
Time that some need to be reminded.

Forgotten were the elementary rules of logic, that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and that what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. - Christopher Hitchens.

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Bingo SJ :)

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What a waste of time. It makes zero sense to claim you have proof and then not present it for anyone to read when the award clearly asks for proof to be presented.

I have proof that demons cause COVID, but no one may see it.

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Back at the start of the lockdowns I claimed at a protest that my motorcycle helmet provided 100% protection from viruses that don't exist.

No one believed me. Of course viruses exist! I bet they believe it now.

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This is bizarre and amusing, thank you for sharing Christine! lol

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I think the use of Kammerer is indicative of the state of this entire psyop. Only the most inept charlatans are still willing to put their name to such drivel

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"One of the greatest strengths of American science is that even a professor of the highest rank must feel obliged to take criticism seriously and heed it even when it is voiced by the most ordinary technician or student."

-- Nobel laureate Howard Temin

The most ordinary technician or student suffers from less indoctrination that a professor of the highest rank and their criticism is more valid than the opinion of some pompous dick with a PhD in Khazarian lies.

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Does anybody know how many people’s paychecks and fundings worldwide are directly or indirectly connected to the existence of viruses, including Kämmerer? I’m not talking only about virologists and epidemiologists. Starting with housekeeping and technicians in labs through virologists all the way to evolutionary biologists, professors, PhDs, vaccine researchers and so on.

If viruses don’t exist, why would children in the US and other countries need to receive up to 100 vaccines? If viruses don’t exist the theory or evolution is dead wrong. How many people does evolutionary theory feed???

I’d say millions of people worldwide would lose their jobs if it were exposed that viruses don’t exist. This would lead to the domino effect and….. anyone can fill in the blanks…

I’d say Kämmerer is trying to buy out time.. but what is she hoping for? The WHO amendments will go through and the censorship will intensify so they can bury the truth about viruses and covid-19?

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It’s also to do with the stock market. ‘Vaccines’ have been Bill Gates’ best return on investment ever. That’s a huge admission. The 1986 Act removed pharma companies from liability for harm with vaccines. Gavi emerged from this pharma wet dream. That’s why the Scamdemic was invented otherwise they couldn’t flog the fake vaccine for which there is no liability. Fortunes have been made off the back of alleged pandemics/killer viruses etc. The stock market will crash if viral theory is proved to be fake. We know that convid is a fake so that puts a huge question mark over the entire vaccine industry.

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He made 55 million and complained after dumping the stock the vaccines are useless because they don’t prevent infection and spread.

He claims to get 1 to 20 return on vaccines. This was’t it.

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He did very well indeed off the back of the covid scam. All planned in advance. The climate fraud takes into account the fact that people are now quite rightly ‘vaccine’ hesitant so they’ve put the contagion money-spinner on the back burner. And rather than saving granny you will be saving the world if you embrace the zero carbon nonsense and fraud. The gender stuff is another fraud and money-spinner plus creates confusion and chaos.

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No one "needs" to receive a "vaccine" for something never shown to exist.

Millions of people will be saved from the ongoing carnage once enough people learn the truth!

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Has anybody ever contacted you, or you’ve heard some real experiences from parents whose child deteriorated, often to the point of becoming a mute, after receiving the mandatory childhood vaccines?

Just think about it for a moment: If viruses don’t exist, most lives of autistic children who became “zombies' 'a few weeks after receiving vaccines against non-existent viruses were be ruined.

Can you imagine the uproar if this formation became a common public knowledge?

The “people” who already know what you know would do anything to stop this information from coming out If you don’t believe it, check out France.

If Trudeau stays in power, this is next on his agenda.

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Exactly. There are triplets who were all seriously damaged by the jabs. All three had the same deterioration at the same time after the shots. The chances of this being a coincidence are infinitesimal.

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Are the triplets identical?

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Not sure. But all regressed in an identical way following the injections. There has been an aggressive denial by paediatricians/medics that the injections could have had anything to do with the triplets descent into autism.

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I know people with jab-harmed children, but not a lot of details of exactly what happened.

Absolutely, "they" will do anything to prevent this info from getting out. But I don't think they can succeed.

The "law" in France can and surely will be challenged. More and more people are waking up to the scam of "government" and some of the nonsense going on in courts as well.

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Absolutely - but think how many millions or billions of pounds will be lost for the super-rich criminals behind the fraud and their foot-soldiers.

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Even if viruses existed and vaccines worked the way they say they do, people still don't need vaccines because they rely on an immune response that would also happen if exposed to the pretend virus.

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This is not a good way of embarrassing yourself…

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What the hell are you talking about?

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Just about everything you think you know is wrong or misleading.

Let me rephrase that, just about everything I thought I knew is wrong or misleading.

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What’s your point?

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Our history, our medical advice, our science etc. etc. is largely fabricated nonsense.

Nobel prises are handed out to frauds, Einstein is a fraud. The Cabal runs everything and the Cabal lies to us about everything. In fact everything in the official narratives is assuredley the opposite of truth.

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Not everything in science is nonsense and many Nobel Prizes were legit.

For example: In Quantum mechanics. While still poorly understood, we know that Quantum Mechanics (quantum information) is the foundation of the universe, chemistry, biology and likely consciousness.

The 2016 Nobel Prize in medicine awarded for the discovery of autophagy is one of the major breakthroughs in how eukaryotic cells function that help me to discover a metabolic pathway contribution or causing a disorder that affects over a billion people…

BTW: Einstein was not a total fraud but he did hint he was influenced by philosophical thinking when he published his work. In his 1938 book he wrote:

“ The struggle, so violent in the early days of science, between the views of Ptolemy and Copernicus would then be quite meaningless. Either CS could be used with equal justification. The two sentences, 'the sun is at rest and the Earth moves', or 'the sun moves and the Earth is at rest', would simply mean two different conventions concerning two different CS. Could we build a real relativistic physics valid in all CS; a physics in which there would be no place for absolute, but only for relative motion? This is indeed possible!"[37]

In other words, the geocentric model is just as legit as the heliocentric.

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They are so pathetic! Once again great work Christine!

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Ha ha HARF!!!

I love this, I have to say-- It made me laff out loud.

These Muckities are sooooo stupid-- stupider than WE are, that's for sure.

It's just so PATHETIC.

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Reminds me of the "double secret probation" that Dean Wormer used in Animal House. Only he knew it was imposed.

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Kämmerer put a bounty on Eckert. That is disgusting in itself.

She obviously has no hurry to publish her paper although according to her and millions of others claims the existence proof has been delivered in the past. So how is there any logic in holding back the alleged evidence while the notion is always in the air of someone else jumping into the gap and providing old paper's evidence?

Kämmerer is an embarrassment in person, like Wodarg.

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The ranks of Viroliegists are filled with buffoons !! You'd think after a 100 plus years of claiming pathogenic viruses exist, there would be at least one paper with a control, right ??

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But, but, butt... They can't do it.

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The Colin Powell theatre-moment should forever be seared into people's memories of government LIES & DECEPTION because that theatrical-moment helped to excuse the invasion of Iraq and the murder and displacement of millions-upon-millions of innocent human beings. ... and moreover, despite ALL the evidence exposing the lies and war-crimes perpetrated by the USA/UK and lap-dog countries, not one single person has been made accountable, NOT ONE ...

Funny isn't it? ... hurt or injure one person in Western Society and you're accountable for GBH, etc. However, murder millions and plunder their properties, ... no drama.

Also, more to the point of the topic, forcefully inject unwilling and unwitting innocents with a hobgoblin-virus, no drama ... even when your government is found to be lying through their teeth about the safety-and-effectiveness.

Funny-ol' world this is ...

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That’s why the vaccine industry is so profitable and such a clever fraud. Organised crime. Syphoning public money away from genuine reform and health into the hands of serial killers.

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When people allow themselves to be treated like animals... they'll be treated like animals. And lets face it, that's exactly how the "elite" view the masses. Unless the masses elevate their status from that of work animal to to that of human being they will continue to be treated like animals (forced vaccinations) by their "masters."

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My husband and I dealt with the corona committee crew in early 2021. They were eager to speak to us because we were one of the very few people who had an autopsy stating the Covid shot caused our son’s febrile seizures and heart attack. We also have the full toxicology report. Benjamin, our son was negative for Covid, influenza A & B. We explained to these people in long conversations that viruses have never been proven to exist as I’ve been on this since hiv. Anyway, Reiner said they are just focusing on the PCR test being fake etc. what a corrupt psyop these people were. We refused to back down and they didn’t want to talk to us anymore. Grifters. All of em.

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What a tragic thing you've been through. I followed some of these fantasy-virus committee videos in the beginning because I wanted to see where they were going. But yes, they are running on PCR and where I really saw that they were just running it all out like a psy-op was when Andrew Kaufman and Stefan Lanka were on and they suddenly had Wolfgang Wodarg in the studio to interfere and ridicule their presentation. They don't seem to understand that if there is no virus, then EVERYTHING else is irrelevant. Both PCR, antibodies, all restrictions and needles and furthermore, they can NEVER do the same trick again. So it all stops with the fact that viruses don't exist! So that's why they run on EVERYTHING else. To keep the germ-theory lie in place!

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Thanks, but nothing will ever change my mind that every single person involved with this CC bs is nothing more than money grabbing shills

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I'm so sorry Pamela. Thank you for sharing your story.


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Thanks Christine, not many lay people like me have sat through hours of complete bs with this CC. I may not be a medical expert but I certainly can see & smell bs through a zoom screen. I have no idea what these people are truly doing but I do know it’s an elaborate show. I’m certainly glad I joined the circus 45 years ago for a few months. It’s come in handy spotting the clowns today.

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My heart breaks for you and your husband and the unconscionable actions behind your son's death.

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Maybe all of virology can get in the discussion! The whole world can have a look at what we've all been waiting to see: a single virus! //It was 2003 and I was riding shotgun in the work van with my boss and he had npr on. I forget who interviewed Colin Powell but he said about wmd in Iraq that they (Bush administration) knew they were there and they'd been "clear to the American people" about that. It was the first I'd heard about it and I was sure it meant USA was being forced into war. A sinking feeling right then but I kinda thought they'd *magically* appear at some point at night behind a something or other in Iraq but I guess not. I'm sure someone misses Powell IDK not me.

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Maybe all of virology can get in the discussion! The whole world can have a look at what we've all been waiting to see: a single virus! //It was 2003 and I was riding shotgun in the work van with my boss and he had npr on. I forget who interviewed Colin Powell but he said about wmd in Iraq that they (Bush administration) knew they were there and they'd been "clear to the American people" about that. It was the first I'd heard about it and I was sure it meant USA was being forced into war. A sinking feeling right then but I kinda thought they'd *magically* appear at some point at night behind a something or other in Iraq but I guess not. I'm sure someone misses Powell IDK not me.

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