
Addendum, January 9, 2024:

Donald’s only response has been to block me on twitter:


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Jan 13Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

What a scumbag Christine. Well you've certainly put him in place. The bloke is a coward simply put.

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Jan 11Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Arcanoloth is a Dungeons & Dragons figure... LOL. This guy is a fanboy. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Arcanaloth

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The wieᴙdest people seem so interested in attacking you. It's almost like the script of a comedy.

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Thanks Christine, please continue to expose these criminals. All your work is being preserved in many places. They will not be able to delete the evidence of their crimes and corruption. I’m so grateful we have you working so hard for all of us. Thank you.

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Thank you Jeff.

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Christine were with you !00%%%%%%%%--------------- MAKE KNOW DOUDHT ABOUT IT --------------- and this man,,, is well ,,,, just not worthy of comment ------- excuse me i am getting sick just thinking about him i running to the bathroom etc etc

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This Article is 6th highest Search on yahoo for "Lentzian" despite only 4 references to either Lentz or Lentzian. That is suspect.

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You refer to him as a weasel - I would say a weasel masquerading as a fox. Seems like we're currently living through the Age of the Weasel.

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The civil servants high on fake money are #uselesseaters.

"Raising pigs, you get bacon to eat; #uselesseaters, you get bitten."

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I saw it first hand. I worked for the City of Seattle, I worked for the federal government in Seattle and I also worked for a summer school research program and you definitely don't want to know how awful that was. I tried to make a difference. I'm an authorized eccentric - I believed that my paycheck was provided by taxpayers and I acted accordingly. Not a popular move. I think people just give up, those who may want to do good. They see the entitlement and the incompetents in position of power due to having the right friends, always parading around as though they really believed their press, suffering from delusions of competence.

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The US (or the world) economy would shrink more than half, if the fake sectors (allopathic medicine, "SPACE") lost funding tomorrow. The #uselesseaters wouldn't even qualify to flip burgers.

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What would all the billionaire heirs do? I doubt they've ever flipped a burger in their lives. Can they learn? Would you want to trust Bill Gates to prepare your food? Perhaps it would be best if he just mowed the grass instead.

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Without government fake money contracts (e.g. Gates' vaccine and cloud service), most of the "billionaires" will lose their shirt over night. Bill Gates is essentially an intelligence agent pushing #uselesseaters' agenda that no one voted for. Microsoft, a spyware, was initiated by the military, too. (never use W$ndows)

US dollar died in 1971, burger flippers good at boot licking became the face of a fake 'free market'.

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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

G'day Christine: Touche to you. Give 'em hell.

You should come Downunder ... these bureaucratic dipshits, who wouldn't know what integrity was even if it bit them on the derriere, are everywhere, feeding at the tax-payer-funded money-trough.

Kudos to your tenacity - Lord knows, it is so easy to become 'cowed' when these overpaid nincompoops in protected office positions sell their souls for lucre. I witnessed much of it in the Dept of Indoctrination ...

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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Dear Christine,

WOW - taking judicial notice that SARS-CoV-2 exists, AND it causes an illness/syndrome (with more than 20 symptoms)? Outrageous.

Back in 2020, I was looking into this legal question of judicial notice. As you rightly explain/imply, it would be like a judge taking judicial notice of SANTA!

I cannot find the various standards of law - in Common law jurisdictions - on this question. I imagine that the grounds for appeal would be "abuse of discretion" (in the American courts; I do not know the equivalent in Canada).

I mean, I understand that a judge could take it on judicial notice that "various government officials DECLARE viruses exist and cause illness"; but I cannot believe that any legal precedent or rule of law allows "finders of fact" to take on judicial notice, conclusions like "the sun is a ball of fire"; poppies were created when Buddha cut off his eyelids and threw them in a field; itchy cake crumbs would manifest the skin of a rhinoceros"; etc.

David Martin told Alec Zeck that he (Martin) has seen an American judge write, in a footnote, that SARS-CoV-2 exists. Can we get that reference?

Knowing how to approach this question of judicial notice is essential to fight these Covid-lockdown prosecutions (and future martial laws efforts).

Please let me know how I can help - and if we have other legal scholars and minds who want to work on this.


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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

The sad reality is that the noble 'rule of law' that supposedly protects people is a popular delusion. The primary purpose of the 'justice' system anywhere is to protect the ruling establishment, and everyone who passes through the vetting to become a judge knows that well.

I had a lot of faith in the US justice system when I became a cop, and none when I left. The contempt for people and justice that I regularly saw from judges in Philadelphia opened my eyes wide to the fact that it's about forcing obedience, and it's never been about justice.

So I went and did human rights investigations for the UN, and learned that the deeply corrupt US justice system is among the best in the world. In most countries people don't even pretend it's legitimate.

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Nice summary John, thank you for the input :) Lol re Buddha.

I will ask Alec is he remembers David Martin saying that. I don't recall it off-hand (and DM ignores my messages... not sure he replies to Alec anymore either...).

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Dear Christine,

You have my email right? biko97jcj (at) hot mail (dot) com

Take care

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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs


That guy can fuck right arf. GIT 'EM, CM, just GIT 'EM.

I'm glad for your work, but I really would like to see NO NEED for it NO MO.

xo xo

Happy New Year, let's bring this idiocy down.

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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

“Dada in the court! Dada in the court!”

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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Dr. Donald D. Netolitzky:

“I could discuss with you my personal experiences working with viruses of all kinds, as a microbiologist, biochemist, and post-secondary instructor. I could point you to the voluminous literature on the subject.”

As expected, firstly, Dr. Netolitzky presents his unquestionable credentials in the field of virology, his vast experience working with viruses, as well as his ability to search the literature on the subject of viruses. But I was also hoping Dr. Netolitzky would rather point Christine to a virus, no?

Think about it for a moment: If viruses are as easy to find, as Dr. Netolitzky makes it seem, he should make her an offer, something like this:

“Okay, Christine. I’m going to help you to awaken from this obvious delusion. Why don’t you fly to Alberta? Then, come by my lab, we will isolate the virus of any kind you want, design a small experiment with controls and I will prove to you that the virus (s) of your choice will cause a cytopathic effect vs control which won’t.

How difficult could this be?

Unfortunately, Dr. Netolitzky knows very well no such experiment can be performed. Not to his satisfaction. So, like other so-called experts, he will continue to pretend that scientific consensus that dead particles called viruses exist and cause diseases is just as good as experimental evidence following the scientific method.

Welcome to scientism!

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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Yeah gotta love the writing style as if he’s trying to tame a rabid animal while looking for the nearest escape “I mean she must be able to read she tweeted at me right? I need a safe exit... think you brilliant peon pwning fed teat sucker who’s too cool for law , think you brilliant bastard think ! AHA I KNO!... *assembles meaningless hyperlinks in a .txt file to shitpost * (spends most time on perfecting his fake ass credentialism posturing)*click* LINKS BE DAZZLED ! HAHA simpleton down 2 ez!”


“That bitch said what “

Okay ... think you dashingly handsome brilliant bastard ...new approach . Common you’ve studied this pseudo intellectualism and pseudolaw for ages, if you were interested you could write a phd dissertation a day for 100 years, you’re an expert you can do this:

*inhale , tongue to the side in strain *

Okay she’ll never recover from this tour de force

“Talk to you never ! I WIN!”

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Well to be fair he's moved onto "law" which he has no interest in lol :)

Makes me wonder how much interest he had in virology! Doesn't seem to have been paying very close attention to his own study!

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

It doesn't matter what he is doing now. Can you imagine how much more interesting his life would become if he were to shut up the whole "no virus exists cult' with scientific, experimental evidence? He could write a book, or a script for a movie, get interviewed on CNN or Tucker Carlson. He could even sue us both for denying verifiable and replicable scientific evidence... lol

Instead, he will resort to hand-waving and hiding in a fox den, as he has already hinted he would if you pressed him to much for evidence...


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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

If you took him to Court here in woke NYC I have no doubt they would declare you have "no standing" despite having your reputation besmirched constantly. "No Standing" is a legal concept often misused to protect all those who believe they hold a monopoly on scientific theory.

THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG. The Germ Theory Opposed in Song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-chicken-or-the-egg

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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Remind this simple Albertan again, how this gobshite achieved the position he currently holds. Me thinks that Danielle is just about on track to do a spring clean, or similar,

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Jan 8Liked by Christine Massey FOIs

Highly informative. The contempt of the elite has become more and more palpable. But this clown - and most of the useless idiots doing the Cabal’s dirty work - trades in sycophancy hoping to be invited to a party he will never see. And, in fact, he most likely will find himself as an ingredient in the “future of food” pate!!!

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Ah, but that's why government schools don't teach truthful history, especially of the Bolshevik and Maoist revolutions, operations of the same cabal. Can't let the idiots know that those who serve will eventually be consumed as well.

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Remember that “Twilight Zone” episode. “To Serve Man”??? And then we found out it was a cookbook?!?!?

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