We know what’s it’s going to take to bring the responsible individuals and bodies to justice if it ever happens because all the system are corrupt and compromised.

Who in the judicial system globally has the power to stand up to the mass corruption ?

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Hi Christine.

I have some more questions based on your knowledge know how and experience.

Measles ?

What come first ?

Measles or the so called vaccine against measles ?

And the MMR vaccines.


Measles and Rubela.

And why is it that a toddlers immune system is not fully developed until 12-18 months old .

Yet they are heavily vaccinated ?

And reading your literature on proof that these so called illnesses have never been proven to exist.

How did they come to be in the global healthcare systems.

What false evidence was publicised to allow this to happen ?

As with the Spanish flu it’s all false misrepresentation written into history from a false pretext .

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Well I'm not saying that the illnesses don't exist, only that the purported "viral" cause has not been shown to exist. Although with "covid-19" since it is defined as "coronavirus disease" (and required zero symptoms for a "positive" diagnosis aka "confirmed case"), it has not been shown to exist and is simply a bogus label for both healthy and sick people.

Good question re what came first and I don't have the answer to that. Mike Stone and some of the others would probably be better to ask since their knowledge of the history is much better than mine. For sure jabs can cause the symptoms that are then blamed on another "virus", but that's not to say that they are the only cause of the same symptoms.

The fact that infants and toddlers are jabbed is tragic :(

Sorry I can't give you a definitive answer. Cheers.

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The main reason I asked this.

As a child I was surely vaccinated against measles and mumps.

I remember the mumps because I could not swallow and the pain was not good.

I still have the memories.

Measles I had twice once as a child and in my teens.

Now we are led to believe as the science explains is we are vaccinated with a microscopic amount of something put into our bodies to detect it and build the anti bodies for defence against it in future.

Would that be accurate?

So I had measles twice and clearly the vaccine did not do it’s job properly if at all.

And once in a persons system it lays dormant until something triggers its existence to affect our immune defence.

If your aware also all is frequency and for some thing to be triggered the bodies defensive frequency has to be compromised.

Mumps I am almost sure before the age of 7 I was vaccinated but that clearly did not work too.

You get my point.

I read your documents on requesting proof of certain Viruses existing and from reading Robert o Youngs work he’s explained no viruses that we and the world have been told have ever been proven to exist.

So the narrative has been through our known history that but we don’t know for sure most viruses shall I say have been used as a false flag to create synthetic medicines to compromise peoples health and immune systems just as the HIV virus as it’s known to be called has done.

I would also be correct in saying.

Pay the right body or name that carries power in the science world to broadcast and publicise something that’s incorrect,

I won’t write a lie but it would be more appropriate too.

Also do you know a date when the first cases of measles were broadcast to the world ?

These questions just pop into my head.

The only way I can see successful prosecutions are going to be successful is something from our past that can be proven to be false in order too put poisons into peoples bodies needs to be proven in a court of law that cannot be disputed or discredited by the paid narratives that we are currently living under.

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Their stories are already proven false, given that every study attempting to demonstrate contagion or transmission failed (https://dpl003.substack.com/p/virology-the-damning-evidence), and they blatantly make-up "genomes" and apply circular reasoning.

Dr Stefan Lanka already had a court win in Germany re existence of measles "virus" - the studies offered as evidence of its existence are unscientific and illogical.


Personally I don't think the courts will ever deal with this situation in a meaningful way because they are set up by the same cabal that has been doing this to us. It's up to us to educate each other and stand up to the perps.

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You’re Brilliant. I understand that you have to be very specific as well as trying to cover all the bases when making FOI Requests. If you’re not then the Government will play dumb and tell you they don’t have what you’re looking for.

I hope that I made sense.

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I have a couple of questions,

If you could be so kind and answer them as honestly as you would like too.

The reasons behind my questions is for nearly 4 years all but a few people I experienced and come across were not on the same page of thinking I was.

I’m not sure date wise when it broke full scale in USA, what were your first thoughts from the news if we should call it this that something highly infectious and highly dangerous suddenly appeared out of china. The narrative was created and presented to the world.

If you could answer honestly.

At what period of time did you start to realise that it was planned if you did have these thoughts.

That mostly all our friendly msm platforms were told to read from the same script ?

And did you buy into it all ?

Without thinking ummmm something does not seem truthful about all of what’s been broadcast to the world ?

How has our good friends Mr Fauci and Mr Gates been allowed to get away with everything they have been involved with concerning peoples health globally.

And are you aware the WHO is 83% funded by The Bill and Malinda Gates foundation ?

If indeed that is correct as it’s from credible sources.

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I never bought into any of it, none of it made any sense to me. I had no fear of the alleged virus, only fear of what the politicians were up to. I had already dealt with them and the "public health" establishment for the decade prior on water fluoridation and had seen how facts/logic/evidence are lost on them when they have an agenda to push.

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By the way I’m on your side.

Not that shall help make you warm to my commentary 😀

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You’ve interested me so much I’ve now signed up to your newsletter.

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And I am too against misinfo.

But we have had over 3 years nearly 4 of lies and misinformation by so called scientific and credible professionals globally all reading of the same script

In fact most of our lives have been misinformed.

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I agree.

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I’ve not had a chance to watch the video.

But I shall watch it in good time.

I believe your confusing my writings.

This is how things get twisted.

I’ve never written that any virus exists and the roan is real far from it.

Since the beginning I felt and did not need it proven to be shown to me.

You have written that I have that’s incorrect.

Your making accusations because what I have written and I shall provide evidence to the contrary.

What is fact?

As I have explained before.

And institutions can publish anything they wish and make it appear the truth but it’s down to the world to believe.

I researched too many years.

I’m not a scientist.

But I’m far from naive or gullible or stupid.

Or uneducated.

But I cannot stop a person thinking what they wish to believe

There are many hypothesis to what it may or may not be

Scientifically the rona as Dr Young wrote has never been proven to exist scientifically.

We can come out with as many truths from who we believe as we like but the fact is if the right group of people don’t come out soon with the law behind them quoting facts and having the power and stop this circus of lies, propaganda and bs.

Humanity is running out of time rapidly.

And Christine this is not about who is right and who is wrong or about opinions

If your on the right side of history I applaud you for all your efforts.

I commend you for your hard work from what you’ve told me I would love to be the same but I’m not in that position.

Your telling me that all that I watch you disagree with because the science studies say this and your not super keen on certain individuals.

I contradict this once again watch Plandemic and see for your self.

I watched as you much over the last years.

What he said and presented to the camera.

But your saying he’s lying and misleading I’ve never felt this from anything I’ve seen from all of the people I’ve mentioned

If your aware of Dr Rashid Buttar who came out with his version as he looked into on 21st March 2020.

And he mentioned that the same thing that the virus has never been proven scientifically to exist.

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When you watch the interview between Alec Zeck and DM, and/or the article that I wrote about DM, you will see that he has insisted over and over again that "we created SARS", and that Ralph Baric & Co did "gain of function" research on coronaviruses (which don't exist in the first place), etc.

I didn't saying he's "lying" per se, I can't prove he has intentionally misled people. But he has sown massive amounts of confusion with his clear-as-mud presentations.

Yes I followed Buttar in the beginning until I realized there wasn't even a virus and he kept going on as though "the virus" was real. To this day I've never heard of him acknowledging that virology is junk "science". Are you sure he has finally acknowledged that "SARS-COV-2" was never shown to exist? If so, could you please provide an example? It would be great if he has.

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One question ?

Do viruses actually exist ?

And indeed it this the name they have been given ?

Corona so called viruses are many.

They knew this and it’s hard to believe.

Do germs exist ?

It’s what we’re are led to believe ?

And if your feel this strongly contact him yourself and prove this to his face in a live for all to see interview.

I would certainly do so if I felt this way as you seem to be.

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I've already done my homework by reading "virus" publications, and via FOIs to hundreds of institutions (and by challenging many "freedom" leaders, as documented here: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/peter-mccullough/).

I already provided you the video of DM admitting virology is nonsense.

You've cited zero valid scientific studies to show that I'm wrong. You're the one claiming that "coronaviruses" exist, and I've already shown (along with many others) that there is zero science behind such claims.

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Hi Christine,

This depends on what information you’ve read and where you’ve seen it.i live in the uk.

Since the beginning March 18th 2020 to be exact.

The people I was viewing,

Dr Rashid Buttar, the above mentioned not because of who they are if you’ve viewed Plandemic I’ve seen all of them and bought Judy’s books.

Vaxxed also.

I watched as much as I could ingest and a picture and dots started to join in my head.

Here’s a thing we were led to believe the science ?

What science ?

Who’s saying the science ?

Back in the 80’s when AIDS became global and we were informed that it came from monkeys little did I know about anything back then.

But thought how odd that something should just appear and then jump from a monkey to a human and effect mainly gays, drug addicts and certain illness types.

I don’t consider myself to be super intelligent in the way of science but I’m not stupid or naive.

We then start to knowledge ourselves to subjects most have not understood and find that viruses don’t just jump into humans biology.

Could you refer to as you put it who corned Dr David Martin ? So your saying he’s not accurate but has shown all the evidence needed and passed it along to DOJ’s in the us in 2020.

All evidence backed but it’s still questioned.

If your aware of anything,

Quoting Kary Mullis words about the PCR test

Run at high enough cycles you can pretty much find anything in anybody.

His exact words.

This in the beginning was what the world went on as evidence based people having a test and showing they were positive for what ?

But most data globally went on those facts.

Back to Mr Martin.

He’s proved and told the world on many occasions who the perpetrators were when it started and who was owning the patents.

This news I saw in 2020.

Here in the uk,

A meeting was called and 17 scientific people were invited Mike Yeadon, Dalorres Cahill to name 2 and 2 mp’s were invited representing the British Government.

Within the meeting all evidence was laid bare and by the way only 1 mp turned up.

It was not any ordinary mp.

Sir Graham Brady is his name look him up.

Within the meeting it was mentioned to Mr Brady about the dangers of the vaccines and what they were doing to people.

His words “ I understand what you are saying, there is nothing I can do and it’s above my pay grade”

So you see he knew.

Was he warned not to say ?

I shall leave that to your judgement.

They knew.

For nearly 4 years the world has been lied to consistently while people are dying and becoming ill

The data right now and that’s come out in 2023 is and cannot be distorted or labelled conspiracy theories any longer.

Fauci has been given a free reign to maim and end peoples lives for over 40 years and has never been challenged because remember he is the

Science. Who has been protecting him ?

Was it planned long before it was dropped on humanity whether you agree with Dr Martin he is not the only person saying this.

As for viruses all through out our lives and vaccines are they and have they ever been tested to be safe.

Or was it made so that it appeared they were peer reviewed by big named scientific people and publicised as being safe because of an individuals name and title and presidency within scientific fields.

If you’re aware of vaxxed this exactly happened about the MMR vaccines the data approved was falsified and people lied.

Judy Mikovitz worked in the department when she started under Fauci.

You must know the story.

She has never lied.

But publicly she was shamed as a conspiracy theorist.

This has been the biggest crime and Iie against humanity at any stage in our history as humans.

It cannot be refuted any longer.

How long will the lies carry on ?

How many more people will die and what will their deaths be blamed on ?

When will the evil evil humans if indeed they are human beings be brought to justice.

And all those complicit in these crimes when will they be brought to justice.

I never bought into it.

Because what was being shown and said globally was not possible.

Many many lives have been lost.

Destroyed by corrupt governments globally and yet it still is being pushed.

Why because you cannot retract a lie and you cannot bring back people that you’ve been responsible for their sad ends.

Admitting any guilt means accountability.

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Here is 1 of several examples of David Martin admitting virology is nonsense, only because he was cornered (and then acted as though Alec had done something inappropriate by trying to get a straight answer from him):


You say that DM "has shown all the evidence needed and passed it along to DOJ’s in the us in 2020". He has not shown anyone evidence of the "gain of function virus" that he has spoken about many times - because there is no evidence. He cites patents and papers that do not contain any scientific evidence of a "virus", natural or manmade. He gave false "testimony" in Europe. I wrote about this after his presentation at "parliament":

David Martin's "malleable" reality: the no-virus movement doesn't exist but imaginary viruses do:


I'm not sure why you're telling me about PCR issues - I've been well aware since 2020.

Mikovits defends the pseudoscience of virology. If I'm wrong, cite a valid study showing any alleged "virus".

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It’s seems your against all these people or misquoting what’s been put out publicly since day one.

And the Kary Mullis info that’s old old news but most disinformation themselves from factual evidence by credible people.

Watch Kary Mullis about PCR testing.

As I have to disagree about David not showing any proof way wrong.

He has and shown evidence backing it up.

And not just him.

Have you watched Plandemic ?

I do believe you have not ?

I do believe it’s how evidence is interpreted and what a persons mindset it to truth through their eyes.

I could quote many facts a thousand times but its what you wish to believe.

I’m not disagreeing with what you’ve written.

No one wishes to believe everything.

So many experts saying different things.

So much disinformation and propaganda.

So you think the orchestrators did not know it would have this effect on humanity?

Of course they did.

It’s bought them much time to implement their dire rules.

Which are now difficult to change since they are the ones implanting mandates,

Laws and rules we are forced to live by.

And it’s far from over.

There is much more to come globally.

And the truth could be shown a thousand times and it still would not be believed

Most can’t except the reality of why would our governments be a doing on purpose what they have been doing for generations it’s just this time they have been found out.

And the world is slowly seeing and being aware of this.

But there is much consequences and damage that has been done to normal society as a whole.

Which cannot be undone.

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I'm against misinfo, and this has nothing to do with my wishes or beliefs.

DM has spoken nonstop about "the virus" and "gain of function" and falsely led millions to believe there really are man-made "viruses" and that he has irrefutable evidence, which he does not.

Again, I've been well aware of the PCR problems since 2020. Not sure why you keep telling me to watch Kary Mullis talk about it. I did that 3.5 years ago.

The film "Plandemic" is not scientific evidence of anything, and fyi I corresponded with Mikki Willis in the summer and he admitted not knowing whether "the virus" exists or not and he showed zero interest. He acknowledged that "the virus crap is used to advance the complete takeover of our liberties and lives".... yet somehow claimed that the issue of whether or not "the virus" actually exists isn't big-picture enough for him:


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Dr David Martin and Robert O Young and Judy Mikovitz have all mentioned this in the past 3 plus years.

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Dr Young has been clear all along that no "virus" has ever been shown to exist, as have numerous others (Lanka, Cowan, Kaufman.....).

Martin has continually confused people with his mixed messaging and only concedes that virology is nonsense when cornered and asked directly.

Mikovits insists that "HIV" and other "viruses" were shown to exist, and to my knowledge only admits that "SARS-COV-2" was never shown to exist. She and Martin unfortunately slowed down the spreading realization that virology is pseudoscience.

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Christine -

Thanks so much for your pesky FOI persistence & lovely doggedness in tracking down & exposing lies.

Hope that you can have some time off to enjoy friends & family this season as the C19 scam rolls on...

& here's hoping & praying that an increasing tide of rising scamdemic awareness breaks world-wide.

Thanks for everything you do, Christine.

Thought everyone might enjoy this silly, snarky article to help jolly up holiday festivities around here. The clips & cartoons alone are worth the price of wading thru the loooong history of "vaxx quackery". ;-)

> Do Viruses Exist? How About Leprechauns? - Presenting Part 2 of Jordan Henderson's ultra-deep dive into the Pseudo-Science Crypto-Cult of Vaccinology - THE CROW IS A MESSENGER

Jul 14, 2023 - https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/do-viruses-exist-how-about-leprechauns

[clip] "No one has been stupid enough to ever scientifically attempt to disprove the existence of leprechauns, because no one’s that stupid. Correct me if I’m wrong.

For some reason, however, people treat viruses differently from other invisible entities.


The position of Nevermore Media is that the burden of proof is on the people asserting that viruses do exist.

If I’m arguing that leprechauns exist, it’s my job to prove it, not your job to disprove it.

Why do things work backwards in virology?

Oh yeah, because we’re dealing with ideology, not science."

Happy, merry, ho-ho hot toddy, spicey yummy fruitcake, tinkly jingle bells & all that jazz everyone. <3

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Thank you Lucinda :) Have a wonderful holiday and a Merry Christmas, or whatever you might celebrate :)

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Thank you Christine. Think I'm gonna eat good food, take long naps & try not to think incessantly about the evil-doers tryna ruin our beautiful people & lovely world for a while. ;-)

Merry Christmas & happy holidays to you & everyone here too. Sending lotsa <3

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Not the book you wanted, but a fascinating read on yellow fever in Philadelphia, 1792-93:


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Thank you. Please let me know if it contains any valid scientific evidence.

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(ON EDIT: Looked over your article here again & you included this video. Sorry I repeated your research but will leave this as maybe others forgot this video too.)

Re: yellow fever -

Have you also seen this by Dr Sam Bailey, Christine & JP? Just happened to see it today.

What You Need To Know About Yellow Fever - Watch now (20 mins) | In our book Virus Mania we warned how the medical industry continually invents epidemics, making billion-dollar profits at our… Nov 7 (2023) • Dr Sam Bailey


I'm always so gobsmacked by how much Dr Sam Bailey has learned re: doctor/scientist frauds related to our promoted drugs, medicines, foods, cultural habits & hygiene etc. She's truly (at least one of) "The medical establishment's worst nightmare(s)", as she says.

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It contains first hand observations of a yellow fever "outbreak" in Philadelphia, 1792. The symptom list reads like some kind of mass poisoning event (see pp.13-15). It is useful context from an era before the virologists got their hands on "yellow fever".

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And how about that unrelenting myth of "smallpox blankets" & Natives in America?? As Jon Rappaport & so many have said, the medical machine uses mass poisonings to push their cover-up virus narratives to avoid detection of nefarious deeds & also instill centuries'-long fearmongering among the general pop re: deadly "viruses".

> Was smallpox vaccine safe and/or effective?? See: The Leicester Method, Smallpox & the Unvaccinated - May 06, 2017 [mentions Dr Humphries Dissolving Illusions]


The "Killers of the Flower Moon; The Osage Murders & The Rise of the FBI" book by David Grann outlines this devious PTB methodology very clearly & compellingly. Evil-doers hide their evil-doing poisons behind pretend "illness" as an excuse & also flaunt supposed caring/philanthropic/"help" (paternalistic controls) w/med "cures".


BTW - I'm orig from Oklahoma & a descendant of my maternal Cherokee grandma.

The recent movie of the book missed for me in so many ways & should have been narrated by Mollie Burkhardt from her perspective & not predominantly from the devious men's viewpoints like Leo DeCaprio & Robert deNiro. (The set production, though, by Jack Fisk was really stunning however & captured 1920s Oklahoma well.)

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Wow, that is some fascinating history! I have read of poisoning events orchestrated against Australian indigenous as well in Timothy Bottom's sorrowful book, "Conspiracy of Silence". He does not mention if they were blamed on a disease, novel or otherwise.

At one point I was researching the poisons carried by ship doctors on the exploratory journeys of the 17th-19th centuries. Some medicinal cases had secret compartments where a ship doctor could conceal toxic poisons for use whenever required (such as poisoning blankets to give to troublesome 'natives'). It all paints a horrendous picture of our formerly esteemed 'civilisation'.

Out of curiosity, do you still maintain any of your tradtional Cherokee oral history?

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Hi JP - My grandma Mary came out from eastern Tennessee with her family at age 16 to help settle up land in the northwest part of OK called the Cherokee Strip. Have you heard of the land runs that settlers made into Oklahoma in the 1890s? My relatives on mom's side were self-sufficient farmers who settled up & worked the land while raising really large families.

So she didn't grow up on the reservation Cherokee lands of eastern OK, but came west from the Tennessee area near the eastern band of the Cherokees in North Carolina. Grandma def had some Native / Indian ways w/beliefs/cooking/remedies but it was hard to differentiate between her Native ways & her Appalachian/ Hillbilly ways. She also had wonderful sewing/handwork skills.

Thnx for the book info re: Conspiracy of Silence by Bottoms. Didn't know that specific title altho I knew the outlines of the Aboriginal culture & art there, esp their incredible rock art, line drawings and dot paintings. Will check out the book later. "Conspiracy of Silence : Queensland's Frontier Killing Times" - (2013)


Would be great if you had any cites or links for the ship doctors mention as I'm sure that all happened but have never seen any documentation of that myself. I worked as an archivist on a New England 19th century custom house shipping records project many years ago which was fascinating as the US Pres himself signed all of the ships' manifests & many of the other govt/shipping records.

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Hi Christine,

In case you still don't have it, I have placed that book here. (You can download PDF; there is no need to login.)



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Thank you so much Misha :)

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I'm sure that any librarian if asked would refer you the inquirer to ... the CDC. :-)

Thanks once again, Christine, for holding to the fire the feet of those responsible for the madness that's been imposed upon us in the name of "health."

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Well,,, I"M a librarian (& also archivist/journalist/writer) & would never suggest that the source of the "problem" be the only contact though. hahaha Maybe the first, initial contact, sure, as Christine does, but after that it's deep digs all around. Our institutions are now untrustworthy & rotten to their very core. "Silkwood" "Spotlight" etc Let me tell you how I really feel tomorrow.

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Really good to see someone remember Karen Silkwood.

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Well, I'm orig from Oklahoma (born & bred) so the story was very personal to me. And we saw the film when it premiered on a home visit only a few miles from where Silkwood actually happened too.

For others here who don't know the Silkwood story-line - Silkwood was a 1983 American biographical & suspense drama film directed by Mike Nichols, and starring Meryl Streep, Kurt Russell, and Cher. The screenplay by Nora Ephron and Alice Arlen was adapted from the book Who Killed Karen Silkwood?

Book: Who Killed Karen Silkwood? by Howard Kohn - Reviews the entire Karen Silkwood case—her lawsuit against Kerr-McGee Corporation, her mysterious death, and her final vindication—and current abuses in the nuclear power industry.


And a review of the Silkwood case > The Mystery Of Karen Silkwood

Feb 11, 2019 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpisrN6v9KA

The Silkwood story is a crime novel & a murder mystery but I now view the story in a completely new light. Recommend reading "Hiroshima Revisited" for some absolutely critical background on nuclear bombs' history/controversy, etc.

In view of the almost constant govt/MSM fear generated by a possible nuclear war today, this is critical background that everyone should learn. See below.

> June 7th, 2023 - Hiroshima REvisited - scientific and medical evidence re: atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - [Simply stunning information: analysis, research, documents & photos raise questions. re: WW2's actual "nuclear bombs".]


I now wonder if perhaps the killing of Silkwood was instigated as a big public crime in order to keep the extreme fear-mongering going re: the nuclear power industry. Question everything. Everything.

ICYMI Bet most of you have never even heard of this controversy & Galen Winsor?> Would they lie about this?? > GALEN WINSOR - THE NUCLEAR HOAX - The Panera Group - https://www.bitchute.com/video/9uXkrakljJ45/

2 weeks, 1 day ago

Longer version of Winsor's documentary here > THE NUCLEAR SCARE SCAM: BY GALEN WINSOR - THE_IRON™️ - First published on October 8th, 2023.


Summary: Galen Winsor played a significant role in designing power plants and was responsible for measuring and controlling the nuclear fuel inventory and storage.

Galen’s firsthand experience with used nuclear fuel and radioactive materials shaped his perspective on the industry and its regulations.

He observed how the rules associated with his profession changed between 1947 and 1982 and questioned the reasons behind these.

The physicist raised queries about who benefitted from the changed rules, implying a strong connection between regulatory modifications and specific vested interests.

2 months, 1 week ago

Yeah, realize this is all totally mind-blowing stuff, but I never rule anything out now..

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I worked in the nuke industry in the early '70s. The entire technology is bogus, an expensive dangerous way to boil water. A study commissioned by the Atomic Energy Commission, forerunner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, done by its Lawrence Livermore Lab (co-run by the University of California) in 1970, which was supposed to demonstrate how safe nuclear reactors are, instead found alarming increases in cancers, leukemia, and other diseases associated with radiation. The AEC told the two scientists, John Goffman and Arthur Tamplin, who were doing the study, to tear it up and forget they ever saw it. Instead, they resigned and released the study in early 1971, playing a major role in my leaving. https://www.fairewinds.org/fairewinds-bookshelf-list/poisoned-power-the-case-against-nuclear-power-plants-before-and-after-three-mile-island



And i call BULLSHIT about the notion that there are no nuclear weapons, nor were they used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. WAY too many "Atomic vets," US military vets who were exposed to radioactivity by being eyewitnesses to nuke bomb tests, both in the Pacific as well as the Nevada Test Site, who showed the same radiation sickness patterns seen in the 2 Japanese cities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbBu6cWczTY

A bunch of videos in the right column of that page on the same topic.

Too many people who lived "downwind" from the Nevada Test Site, or on islands near Pacific test sites, who developed the same radiation effects. A friend of mine who died before turning 30 with leukemia was one. https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/complicated-legacy-of-nuclear-testing-in-nevada-lives-on-in-bodies-politics#:~:text=Who%20are%20the%20Downwinders%3F,Downwinders%20in%20Arizona%20and%20Utah.



Too many people on Native American reservations in the US Southwest who got sick living by sites where the residues of uranium mining, the "tailings," were dumped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSEADfWh9To

This entire "no nuclear weapons" narrative is cut from the same cloth as "Flat Earth," or "The Beatles were fake," a product of digital derangement, people disembodied by being totally drowned in the digital medium who believe anything they read on the Web without checking their bodily intuitions.

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thank you Christine!! once again amazing work as you continue digging for answers! ♥

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