I've corrected a couple of links that were wrong in the original post - apologies for any inconvenience.

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Hi Christine, I agree on the no virus proposition however do you believe in genetic engineering for eg. the glyphosate resistant wheat/corn wherein the gene of a bacterium which enables it to survive glyphosate is fused into wheat/corn and thus the crop becomes resistant to glyphosate but not the weeds etc?

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Thank you! This exchange is an absolute "Masterclass" of classy 'Troll Control'!

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Could you connect me/forward this message to some other prominent no virus proponents so that this line of argument which will finally lead to a pathogen similar to an alleged virus can be debated and settled too

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You'd be better off asking others about this, because I really only became involved in this general arena due to the fake-covid/virus nonsense. I haven't looked into the whole DNA/genetics stuff much at all. Sorry. Best I stick to my narrow lane :)

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Sorry, Christine! I think I kept writing his name wrong. I do know that it's Robin MONOTTI, not Minotti. For some reason, my real name came out on my comment, instead of my username. Anyway, it's still me. 🙂 Ciao!

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Thank you for providing these links. I did not miss Mike saying a few times that he is questioning whether respiratory viruses exist. There was one interview where he credited “Andrew Cowan” for causing his awareness. I would like to see Mike dedicate a presentation to explaining precisely why he understands that “viruses” are modern folklore/myth/superstition, completely unscientific. It’s really disappointing that he is not educating his followers on his own TG channel. He remains silent while Robin is hell bent on proving that “viruses” are real, and that “no virus” people are “conspiracy theorists.” Yeadon has an obligation in my opinion to share what he knows about the pseudoscience that supports the “virus” myth.

Thank you, I appreciate your response.

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Your comment here piques my interest but leaves me with more Qs than As. May I start by asking: Mike (who?) Also I've seen Yeadon deny viruses maybe back in the summer of '23 or earlier.

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Sorry I should have been consistent, but I was referring to Yeadon also when I used Mike. At the time of my post, Yeadon had not yet offered a clear statement indicating he was questioning “virus” existence. I’m very pleased that he has come out very publicly recently with those clear statements. It is very clear now that he does not believe in “virus.” Thanks for the reply as it gives me the chance to appreciate Yeadon for very clear statements recently on his own channel:


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Ok thank you and I'll check that link. I'm always relieved when the no-virus side acquires another person. Early in '21 I didn't expect there to be so many holdouts. But they never want to prove what they say is so real so it's like dealing with children when I was led to believe they're pros. Here's a random tidbit you might already know: Coronaviruses are listed as Common Cold in older Encyclopedias of Medicine. Particularly the 1989 edition I've seen.

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Hi Christine,

I've discovered this "no germs no viruses" recently and as I know nothing about medicine I recall that back in the time I had a girlfriend that she herpes that I didn't know, so ine day I got it too. Or in November 2019 I was travelling to France sitting next a guy who was looking having the flu and two or three days I was heavily ill and had a bad three weeks holiday. I d like an explanation because I'm a bit confused even I've read the article many times to understand it.

Thanks in advance

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I never understood how some people came to the realization that they cannot believe anything at all stated by the mainstream, except for all of the declarations that viruses exist and that variants exist and they have valid ways to test for these variants. It's even weirder than the people who believe everything told to them by authority figures.

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It's all so tiresome. If we're not battling the establishment, then it's each other.

When you first 'wake up' and hop the fence, it's so freeing and relieving. Finally some people that get it!

Until you realize they're just like any other group of people: some winners & a WHOLE bunch of losers [George Carlin].

I find it interesting that a lot of the leaders of the 'freedom movement' have decided this topic isn't worth touching. Wait, what has had more of an effect on the world (and YOUR life personally) than the scamdemic? Yes, the forever wars in the ME are absolutely horrible and countless other power grabs....but this is the play for all the marbles.

Seriously, what is MORE important than addressing this??

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thanks Christine it is amazing how obscure this information is. I do remember reading that supposedly on Pasteur's death bed he admitted the germ theory was not real the terrain theory was.

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Hi Christine - new subscriber here. You might be interested in Sasha Latypova's most recent article where no virus issue cropped up in the comments section. She insists viruses exist and that any member of no virus team is banned from her substack. Your name also crops up. Go read it for some comic relief. I've suggested to dpl to do an exclusive stack on her. She has a hard time dealing with anyone who disagrees with her on any subject and resorts to bullying and belittling rather than confronting issues raised. Her final comment to me in this thread - https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/chief-of-nuclear-chemical-and-biological/comment/39158064

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She's deleted your comments, which was unnecessary - even when banning someone the comments can be left alone. I do see she's using the same sort of over-the-top language with you that she did with me. Geez.

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Should've screen shot them. I kept part of one, as I sometimes draft comments separately. Not sure of context:

"... And before getting on your high horse with me again, how did YOU make your fortune Sasha? Wasn't it through collaboration with corrupt pharmaceutical companies? Same as Kingston, Yeadon, Malone ...  So intelligent but somehow unaware of the corruption of those you were collaborating with, even believing the FDA were doing their job. Pull the other one. Now you can respond by insulting me, as is your wont with anyone who rubs you up the wrong way, but it will be tit for tat with me and, believe me, I can be every bit as vulgar as you. Don't tempt me."


Actually I wasn't vulgar to her at all in any of my comments. My last comment was to ask her to reimburse my yearly subscription (which I took out only a few months ago), given she's not short of a few quid, or if that posed a problem, to gift it to another sucker. In any case, she's a piece of work and an obvious gatekeeper, refusing to discuss a number of crucial issues.

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"My last comment was to ask her to reimburse my yearly subscription" - love it :)

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Hi Christine! It's Opinionist, signed in in this really weird way somehow. When I read this post, only yesterday, I was flabbergasted. I too remember him from Twitter and not like this at all. Has the guy done a 180 or gathered a following and then switched sides or is this even the same character? 🤔

I'm asking this semi-rhetorically, because I've either lost my mind or something is very weird. I used to read his tweets before he either was, or claimed to have been, kicked off of Twitter. The account under that name DEFINITELY didn't say these kinds of things at the beginning. In fact, just the opposite! That's supposedly why he was kicked off of Twitter and went to, I believe, Telegram, but I could be wrong about Telegram. One isn't usually "kicked off" for going along with the program, unless it's for publicity. The original Robin Monotti account was supposedly from London and claimed to be a journalist. I remember first being interested in his posts because of the Italian last name. I also remember very well that there were people who were both claiming to be him, but weren't, at a certain point, and also people who claimed to be reposting his Telegram material. I keep using words like "claimed" and "seems", etc., because of my lack of trust in anything I saw on Twitter, which I no longer use.

Anyway, I was going to jump into the comments when I read your post, but was too afraid that my memory had failed me regarding this guy, but the more time that passed, the more I remembered. I'll repeat what I said before - the original account named Robin Minotti said exactly the opposite of what he's saying now and was supposedly kicked off Twitter for saying it. That's why I wonder whether 1) this was the plan all along ; 2) not the same guy, or 3) wtf is going on???

Since I haven't yet read the rest of the comments I'll ask whether anyone has a way to see his original tweets, even though the account doesn't exist anymore? Not to be selfish, but at this point I need to know whether to make a reservation for myself at the loony bin for having completely misunderstood and even upvoted his original comments many times, or whether this guy got hit on the head with something that made him do a complete turnaround and write something like what you've posted here.

(I hope you're well and happy and have to thank you again for being my most cited source for quite a while now!! Ciao!! 🤗)

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It’s as if someone hacked his channel, his identity, or something strange indeed. I was just “banned by admin” yesterday, presumably for being too vocal and argumentative with “Robin” and his faithful followers on the “virus” issues. It seems like the comment section has become a hot debate zone on the “virus” especially now that “Robin” is pushing it so hard on the channel.

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Hi! That's totally incredibile and weird!! Also, totally believable! I'm telling you - ever since Christine posted this, I've thought back to this 'guy' on Twitter and it seems like 'he' /whomever, has had a lot of red flags attached to him /the account since the beginning, but they weren't obvious until now.

One thing I definitely remember was someone posting a non-parody account and him claiming that someone was using his name (or something like that).

I'm blown away by what you've written here!! When you say "banned by admin", do you mean on Substack or somewhere else? Have you ever heard of anyone being banned anywhere for being too argumentative?? Discussion builds traffic and attention, so they're ridiculous!!

Look, I admit that I've become a very suspicious person with the farther I move along on this 'journey', but that comes with experience. So basically what you've said goes along with what I said the other day. I said Monotti is associated with gatekeepers and has done this weird 180 degree turn and you're saying that you and possibly others, aren't even allowed to disagree with what 'Robin' is saying!! Sounds pretty fishy to me!!! Pretty darn interesting that there's this big discussion going on on his channel, just after he came out with his criticism, but it just so happens to be a debate in which only his sycophantic followers are allowed to press THEIR point of view!!!

I'm so glad you told me about this, but really aggravated that it happened to you!! What kind of discussion does whomever it is that's talking plan to have if the only side that's heard is THAT side??

I've got to say again that I stayed out of the thick of "Covid", but I do have a general idea about who the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys' are. I've heard and read myself about this Dr. Yeadon guy being a gatekeeper, so if Monotti has a Telegram channel with him, then what happened to you fits right in with all the tomfoolery.

Let me say again that I don't have any cold, hard, proof that any of these people are working for the controllers, but how on earth would one get actual proof anyway? You just look at all the evidence and come to your own conclusion, right? Well, after reading what you've written I'm even more convinced than I was before!! Sorry for always writing so much, but may I ask you if these admins meant banned forever, or banned temporarily? Either way, it's a very bad way for them to behave. I've only been banned from one place in my "truth career" (🤣) and it just so happens to be from a channel /person and her colleague who flat out admit that they "curate" their channels. What on earth is the point of all of this banning and "curating"?? Seems to me that the people who do that want to be sure that their view is the ONLY view!!!

By the way, my name is Jennifer. If you want to, I'd absolutely love to hear if, or how, this develops further! Don't feel obligated though, because I don't want to be rude. I just mean it like "if" you feel like trading experiences, I'm always open to it.

I'll let you go and thanks again for writing me!!! Now I'm even more determined to try to figure out what's going on with this guy (or who he /she really is)!!!

Ciao for now!! 🙂 🙋🏻‍♀️

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I have to be brief bc I’ve only got a minute right now. I am no longer able to access comments on the Yeadon/monotti Telegram channel. I can still read what they post and I can add emoji crap to the posts, but cannot access comments section at all. I get a “banned by admin message” when I try. i think monotti might have been threatened or blackmailed, coerced to post so much content aiming to strike down the “virus deniers”. And maybe same goes for Yeadon because it’s very odd he doesn’t take a stance on the issue. He is mysteriously silent. Thanks for your thoughts!

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Hi! Sorry for my late reply! Unfortunately, I have to disagree, although I wondered about what had happened with Monotti when I first read this post.

Once I took a look though, the whole thing became obvious.

Yeadon has always been known as a pretty blatant gatekeeper, so if Monotti has a channel with Yeadon, that says it all. I wasn't aware of this stuff until after I read this post, so that's why I talked about Monotti's account possibly being hacked. No. It's much simpler than that. His job was to seem to be taking a certain stance, in order to build up a following. Once he had that following, he 'pretended' to change his mind about this subject and also started a disruption 'attack.' Classic gatekeeping tactics.

If I'd known before the first evening that I read this, that Monotti, Yeadon, and Morningstar have a Telegram together there wouldn't have been any question about "What's going on here?" coming from me. I'd have already known that they were just gatekeepers and what they were doing with this attack against anyone who questions what they want people to believe.

It's infuriating to be blocked, but please believe me when I tell you that it's a GREAT thing in this case, in my personal opinion. Some people believe in listening to gatekeepers, in order to either keep an eye on them or to take the good and throw away the bad, or the lies they tell. I'm one who believes they should be avoided at all costs, so that's why I said it's actually great.

All you'll get from those people are messages that will attempt to steer you away from the truth, whatever the truth may be about any subject. That's their JOB. They aren't just confused or mistaken. They've been given a script to follow, so to speak, and whatever the subject matter is, a gatekeeper will follow that script. In this case, it's the job of these three to try to convince people that anyone who says that viruses don't exist "must be crazy after all."

So basically, Monotti hasn't been hacked and Yeadon wasn't put here to take any stance on the issue, if it doesn't go along with Big Pharma's stance. You've been blocked because the last thing they want is for people to go against the narrative they've been told to push, or even to question that narrative and thereby get others to start questioning it too.

Monotti has been a wolf in sheep's clothing from day one. He's now showed his hand to those who understand what he's done and unfortunately, those who don't understand will keep listening to him and to people like him. RFKjr, Del Bigtree, Andrew Wakefield, etc. etc. are all perfect examples of gatekeepers. They couldn't care less about the truth, but they sure want to make people think that the truth is what they're interested in.

I'll let you go. It's 11:15 pm here and I haven't even started to make dinner, as usual! 😂

Please write me any time you feel like it. Even if you disagree with me! Have a great rest of the weekend!! Ciao for now!! 🙂 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Hey lovely, nice to hear from you!!

Yes, I thought that Robin was a journalist as well, and remember him pointing out the issues around "virus" isolation and even tweeting an article from no-virus hero Stefano Scoglio. Who knows what is going on ..... it's strange indeed.


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Christine -

I mentioned weeks ago, earlier in this thread, I think, but the outspoken, truth-teller Robin Monotti that I know from instagram (not twitter as I've been banned there since Dec 2020 for posting facts & evidence about all manner of conspiracy reality etc.) is NOT a journalist but an Italian architect & film producer & sometimes music producer.

See Monotti's new film released Sept 7 here > "The film on the protests in New Zealand I am executive producer of opens in NZ: @riveroffreedomfilm " (Ironic, huh?!?)

> https://www.instagram.com/p/Cwh8m25sN1m/

Perhaps Monotti cut a deal w/his funders/distributors to come out against no virus as a film condition for release, while still being allowed to be a rah, rah producer of "River of Freedom" push-back doc as a cover for his gate-keeping? None of us should forget... gate-keeping the PTB's "approved freedom ducks" in a row & toeing lines is hard work.

Gotta keep all the conflicting beliefs/opinions straight & juggle all the C19 balls in the air. :-)

Over the past 3 years, Monotti was always very, very against the bogus C19 "scamdemic", masking of any kind, forced isolation/lockdowns & the dangerous so-called "C19 vaxx". I had believed he was very sincere. So his "no virus" tweets mentioned here plus his NOTICE to "no virus" folks that you brilliantly dismantle here, Christine, is simply baffling to me.

I'm not on telegram so can't speak to his posts there but have to say that Robin's changes are as if a savvy Monotti's now a victim of a pro-virus zombie-brain replacement scheme!!

(Or perhaps just bullied/threatened with loss of his career{s), family, life & reputation??)

See Monotti's instagram account here > Film Producer, Architecture, Songs (not a journo) https://www.instagram.com/robinmonotti/

Monotti's recent insta posts show he's very pro-RFKJr (aka "Mr Safe Vaccines" so not on the no virus side for obvious political/strategic reasons to me which is cowardly/stupid); support for his buddy Eric Clapton; & a post supporting a link to Bob Dylan's fall tour. Reminder note: Eric was against the jab AFTER he was injured & spoke out very vocally about not getting any more but Dylan very openly pushed the deadly jab all along.)

And, again, that conflicting "River of Freedom" documentary. His brain must be spinning in his head or else he's been MK-Ultra-ed to spout off on mucho pro-C19 illogical crazy.

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Thanks Lucinda.

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Seems like I was wrong about this! I actually HAVE BEEN subbed to Chossudovsky's Substack and it certainly wasn't done by me! I've just received the first post from it, in fact. Rhetorically speaking, I'd love to know how one mention of the guy's separate publication has managed to get me SUBBED to his Substack!! Guess I'll have to be super careful about a mere mention of someone from now on!! Yikes 😳 Ciao!! (this is the end of the story.)

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Sorry to disturb you again Christine! Don't worry. It won't happen again. I just couldn't resist telling you about the weirdest thing that happened to me last night!

After I wrote my comment here about the three people I mentioned and the fact that Cory Morningstar is listed on the internet as writing for Global Research News, imagine my shock (and laughter) when I received an email from Substack last night, that literally said, "Greetings! Thank you for subscribing to my personal Substack!" and it was a form letter from... Michael Chossudovsky of Global Research News!!!!

The killer is that not only are you the ONLY Substack I subscribe to, but I didn't even mention the guy himself in what I wrote the other day! Man, talk about everything we write being connected to our profile with Big Brother!!! This is a perfect example of that!

In truth, I've checked and I'm actually NOT subbed to his Substack, as I figured, but it sure is a "coincidence" or something weird, that I got what I presume is some type of advertisement /solicitation to sub!

Anyway, it's a real trip!! Thought you might enjoy the story!! Ciao!! 🤗 🙂🙋🏻‍♀️

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Oh that's pretty creepy!! Thank you for sharing :)


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Yep! Creepy is the word!! When I found out that I'd actually been subbed, rather than it just being a solicitation to sub... These people or computers are REALLY getting bold!! Creepy, weird, and kind of scary!!! Hope you're having a good day!! Ciao!! 🤗

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Hi! It's very nice to see you too, as always!!

You've taken a HUGE weight off my mind! I was sure I'd lost it and that I'd somehow been enthusiastically up voting posts that were saying the opposite of what I thought I was reading! I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that you remember the same things that I do!! This guy posted the exact opposite of what he's saying now, and like I said, it was so heavily 'against the message' that he was kicked off of Twitter.

There's definitely something very strange going on and since you're light years ahead of me on everything, you'll no doubt find out what this "strangeness" is before others do. Please, please, do let us (me!) know if anything comes to light, since I've got so many theories running around in my head about this now!!

I'll let you go until your next post. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with peace, relaxation, and great weather!! Ciao for now!! 🙂💖🙋🏻‍♀️

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Sorry, but I forgot to mention this last thing that I find to be interesting from a psychological standpoint. Monotti presented himself to his Twitter 'audience' as a journalist and wearing a coat and tie, in what looked like a photo of him from about 15 /20 years ago. A coat and tie and the word "journalist" make a specific type of impression. Now that he's supposedly done this 180 degree turn in his 'position', it's interesting to note that he no longer presents himself as the photo of a credible source, but instead he now says that he's an architect and filmmaker and he's wearing what looks like a t-shirt in his photo.

That's quite a visual change - and goes along with the big change in what he's saying. It doesn't "prove" anything, but from a psychological standpoint, it says plenty. Ciao! 🌞 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Hi Christine! First of all, thanks extremely for this! It's sent me looking into the whole thing even more than I did last night and I now have no doubt at all about what I'm going to say. None!

Sorry I have to stick this part in here, but I need you to understand that I'm not someone who just "woke up" at the time of "Covid" and also that I'm not someone who throws around the way too overused terms "controlled opposition", "gatekeeper", etc. I'm saying this only for the benifit of someone who might come across this, because I think you already know it.

Here goes... I've spent the past hour looking into this Monotti, even though all I really needed was the first 15 minutes. I never did pay a gigantic amount of attention to "Covid" (the so called virus) because I knew it was a fraud /hoax from the very first video from China. That's why I didn't look up some of these people, like Monotti until now. When I did though, I immediately understood that the people I'm going to mention are obvious gatekeepers. Please understand that I'm absolutely NOT using the term lightly.

Monotti represented himself on Twitter as a journalist. He's absolutely not. He's an architect, a filmmaker, and has collaborated with Eric Clapton on a song. One doesn't get to where Clapton is without playing 'their' game. Well, Monotti either left or was really kicked off of Twitter and opened a Telegram account with Dr. Michael Yeadon (!!) and Cory Morningstar. The minute I saw that, I understood everything, but I'll go on. Everyone and his brother know that Yeadon is a gatekeeper. You don't work for Pfizer for decades and then have an epiphany all of a sudden. Maybe I should just say that's highly unlikely, rather than "you don't." As for Morningstar, her bio says that she writes or has written for Global Research (gatekeeper publication that pushes the "Covid is real" story) that you're probably already more than aware of, especially since it's a Canadian publication, and for Counterpunch, something I used to read way before I opened my eyes and don't trust. Monotti also has dealings with this Patrick Hennengsen of 21st Century Wire. I fully admit that I know nothing about 21st Century, except for the fact that it's always been referred to by the most reputable people in what I refer to as the truth environment, as "controlled opposition." I have no personal knowledge of this, but the people I trust implicitly have been saying this for many years.

As far as Yeadon and Morningstar go, I have no doubt that they're gatekeepers and that's based on their media associations. Since Monotti had a Telegram account that was advertised as being in conjunction with them, well, you don't hang out with gatekeepers unless you are one yourself!!

Since my short term memory doesn't last longer than ten minutes sometimes (🤣), I've taken screenshots of a few of the things I've said here, but I'm humiliated to say that I don't know how to link the things, unless in an email, so I'll just send you the screenshots via email.

Let me add just one last thing that I touched upon yesterday. It may or may not be relevant to Monotti. One of the classic tactics of disruptors, traitors, gatekeepers, is to say something for a long time, to build a following. Once that following is built, the person somehow manages to "change their mind" about their previous position on a subject, hoping to change the minds of the followers, too. I'm just throwing that out there as an idea, since Monotti seems to have done a 180 turn on his previously stated positions. This is coming from the top of my head, based on what I've seen others do in the past, but I have no actual proof of this.

Anyway, to finally wrap this up (sorry 🙏), no, I don't have any solid, written, proof that Monotti, Yeadon, and Morningstar are gatekeepers, but I've been in the truth environment long enough to be able to sniff them out pretty damn quickly. Unfortunately, I don't have enough space on my phone to have been able to keep articles these people have written. I'll have to go back to refresh my memory, but I think at least one of the three has appeared more than once on the slimiest show of them all - The Highwire - with gatekeeper deluxe, Del Bigtree. I'll use that trite expression that "A man is known by the company he keeps" and all of these people are keeping bad company - with each other!!

Please, please, understand that I'm absolutely NOT "throwing around" the gatekeeper term. I've seen enough of these people and the people /media they associate with to understand exactly what they are. I should've looked into Monotti three years ago, but I foolishly took him as being real, when not even his profession is what he claimed it was, for example.

I still have the email address for you from a long time ago. I'll try to send you these screen shots at that address and apologize in advance for not knowing how to do it on my phone.

Thanks EXTREMELY for your patience and also for the information that sent me for a closer look at these people!!!

Ciao for now!! Will be sending you the screenshots within the next hour. We're having what seems like a hurricane outside at the moment and I'm so glad "they" have finally allowed us a bit of rain!! 🙂 ☔🙋🏻‍♀️💖

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You have a wonderful weekend too, my friend :)

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Interpretation is a science in itself, semantics...the ultimate frontier. The death of scientism, is science!

It is not a virus but is it poison? It is not singular, but plural. Educate yourselves.....or they will kill you.


(Toward The Light) (The Way Forward)



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What "it"?

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"it" is the catalyst to drive the "cattle" into the farmers pen.


We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false although it is by us that they have been inculcated. Above the existing laws without substantially altering them, and by merely twisting them into contradictions of interpretations, we have erected something grandiose in the way of results. These results found expression first in the fact that the interpretations masked the laws: afterwards they entirely hid them from the eyes of the governments owing to the impossibility of making anything out of the tangled web of legislation.

Protocol X

.....But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.


In the spirit of Christ. Stand without fear!

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For sure they poison us with jabs and many things.

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It is a "covenant of death."





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David Crowe, Calgary Alberta Oct 27, 1956 - July 12, .2020. Telecommunications consultant, environmentalist, writer and critic of science and medicine, passed away from cancer at the age of 63. Apr 24.2020 https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/24/a-vital-paper-david-crowe-challenges-the-discovery-of-the-covid-19-virus/ Includes live links to papers by David Crowe elsewhere disabled.


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Inside the Elon Musk Agenda

Elon Musk plays a better game of real world chess than everyone else by nature of the way he processes the world around him - proof is in his net worth.

I suggest you look at the many companies Elon Musk owns and see them not as separate startups and acquisitions but as the interlocking pieces of one interconnected, overarching goal.


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As usual Christine Massey. Hit the nail on its head.

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Fantastic Christine. I salute your courage and your perspicacity. The virus hawkers and their legions of brain dead believers are either vicious criminals, psychopaths, imbecilic morons, or a combination of the three. They all deserve a fast track on the oblivion express.

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Nice response - I've noticed a number of substack's are simply no longer willing to enter into the debate but will at best only dedicate themselves to write about jab injuries and excess deaths and even then they're hiding behind a paywall.

Here's one - 5th paragraph - https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/persistent-damage-to-the-gut-microbiome

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That article uses what seems to be the latest confusion-spreading phrase: “false binary.” Monotti has been using it a lot too. There must be jam sessions somewhere where marketing people brainstorm new ways to shill for medical fascism; accusing people of the terrible crime of a false binary seems to be their recent innovation.

It’s so laughable, though, and reminds me of the schooldays insult of “your epidermis is showing.” It sounds so terrible but is actually a nothing burger.

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Bingo, that stuck out like a sore thumb for me as well! How could she not know what "false binary" really means lol?

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I've asked Shalsa to explain these false binaries, there was one person with a substack page who was on the job about the adverse effects of the jabs until we I mentioned that SC2 had never been proven to exist - He replied that the Australian CSIRO had - [They haven't] In the end he could not handle the fact that he was being proven wrong and put up a paywall on his substack.

By preventing the debate they're doing the official narrative a huge favor - I've also got the impression that they might be scared.

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Ok, what or where would I begin to make an initial reading in the "no virus" arena, especially as it pertains to covid? I have not paid much attention to it but people here seem reasonable! Thanks

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I suggest you start w/this excellent documentary series as comprehensive, topical background.

Sure that many of us would be happy to discuss it with you after you've watched it. And each episode stands alone (each is 1+ or 2 hours) so you can watch one every night if you don't have time to watch the entire series in one setting. But Epi/Part 1 is key to them all.

[Feb 11, 2022] The Viral Delusion trailer - by Mike Wallach -

> Trailer - 'The Viral Delusion' A Six Part Documentary Series (including trailer)


> Episode - Part 1 - The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 - Length: 2:19:45 hours -


The Viral Delusion - entire 5-part series - is all on bitchute or buy it at the main website.

"Amazing. Should be translated into every language on the planet." -Dr. Vicci Costa

Featuring: Andrew Kaufman, MD; Tom Cowan, MD; Stefan Lanka, Virologist; Torsten Engelbrecht, journalist; Claus Kohnlein, MD; Kevin Corbett, PhD RN; David Rasnick, Biochemist PhD; Mark Bailey, MD; Dawn Lester and David Parker, Authors; Stefan Scoglio, Biochemist PhD; Saeed Qureeshi, Chemist PhD; Celia Farber, Journalist; Harold Wallach, PhD; Pam Popper, PhD, ND; Charles Geshekter, PhD; Amanda Volmer ND, Jim West, Author; Larry Palevsky MD; and more.

Episode One: Behind The Curtain of The Pandemic. The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV2.

Episode Two: Monkey Business. Polio, the Measles, and How It All Began...

Episode Three: The Mask of Death: Smallpox, The Plague and The Spanish Flu

Episode Four: AIDS - The Deadly Deception

Episode Five: Genetic Sequencing The Virus That Isn't There

This edge-pushing, docu-series - based on interviews with an extraordinary group of doctors, chemists, biologists, journalists, activists, authors and more - turns the story of the pandemic upside down by looking at the scientific papers used to justify it: they point out what the science actually shows runs entirely counter to the narrative we have been told.

In five episodes, The Viral Delusion explodes not only the "science" of the pandemic, but goes back through history to re-assess the science and history of so-called "viral" epidemics of the past: from The Black Plague to the Spanish Flu, Polio to AIDS, to COVID itself - putting the pandemic in a whole new context better understood not as settled science, but mis-understood biology based on pseudo-science with a long and sordid history.

Discover the hidden underbelly of the science behind the pandemic - and unlock extraordinary insights from the doctors, scientists and journalists who share a deeply transformative perspective on the untold history of disease, health, politics and the future we are living into.

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Thanks so much!

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Also, there are tons of great resources collected on this page:


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Thanks Christine!

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Wouldn’t it be nice if Yeadon would take a real stand on the issue? It’s nice to see/hear him express skepticism a few times, and good of him to endorse the “virus challenge.” How come Mike, with all his experience and polished credentials, doesn’t step up and make a real statement? Does he feel unqualified!? Is he worried he will offend his friend robin? Amazing he never responds directly to robin publicly on their shared TG channel. And how come Robin cannot think logically?

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Jeff - Guess you (& others?) missed Mike's conversion to "no virus" a couple of years ago??

Wondering how y'all missed his no virus interviews, comments & videos on altie platforms??

> Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer head says "vaccine" is a depopulation device - no one has the (un-isolated) virus - hottyson - 2 years, 6 months ago


> Dr Mike Yeadon - "No One's Got Any Virus" - TheTruthHunter - 2 years, 6 months ago


> "Former Pfizer VP Dr Mike Yeadon Concludes There are NO Respiratory Viruses"

Plazma - https://www.bitchute.com/video/p2CTyjAsJ9o5/

"We are always told to trust the science and listen to the experts. ... In this discussion Dr Yeadon gives an overview of where we are with this so-called ‘pandemic’ and shares his view on how we have been lied to, how fear has been used to control us and how herd mentality has shut down debate and conversation."

etc etc.

Maybe Yeadon has backtracked recently from these no virus interviews, but don't think so. Lots of more recent Yeadon videos too showing his public agreement w/"no viruses" perspectives. And folks, there are whistleblowers of all shapes & sizes so maybe "partial" whistleblowers also to throw into the confusing PTB narratives/storylines - the evil-doers are very malicious.

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