"virus" scammers at N. Territory Dept of Health, Australia can't provide valid evidence & confess: reality checks aren't our thing!
but don't forget your boosters!
Greetings and Best Wishes,
The people behind “Northern Territory Government’s Department of Health” sure put on a show of knowing what they’re talking about.
They’re quite happy to tell you what you can, can’t, should and shouldn’t do when it comes to “covid-19”…
and more than you would ever wish to know about countless imaginary “viruses”.
Don’t forget your boosters!
But what happens if you put them to the test and check whether they have valid scientific evidence that “SARS-COV-2” actually exists and causes “covid-19” symptoms?
What happens if you make a formal request for evidence that justified classifying some “persons” as “vulnerable to infection with COVID-19”? Or for studies that determined modes and levels of supposed transmission of “the virus” to “the vulnerable”?
Gavin’s FOI test
On August 3, 2023, Gavin Edwards filed a very detailed freedom of information request (pgs 1-5) for all records that were held by the institution as of October 13, 2021 that (to paraphrase):
described the isolation/purification of “SARS-CoV-2” from the bodily fluid/tissue of a dis-eased person that had not been adulterated with other sources of genetic material (i.e. monkey cells, cow serum) (a necessary step for sequencing, characterization and hypothesis testing) and/or
demonstrated dis-ease causation via a natural exposure route, and/or justified “vulnerable” classifications, and/or determined modes and levels of transmission
Sarah Kennedy’s response
On August 17, 2023, Sarah Kennedy acting as “Information and Privacy Officer” at “Legal Services, NT Health” responded by falsely claiming (pgs 6-9) that the 1st part of Gavin’s request (emphasis is mine) “requires the identification of any report or study that references the ‘COVID-19’”.
Based on this false premise Sarah asserted “there is no reasonable manner by which this unit would be able to undertake search processes in a manner sufficient…”
Sarah protested that Gavin’s detailed request was “extremely broad and nebulous and does not provides sufficient detail to permit this unit to commence search processes… this unit is unable to determine the nature of the record you seek…”
Sarah made improper comments about referring Gavin’s request to external organizations for them to address it and “refusing access because providing access unreasonably interferes with operations”.
She stated“…there is no reasonable manner by which this unit is able to identify records that you seek…” which is true, but not for the reasons Sarah would have you believe.
So according to the “experts” at “NT Health” the world was turned upside over “the virus”… but there’s no reasonable manner by which Sarah acting as “Information Officer” could possibly provide evidence of “the virus” and trying to do so would “interfere with operations”.
On August 20, 2023, Gavin responded to Sarah with a second detailed communication (pgs 10-16), which included the following clarification (CHO = Chief Health Officer):
A month later, on September 21, 2023, Tracy Richardson acting as “Manager, Information and Privacy” for “Legal Services, NT Health” (pgs 17-19) refused Gavin’s request, absurdly citing a nonexistent insufficiency of detail.
And, Tracy insisted there was no way to identify the information that had been considered by “the CHO” - which would make sense if “the CHO” never considered any:
“While you have provided further information with regard to your request in your communication of 20 August 2023, you have not sufficiently identified the record/s or information that you seek, to a degree that would allow for acceptance of the request… There is no reasonable manner by which this office can commence identifying the information considered by the CHO as it relates to COVID-19…”
Tracy then acknowledged that the people running “NT Health” spew propaganda originating from the people at W.H.O. (who also have no such records) and other organizations without doing any fact-checking… and falsely insinuated that valid evidence actually does exist… somewhere:
“… records, reports and documents that speak to the validity of the virus would not fall under the remit of NT Health. Information of this nature would be required to be sought from agencies and organisations such as the World Health Organisation (sic).”
Next, Tracy pretended that Gavin had asked to be provided records on behalf of “national and global organisations” as an excuse for providing him zero records - because that’s better for “operations” than simply admitting they don’t have any:
“Reports and studies made available to NT Health would not be publicised by this organisation. These reports would have originated from national and global organisations and, where they are not publicly available, NT Health has no legal responsibility or right to provide this information on those organisations’ behalf.”
“The unit” couldn’t accept and address Gavin’s request because doing so would expose the complete absence of relevant records and honest competence, and so once again Tracy played the “external agency” card:
“After undertaking all possible enquiries on your behalf and with regard to your scope, our unit is unable to determine an appropriate manner by which your application can be accepted and addressed, in accordance with the provisions of the Act. While I can appreciate your frustration in a lack of information published by NT Health, I again reiterate that NT Health does not have a right or obligation with regard to publication of material that may fall under confidentiality provisions or has originated from an external agency.”
“…there is no reasonable manner by which this unit can identify the information meeting the scope of your request…”
because it doesn’t exist.
“Your revised scope remains extremely broad and seeks a general nature of information rather than an identifiable document or record…your application does not meet the acceptance requirements of the Act…”
Funny how hundreds of institutions in dozens of countries have managed to respond to similar requests - yielding in total zero valid evidence.
Conclusion: NT Health and the “Chief Health Officer” never had any scientific evidence
On September 25, Gavin responded to Tracy with some common sense comments, and concluded with the following (pgs 20-22):
Through conducting this information access request, and as a result of reviewing publicly-available information and making enquiries with other sources, I have confirmed that:
there was a complete lack of scientifically-valid information shared publicly by the CHO and NT Health during the declared COVID-19 public health emergency;
NT Health has been unable to, and/or is unwilling to, identify and share any information that would justify the actions taken during the COVID-19 public health emergency in the NT; and,
there is a complete absence of scientifically-valid information in the public arena that justifies the actions taken in the NT during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
In light of this, it is reasonable to conclude that the CHO and NT Health have never been in possession of information that would scientifically justify the declaration of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the NT, nor justify any of the Directions given by the CHO during that time.
Communications between Gavin and “NT Health”:
Find hundreds more fake-“virus”-related FOIs from Australia and 39 other countries at the links further below.
Fyi, all of the people shown below have been sent this information:
Official Evidence that Virology is Pseudoscience
(Amit Sade has now provided me with his FOI documentation from the Israeli "Ministry of Health" and so the Ministry has now been added to the "SARS-COV-2" list. Along with “NT Health” this brings the total to 222 institutions.)
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (221 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 221 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically "mock infected" cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated "virus genomes":
3000+ pages of "virus" FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don't exist and virology isn't a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,
Virology serves four main purposes, none of which are scientific or related to better health.
1) To provide propaganda for the vaccine industry and plandemic planners.
2) To cover up poisoning by insecticides, herbicides, medicines, food & water additives, industrial & household chemicals and even poisoning by other vaccines.
3) To provide excuses for governments to cull the herd, trample on human liberty, vandalise cultures and destroy economies.
4) To enrich evil billionaires who provide the funds to underwrite more fake "outbreaks"
Dr. Sam Bailey did a recent episode on one of the real causes of polio. Spoiler... DDT... Can you say Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane?
Many thanks to the brave and resolute Christine and our growing army of ungovernable dissidents.
This is one of the most amazing, audacious admissions ever by any government agency anywhere, especially one dealing with public health. And this came from Australia, where one of the worst global lockdown regimes of all imposed draconian regulations and undertook outrageous measures to enforce them. From "Father Knows Best" to "WHO Knows Best."
Thanks again, Christine, one more admission by yet another part of the international machine which is everywhere enforcing this global attack upon any freedoms which are still extant, using the viral myth of the day.