Pam aka Parmjit Deol of Brampton, Ontario kidnapped and forcibly detailed at "Vanier Centre for Women" AGAIN
April 20, 2023
(This post is off my usual topic, although Pam has demanded proof of the imaginary virus from “authorities” and has tried to help expose that and other frauds. She was also held in solitary confinement for 56 days at Vanier last year for refusing to submit to a meaningless, fraudulent convid PCR “test”.)
I found out today that Pam aka Parmjit Deol was kidnapped again, possibly since March 7th or 8th.
Pam is very petite, and one of the most calm, harmless people I can think of. A picture of her from a few years ago is below. She had a very successful career as a real estate agent until people acting as crown agents turned her world upside down.
Pam is being forcibly held against her will once again at the for-profit hell-hole called Vanier Centre for Women, which is misrepresented as a “Health Care Unit” on the website of Dun and Bradstreet (Vanier’s corporate DUNS number is 247216141). (And here is the entry for the corporation CANADA - “foreign government”, with business address in Washington DC - on the website of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.)
Sounds like they busted into Pam’s home AGAIN, according to a post on Telegram: (There is a typo in the phone number below; it should read 905 876 8300, ext. 8315.)
The last time (that I know of) that thugs from Halton Regional Police Service (Ontario, Canada) busted into Pam’s home (which is at Brampton, not even at Halton) and kidnapped her they didn't even lay any "charges". They just kidnapped her, supposedly to make sure that she would attend a circus, for-profit trial the next day, and then the next day their partners-in-crime were completely unprepared to conduct a trial and intended to just hold Pam in the Vanier hell-hole until ~whenever~.
Some video of that break and enter, Sunday November 13, 2022, at approximately 6:45 pm, is here:
I called today to book a visit with Pam and the woman on the line demanded my date of "birth/berth" which I refused to give, and she hung up on me.
On Telegram if you search "Pam Deol" there is an audio recording from Pam on April 5th, apparently from Vanier. She has filed many related notices over the years, to no avail, because the "justice" and "law" enforcement systems are hopelessly corrupt.
The next scheduled "appearance" (of the corporate ALLCAPS name/bankrupt franchise that Pam is coerced into acting as surety for) is April 28th, Milton Ontario, at the for-profit circus called "Ontario Court of Justice" - where Pam and I were unlawfully arrested, charged criminally and with "trespass" on Monday November 28, 2022... just because (as documented here:
Someone posted the following note on Telegram back in March:
"She is being held at Vanier, please. I tried to go visit twice but they would not allow and cancelled a scheduled visit due to "security" reasons.
Please try to visit her, leave some money under her name so she can have access to call people, also please call the social worker and request that you want to check on her and that we are worried for her safety. The more people that call and/or show up will give them notice that we are supporting her and they will think twice before doing something to her again.
The social worker name is Kimberely and can be reached at 905 876 8300 ext. 3250
Please call and let her know you want to make sure she's ok."
I called Kimberely earlier today (sp?), left a message and have heard nothing back.
I visited Vanier once with Pam, after the break and enter shown in the video above, after her release from that unlawful confinement. Pam needed paperwork to show how long she had been held at Vanier for - in order to prove that she had been prevented from making "mort-gage" (death-pledge) payments. A very mean, unpleasant young woman with a blonde ponytail refused to help her.
(Doing this to people is part of another for-profit scam, no doubt, and sure enough someone with THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK launched a lawsuit against Pam in an attempt to take her home. You have to wonder how many people have been held in jail/prison so that banksters could steal their homes.)
I was disgusted and gave the woman an idea of what I thought of her. Being used to the abuse handed out by Vanier staff (not all of them, thank God), Pam remained perfectly polite and unruffled. Fortunately another woman came along, and quickly helped Pam with what she needed, no problem. (People at THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK are still trying to take Pam’s home.)
Here is a related article that I wrote back in September 2022:
Horrific treatment by Vanier Centre for Women staff alleged in Milton Ontario courthouse
If you have read this far, please send Pam some good vibes and and pray for her speedy release and restoration of her daughter. Apparently her ordeal is not at all uncommon. Thank you.
by: Christine: unincorporated woman
Wow. I'm really not sure what to say. Whatever I say will seem inept and inadequate. There's a lot going on here, too much to process from afar. It clearly feels like more outrageous State thuggery and treachery to me. Sending Pam oodles of good vibes, great fortitude and best wishes from deep within Myopic Numb-Nullified-New-Normal Orwellian England.
Thanks Christine! I haven’t been listening to Christopher James and was wondering how Pam was doing.