A pdf of this newsletter along with a searchable copy of the evidence can be downloaded for safekeeping, here:


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Hello Christine.

Have you made any FOIs inquiries about Hep A?

Michael Palmer MD says the virus was isolated from stool samples in the 1970s. He gives three papers. Here's one:

Siegl G, Frösner GG. Characterization and classification of virus particles associated with hepatitis A. I. Size, density, and sedimentation. J Virol. 1978 Apr;26(1):40-7. doi: 10.1128/JVI.26.1.40-47.1978. PMID: 206730; PMCID: PMC354031.

Any opinion on this?

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I responded to Palmer's article where he discussed "hepatitis A virus" and he deleted my comments. In my 2nd-last newsletter I noted:

"I await Michael Palmer’s promised response to my recent email and note that he deleted the comments that I left under his latest yes-virus article. I wonder how many other comments from no-virus people he has deleted."

Here are the deleted comments which I fortunately saved to pdf before he deleted them:


One must read the Methods in the studies to find the flaws. MP misrepresents them ~for whatever reason~. Cheers.

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Yes, the misrepresenting is concerning. I posted two articles on Palmer’s book “Hiroshima Revisited” which I found to be both brave and well-researched and written. He questioned the official narrative we’ve been fed about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But something seems to be keeping him from being as honest about virology.

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Glad you saved those comments!


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Your last line in the poem Burns deep into my soul as it rekindles the spark of light in this on going nightmare -- """ That even in darkness , Truth cannot be spurned.

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Beautifully, expressed!! Huge thanks for positive comment. Greatly appreciated!! 👍👍

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Great No-Virus Debate w/ Dr Andrew Kaufman & Steve Kirsch ft Covid Virus never isolated. 56 Million Gene Sequences made-up in Computer (AI) Simulation. Then, turned into a Synthetic Vaccine in 3 days. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/great-no-virus-debate-w-dr-andrew

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Waste of time. A good opportunity to talk business nicely torpedoed by both participants and a sleeping moderator. You won’t learn anything new or anything at all there. Steve is impermeable to different views, as usually. Andrew tried to keep the line, and did not retreat or advanced, although was not able to simply say “I don’t know” a few times… almost KOed by Steve there :-)

In short, two experienced educators and professionals (?) in their fields take away 2 hours from your life nicely showing you how NOT to talk, discuss or debate.

1,600 comments to the article posted by Steve prove that the “to exist or not to exist” is a great PR trick.

Do something great for yourself instead, go our for a walk, sunbathe a little, make new friends.

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Andy did admit he wasn't familiar with the phrase "whole genome sequencing", and tried to discuss the methods of virology while Steve was only interesting in putting on a show and attempting to make Andy look bad. Andy isn't to blame for Steve's poor behaviour and has a proven track record of countless excellent communications on the topic - which is why so many people are now aware that virology is pseudoscience.

Calling no-virus a PR trick is wildly ignorant. We are addressing the core fraud and delusion so that people don't get sucked into any more "virus" nonsense, which isn't limited to fake-covid and has caused immeasurable carnage to people and animals for >100 years and ends lives day in, day out.

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Both Andy and Steve are excellent communicators when they talk about their stuff. I don’t mean “true or not”, I mean the presentation flow. I respect both of them for this. Andy is one of his kind, one of my top favorites. Which is why I was amazed that he didn’t simply replied to Steve: “No, I don’t know what it is, please explain” - several times. This is where he immediately loses points, everybody can see that he is not familiar with this or that term. So what?

It’s more interesting to analyze Steve. When he first spotted this reaction in Andy, he picked more fancy words to attack. And he was successful every time. Andy was cornered and was unable to deflect this. But why did Steve to choose to corner Andy? Wasn’t it to be a friendly discussion? The simplest answer from negotiations 101 is that Steve was trying to move out of the ground of his pre-accepted “truths” (like PCR) which - he is smart, he knows it - are not supported by evidence.

It became a marketplace quarrel, instead of focusing on the essentials. The moderator should have stepped in many times, like a judge in a boxing match. He didn’t - and the whole meeting turned to a big failure. I watch a lot of stuff like this, and this was truly epic. It became a show for octagon fans instead of a communicative and educational tool.

PS. “PR trick” is my conclusion on the whole “discussion”, not on the no-virus part. Why? Because the viewer was deprived of learning something new or in a new light. Two hours of soap opera. The only benefit of this meeting was in the upgrading the ratings of both participants (as we can see from the number of comments). I briefly summarized the whole story here: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/how-can-millions-of-people-all-exhibiting/comment/59372775

As real persons, human beings, prone to error and bias, both failed. I doubt any of them is proud of this meeting. But I don’t mind - I have watched hundreds hours of their stuff, read tons of their materials. In my view, they both showed that they cannot handle new-ground discussion, and that is OK. But for anyone new to the subject or persons, that could have been a very bad impression.

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There is NO virus. Viruses do not exist.

There was no pandemic.

There was no COVID-19.

I repeat there is no Sars-Cov-2 virus that allegedly causes the imaginary COVID-19.

Sars-Cov-2 has never been isolated, nor purified.

To prove a virus exists, you must follow a strict scientific process.

What is that process ?

You answer the following questions:

(1) Can the alleged virus be found in the ill but not the healthy?

(2) Can the alleged virus be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture?

(3) Does the alleged virus produce disease in the host?

(4) The alleged virus must be re-isolated after the above.

None of these steps has ever been conducted on any so called "virus" in the history of Quack-o-logy (virology).

There are NO pathogens only poisons.

Diseases do not exist and there are only 3 ways to get sick:

1. Injury

2. Poisoning

3. Fear. Fear causes illness and death. Don't be afaid . Have courage.


There is NO Pandemic,

There is NO COVID,

There is NO SARS-Cov-2 virus.

Further proof and evidence given below:


FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever



Zero Evidence that the COVID fulfills Koch's 4 Germ Theory Postulates

Dr.Andrew Kaufman with Sayer Ji



Rational Thinking & How Do Virologists know there is a Variant ?

Dr.Tom Cowan

September 10th, 2021



The CDC itself admits there is no virus:

CDC’s July 13, 2020 document On page 42, in a section titled-“Performance Characteristics:”

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”







link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TwnhF4Chksy5/

The Last American Vagabond


NO VIRUS is international

Dr. Sam Bailey



Significant evidence available to prove that COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan China was a WHO pandemic simulation exercise


"To assist the WHO orchestrate the largest medical fraud scheme in history the WHO used tests that were developed using

synthetic DNA or RNA material that were provided by Germany.

COVID-19 tests were designed and developed to detect the presence of antibodies, not SARS-CoV-2 itself.

The tests the WHO used to test for COVID-19 and to declare a global health emergency didn’t and

couldn’t detect SARS-CoV-2 because they were developed by Germany without having SARS-CoV-2 material."


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The "Hepatitis B" jab (made by Merck, the producer of Ivermectin) was the first mass vaccine campaign on Chinese people. The script was barely changed for 2020:


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Ah the Isle of Mann, famous for 2 things; the TT and a 2 Tier Justice System where 99% of citizens are not even in Tier 3!!!

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Good Lord... is Courtney still in Jail?

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Yes, they sentenced him to 8 months!

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I'm so sorry t hear it... Though he might be out... I have spoken with him several times in the past & he really didn't deserve this for speaking the truth... shameful Thank you Christine.

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Indeed, he does not deserve this at all. Cheers.

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The CDC is a death squad hiding in plain site.

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In the Isle of Man where falsehoods breed,

The virus hoax, a fraudulent creed,

The test spin myth, of a contagion lie,

That one named Courtneay, dared defy

With piercing eyes, that saw through deceit,

He uncovered the web, of the Big Pharma cheat,

A test misused, truth betrayed,

Courtneay revealed cons, that bureaucrats played

But the powers that be, in fear and dismay,

Tried to silence Courtneay, and make him pay.

Bought bureaucrats, endorsing toxic jabs,

To a populace misled, by media drabs

Yet Courtneay stood tall, undaunted and bold,

His story etched, in annals of gold,

Courtneay‘s truth, a flame unquenched,

For in its glow, all falsehoods are drenched,

Though punished unjustly, he remains unbound.

A beacon of light, in a world disavowed

For in his defiance, a lesson is learned,

That even in darkness, truth cannot be spurned

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lovely poem ---very heart felt indeed ------- thank you

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courtenay really appreciates your support :)

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Thank you Facts :)

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Pleasure!! He deserves a true poet to honour his heroic battle against the Manx Medical Mafia. Thank you for bringing his fight for medical freedom and justice to a wider audience. Its great to know we have our own Leonidas and his 300 ready to face down the barbarian hordes of Big Pharma lackeys.

Time to organize his prison break and organize tribunals for the SCUM that sentenced Courtenay. And, folks, let's get creative in serving up justice to the goons who put Courtenay behind bars.

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Heard Roger is opening up a fake Hep C clinic, so he can ‘liver‘ it up with ill gotten gains.

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Clowns like Roger don't need proof of viral bugs when they‘re"ant"-icipating He(a)p-C-ash-itis from Big Pharma connections.

Unfortunately, these clowns appear to be on a global tour with Cirque du Science Malade.

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What else don't they have? :-)

Score one more for you , Christine.

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Your posts are a steady and happy way to keep me going. ❤️❤️❤️

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I had a friend here in Australia - Charles - (I say 'had' as we've fallen out, for reasons that will become clear) who I met during the Covid hoax in 2020. He'd suddenly got a modicum of traction on social media amongst 'freedom' circles because he was a 'victim' of the tainted blood scandal here, from the 1970s up until the 90s. For over two years I supported Charles and his battle to have an Royal Commission into what happened, talking on the phone many times (he lives in Sydney, NSW and I'm in Victoria); I interviewed him on lives on my Instagram account when it had a big following (before it got shut down by Insta at 4500), etc. etc. etc. As I became convinced that whatever had made Charles sick was not a 'virus', I gently started dropping suggestions in to our conversation. He wasn't listening. And, as he became more and more erratic with his behaviour and playing the victim card to drum up sympathy (and money) from people, I started to back off a bit. Then I watched an amazing talk by Stefan Lanka on German New Medicine (on the Spacebusters channel on Bitchute) and a light went off in my head. Charles was a victim, yes, but a victim of trauma not 'infected blood'. He'd been told, as a young man, that he'd been infected with Hep C and that it would likely kill him. Any wonder his body starts turning against him? I reached out to Charles and raised the possibility with him that his mental state might be contributing to his ongoing health problems and, that if he tackled his mental state - that he was a 'victim' - he might start feeling better. Well, that didn't go down as planned. I was subjected to the most appalling abuse and he started accusing me of stalking and bullying him, a couple of times on his public social media accounts. Poor Charles had made an identity out of being a victim of a deadly virus and he simply could not imagine life (even if it were healthier) without that identity. If anything is criminal about the tainted blood scandal, it's this.

Anyway, I googled the case to remind myself of some details and the following article popped up from May this year. As I've been completely out of the loop, I was surprised to see it in MSM. Obviously it serves the agenda if this little scandal, hidden for decades, gets some attention now: https://www.9news.com.au/national/australian-infected-blood-victims-call-for-royal-commission-in-wake-of-damning-uk-inquiry-findings/450a262f-7b64-41fd-b6b2-aff1f4d96543

Thanks for directing me to Dawn Lester - it's great she's been on this regarding the UK case for awhile.

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That's so sad, sorry to hear you lost a friend to this false narrative :(

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I read your whole comment, and Charles' story is the same same as my buddy... no symptoms, but tests show 'Hep C' - they've spent over a million pounds trying to reverse the results of that test, and having finally succeeded (two years Interferon, six months sofosbuvir and ribavirin), he's now developed polycythemia vera. He's fainted in my gaff twice. And yep, he's one of the UK contaminated blood McScandal, although the NHS oddly can't find his records! He's like some dosh o' course, but at the end of the day, he's actually really only been poorly from ze drugs, and not ze ahem... 'virus'! A unique side effect not listed in the black box was stopping the Prozac prescribed alongside teh Interferon, suffering double vision... stepping onto the road, getting his toes run over by a car, being pulled onto it and cracking two ribs!

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It’s the same with Charles. Drugs, drugs and more drugs and in latter years CBD through an inhaler. Even though I recognise the benefits of CBD, he’d actually developed an addiction and I don’t think it helped his mental state. Interesting that your friend’s experience is so similar, and equally devastating.

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My buddy waved a bottle of pills about and said '...here's that medicine whose name I couldn't pronounce'. It was one month supply with each pill costing £500 - he held £15,000 worth of 'medicine' in his mitts! I asked what he had been advised should he lose the bottle, and he said '...it's okay, they've given me a spare'!

Hard drugs and pharmaceuticals drugs are addictive... cannamabis is herbal, and only habit forming, pwomise!

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What they’ve done to these people, trauma on a massive scale.

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I'm a 63 year old Kiwi. Everyone I know from NZ/Australia has vaccine damage, plus mercury and fluoride poisoning! My own hyperphantasia kicked in soon after six weeks on my back from 'disease preventing vaccines' age eight! I can't close my eyes without vividly seeing scenes from a millennium past, hearing voice formants, the angle of eyebrows, whole conversations verbatim invade and 20% rob me of the 'now'! Muh 21 mercury/amalgam fillings may have all been removed, but my medical history is still a moron!

Love up everybody!

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This might cheer you up. During Convid I met a young family in South West Victoria where I live - parents in their early 30s, three kids at that stage. Jordy, the dad, is one of 10 children who were never vaccinated because he had a switched on mum (sadly she died in 2016). All those 10 children have kids who are unvaccinated, including, obviously, Jordy. And Jordy and Cathy have now got a fourth child, who is just over one and a half. So there's an ever growing mob of healthy Australians out there, from Jordy's family alone haha. (Sorry to hear about your hyperphantasia - it sounds absolutely horrific. Is their nothing that can be done for it? EMDR perhaps?)

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