This is great news... except for the people who experience the symptoms to the disease... I'm afraid....
What would you recommend to people of Congo who experience the symptoms of fever, muscle pains, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding into the skin that can lead to liver failure and death?
Just get a life! There is no pathogen that is killing you and your family, so stop whining.! People living in the comfort of the so-called Western world can assure you that you have nothing to worry about because they have asked some bureaucrats in their country about the disease in another country thousands of miles away, a question they can't answer.
You confuse/conflate the purported cause ("virus") with effects. I don't know how people can continue making this mistake. It's incredibly illogical and quite ridiculous at this point.
No one is denying illness. I don't know a single person who does that. No idea where you're getting this idea from because it's certainly not something that I have ever written or even thought. Countless times this has been explained to people. And I have certainly never told anyone who is sick to "stop whining". Unreal.
What I'd recommend is that people stop fearing imaginary replicating "viruses" that they might catch or give to someone, since they have never been shown to exist and clearly don't.
I'd recommend that they (and healthcare professionals and everyone else) realize that something other than a "virus" is making them sick, and to avoid jabs and toxic "antivirals", and to not wear masks, stop using toxic sanitizers, stop fearing sick people, etc, etc. To live in accordance with reality.
What about you? Do you think people are better off fearing imaginary things and taking all manner of harmful measures as a result?
Are you suggesting that, unlike GERM THEORY, terrain as the cause of disease is a scientific fact verifiable by the scientific method?
If this is the case, please send me few links to the experiments done how isolated toxins can cause upper respiratory infections within the same group of people, like a family, hospital ward, or a room in a nursing home.
No, you're obviously not all ears. You've been commenting on my posts for quite some time now yet still "misunderstood" the most basic point I've been making.
This is Bailey’s latest video on syphilis transcript:
“We certainly accept that many people diagnosed with what can be called syphilis have significant disease.”
There is never a cause or causes provided, even speculative ones, because if there were, even one, the evidence would have to follow. Which would mean following the scientific method that is required from germ theorists…
“Sometimes unhealthy mothers can also give birth to diseased children.”
I'm not sure what terrain theorists call it, but in the real world this is called contagion. What else can this be called?
Please note that if the mother were to be healthy ; i.e. viewed as good terrain, the theory of bad terrain as the cause of the disease like syphilis would fall apart because of these very principles. Therefore the mother has to be assumed as unhealthy without any evidence to prove it.
What is your problem? Sam is exposing the pseudoscience underpinning "germ" claims, which does not require her to speculate about the actual causes. Do you expect her to have a crystal ball that gives her all the answers as to why every illness occurs?
And if she did speculate, then you'd be complaining that she couldn't back up her speculations!
Contagion refers to illness being transmitted via "germs", not simply the fact that a poisoned or otherwise unhealthy mother might give birth to unhealthy children, with developmental problems or whatever issue they might have.
I'm no expert on babies in the womb, but they are clearly going through developmental stages that make them more susceptible to certain conditions than their already-developed mothers. The mother might seem fine while their baby is harmed by something (i.e. fluoride exposure).
Christine my wife has worked in the environmental insurance industry for decades, there is nothing that keeps better statistics and one thing my wife told me that has always stuck with me from her work is:
There are two things that determine how well and how long you will live.
1) What you consume and or put in or on your body.
2) The Land, Air and Water that you live upon.
These two factors and these two alone have more to do with how well and how long one will live.
Yes, it is amazing. Even more amazing is a scientific paper that concludes that most published research is false (that sounds like satire, doesn't it?, but it's not):
You are so amazing that I almost wish we could clone you, Christine, but I’m starting to hear that the lack in the veracity of the science of genetics may be par with that of ‘virology’.
The State Department did locate the nasty little Congo virii. It's situated right next to and among the coltan mines/reserves and nearby villages.
They will need to cordon off the entire area with troops and NGO medical personnel to maintain order, treat the sick and protect investments- I mean poor Africans. It's a noble mission for the public health imperialists- I mean Western do-gooders- and will continue until all the rare earth minerals are sucked out of the area- I mean until all the poor Africans are saved by the noble Americans, their NATO allies and bio-security personnel.
Some say they are not 'qualified' to examine the No Virus question: but they speak out on everything else under the sun.
Some say the No Virus topic is too divisive: yet they routinely bludgeon each other in an attempt to gain greater exposure, even spending days exposing personal disputes.
Others are committed to the Virus Model: and lo and behold, they are also selling the antidotes.
Christine, all your work deserves to be compiled into one large article and published in a top-shelf medical journal under the heading of “peer-reviewed analysis of available evidence of contagious diseases”. Just imagine the benefit for the whole humanity from such an article published in the Lancet. As a side effect, not necessarily adverse, if they did it, they would have a chance to restore trust in medical science.
Hmm, I haven't thought of trying to get something published in a journal. The big ones would never touch this, but maybe there is a smaller one out there that would. Who knows. But then, few people look at such journals anyways. Something to think about I guess, thanks.
I don't think the medical system deserves any trust (aside from emergency care), there seem to be serious problems throughout.
The idea may seem outlandish, but… The significance of what you have managed to do is immense. All peer-reviewed publications mean nothing when the authorities cannot present a single evidence of the existence of the alleged patho-germs.
A properly prepared text may find some resonance. By “properly” I mean “acceptably” :-) because there is a chance that such a revolutionary article may be a one-time achievement. But… once you get through…
Really appreciate the work you do Christine. The fraud and the lies are so big it's unbelievable. At the same time the truth is so satisfying. Like God tells us in the Bible many times: "Do not be afraid". If there is a way to donate to your work, please let me know.
Thank you so much Martin. Agreed, we need to let go of fear (especially of imaginary pathogens!).
There is a paypal button near the bottom of my SARS-COV-2 FOI page (I know there are issues with paypal but I don't know of a better option, besides email transfers for people in Canada):
May have told you this before; had a doctor friend, I guess now former friend, whine to me asking if I'd ever heard of "long covid" and that I should go with him on his wards and see what he was dealing with.. I e'd back I had indeed heard of "long covid" and asked him again, how was it a joe-blow average guy like me had yet to encounter ONE credible case of "covid-19"? Haven't heard from him since.
PS In the nearly four years of this orchestrated nightmare, not one co-worked ever called in sick with "covid-19".. "and yet all believed" 🙄 ... Truly, you can't fix "stupid" no matter how you try...
If the CDC had any evidence of the existence of the latest (fear) contagion - which is being broadcast globally by 'healthcare' henchmen, in lockstep - they would present it.
I hear you. Until people develop critical thinking skills, the situation is unlikely to improve.
The CDC has released quite a lot of 'facts' in ref to the scam esp as it relates to preexisting medical conditions. This should have assuaged fear in the general population - even amongst the most fervent 'virus-mongers'.
Published in 2021:
"Among 4,899,447 hospitalized adults in PHD-SR, 540,667 (11.0%) were patients with COVID-19, of whom 94.9% had at least 1 underlying medical condition."
All any of the morons had to do was look around them, or consider how many people they knew were sick from it / died from it -- or were even calling in sick at work from it! In my case, over the past four years? ZERO!! (well... until the lethal injections were widespread...)
But just try and tell them, see how far you get. Truly: You can't fix "Stupid", no matter how you try... 🙄💩
Love it !! One tireless warrior has laid seige to all the health agencies in the world, and exposed the sham of their Viroliegy SCAM !! Bureaucrats everywhere check their inboxes with trepidation , shitting themselves from another FOI from CM ... Well , their underwear will witness a lot more soiling from now cos Christine has you in her sights . A fitting end is required for the liars at the Criminal Disinformation Center!!
The soil has been filled, the climate is right, it's time to sow the fields.
Posting all the above evidence of The Long Virus Con here or on social media is not enough.
There are organizations and individuals out there with access to databases containing contact information of hundreds of millions. Perhaps they're the ones to contact, convince and recruit for the task.
Then sit back & watch the seeds germinate, take root, and grow.
I just wrote to Del Bigtree and ICAN (again) a few days ago. This is the response I got:
"Thank you for your email and information. We will forward this to our team and if we have further questions, we will be in touch with you. We are honored to hear your ideas and for you to reach out to us. It is this kind of collaboration that moves us forward."
Weird, b/c I thought I had already emailed "the team". Anways, my days of chasing after people are over. The big names in the "freedom" space are well aware of this issue already, and choose to go along with the delusion.
I also send my newsletters to about 100 people in "Canadian government/parliament/public service". They actively ignore me.
Having said that, the "freedom" people are being pressured by the public to address this issue and many are getting defensive. They will have to confront it eventually, or fade away.
Hi Tim. Knowing just how ridiculous their "germ" evidence is makes it easier to keep going. If it were a more complicated topic, it would be much more daunting to try to expose the truth. Fortunately the problems can be boiled down to some fairly simple points, AND we also have the benefit of soooo much attention being placed on this topic by the perps themselves :) It's nice to see people in the "freedom" space catching on.
Getting through to the broader public will take a lot longer, and for sure many will not catch on in their lifetime. I basically just takes things one day at a time and let the future take care of itself. Cheers.
I just meant that the perps drew attention to the topic of "viruses" and hence people are now learning about the flawed methods. I should have been more clear.
There is a summary of the related FOI work at the bottom of my newsletter. People around the world have helped with this project and there are literally hundreds of responses, probably over 300 by now. Easily 250 just on the topic of "SARS-COV-2" purification. I don't have all the related FOIs on my site, and have no way of knowing how many more are out there, but we have so many in this collection that the point has been clearly made. Especially given the key admissions from CDC (March 1 2021 and Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto in 2020) that "viruses" are never found in and purified from "hosts"). And the contagion-related FOIs and failed studies (see the list compiled by Jamie and others:
The doctors and others who are speaking out are very dedicated and have already produced a massive body of work, so I'm very encouraged. Of course it would be nice if more had the courage to speak up publicly.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency destroys animals based on “viruses” that they cannot show exist
May 10, 2023:
The people at Canadian Food Inspection Agency confessed to having zero scientific proof of the existence of any alleged “virus” that they claim has ever affected livestock/food in Canada.
How many animals have they killed over the decades, based on claims of a dangerous “virus”?
Fluoride is involved in various industries including both of those. In some it's a waste "byproduct" and in some it is used for industrial purposes ie etching glass.
The stuff added to drinking water goes by many names i.e. hydrofluorosilicic acid, and is hazardous waste from the web scrubbers in the smokestacks of the phosphate fertilizer industry.
You can find a lot of info on the website of Fluoride Action Network (they are currently in the middle of a historic lawsuit with EPA). You can use their search function to get more info:
I’ll forward this to “my representatives” and the local “experts” here in California. Thank you Christine!
This is great news... except for the people who experience the symptoms to the disease... I'm afraid....
What would you recommend to people of Congo who experience the symptoms of fever, muscle pains, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding into the skin that can lead to liver failure and death?
Just get a life! There is no pathogen that is killing you and your family, so stop whining.! People living in the comfort of the so-called Western world can assure you that you have nothing to worry about because they have asked some bureaucrats in their country about the disease in another country thousands of miles away, a question they can't answer.
Congratulations! Be well!
You confuse/conflate the purported cause ("virus") with effects. I don't know how people can continue making this mistake. It's incredibly illogical and quite ridiculous at this point.
No one is denying illness. I don't know a single person who does that. No idea where you're getting this idea from because it's certainly not something that I have ever written or even thought. Countless times this has been explained to people. And I have certainly never told anyone who is sick to "stop whining". Unreal.
What I'd recommend is that people stop fearing imaginary replicating "viruses" that they might catch or give to someone, since they have never been shown to exist and clearly don't.
I'd recommend that they (and healthcare professionals and everyone else) realize that something other than a "virus" is making them sick, and to avoid jabs and toxic "antivirals", and to not wear masks, stop using toxic sanitizers, stop fearing sick people, etc, etc. To live in accordance with reality.
What about you? Do you think people are better off fearing imaginary things and taking all manner of harmful measures as a result?
Wow, you provide an excellent example of how people simply "don't get it." Congratulations! Read something.
I suggest "Bechamp vs. Pasteur" by Ethel Hume.
Are you suggesting that, unlike GERM THEORY, terrain as the cause of disease is a scientific fact verifiable by the scientific method?
If this is the case, please send me few links to the experiments done how isolated toxins can cause upper respiratory infections within the same group of people, like a family, hospital ward, or a room in a nursing home.
I'm all ears...
No, you're obviously not all ears. You've been commenting on my posts for quite some time now yet still "misunderstood" the most basic point I've been making.
There is no "germ theory", only germ hypotheses.
There are no successful experiments demonstrating that "germs" are the cause of illness or that "viruses" even exist.
If you claim otherwise, please send me links to valid scientific experiments.
This is Bailey’s latest video on syphilis transcript:
“We certainly accept that many people diagnosed with what can be called syphilis have significant disease.”
There is never a cause or causes provided, even speculative ones, because if there were, even one, the evidence would have to follow. Which would mean following the scientific method that is required from germ theorists…
“Sometimes unhealthy mothers can also give birth to diseased children.”
I'm not sure what terrain theorists call it, but in the real world this is called contagion. What else can this be called?
Please note that if the mother were to be healthy ; i.e. viewed as good terrain, the theory of bad terrain as the cause of the disease like syphilis would fall apart because of these very principles. Therefore the mother has to be assumed as unhealthy without any evidence to prove it.
What is your problem? Sam is exposing the pseudoscience underpinning "germ" claims, which does not require her to speculate about the actual causes. Do you expect her to have a crystal ball that gives her all the answers as to why every illness occurs?
And if she did speculate, then you'd be complaining that she couldn't back up her speculations!
Contagion refers to illness being transmitted via "germs", not simply the fact that a poisoned or otherwise unhealthy mother might give birth to unhealthy children, with developmental problems or whatever issue they might have.
I'm no expert on babies in the womb, but they are clearly going through developmental stages that make them more susceptible to certain conditions than their already-developed mothers. The mother might seem fine while their baby is harmed by something (i.e. fluoride exposure).
Christine my wife has worked in the environmental insurance industry for decades, there is nothing that keeps better statistics and one thing my wife told me that has always stuck with me from her work is:
There are two things that determine how well and how long you will live.
1) What you consume and or put in or on your body.
2) The Land, Air and Water that you live upon.
These two factors and these two alone have more to do with how well and how long one will live.
OK!?! Tell 'im, CM. He donut listen to MOI.
I give him a book and he just drools... Dat is sooo ... der.
Well, mebbe he's CO. I understand THAT is contagious!! ha har harf! Woof! Roof!
Thanks for what you do.
Today I came across an article that also fits the science-goes-haywire theme that you are so good at exposing. You might be interested:
I heard about this! Amazing to think just how much "science" might be complete garbage.
Yes, it is amazing. Even more amazing is a scientific paper that concludes that most published research is false (that sounds like satire, doesn't it?, but it's not):
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
John P. A. Ioannidis
You are so amazing that I almost wish we could clone you, Christine, but I’m starting to hear that the lack in the veracity of the science of genetics may be par with that of ‘virology’.
Loving this, and please keep going!😎👍
lol yeah.
I've heard that too!!
You've asked the wrong government institution.
The State Department did locate the nasty little Congo virii. It's situated right next to and among the coltan mines/reserves and nearby villages.
They will need to cordon off the entire area with troops and NGO medical personnel to maintain order, treat the sick and protect investments- I mean poor Africans. It's a noble mission for the public health imperialists- I mean Western do-gooders- and will continue until all the rare earth minerals are sucked out of the area- I mean until all the poor Africans are saved by the noble Americans, their NATO allies and bio-security personnel.
You got me there, Allen.
The CDC has no evidence of its existence. It is merely an A/I generated bio terrorist's wet dream.
Amazing. Thank you.
Virology is the science of thingifying people's fear of pain and death for political fun and oligopolists' profit.
'thingifying', brilliant :-))
I agree! ;)
Silence in the Alt Media sphere is the problem.
Some say they are not 'qualified' to examine the No Virus question: but they speak out on everything else under the sun.
Some say the No Virus topic is too divisive: yet they routinely bludgeon each other in an attempt to gain greater exposure, even spending days exposing personal disputes.
Others are committed to the Virus Model: and lo and behold, they are also selling the antidotes.
They Got ‘Nuthin.
Nothing We Can’t See Through.
Nothing We Can’t Handle.
Christine, all your work deserves to be compiled into one large article and published in a top-shelf medical journal under the heading of “peer-reviewed analysis of available evidence of contagious diseases”. Just imagine the benefit for the whole humanity from such an article published in the Lancet. As a side effect, not necessarily adverse, if they did it, they would have a chance to restore trust in medical science.
Hmm, I haven't thought of trying to get something published in a journal. The big ones would never touch this, but maybe there is a smaller one out there that would. Who knows. But then, few people look at such journals anyways. Something to think about I guess, thanks.
I don't think the medical system deserves any trust (aside from emergency care), there seem to be serious problems throughout.
The idea may seem outlandish, but… The significance of what you have managed to do is immense. All peer-reviewed publications mean nothing when the authorities cannot present a single evidence of the existence of the alleged patho-germs.
A properly prepared text may find some resonance. By “properly” I mean “acceptably” :-) because there is a chance that such a revolutionary article may be a one-time achievement. But… once you get through…
Really appreciate the work you do Christine. The fraud and the lies are so big it's unbelievable. At the same time the truth is so satisfying. Like God tells us in the Bible many times: "Do not be afraid". If there is a way to donate to your work, please let me know.
Thank you so much Martin. Agreed, we need to let go of fear (especially of imaginary pathogens!).
There is a paypal button near the bottom of my SARS-COV-2 FOI page (I know there are issues with paypal but I don't know of a better option, besides email transfers for people in Canada):
You'd trust the CDC's word on ANYTHING?
Of course not, that's why I challenge them to back up their claims with the evidence that they would be happy to provide if it existed.
May have told you this before; had a doctor friend, I guess now former friend, whine to me asking if I'd ever heard of "long covid" and that I should go with him on his wards and see what he was dealing with.. I e'd back I had indeed heard of "long covid" and asked him again, how was it a joe-blow average guy like me had yet to encounter ONE credible case of "covid-19"? Haven't heard from him since.
PS In the nearly four years of this orchestrated nightmare, not one co-worked ever called in sick with "covid-19".. "and yet all believed" 🙄 ... Truly, you can't fix "stupid" no matter how you try...
I'm sure you think you are being really clever.
If the CDC had any evidence of the existence of the latest (fear) contagion - which is being broadcast globally by 'healthcare' henchmen, in lockstep - they would present it.
The CDC are pivotal to the Virus Roadshow.
That is precisely my point Linda.
You need to work on your satire.
What you're reading in my comments is not satire, but anger and frustration.
I hear you. Until people develop critical thinking skills, the situation is unlikely to improve.
The CDC has released quite a lot of 'facts' in ref to the scam esp as it relates to preexisting medical conditions. This should have assuaged fear in the general population - even amongst the most fervent 'virus-mongers'.
Published in 2021:
"Among 4,899,447 hospitalized adults in PHD-SR, 540,667 (11.0%) were patients with COVID-19, of whom 94.9% had at least 1 underlying medical condition."
All any of the morons had to do was look around them, or consider how many people they knew were sick from it / died from it -- or were even calling in sick at work from it! In my case, over the past four years? ZERO!! (well... until the lethal injections were widespread...)
But just try and tell them, see how far you get. Truly: You can't fix "Stupid", no matter how you try... 🙄💩
Love it !! One tireless warrior has laid seige to all the health agencies in the world, and exposed the sham of their Viroliegy SCAM !! Bureaucrats everywhere check their inboxes with trepidation , shitting themselves from another FOI from CM ... Well , their underwear will witness a lot more soiling from now cos Christine has you in her sights . A fitting end is required for the liars at the Criminal Disinformation Center!!
The soil has been filled, the climate is right, it's time to sow the fields.
Posting all the above evidence of The Long Virus Con here or on social media is not enough.
There are organizations and individuals out there with access to databases containing contact information of hundreds of millions. Perhaps they're the ones to contact, convince and recruit for the task.
Then sit back & watch the seeds germinate, take root, and grow.
I just wrote to Del Bigtree and ICAN (again) a few days ago. This is the response I got:
"Thank you for your email and information. We will forward this to our team and if we have further questions, we will be in touch with you. We are honored to hear your ideas and for you to reach out to us. It is this kind of collaboration that moves us forward."
Weird, b/c I thought I had already emailed "the team". Anways, my days of chasing after people are over. The big names in the "freedom" space are well aware of this issue already, and choose to go along with the delusion.
I also send my newsletters to about 100 people in "Canadian government/parliament/public service". They actively ignore me.
Having said that, the "freedom" people are being pressured by the public to address this issue and many are getting defensive. They will have to confront it eventually, or fade away.
Your statement makes me think of this saying I saw a while back. To me it seems to be, a good rule of thumb, as they say.
Does not mind being questioned.
A Lie
Does not like being challenged.
Hi Tim. Knowing just how ridiculous their "germ" evidence is makes it easier to keep going. If it were a more complicated topic, it would be much more daunting to try to expose the truth. Fortunately the problems can be boiled down to some fairly simple points, AND we also have the benefit of soooo much attention being placed on this topic by the perps themselves :) It's nice to see people in the "freedom" space catching on.
Getting through to the broader public will take a lot longer, and for sure many will not catch on in their lifetime. I basically just takes things one day at a time and let the future take care of itself. Cheers.
I just meant that the perps drew attention to the topic of "viruses" and hence people are now learning about the flawed methods. I should have been more clear.
There is a summary of the related FOI work at the bottom of my newsletter. People around the world have helped with this project and there are literally hundreds of responses, probably over 300 by now. Easily 250 just on the topic of "SARS-COV-2" purification. I don't have all the related FOIs on my site, and have no way of knowing how many more are out there, but we have so many in this collection that the point has been clearly made. Especially given the key admissions from CDC (March 1 2021 and Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto in 2020) that "viruses" are never found in and purified from "hosts"). And the contagion-related FOIs and failed studies (see the list compiled by Jamie and others:
The doctors and others who are speaking out are very dedicated and have already produced a massive body of work, so I'm very encouraged. Of course it would be nice if more had the courage to speak up publicly.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency destroys animals based on “viruses” that they cannot show exist
May 10, 2023:
The people at Canadian Food Inspection Agency confessed to having zero scientific proof of the existence of any alleged “virus” that they claim has ever affected livestock/food in Canada.
How many animals have they killed over the decades, based on claims of a dangerous “virus”?
Response, pgs 15/16:
Excel file of 655 unscientific “virus” studies:
Fluoride is involved in various industries including both of those. In some it's a waste "byproduct" and in some it is used for industrial purposes ie etching glass.
The stuff added to drinking water goes by many names i.e. hydrofluorosilicic acid, and is hazardous waste from the web scrubbers in the smokestacks of the phosphate fertilizer industry.
You can find a lot of info on the website of Fluoride Action Network (they are currently in the middle of a historic lawsuit with EPA). You can use their search function to get more info:
Also their is a book the Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson, and an interview he did by that name with Paul Connett.