are garbage, they're garbage and deserve to be knocked down.

(Mike Stone has done several articles on chickenpox, for anyone interested: https://viroliegy.com/category/chickenpox/)

The onus is on the people who claim that viruses exist to put forward the evidence.

Sinoussi, 1973: "The viral particles were concentrated from culture supernatants...." using polyethylene glycol and who knows what else was in the culture.


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Please cite one of the 30 experiments that uses control groups to isolate any virus. It is not difficult. There is no 'team no viruses', only 'team scientific method'.

Tom Busse stated:

' ... because there are about 30 experiments involved...'

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We are the only ones that are actually warriors of truth and the rest are nothing more than Joo actors playing controlled opposition. I have nothing more to say on this matter.

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You have done wonderful work. The standard response to legitimate questions is a threat. I will pray for you Ma'am.

A wonderful Christmas and New year to you.

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Thank you so much Jack, and Merry Christmas :)


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Merry Christmas!

I pray for your safety.

I've listened twice to the show of Professor Couey. There is a funny moment when his daughter appears to reclaim his attention, claiming there are gnomes in her house. Beautiful scene. Congratulations to the Couey family.

I think Jonathan is wrong when he claims that you are telling people to not think. It is easy: just think. Any newcomer, or any people who is on the fence on this issue or completely on the other side, should just understand the positive case for viruses, and then study the refutation, and then the failed attempts to counter the refutation. Then, the responses to the FOIA requests make sense: it is impossible to have such level of incompetence everywhere. They are telling the truth: they don't have the virus.

It's all a fraud.

Incredible, but true.

But for microbiologists and MDs it is so difficult to face this reality. Everyone has been lied to for many decades. Many decisions were taken based on false information. This is very perplexing. I understand the problems to accept it, as I'm still fighting my remaining few thoughts in favor of the world as I used to believe it was.

I always recommend anyone to think for themselves. It's a life-saving activity.

I don't understand why it is so difficult for people to understand that this is not the first time that a large number of very erudite people are wrong about an important idea, and have spent much time and effort in describing and studying things that don't exist. Humans are known to do exactly this from time to time. It is an obsession about the mirage of knowledge. Very difficult to see it when you are in the middle of it. That's why the perpetrators can exploit this fraud so easily, with so little opposition. This is a mass delusion of the learned people which is at the level of the Crusades from one thousand years ago.

I'm going to study the sequencing now. Professor Couey says isolation and purification are not necessary these days because sequencing is a mature technology. This is flabbergasting. This is the "Deus ex Machina" plot device that the Greeks used whenever they didn't know how to end a play. Just change topics. Divine intervention. More like electronic intervention. I think the appeal to computers is an error or a form of cheating. I'll go with error because Doctor Jonathan looks sincere to me.

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment, "Agent Roger" :)

This whole pitch about not needing to prove that sequences actually come from something fitting the definition of a virus is so blatantly bizarre and wrong, it's mind-boggling. The opposite of science! Wild assumptions! Let's hope that 2023 sees far less of this sort of nonsensical claim :)


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Sit back and wait for the Kangaroo’s to PROVE their claims.

You have no reason to defend yourself without the proof.

Burden of proof is on the accuser.

Sit back, relax and wait.

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I hate to sound like a broken record (do people even know what that sounds like any more?) but, "germ theory will not go quietly into that good night." I'm seeing an osteopathic doctor; The other day I told him that it would blow his mind if I told him there is no such thing as a virus. At least he was receptive, though, as is everyone I say this to, very skeptical. I'll continue to work on him as he works on me.

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Please take care, as if I need to say that! You are valuable, we need you, we love you, that's what I need to say...

I wish I could come and GUARD you!!

But if something should happen to you, I believe that No Fear Is Necessary. I'd just like to see you stick around. xo Happy Holidays! xo

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I will do my best WH, thank you and Merry Christmas!!


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I re-posted this on my page. You da WOMAN. ;) xo

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thank you :)


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Couey's side is a handful of paid CHD consultants who never want the 'virus scare' to end. He was waiving a book and saying 'it was not possible the virus fraud started since the 1980s'. Had he read the book, he would know the virus fraud did start in the 1980s (and earlier).

I did a dumbed down version of the Virology Literature Review(since 1913) so that people do not get dismissed by the 'bookshelf decoration' sophistry:

https://novirus.substack.com/p/virology-literature-review-2022 (the text is in English)

Virology is not biology.

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I thought that Couey was a spreader of confusion, but he seems also to be a creep. What insane emails that he sent you! He is aiming for McCairn levels of sleaze.

I am sorry that you have to deal with these people. But as you say more and more are waking up to the fraud, thanks to you and others.

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according to researchgate Couey is a co-author of McCairn's.


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Cross-posted. xx

Good luck with the courts. Usually if you try to challenge their right to prosecute, as you are doing, they eventually give up because they don't want the publicity.

I am not sure that would serve us so well, mind.

A day in court to illustrate the madness might help to cool their heels a little?

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Hi Christine,

I read through the email thread between you and the CHD people, Mary Holland and Jay Couey. I think it should be widely shared (I will) and read; I think it will become a historical document clearly revealing the willful ignorance regarding the fraud that is Virology. I find it sad that RFK Jr. passed this core plandemic issue on to some "consultant" who's made it apparent that all he wants to do is "make nice" and not work, even slowly, towards as much of the truth as we can know right now.

What many of these virus believers fail to realize is the extent to which this issue—SARS-CoV-2 or no SARS-CoV-2—is at the heart of the whole thing we've been going through. It's not some "side issue" that is merely one of dozens of problems we'll eventually have to deal with.

In addition, it's evident that these people often become caught up in petty ego conflicts—witness the way Couey twisted what you've said and done and with utter condescension told you to “try to absorb what I am saying by taking notes and maybe repeating some of the points out loud in a mirror.” You talk about arrogance!

Returning to RFK, it makes one wonder why he won’t open the door to a discussion with Kaufman and Cowan and the Baileys. The virus issue in itself is probably the biggest issue in medicine in the last one hundred years and encompasses all that CHD has been working on—protecting children’s health. I wouldn’t even care if he said, after talking with them, “Well, I’m still not sure, but I’m going to keep studying and listening.” It becomes so obvious once you look at the methodologies, or lack thereof, how full of holes is virology. I find myself unable to listen, notwithstanding the good they may be doing, to those who are closed off to your work. It’s like looking at a red and blue painting and hearing an expert tell you, “This is a red painting.” At a certain point, one needs to hear the whole truth.

Thank you. And happy holidays.

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Thank you Michael :) I do really hope that RFK Jr. and Mary acknowledge reality soon. It will be to everyone's best interest. Imagine how great it would be to finally have this nonsense behind us!


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Very excellent comment!

I know other people who are "on board," but just can't get their heads around the idea that viruses are imaginary cash cows... so to speak. Maybe RFK is just not quite ready to take that step... It's like agreeing to be a "conspiracy theorist." It's hard, I think, for a lot of people to go there. But we're all going there, aren't we? So we'll just have to allow them the time they need and carry on without them if we must. We have nothing to lose by leaving them behind. Not really. And anyway, if they won't accept it, we can't make them. So. ONWARD.

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Is this why Christine is harassed?

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I'd say that's likely at least ONE reason.

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Viruses are 'moo-sick' to big pharma's ears! vaccines make you sick anyhow and big pharma profit.


If we are the vanguard so be it. Onward and upward!

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Right on!

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CHD is a business. They need to milk the topic until they lost the trust of the last mother. Massey is a scientist with no conflict of (financial) interest. Scientists solve a problem and move on.

The big pharma and its controlled opposition both want the endless Netflix (monthly subscription) business model.

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That's astute, and I agree.

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I see your (steely-eyed) point and that could be, to a degree. I've often thought that way about Del Bigtree and his organization. And he's pretty tight with RFK.

I don't think Bobby looks at it like that. I think he depends on the Bigtrees and the Buttars. But eventually he must see the light.

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The Kennedy family stole the 1960 election and initiated the biggest scam (moon landing and NASA). Why count on RFK Jr. for anything?

I am surprised to see the Hegelian dialectic has taken root in the West, too. It is perfect scientific to demand both sides to stop the theatre.

(In a broader sense, Hegelian/Marxist dialectic is from the West.)

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Yes, ultimately everything from the west. Nazis/Marxists/communists, germ theory, WW1, WW2 and now WW3, this war of words.

When I say west, do I mean Germany, or Germ-many?

Or as all roads lead to Rome and 'vaccination' is anagram of 'Icon Vatican' do I mean Ita-lie?

The Kennedy's are Roman Catholic I believe.

Or another group of banksters as someone neatly calls them?

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I now skip any article or video where the author assumes that a virus or a pandemic exists. It had freed up a lot of time!

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You know what bothers me? Every single Natural News article referring to the "Wuhan virus". There are about 888 million of them.

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I so appreciate all this. And glad to pray with you!! I'm senior,

some health issues, so I'm limited, but we can pray.

I have read a fair bit, Kaufmann from the beginning, then

many others, for, against.

Tend towards 'terrain' but still, questions. Maybe someone

has ideas? A writing friend in Bangladesh got 'Dengue fever',

terrible, she said. She felt she'd gotten 'covid' also and she said

Dengue was far worse.

People get it from carrier mosquitoes. They say it carries

this VIRUS. I understand it's tropical, plenty of mosquitoes 🦟

so not all carry this Dengue Fever.

Then, malaria, another virus, they say.

Now, I have a few other questions related, but not to overload


I only can pray with/for you, no one else.

Must you absolutely live where you're living?

Might there be better places for you?

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The Wuhan 'flu bird has flown like the cuckoo. Almost everybody went cuckoo, cuckoo, boing as their clocks bust in 2020.

I am grateful that my clock was working properly.


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Can we put the cuckoo back in the clock? Or it is best to leave it where it is now?

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Now there's an interesting question. Is it repairable would be the next question. Mmm......I say let's give it a try, although I think in reality that' is what we are doing already!

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The entire alt-media news network (controlled opposition) including the "tip of the spear" Infowars have been pushing the lab-created and released bioweapon bullsh*t since they were told to jump on that bandwagon. I'm assuming that the higher-ups want to blame it all on China at some point and all the little minions (patsies) that were involved in writing up Event 201 and the various "patents." Everyone (bad guys) played their role to perfection so now the "good guys" can swoop in and clean house. It's like watching a poorly written whodunnit where you know who the bad guy is from the get go. It's a Punch and Judy show people.

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Couldn't have said it better myself!

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lol yes there are tooo many!

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There's still so many though! And we're well beyond the stage of tackling this issue on a one to one basis (so thanks for the tip). We need some kind of emergency broadcast system that goes beyond the minority on Substack and other relatively small alternative platforms. I've found that attempting to convince the virus believers on here and elsewhere usually goes nowhere.

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Prayers for you Christine and Merry Christmas to one and all. I hope 2023 brings more awakening to non-existence of viruses and to love, forgiveness and clear thinking for all. 🐒♥️☃️🌲

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thank you so much guys, and Merry Christmas :)

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Thank you, Christine! I continue to share your work with my networks. Until people are ready to get to the bottom of this evil deceptive scam where NO VIRUSES EXIST, we cannot truly RISE. Keep being awesome! Best and Brightest Wishes to You!

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thank you so much Donna-Lynne and Merry Christmas :)


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