"germ" FOIs - James Lyons-Weiler, Sundhedsstyrelsen, U Toronto, Statens Serum, CDC, UK HSA - no records!
March 24, 2023
Greetings and Best Wishes,
June 23, 2022:
Once again the folks, or perhaps just an AI platform, at the UK’s euphemistically-named Health Security Agency failed to provide/cite any record at HSA or Public Health England describing purification of the imaginary "SARS-COV-2" from a clinical sample, since no such record exists anywhere on Earth, because virology is pseudoscience:
August/September 2022:
Danni and Tonny in Denmark filed FOIs for records of any "virus" that authorities recommend children be "vaccinated" against being isolated/purified. Danni described the responses:
"A doctor from Sundhedsstyrelsen says they don't hold scientific evidence. They base the recommendations on the fact that they've been vaccinating children for decades. And a lawyer from Statens Serum Institut searched the journal database and came up with nothing. He could not find anything matching my request. I had used the template from one of your FOIs on SARS COV 2."
January 10, 2023:
Lindsay G. Mills acting as Coordinator, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office, University of Toronto provided a contrived excuse instead of records proving the existence of the alleged particle "SARS-COV-2" and it's alleged causation of disease, since no such records exist anywhere on Earth.
(Numerous bad actors at the university are complicit in key aspects of the convid fraud, including quackcine development, coercion of staff and students to comply with fraud-based "measures", and a false claim of having "isolated and sequenced" the imaginary virus.
Previous "SARS-COV-2"-related FOI responses from U of T:
March 21, 2023:
Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confessed that the CDC doesn't even have a study where authors did either of the following:
1) tested for the alleged "SARS-COV-2 spike protein" in the blood of "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" people, and compared the results - to look for evidence that the "mRNA" quackcines cause bodies to create the protein, or
2) compared the antibody levels for "vaccinated" people and people injected with other toxins (i.e. other quackcines), to assess specificity of antibodies.
(We already know from past FOIs that CDC has no record of the actual alleged "spike protein" being found in any people and purified.)
December 5, 2022:
Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided 12 studies ("13", but 1 was a duplicate) in response to an FOI for records showing that the alleged Human T-Lymphotropic Viruses (HTLV), Type I or Type II have been scientifically shown to exist, or have even been purified from a clinical sample or cell culture. The studies describe complex concoctions, reactions of this and that, indirect tests, wild assumptions, but not science or purified particles:
Dr. Tom Cowan responded to Del Bigtree's wacky no-virus rant
The Origins of COVID-19 -- Dr Sam Bailey
Featuring Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree...
Dr. Tom Cowan: Lab leak theory and upcoming potential debates with the "freedom community" webinar 3/15/23
Patrick Henningsen Interview - James Delingpole
Patrick addresses the nonsensical discussions around the origin of an imaginary virus
Children’s Health Defense - Has The COVID Virus Been Proven To Exist? The Viral Delusion: Mary Holland, Mike Wallach and Dr. Dave Rasnick -- by Curtis Cost
This great no-virus article by Curtis Cost is from October 2022 when Mary Holland, who acts as president of CHD, spoke with Michael Wallach - director of the amazing Viral Delusion series - and scientist David Rasnick. CHD unfortunately carried on with unsubstantiated scary virus dogma after this interview, but Curtis recently interviewed me about the no-virus reality (see below):
Uncensored - Interview With Christine Massey COVID "Virus" - Where's The Proof? -- Curtis Cost
Christine Massey on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell
Pfizer's former chief scientist Mike Yeadon: Why I don’t believe there ever was a 'covid' virus
Mike Yeadon, the molecular biologist and toxicologist, longtime leader of Pfizer's respiratory research division, explains why 'SARS-CoV-2' or a 'covid virus' never existed.
Debunking The Funk -- by Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy
Something smells funky alright
Featuring Janssen / J&J agent Dan Willson.
October 2022:
James Lyons-Weiler confused review articles, children's blogs, entries in taxonomy databases and fake-sequencing of wildly complex biological soups with scientific method and proof of "the virus", and insisted there is no onus on him to prove his claims of "viruses":
March 2023:
James Lyons-Weiler tried to pass off the existence of internet search results for "virology text book" as "science" and proof of "viruses"
Polly Tommey at Children’s Health Defense threatened even more censorship, while Catherine Austin Fitts implied that any hurty words directed at CHD must be the work of paid contractors. Sane people righteously pissed over the peddling pseudoscience never entered Catherine's mind, apparently. March 9, 2023, see @45:28:
My attempt to address some misconceptions -- by John Blaid
John addresses recent comments made by Derrick Broze, Whitney Webb, Ryan Christian and Matthew Ehret:
Are doctors’ strikes really a disaster for our health? -- by Dawn Lester
The Syphilis Scam: Imitation Game The sincerest form of fakery -- by Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy
Del Bigtree is Totally Tripping Balls ...and lives in the Neighborhood of Make Believe -- by Eric Francis Coppolino
"He has no clue how impeccably the missing virus problem has been documented, and if he's only pretending to not understand, that's worse."
Killing the Germ Theory: Busting Through the Myth of Contagion -- by Amandha Dawn Vollmer
USA CDC SARS-COV-2 Nanoscopy No Records Found -- by Monky Science
Your Cold is the Cure And Germs Don't Cause Disease -- by Amandha Dawn Vollmer
David Parker and Dawn Lester - authors of What Really Makes You Ill - spoke with with David Vance
Investigator Michael Brant, on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell, February 18, 2023:
FOIs Summary
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (214 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing the 214 institutions:
Growing collection of FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically "mock infected" cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated "genomes":
3000 pages of "virus" FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) don't exist and virology isn't a science.
For Truth, Freedom and Sanity
christine: unincorporated living woman of the Massey family who does not act as surety for a bankrupt corporation
at southern Ontario, Canada
> Catherine Austin Fitts implied that any hurty words directed at CHD must be the work of paid contractors.
Haha. Meanwhile, CHD apparently **IS** EMPLOYING PAID CONTRACTORS to troll, attack, debunk, abuse, discredit, malign, and throw shade upon #TeamNoVirus.
I just wrote to Mary Holland and asked her,
"Can you please indicate if these people are paid employees, contractors, or consultants for CHD:
Jeremy Hammond
James Lyons-Weiler
Meryl Nass
Jay Couey
Katherine Watt
Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova
Ryan Cristian
Whitney Webb
Derrick Broze
David Martin
Robert Malone
Peter McCullough
Paul Marik
Pierre Kory
Jimmy Dore
Please indicate the terms of employment (inclusive dates) and their function within your organization, and the scope of their work or services provided.
Thank you -- BH"
Because suddenly I have Jeremy Hammond on my FB calling me a liar, calling your work "a hoax", and making demands.
I'm just wondering if Jeremy is PAID to troll me?
Or does he just do this, off the clock, on his own time, as a hobby?
My sense is that the Evil Ones and their Evil Plans are hanging by a thread before the Big Exposure brings everything out into the LIGHT...
And they're shitting themselves.
If everyone realizes that THERE ARE NO VIRUSES, what does that do to their Big Scam?
It goes BA BLAM.
And all hell breaks loose, the kind of hell that is what happens when innocent people are TRICKED, plagued and KILLED by Nasty Psychotard Globalist Fuckers.
Mussolini Time, that's what usually happens.